businessi Whltby Fre Pross, VWÃ"oaday, January 26, 1004. Page il news Idustrial Mortgage Securities Fund Debate .o ver DBIA PROM PAGE 3 taxes » but said the downtown behefite fromi a business associa- tion. Johann said that for 17 years bis only concern was making his own business a succeseand flot until h. became involved with the board did ho appreciato hav- "If yvou don't 1k. the way we spend your money, join a com- mitte. ad gt involvod, we need your heo»osaid. Do LÂderson publisher of the Whtby r. >res, pressed Hogue and other board members to respond to the petition. He rejected Hogue's argument that some people may not have been clear on exactly how much th7 wero paying in DBIA taxes i-f herefore signo without knowing ail the fcs «Whose fault wa that? The DBIA bas been around for 15 years»'said Anderson. Disbancing the DBLA would not prevent downtown mer- chants from working together in a common cause, Anderson said. ".HritageDy h romotions will continue and will happqn without a DBIA because it'sim the collective interests of down- town businesses,7 lho said. *I think that's being naive,» replied Hogue. 13i11 Liýttie, owner of several local businesses, said hoe often hears compliments about Whitby from visitors and bis business associates. ià ttle_ who bas had his own disagreements with Town council on other issues conceded that "somebody in «Titby muet be is I Hometown thank you To the Editoe. On bebaif of the members of the Whtby Downtown Business Improvement Area, I would like to thank the many volunteers who asssted with the 1993 Christas campaign, 'Hometown Christmas!' Even though we experienced extremely cold weatber on the Tre. o Hope Day, due to generous donations, participating o *anzations raised a total of $807. Thanloe go out to the Learning Disabilities Association, Witby Hospital Auiliary, AMlS Coxnnttee of Durham Region, Optimiat Club, Drhlaow' Syndroe Association, Big Sistere of Newcastle-Oshawa-WhitbY, and the Knights of Columbus, Council 4895 for their dedication and endurance during that cold day. Winners of the Christmas stocings, filled with gifts donated by downtown businesses, were Lois Darbyson, first prize; Cathie Findlay, second prize; Becky Snelgrove, third prize; Ruth Robinson, fourth prize; and Okasana Shlapak, fifth prize. Oolouring contest winners were: (ame 4 and under). Emily doing somnething right.» Calling the petition's numbers «misleading,» Little urged DBIA foos to r»direct their efforts. «Its easy. to criticize but diffi- cuIt to corne up with solutions,» ho said. «If half the. energy that was p ut into the. petition was put into the DBIA, the DBIA would work.» Board member Tees Mattbews concurred. «Ail of us are doing the best job w. cati. We dont ;fo it because we have to but because w. want to,» she said. «But if you want te tsar it a part, just remember the people who are tearing it apart have nover don. anytbing to help their neighbours,» Matthews added. Foliowing the meeting, Pea- cock told reporters the issue was far from being resolved. "I dont tbink anything was accompiished,» ho said. «It'e still down te the basics. We've asked for two deputations to present it (petition) te council anadwe)re stili waiting.» Peacock added that anyone who feels they signed the. poti- tion under fais. pretences ls wei- corne te withdraw theîr signa- ture. Edwards said council wiil deal with the potition, but hoe wanted a "frmai" response from the DBIA board firet. "Once w. receive the DBIA's position we ,will have a public meeting and *decide .it,» hie said. Centre ward councillor John Doistra, the Town's reprsenta- tive on the DBIA oar , refor- red not te comment at ths time. "Theres obviously a lot of dis- agreement amongst the down- town merchants theniselves,» said Doîstra. "I want te speak to council and I want to meet witb the board,» hoe said. Weet ward councillor Judi L.ongfieid admîtted that se does not know how the matter should best b. handled. "I came hear hoping w. could reach a consensus and I don't think we've reached it yet," she said. Longfield also feit the meet- inges format was not "the. most appropriate forumi» to discuss the DBIA critics' concerne. «Two groupe on different sides sbouting at each other,» she said. «Maybeéthe board has te meet with five or six people whocdaim tbey're not being listened to and hear their concerne." [ Meckenzie MUTUAL FUND FORUM BAY STREET PROFESSIONALS COME TO OSHAW Leam about Mutual Funds, RRSP's, RRIF's, fixed income alternatives. investnient strategies of the 90's and much, niuch more. SDATE: Saturday, January 29th TIME: Corne anytirne between 9:OOAM and 5:OOPM PLACE: Oshawa Holiday Inn LISTEN TO AND MEET W1TH REPRESENTATIVES FROM: " AGF Management - Fortune Financial " Clean Environment - Mackenzie Financial *Dynamic Fund Management - United Financial *Fidelity Investments - CIBC/Hyperion Trusts *Canadian Int'1 Group - Trimark Funds Don't Forget to get somle free tax advlce froin our On Site ProresilonaI Accountant. Cati: 1-800-461-4737 FORTUNIE To Reserve Yodr Compliznentary Admission Ticket FîF N 7N C 1 AL The first 500 reserved tickets will be entered mbto our *$500 RRSP contribution draw. You must pick up your ticket ai the doer to qualify. * 18 years of age or over te be eligi hie Time invested at our Fund Forum could be the bc*t investment you make. 36.3% 27.yO 16.5yo 14a90 1 year 3'years 5 years 10 years The lndIcatd rides of ratum are the hlstorlcaJ annual coonpunded total rates of retum sndlng Decamber 31193 and are net necesaî1 Indicative of future performance. They incude change. ln un# velue and relnvestrnent of ail dMdends and do not take into aconunt sales. redemptlon, dlsrbitlon or aptbna charges payable wfth any unit holder whlch mnay have reduced êetums. e Templeton The Industrial Croup of Funds bu&ortittomtivn abow tMe offring ù con"éd in LiMFe sp Jpeb.Imagmor sWdOb acopyaWrd 4il ieoremaus~g. UnlkeGCswdvà wave»n resn for ~iuios udn aee j oacuisis edepi,.o ioachargupaaba by a Jis aua.From lmarh119 ilft50 ft.Fvso~oio moj grwuiuoretat<Wa oanaa bncepùe A s rwio fhpo row TrPA&GROUP of Companies PRESENTS... Durham Region's LARGEST R.R.S.P. FINANCIAL M FORUM'1 Februaryi 2th/94 9:00-am to 3:00 pm PLACE: LE GALA (Whitby) ADMISSION: $5.00 (ail proceeds to the Children's Wish Foundation) WOA'*] 1:41: ] C 1=.11 g 8:30 a.m.-9.30 amn. REGISTRATÃON 9,00 am.-1 00 p.m. SPONSORING DISPLAYS (13 in toWI) CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS 9:30 am.-10:30 arn. 1. Creutlng A Fnancil P lan 2. Self Dblscd RSPs 3. Understandlng Mutuel Funds 4. GbWIal osig 5. Tax Plannig For High Icorne Esrs I 10:30 amr.-1 1:30 am. 11:30 am.-12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m.-1 :30 p.m. M0 p.m.-3fl0 p.m. .4 [ M &. Dsallng Wlth Rtiment 7. Canadien Equtie &8.b NTe Nw Economy" 9. Europon Equlty Funds 10. Tex Planing For High bicrn Earms 11. Flxed Incorne Funds 12. Eerglng Marku<s 13. Self Direct.d RSP's 14. Apprecatn Your Net Worth 15. Anet Allocation 16. Estates, Trusts and Wealt Transfor 17. AslanMksts 18. Evaluatlng Your hisunce 19. Keynote Speake - BriwiCStelo *Seathig us kmited for each workshop *To register cal (905) 666-089 or 1-800-265-9492 - Ann Bamford * When remledng, e staB which wxkshap(s) you wish to atted * For atlenclano Costello's presentadmo, priorty >%il be given bD #mae who amied "h worlshop sesions. Therefore Io ensure acfrnittSn you muLst pre-regiser du~e Io Nnýid seaing avaifbdity. *AGF Funds Multiple Retiremnent Serv ices *Dynamic Funds Fidelity Funds *Deloitto & Touche e Hyperion (CIBO Funds) tçhartered Accountants) Templeton International *Global Strategy United Financial *Taiveet Funds MacKenzie *Trirnark Management The Industrial Group of Funds & TPA GROUP 0IF COMPANIES Limited Seating. Available TO RE GIS TER CAL L (1-800-265-9492) Keynote: Speaker BRIAN COSTELLO at 2 pmn DURHAM£ LAGET IANC FOU Sa.Fe.12hîOm NO AGENTS OR BROKERS PLEASE I t J N D LTD. M 1