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Whitby Free Press, 2 Feb 1994, p. 16

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Page 16, Whltby Fme Prou, Wedmsday, Febuay 2. 1M9 3-p'eat for peewees in Buffalo The Whitby minor peewee A hockey team, sponsored by the Brooklin-Whi tby Minor Hockey Association Auiliary, won the Buffalo Horriets Mid-Winter Classic in snowy Buffalo recently. Whitby has won the Buffalo tournamient three seamons in a row. Coach Troy May has instituted a sound defensive style, executed perfectly by the players. In gaine one, Whitby defeated Fraser», ichigan by a 7-1 margin. Defenceman Mark Unwin led the attack with three assists. Gaine two of the tournament Whitby Maksteelers swept Central Ontario Wolves in minor bantain AAA hockey first round playoffs last week. Steve Death and Mark Haynes eacb scored two goals9 and had two assists as Whitby won 5-2 on Saturday to take the second gamae of the OMHA best-of-three series. Dan Ricica also scored for Whitby. was a hard-fought battie against Detroit. Although the opposition was a bigger and more physical teain, Whitby played according to a strict defensive garne plan and outskated Detroit Rockies by a 4-0 score. Wbitby ole Scott Wylie earned the shutou. In gaine tbree, Weston Hawks tried to outmnuscle Whitby, but through bard work, good positional play and a two-goal, two-assist performance by Scott Berrey, Whitby won 6-0. Ryan Callaghan earned the shutout for Whitb. With« three victories, Whtby earned a spot in the Dan Fletcher in the Whitby net stopped 21 shots. On lhursday, Whitby won the firat game of tbe series 5-3. Haynes scored two goals wbile Death and Jason Hotchkiss each bad a goal and two assisa. Bryan Croucb bad the other Whitby goal while Paul Gray bad tbree assists. Whitby goalie Tom Lawson stopped 26 shots. charnpionship final against New York Stars, a team made up of players from the New York area, such as Manhattan, Brooklyn, Long Island and other New York City boroughs. identical goal as their first. However, that was short-lived as the Whiitby teain scored another two goals, taking a 4-2 lead. The third period had the Stars score the only goal, makingthe score a tight 4-3, but Why stuck to their strict defensive style. Leadingthe Whitby team was Mile Gubbels with a goal and an "ssit as he filled in for teain regular B.J. Noddle, who is out of action with a broken wrist. The scoring sunimary for the weekend was as follows: Berrey six goals, two assies; David Dittmar three goals, two assists; Unwin five assiste; Jeif Church two goals, three assista; Danny Small two goals, three assiots; Greg Leblanc two goals, two assista; Jordan Fitzgibbon a goal, three assists; Pick Mace two goals, two assista; Gubbels a goal, three assista; Jared Brown two goals, an assist. Ryan Bayliss, Ryan Dancey, Kyle Tennant, Scott Dennis and Greg Foxwell each had an assist. The team b as won seven of the last eight gaines and is preparing for the playoffe with two league gaines remaining and a possible first-place finish in their division. The game proved to be an exciting finish to the weekend tournament. New York scored firet with a blast from the right aide. Wylie got a piece of it but not enough. Whitby stormed back six minutes later witb two goals in 30 seconds. In the second period, Stars tied the game up on an Whitby defeated i silver stick semi-finals Over the weekend the Wbhitby major peewee AA hockey teain tried to defend the titie they earned as minor peewees one year ago at the international silver stick tournainent, but feil juat short of their goal. .Ater advancing to the semi-finals with three consecutive victGries, they were defeated 4-1 by an excellent club from Chatham. While the final was ail Chathamn, four days away from home was a major reason for the defeat. Tired legs and minds contributed equally to Wbitby's oas. After a scoreless firat period, in which Evan itamuras Uemaltending and tbe heads-up e esive play of Ryan MacArthur helped keep them in theý gaine, Wbhitby was assessed thrse penalties witbin 15 seconds midway tbrough the second period. Unable to ward off this disadvantage, Chathamn built a two-goal lead, closing out the period with a 2-0 advantage. Whitby feIl béhind by yet ariother goal early in the third period. Bobby Schlitt and hinemnates Matt Smith and Paul Chornobay combined to narrow the gap to 3-1 with just over tbree minutes remaining i the gaine. An ail-out attack, however, failed when Chatham scored ito the empty net in the dying seconds. Whitby reached the semil-final with an operning round victory over their tournamsnt hosts Port Huron 11-0. Scoring for Witby were Sivth witb two goals and tbree assiste, Luke Power (two goals, two assista), Chornébay (two goals, one assiat), Derek Ackçford (two goals, one assist), Paul Heinrick (one goal, two assista), Shane Neil (one goal, one assist), and Schlitt (one goal, one assist). Adding assista were Matt Foran with four, Brant Flaherty (three), Justin Terry, Ryan Babcock and Andrew Harding. Earning a well-deserved shutout was Scott 'flompson. In game two, Whitby continued to show an explosive offence, as they banunered Denver, Colorado 8-1. Goal- scorers in this one were Smith with tbree, Neil (two goals, one assist), Mike Orvisa (ons goal, three assista), Babcock (one goal, two assiste), and Heinrick (one goal, one assiat). Adding assista were Chornobay (two), Schlitt and Ackford. Whitbys quarter-final match proved to be a barn-burner. After a scorless first period when both teanis aeemed to be feeling each other out, the tempo picked Up. Thompon's glove band kept Redford, Michigan off the scoresheet as three times he picked off apparent goals with cat-like reflexes. Then midway through the perîod, lightning struck. Heinrick slammed home the firat goal on a tbree-way passing play with Terry and Orviss. Fifteen seconds later Heinrick struck again, this time on passes by Orvis sad Smith. Redford barely bad time for a lins change when Ackford drilled a élapsbot by tbe startled Redford netminder. Babcock deflected the final score into the empty net on a point basat by Terry after he received the puck directly from the faceof won by Ackford, making the final score 4-1 in favour of Whitby. WHITBY ANGLING ACE Rocky Crawford was a feature attraction at the ninth annual Ontario Fishing and Sports- men's Show held last weekend in Pickering. Crawford, a two-time GM Pro-Bass Classic winner, shared some of his secrets in seminars conducted at the shows's <ishing habitat centre.' Photo triyKMak Reeso, WhItby FreePres The Whitby Figiùre Skating Clubs precison teas= will host their annual invitational competition on Saturdayi Feb. 5. The event, which will involve 30 Ontario teamns and one Quebec team, will commence at 10 a.m. It will feature gold and silver championship finals. The cometiionwiil take place at froquois Park Arena. Precision skating involves a teain of 12 or more skaters joined shoulder to shoulder, performing various elements to music. The Whitby tosins were chosen in Auguat, and have been practieing regularly for several montha in preparation for this and other coinpetitions. Partî*cipating in tbe event will be the Whitby Ice Pix (juvenils) Ice Angels (novice), Ice Fyre (senior) and Elusions (adult). The Ice Fyre recently travelled to Finland where they placed seventh out of 24 teame. .The Ice Angels placed second at the Colonial Invitational i Boston Jan. 23. The Ice Pix placed third at the saine competition. The Ice Elusiond firsît comptto of the year took place i Bracterdge where thçy won gold. Whitby Lnvitationel Schedule of Events 10 arn. 10:39 a.rn. 11:42 &a. 12:32 p.mi. 1:29 p.mi. 2.08 pmrn 2M5 pmn 3:37 p.m. 4:14 p.m. 4:57 pan. &1l9 pam. 6:34 p.m. 7:13 p.rn 7:52 pn. 8:49 p.m. 9-.10 p.M. 9:14 p.m 9m2 p.Mn Juvenie Flight 'Ax Aduit Prelinaxy Flight Novice Fbgbt 'A' Junior Preliminaiy Fligt Juvenile Flight'WB Novice FElit B' Aduit SilveFinal Juvenile Silver Fina Novice Silver Final Junior Silve Final Silver Presentatima Adult Gold Final Juvenile (JoId Final Novice Gdld Final Junior Goli Final Junior Technical Exhibitâoei Senior Exhuiion Gold Pre.entatioim Steelers advance, keep Wolves at bayl,". 1

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