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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jan 1994, p. 16

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Page 16. Whltby Free Press, Wednbesday, Januaivy2é. 1994' WOMEN'S ISSUES Durham Region's first Womnens Issues Group'ia designed te, explore, deveIop land prlomote an understanding of women's issues in today's society. The. group will meet Wednesdays, beginning Feb. 2, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., and will run for six sessions. The cost is $35 par nlgiit. The. roup will explore assrtiveness, self-esteemn, deaing wlth anger, communication styles and stress management. For more information and te register, cal Diane,- Durham Personal Counselling Services at 905-666-3153 or Jocelyn at 905-576-7548. VAIENTDNES DANCE A Valentine's dance will b. ii.ld hy the. Rose of Durhiam on Saturda, eb. 12, 8 p.m. te 1 a.m., at Holy Family Catholic Church, 91 Rbhlesdale Dr. (near Manning Road and Anderson Street), Whithy. There wiIl b. music by the. Express Band ligiit refreshments, cash bar and door prizes. Tickets are $15 per per- son, $25 per couple, with al proceeds to the Rose of Durhamn, which provides assistance te, teen parents. For tickets caîl Carol at 432-3622, or go to the. Rose of Durhamn office at 221 King St. E. weekdays. MONTHLY bMEETING Durhamn Region District Health Council will hold the. regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 26, 7 p.m., in the. council hoardroom, 1614 Dundas St. E., suite 214, Whitb. Those wishing te attend should cali 433-4262 as seating is limited. VALENTINES DANCE A Valentin.'s Dance, oraized by the. Moos. Lodge in Whitby, wiIl b. held on Friday, Feb. 11, starting at 9 pm t t he Knights of Columhus\ik*alf133 Brock St. N., Whitby. There will b. a light buffet. For-more information, cal Bruce Norton at 668-4570. BOWL FORbEMIONS The. Big Brothers of Oshawa- Whitby's annual Bowl for Mil- lions Will b. iield on Saturday, Feb. 19 at North End Bowl (five- pnOshawa and on Saturday, F1.eb. 26 at Leisure luanes (10- piný), Whitby. Groupe, husinesses or individuals can secure pledges and bowl, or make a donation. Caîl Cheryl Vogel at 435-2456 for more information. MEDIA AND BODY IMAGE How does tiie media affect self-esteem and body image? Public information sessions will b. held Feb. 1 te, 4. For more information,- contact Dianne Elliott, Durhiam Region Healtii Depurtment at 723-8521. MONSTRBINGO The AIDS Committe. Durhaum will iiold a monster bingo on Sunday, Jan. 30, 1 te 4 p.m., at Jubile. Pavillon, Lakeview Park, Oshawa. Doors will open at Il a.m. There will b. $7,000 in prizes. SUPPORT GROUP A support group for women who have given up their children for adoption will meet on Thurs- day, Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m. For more information, including location, caîl 666-4861. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet onT'luesday Feb. 1, 7 to9 p.m., at O'Neill MV (cafeteria). Stamps, old postcards and cover collections can be exchanged, aprraised or sold at auction. Col- lectors and visitors are welcome. For more information caîl John at 725-7962. EUCUBE Euchre, sponsored hy the Oddflaw and Rebekahis, are held every Friday, 8 p.m., at 211 Brock St. S., Whitby. Admission is $1.50. Ail welcome. EPILEPSY DURHAM Epilepsy Durham Region will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 7:30 p.m., at the Knsmen community centre, 109 Colborne St. W., Osh- awa. A neurologist Dr. Waller, will be guest speaker. Ail wel- come. For more information cal 666-9926. INDOOR YARD SALE lb. Salvation Army home league will hold an indoor yard sale on Saturday, Jan. 29, 9 a.m. te 1 p.m., at 122 Kent St., Whitby. ONE PARENT FAMILLES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families- Association will meet Tuesday, Feh. 1, 8 p.m., for'Quiz Night: How sexy are you?,'at the. Adria Cultural & Sports Club, 432 Simicoe St. S. For more information, cail 436-5089 or 728-1011. DUPLICATE BRIGE The. Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club meets in the basement of St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. New members are welcome. Boair member volunteers lb. Big Brothers of Oshawa-Wlty a Uni ted Way member. agency, is seekng proseective volunteer hoard members from. al segments of the comnmunity. A time commitnient of approxi. mately six te eight hours par month is required, plus a screening process mandated bythe national organuzation. For more informnation, cal 579-2551 or write te Big Brothers 1050 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa L1G 4W5. NATURALIMTSMEETING Durham Region Field Naturaliste will meet Monday, Jun. 31 7:30 p.m., at Nortiiview Public Lihrary, Ritson Road and Beatrice Street East, Oshawa. There will ho an updats on 'The. Second Marsii' by James ]Richards. Ail are welcome. GENRALOGICAL SOCIETY The Whitby-Oshawa Branch (Rtegion of Durham) of the. Ontario Genealogical Society wil meet Tuesda, eh. 1, 7:30 p.m., at Henry Street High Schgxol cafeteria. The tepic will b. 'Problems und Beginners' Night.' Meetings are free and ail are welcome. For more information, calI 683-2476 or 723-7460. PARK1INSON GROUP The. Dunham Region Chapter Parkinson Foundation support group will meet on Mon tPb. 7, 7:30 p.m., at St. Marks United Ciiurch, WVhitby. Ail are welcome. Guest seaker is Janet Ozenciiowsky, field director of the. Parkinson Foundation of Canada. For more information, call 430-8475 or 666-8576. VALENTINE'S BRUNCH Denise House, a women's shelter in Durham Region, will hold a Valentine's Day brunch on Sunday, Feb. 6 at Sopraffino's in downtown Oshiawa. There will ho two sittings: il a.m. and 1:30 p.n. Tickets are $25 par parson, and a tax receipt will b. issued for $10. Ail funds rased will go te support the shelter. For tickets or more information, call 728-7311. CBIWBIIHEDUCATION l. Cildbirth Education Association of Durhiam and Baby Shack wil hold 'Getting Ready for Baby: A Commonsense Approach for a Safe anid Hap y HSecoming' tenig -t (Wednesday), 7:30 p.m., at Baby Shuck, 149 Brock St. N., Whitby. Cail 666-3767 te register. BINGO lb. Moose Lodge of Whitby holda fundraising bingos every Tuesday, 12:30 p.m., at Bingo Country, Monarch Ave., Ajax. BHABYS1'TER COURSE Týhe YWCA will hold a Canada Safety Council babysoitter training P rorai onTesdasbegi ning .b. 1, 7 to 9 p.m. àtudents ms b. ag.d 12 at the time of course graduation. A certificats will be issued upon completion of tiie mrgri if aIl prerequisites have been et. To register or for more information, call 576-8880. -6+tBROOKLINI W Optimists hold oratorical. contest The Optimiet Club cf Broolin will hold the. annual Optimist International oratorical contest Wheels to Meals to resume Luncheons for seniors and shut-ins of the. Brooklin, Myrtie and Asihurn area hogin Wednesday, Feb. 9 at noon at St. Thomas Memaral Hall. Seniors are aske te bring a friend or neighbour wiio needs an outing. Transportation can be arranged hy calling Ray at 655&3434. For more information, cal 655-4596,655-3187 or 655-8716. for local youtii under age 16 Wednesday, Feb. 9 at Brooklin Anglican Church, Winchiester Road. Th. contest le conducted annually by tiie local Optimiet Club as well as Optimist clubs al over tii. world. The officiaI subject of thus year's contest le 'Optimism! The Right Stuif.' Contestants must speak on the subject between four and five minutes. Scoing is based on personal qualities, material organization, dehvery presentation and overall First, second and runxier-up winn.rs in each division will b. awarded medaflions. In addition, first-place wnnens will b.eéligible for furtiier comptition in the. zone and district compatitions, with the. tep prize being a $1,500 scholarship. More than $150,000 in sciilarshiips is awarded annualîy te oraterical contest winners by the. Optiniiet International Foundations cf the U.S. and Canada. Optimist International is on. cf the. worldsà largest and most active service organizations with more than 160,000 menibers in 4,200 Optimnist clubs in tiie U.S., Canada and other nations. Carrying the. motta, ' Fiend cf Youth,' Optînist clubs conduct service projecta that reach five million young people each year. For more information on the contest, contact Grant Milîson at 655-8153. Non-proifit communitygroup whioh are ba8edin Whllby or have a substantiel Whitby membership may place their or activileonti page at no cost. Prflt aIWhiO e4iMeln 1 Fùistp:.. DROP.IN FOR KIDS lb. YWCA will hold a drop-in for children (aged two montiis te 5 years) on Thursdays, Feh. 3, 10, 17 and 24, 9:30 te, 11:30 a.m., te enuble parents te keep appointments, shop or enjoy a morning te yourself. A 24-hour notice muet b. given. A snack wiil ho provided and nap facilites are available. For more information, caîl the. YWCA at 576-8880. TMUUTE DINNER The Progresýve Conservative Ontario ~ding Association will hold a tribut. dinner for former MP Rend Scetens on Thursday, Feb. 17 at Pickering Town Centre, Galluntry's ballroom. A cash bar will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m, Tickets are $50 eacii, $9Wpair. To order tickets, caîl Brian hde at (416) 751-5127. VALENTINE'S HALL The AIDS Committee Durham will hold a Valentines Bail for the gay and leshian community on iturday, Feb. 12, 9 p.m. in Oshawa. The. cost is $10 per re rson. For more information and location, call 434-4297. SUPPORT GROUP Birtiimotiiers interested in joining a free support group te explore and share adoption and reunion issues, may contact 1B-701 Roeland Rd. E., Box 368, WVhitby, Ont. LMN 8Y. Include your firat name and telephone number for information and location of meeting. LiING WITH CANCER Living with Cancer supprt groups nIll meet Monday, JTan. 31. Adulte, friends and family will meet at the Ajax Cricket Club, nortiieast corner cf Monarch and Clements avenues, Ajax, from 7 te 9 p.m. Parents cf chldren witii cancer and cildren ages 7 te 17 dealing with cancer, eitiier parsonally or witii a parent or sibling, will meet at Holy Trinity Churc, 91 Kings Cres., Ajax, 7 te 8:30 p.m. For more information, cali Lynn Nazarko at 686-1516. TBEPAFMUTIC WORKSHOP A workshop on tii. meits cf using music as tiierapy for Patients who are t.rminally ili will be held at Whitby General Hospital tonight (Wednesday), 7 te 9 p.m., in tiie second floor dini*ng-room. The registration f.. is $10 and payable te the palliative care education fund. Interested individuals should contact the iiospital's disciiarge planning office. NEWCOMERS CLUB The Osiiawa/Whitby New- corners Club wiliiold a general meeting, including a Valentine surprise, on Tuesday, Feh. 8, 8 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre in Oshawa. Any woman new te the. area is invited te attend. For mor information, calI SPORà.DANe Ae Houe. is offering an eight-session discussion group for men who are expecting the birth of a ciiild or already have a child at home.,The. group will ho held at Eastdale H-igh School, 265 Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa, 7 te 9 p.m., beginning Monday, Feb. 7. Cost is $48- par person. For more infrmtin and te register, cali the centre at 579-2021. CARPET RACING Radio-controlled car and truck oval carpet racing ls held evey Monday night (except Jan. 24),7 to 10 p.m., in the cafetorium at Henry Street High School. A special 'bolink digger' clans is héld. For more information cali Wayne at 430-1996. Ail are wel- corne. WINTER WILLI Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority staff will conduct a hike thro h the woode of Heber Down Cnservation Area, Whitby on Sunday, Feb. 6, beginning at 2 p.m. from the winter parking lot. lh. tour is free. Wear appropriate footwear. Groups of 10 or more wishlng to participate are asked to contact the office before Feb. 4. Directions: Take Highway 12 to Taunton Road, go west one kilometre to Country Lune Road, then north to the stop sign. Turn right and the parking lot is on the Ieft. For more information, contact CLOCA at 579-0411. LIONESS CLUB The Whithy Lionees Club wiIi meet on Wednesday Feb 2, 6:45 pm,,in the GoId fÙýoo f -the C ntenal Building, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby. For mocre informa- tion caîl 668-4944 or 668-2268. A-ZEIMER AWABENESS Beginning Thursday, Jan. 27, as a feature of Alzheimer Awareness Month, writer and psyehologfist Dr. Myra Schiff wilI address the topie ' Alzheimer"' .Guidelines for Care Planning.? Thepresentation will be held at Hilledal Manor auditorium, Oshawa fromn noon to 1:30 p.m. The lecture is free but meat reservations are required hy calling the office at 576-2567. EART AND FLOWERS A Hearts and Flowers Valen- tine Special, for kids a«ed 4 to 8, will b. held at the Wlutb 'Public Library on Saturday,FPeh. 12, 10:30 to il1:15 a.m. Registration bgan Jan. 24. ]PM ON YOUR SI The Family Education Resource Centre of Durham Houe. will hold un eight-session study group for parents of teenagers at Bowmunville Senior Public Sehool, 105 Queen St., 7 to 9 p.m., beginning Wednesday, Feb. 9. The écoot is $48 per person, plus a text book fee of $13.50. P1re-registration je required. For more information and to register, cail the centre at 579-2021. PARENT SK[LLS SERJES The Family Education Resource Centre of Durhami Houe. will hold a series of four

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