Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Januasy 19, 1994, Page 21 Meranda Waters HENRY ST. H.S. "Hey, you)re gong the. wrong aLt Thursdy, student council entertained us with a new achool activity -- One Way Day. The* halls were covered with red arrows showing us which direction we could walk. And if you were feeling a wee bit rebellious, thon. were hall monitors, courtesy cf student council, te enfonce the rules. If yeu were caught walking the wrong way, your home room lest their chance at the big prize -- a pizza lunch. As well as One Way Day, student council was busy offering us a fabulous deal. Henry boxers and hats were on sale -- the twe cf them for $35. What a bar-goon. And, cf course, I must mention that teday is a very special day for those of us at Henry. It marks the beginning cf exains. And these are net just your basic mid-terms. These are the final exains, which makes it ail the more exciting. Good luck te New .coures in art at Henry Henry Street High School will offer two new art courses te students and interested adulte starting in September. 'Cartooning, Comics and Ani- mation' is odr tose who may have developed a personal inter- est and commitinent te the art form. The course will honefit those considering professional studios in cartooningor animation at Sheridan College. 'Drawing and Painting,' for both the hoginner and advanmced art student, will develop painting skilîs and honefit those bulding portfolios for entrance teol lege or university. Both will ho in Henryse 1994- 95 course calondar te b. released in mid-February. everyone. Now that we've got that stressful news eut cf the way ... Have you ever wanted te, learn te, speak 'the l1 of love?' We.I if se, this is "your big chance. Positions are available, altheugh they are limited, te study French for six weeks this summor. Fer more information, se. one cf eur French teachers. Last Tuesday, our Henry Street swimmers competed in a meet and had excellent results. The following is *a list of Henry ibbon winners: Tony Mayer, Darren Smiith, Ben Davies, Sara Colleran, Patricia Luke, Darryl Metealfe, Erika Nicota, Beth Shaw, Melissa Currie, Kelly Robins, Sharon Pugh, Sarah Leaneyand Rachel Biggs. In the world cf volleyball, both our girls' teains competed in teurnaments. The junior girls panticipated in a Kingsway College teurnament, where they nemained undefeated until the quarter-finals. I should aIse mention that Sanna Stroth, Kùm Vanderlip and Uà sa Moreau were strong offensive and defensive players throughout the tournament. The midget girls played in an O'Neill tournament last week, toc. The Hawks flnished third in thein pool andwent on te, defeat Dwyer in the quarter-finals and Cartwright in the semi-finals. Unfortunately -a very determined O'Neill teamiC Jat our Hawkcs in the. finals. Congratulations gees te the. girls for their outtading efforts. And last, but net least, I must bid yu ail a fond farowell. This je th atarticle that l'Il howriting on hohalf cf Henry Street. Sad,I know, but true. But fear net, someone will ho taking my place. Youll still ho able te keep up with ail the great lunchtime activities, sports events, student council antics, assemblies and al the other crazy thinge that go on in the Home of the Hawk. Enjoy. The Boundaries of Freedom Caimlyn MohamedIr 77he Bbundaries of Froedom won first pnei in the Wity Optimist Clubesay oentesL Her essay ,21lJnow b. submitted to the Optimiat CentralOntaiio distrct compeidion. For sorne, freedom is an expected right, for many it is an elusive privilege. It has forever benprudwith ___________ abee1rsuedthat suggests it is an inherent need of humai. Yet, the ful fruition of thie pursuit can on1g Uerealized wt the under- standing that free- dom carnes responsibility. That ie, individual freedom should ho excercised insofar as it does flot transgress the freedom of othors. John Donne wrote that "no man is an island." One cannot exist without affecting othors or without being aifected by others. It follows thon that how one asserts hie free- dom determines the manner in which and the 4 extent to which others are affec- ted. This is why the issue of euthanasia is CAROLYN M~ heatedly debated. It is net simply an issue of pereonal freedoin. When individigale are afforded liberties, prece dents ' are established which may beome norms. for others. Euthanasia's dangerus implication is that death may graduallyb viewed as the best option for the termnally ilI or the incapacitated. Those intent on living would suifer under the. pressure of such an attitude. Freedoin cannot ho defined as "the power te make one's own decisions without constraint from within or without." Rather, such a limitless autonomy is license. One's actions become irreepensible, nonsensical and often detnimental. Too ofton liconse and liberty are mistakon as boing one in the. saine. At turnes, the result may ho a broken curfew and worried parents. However, it has also meant ixnpaired driving, hate literature, gay-bashing. Expropiating freedom as a means of gamng freedom is not progress, but regression. A sens. of responsibility must net ho undermined in one s conception of freedoin. Tho Greek term 'agape' descrihos unselfish love. It doses nt entail any dogme. of affection, but rather con- cern for another's welfare. It con- veys the Christ- ian doctrine that 1 amn my brothei9s keeper. Such a love makes it possible, as Saint Auffltine said, to "love and do whatever you want." Here is constrained free- dom without the burden cf feeling constrained. 4 An individual's freedom is bound- ed by the freedom of others. Con- versely, it can aloo bounded by the depniva- tion of freedom others are forced to endure. Though one may ho geographically removed fromn situations in which liberty is denied -- the "troubles" in Northern Ire- OHAMED land, the brutal 1aggression in Bosan i a- Herzegovina - one cannot . b mentally 'separated. They are crmsaanet humanity. if one is in sidarity with t h os. who suifer thon ene's freedoin will not ho complote until freedom for humanity is complete. To know that ene's freedom onds where that cf another begins is te know the boundaries of freedom. Regardless cf race, creed, gender or clase , our freedoins are inextricable. Ultini ately, the freedom cf the individual lies in the freedom of the collective. We must ho unwilling te compromise this view for within these boundanies in a boundless freedom, freedom for aIl. This is the only freedom worth having.. This is the only freedom worth preserving. At last our pursuit will net ho in vain. Optimistsseek 'The Right Stuif' in youth oratorical contest Youth aged 15 and youngor (as of Jam2 1, 1994) are invited te compote for a $1,500 scholarhip in Optimiet International's annual oratorical contest. The conteet is sponsored locally by the Optimist Club cf Whitby. Contestants should preparo and deliver a four- te five-minute speech on the topic «'Optimism -- The Right Stufi' hofore a panel cf judges at a special Optimiet Club cf Whitby meeting te ho held in March. Participants' performances will ho judged on the basis of organization of iriaterial, deliverq and presentation, personal appearance and poise and overal effectiveness. The boy and girl winners cf the Whitby contest wîll go on te the zone competition and, if succossful, te, the regional level competition. Winners at the regional level will form the finâliste for the Opýinist International Central Ontarie District contest. Winners of the district finals, te be, held in Peterborough on May 7, will each recoivo a $1,500 cellege scholarship from the Optimiest International Foundatien cf Canada. Diane Livie, chair cf the oratonical contest for the Optimist Club cf Whitby, says "The Optimiet oratonical contest provides young people with an excellent opportunity te build their speaking ability and gain confidence in expressing their thoughts beorea group of people." Livie adds that entrants need net ho accomplished speakers -- the club offers entrants option cf ceaching. the. Deadline for entry is Feb. 28. For further information, contact Livie at 432-0906 or club president Michael Airey at 668-2167. Optiiet Clubs acrose North Arrca. have conducted the oratorical contest annually sinoe 1928. Novices thumped in rep tournament final The Crawf Sports major novice select teain won twc and lest one gaine in the Otonohoo rep Novicesblaned The Whitby minor novice AA hockey teamn sponsored by Main Tech Industries were shut eut 4-0 on Jan. 12 by their archiivals froi Bewmanville. Bowmanville dorinated play, outshooting Whitby 30-8 with Kyle Simpson and Michaël Jeffrey keeping the gaine close. Whitby's next gaine je Jan. 22 in Orillia. teurnanient over the weekend. Whitby caine eut slow in gaine on. and gave up a one-goal lead te Duoro late in the tiret period. The rest of the gaine was al Whitby with two goals eaeh frein t~h~â* .......... wuuR~uur ~uFuwm~uxusawuzaE~wuuwu::::.......... *:«~:.: ~T~Nu~ftzw ~.......... I A Whitby team -made up cf seven-yeair-old players defe-ated Oshawa 15-2 in an exhibition novice ringette gaine necenjy The players fo the Witby bunnes Iand IIteams (aged5 té 7), teamed te, play an Oshawa teain that was aIse made up cf eIder age bunnies players. Lin dsey Giordano scored three goals and had four assiste for Whitby while Laura Gray-,Ellis had three goaLls and one assiet. Jessica Bradley, Amanda Church and Amanda Lflly each scored two goals. Bailey Corneal had a goal and tIre. assiste. Shauna Hamer and Ashley Jenning each had a goal and an assiet. Caitlin Kelly played goal for Whitby. Bnian Chard and Andrew Hewson and one frein B.J. Bowles. Assieting on the goals were Matt Annis, Gordon Dale, Thomas McWhirter, Jeif Hase, Geof Wells and two frein Richard Thomas. Whitby skated te a 7-O win over Cannington in gaine two. Chard and Hass each had two goals and Annis had a hat trick. Hewson picked up three assiste with McWhirter and Bowles adding two each. Single assiste were from Adain Death, Dale, Lee Waddington, Thomas and Darryl Donaldson. Justin Connors and Ian Upton, shared the netminding_ duties for the ehuteut. The championship game was agnst 'the Orono rep teain. Whtectok a 1-0 lead. Orono teck control after that and went on te an 11-4 win. Other Whitby geais were by Bowles unassisted, Waddington and Hame. Asiingwas Annis, Hewson, Paul Lombardi and Bowles. Patrick bang had a strcng teurnarnent on defense. oc ejÃ