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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jan 1994, p. 27

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II ~ - - - -- - Whitby Free Press, Wednosday, January 26, 1904, Page 27 On Wodnosday, Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m., Whltby archivist' Bzian Wintor will show ilides and tel stories about Whitby'is past, including Braoklin. TIi. program wlll b. held at Whitby-Public iÀbrary and will b. cf interest to, lonîr-timo residonts andi newcomers bath. Rogister at the dchldron's and adult fiction desk at the. libray. Spaceis are liniited. Winter was boni in Toronto on Oct. 5, 1947 and came ta Whltby in 1955 at age 7. Ho attended Whitby sciooîs and graduated in 1970 frain a three-year journalisni course at Centennial College, Scarborough. He worked as the Whitby reporter for the Oshawa Times, community editor of the. Whitby Fre. Pressa and secretary- manager cf the Whitby Chaznber cf Commerce. At- ago 13, Winter became 77 We would lice to wekcomne the SPECIAL OLYM PICS to Anne Ottenbrte Pool S*** PROGRAM NOTE * PUBLIC SWIMMING on this day from 3:00 to 5:00 . will be CANCELLED due to th.e swim mieet. Good Iuck to the athletes! UN THE MAT1ER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990,C. 0.18 AND IN THE MAlTER 0F LANQS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO Notice ot Intent to Desug nate TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends ta desîgnate the propety inclulng lands and bulig,, at the follow ing municipa ess as pooryof histrial and architectural value or interest under Par Iothe Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990,c. 0.18. Hasted-Fishor Hause 535 Myrtle Road West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DE;SIGNATION OF 535 MYRTLE RD, W. WHITBY HfIITOBIG This granite fieldstone house la sited on what was originally a 200- acre parcel af land granted ta Christina Diamond an Mardi 30, 1826 y ay af patent fram the Govemment of Upper Canada. The land was eventually purchased b y Thomas Halsted in 1832. Mr. Halsted was the first bonafide settier of tie lands, having the existing structure buiît most likoly in the late 1840s, and deiinitely by 1852, as his residence lais isted as a 1-1/2 storey stone house in the census taken in 1852. After Mr. Hasteds death in 1854, the praperty was sold ta Timothy Fisher. The property was owned by varous Fisher family members until 1938<(84 years). ARCHITECTURAL The Halstedfflsher house is ai architectural value and intereat, and is an excellent example af an earty fieldstone iarmhouse with red brick trim. The house is Iocated on a large farm lot and is surroundced by mature vegetatian. It has flnely executed detaila in bath wood and masonry which demanstrate the local vemacular traditions and the more elaborate decorative design elements typical af the eaxly and mid-l9t century neo-dlassicai styles. It has a typical farm for a vemnacular farmnhouse, having a formai flve-bay front facade with two windows, with six-over-six sash, on either aide af a central doorway. The building also has rregular features, such as a blind window, a double-sided bake aven and an asymmetrical back door, which add to its vemacular character. Interior features of interest are the basement lire place which indicates the presence of an early kitchen and the intact mouldings ai the present dining room. The dinng room's baseboard, door and window trim use corner boxes, reedings and the same large moulding profile as the extenior entry pilasters. They are the broad and elaborate mouldings characteristic ai the neo-classical and are repeated consistently throughout the building, appearing also in the eaves and in the entry entablature. Any persan may, before February 11, 1994, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Cîerk of the Town ai Whitby notice ai hîs or her objection ta the pro posed designation, together with a statement of reasons for the objection and al levféant tacts. If such notice of objection is received, the Cauncil ai the Corporation ai the Town af Whitby shail refer the matter ta the Conservation Review Board for a heaiing. DATED at the Town af Whitby this i 2th day of January, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSIAND ROAD EAST WHITBY , ONTARIO LiN 2M8 .PHONE: (905) 668-5803 1994 INTERIM TAX NOMIE Theefirst kitànent aifIdm taxes for 1994 s due and payable February 15, 1994. Taxes may be paid at anVY ttbybankwithout colection chleor at the MuricipAiOffice, 575 Rossland Road East Wiy Otalro. In addition, taxes m!ay be peid by lelephone thmough%71 Baine, Canada Trust Easyl-ine or CIBOUkUp. If yau have not recoived a tax bill and you are responsible for parnet, pleese contact the Tax Department at 668-5803ta abtain the neomusry information. f pSg its not recoivedby the due date, a penalty wlbe added on Me t da ofefamt and 1h.flmst day of each calenida month s0 long as non-pam continue, at the rate oi 1-1/4% per month, or part LYNN PUCE SUPERVISOR 0F REVENUE UN THE MATIER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.0. 1990,0C.0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOVWNG MUNICIPAL ADDRESS UN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO Notice of Intent to Designate TAKE NOTICE that the Council ai the Corporation aifth Town af Whitby intends ta designate the proerty, including lands and buildings, at the follawing municial address as prorgy ai histanical and architectural value or interest under Part 1Vaithe Ontario Henitage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0. 18. Old St. Johnsa Roman Cathaijo Church 508 John Street West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION OF 5SS JOHN ST. WEST HWHITBY Being the first solely Catholie church in the Town of Whitby, the construction ai this church began in 1867 under the watchfuî oye ai Archbishop Lynch ai Taranto. The brickwork was contracted ta a well-known Whitby mason, George Cormak, and was designed by a prominent Canadian architect, Henry Langley, who also designed Ail Saints' Anglican Church in Whitby and St. Thomas Anglican Church in Broaklin. Tragedy struck in 1901 when the church was destroyed b y lire. Soon afterwards (1902), iollowing the origiînal p1ans (which are stored at the Ontario Archives), Thamas everill Jr., son af the original builder, bea reconstrucbing the new church. ln December 1902, the ch urch was off icially opened. It was nat until 1975 that the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation sold the church and it became a residential praperty. ARCHITECTURAL The style ai the church is Gothic in a very modest form apprpate for a smali parish. The aide walls ai the church are divde nto three bays separated b y decorative buttressea. The front facade has single lancet windiows oither side af the front porch. Over the entry pordi was a large rase window, which is now concealed. At the gable peak, there is a masoniy projection for a beliry. The building is constructed in red brick with stone trim. The heada aif the lancet windows are surrounded by a simple Gothic hood moulding made ai a double course of corbelling brick. A single masonry chimney rises at the back of the churcli. The building retainis its original comnerstane. The building is a unique example af an adaptive reuse ai a former church, and îts presence contnibutes ta the architectural character, variety and interest ai the community. Any persan may, before February 11, 1994. send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk ai the Town of Whitby notice ai his or her objection ta the propoed designation, tagether with a statement ai reasans for 1h e objection and ail îreevant facts. If such notice ai abjection is received, the Council ai the Corporation ai the Town of Whitby shah refer the matter ta the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED at the Town ai Whitby this 121h day ai January, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE R PORnmD%1ATION 0FP 111E TOWN 0F WHITBY N07ICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Moriday, February7, 1994 @ 7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whib Municipal Budn 575 Rossland Road t -Whitby, Ontario A Public Meetng MIl be held by the Poanrng and Delpymt Cammittee aofCaunci ai the Corporation of th. Town oaibty Io consider a propased OfficiaI Plan amnencknent Io Fle OPA 93-WJS aid Zorn LE.,~ amencfrnent File Z-703-93, as subniikW by 630373 Ontnoumited.iW la M The sutîjeot pmperty s k iientifled as Block 5 aiof stodPUi4M 1623, aid ai c thatle sautheast corner ai Consumers 0,1w and dme Highway 401 exdt ramp, as shcxvn on the sketch belaw. The pulpose ai the applications are: i) ta redeignalead kmu 'Residental' within SEcial tudyArea 2 tb 'SpIal Ppose Commercial' b mmenttaWtY's Officia Plan; and (à)taIzone the laid framn N DevelopmentNanRSidentiai Iot-' pca Purpose Commeroal by amenc*nient ba Zoning By-Iaw 2585. The purpose oai lis meeti sb pvide adeqjaeM iomaon tabh public and ta permit interSlod pmrsns lieoppartrity ba mi" representafion ini respect ai lie Official Plan aiienc*nnt aid re2x*lg applicaton. If you are unable b atted"1.meeting, yaur psntto can betled iwning by mal or peronal deoffl b dthPUV i Depatnent flot laerliai regi womlding hom on Februavy 14, 19U4. Intereted persans may inspect addiionli uirfSlin keainç bi abovappicain theluPLaing Namient ,Levol 7, Whîttv Muicpa Bilin,575 Roslaid East Whitti, Onaul Li E2MB chgiEn regular iwodcinghaut, MYK ondy aFuday, or miay cotact dme Planning Deparmont by M#o<n >668ff-5803 ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNIING JOIN THE FUN OF FITN ESS Limited class space is stili available. Register at the Civic Recreation Complex. FitFitness Into Your New Year! Cail 666-1991 for more information. SNOW-CLEARING OPERAT1ONS - Noice is hereby given that vehicles should not b. prked ta interfere with cleanng ai snaw tramn t" roads. Any vehcle found ta be interiedng with snow- cleanng operatians may be removed and impoufided wit. further noice. Vour co-operation is required. interested, in tho history of Whitby and bas spent more than 30years researching th" subject. en 1967, ho was one of the founders cf the Whitby Historical Society and was appainteti as the socot'sarchivi ut. Sinco June 1989 hohas served as full-time arcbivist for the Town. Winter has written a number of books andi pamphlets about Whitby's history, including the Centennial Hiistory cf the. Ontario Ladies' College (now Trafalgar CastI. School), tributes to retiring municipal offiiais and mnmrous articles in -the local prose. Winter writes the 'Yesterday' coluznn in the Whitby Fro. Proes. Since 1979 ho has published a column on ilhibyls histor every two wooks in the. OshawaTmos. Ini 1974, Winter rocoivod the Peter Perry Award as Whitby' outotanding citizen for tis historical work, and in 1985 ho was presentod with tho Ontario Volunteor Servce Award.

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