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Whitby Free Press, 2 Feb 1994, p. 22

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Page 22, Whltby Frm.Pr.., VWodne.cay, Febuy*2,1994l GIRL GUDE COOKIES SalesÏ of Girl Guide coolde will bg* on Satunday, Feb. 5. Whiy Girl Guides will go door Wo door s.llingr the choclate and vanilla sandwich cSkies for $250 a box« To order, caîl Pat Thomson at 668-8302. STEW SUPPER Asetew supper wilbe held by members of Whitby Chapten 248 of the. Order of the Eastern Star on Wedn.sdayP Fb 9 6 p.m.at the MasomieHall 20ACochrane St., Whitby. Cost àj $6 per, r son. For tickets eall 576-0617 or 436-0839. GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING The. Durham Region chapter of the GeontologicaF-Nursin Asso- ciation will meet on bond ay, Feb. 7, 7 p.m., a Fairview Lodge hiWhitby There wilI be a panel presentation of day programs for geniatric patients. For more in- fornmatioïn cali 668-8530. EPHZJ45Y Epilepsy : Parents Support Group wZI meet on Thursday, Feb. 3, 7 p.m. For more informa- tion, including location of meet- ing, cal Diane at 683-4070. EPILEPSY DURHIAM Epilepsy Durhiam Region will meet on Atuesday, Feb. 8, 7:30 p.m., at the. Kinsmen community centre, 109 Coiborne St. W., Oshi- awa. A neurologist Dr. Waller, will be guest speakoer. Ail wel- corne. For more information cal 666-9926. LEGAL AID A legal aid advice clinie willb. held on Tuesday, Feb. 8 7 to 8:45 pan., at the Whitby i1Public Library. Appointments muet be made in person at the Whitby Information Centre, 900 BrcZ St. S., or by calling the centre at 668-0552. Clients receive a pri- vate and confidential 15-minute ajpomtmerk1 with a lawyer, at no CPR COURSES Cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses (biiic, nescuer, refresher, infantieiiuld, Heart Saver, plus cild) are offered in February by Durham Save-a-Heart iWltby, Ajax, Pickerngff and Oshawa. Cal666-0995 for more informa- tion. VALENTMN'S BRUNCH Denise Hloue,, a women's shelten in Durhiam Région, will hold a Valentines Day brunch on Sunday, Feb. 6at Sopraffino'sin downtown Oshawa. There will b. two ittings il a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 pr person, and atax receipt will b. issued for $10. Ail funds raised Will go Wo support the shelter. For tickets or more information, eall 728-7311. RED CROSS TRANING The. Canadian Red Cross Society will hold emergey or standard firet aid (both include the. now CF1R training guidelines) or basic lif. support tiith badic rescuer level. Course dates are Feb. 12, 13, weekend emergency/ standard, Feb. 8, 10, 15, 17, evening emergency/standard; F.b. 26, basic life support (two-person); -Feb.- 5, recertifi- different aspects of cancer treatment. Moderator je Ruth Lafgarga former president of CFUW,'former chair of Durham Region Board of Education and the Cancer Society. A question-and-answer period will follow the panel discussion. siDES & STORIS Local archiviet Brian Winter will show élides and tell stoies about Whitby'st past, including Brooklin, at the. Whitby Publie Library on Wednesday, Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. lb. programn wiil b. of interest tW long-time nesidents and newcomere alike. Spaces'are Iimited. Register at the, childnen's and aduit fiction desk at the. libranîy. CESARRAN PRVENTION The Cesarean Prevention Support and Education Group of Durhamu Region will meet on Monday, Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m., at 10 Fewstr St., Courtice. lb. to "c for discussion is 'Afdwiery. or mor, information, ce Leanne at 432-1425 or Lisa at 576-0562. VALENTINE'SDANCE A Valentines dance wiil be held by the. Rose of Durhiam on Saturday, Feb. 12, 8 p.m. tW 1 a.m., at Holy Family Catholic Ciiurcii, 91 R1ibblesdale Dr. (near Manning Read and Anderson Street), Whitby. There wiIl b. music by the. Express Band light nefreshments, cash bar anc1 door prizes. ickets are $15 per per- son, $25 per couple, with al proceeds tiitheRose of Durham, wiiicii provides assistance to teen parents. For tickets eall Carol at 432-3622, or go to the. Rose of Durhiam office at 221 King St. E. weekdays. BONSAI The Matsuyama Bonsai Socie.ty will meet on Feb. 8, 7 p.m., Faith Place, 44 Williams St., Oshawa. More more information, ce 683-2568 or 683-5135. VALENTINE'S BRUNCH Club Cazib of Oshawa womn's committee will hold the. second annual Valentine's bruncii on Sunday, Feb. 13, noon Wo 4 p.m., at the Caribbean Cutral Centre. Admission is $15 per person, $8 for seniors and youtii aged 12 and under. For tickets, eall.434-3673 or 432-8828. EUCHE A euchre je held by Oddfeilows and Reb.kahs every Friday at 8 EC.at 211Brock St. S., Whitby. t&stj $1.50. Ail weleome. ONE PARENT FAMUIES Oshawa Chapter On. Parent Families Association wili iiold a genenal meeting Tuesday, Feb. 8, 8 p.m., at tii. Adria Cultural & Sprt Club, 432 Simcoe St. S. Frmore information, cai 436-5089 or 728-1011. PARKISON GROUP Th. Durham Region Chapter Parkinson Foundationsupr group wll meet onMboniay,Febý. 7, 7:30 p.m., at St. Markls United Churcii, Whitby. Ail are weicome. Ouest spakter je Janet Ozenchowsky, field dinector of the Parlanson Foundation of Canada. For more information, ce 430-8475 or 666-8576. NEWCOMERS CLUB The Oshawa/Whitby New- çomers Club will iiold a general LA LECRE La Leche League, Whitby will hold a montiily breastfedng support meeting Thursday, Feb. 10, 9:30 a.m. The top'ic j 'Advantages of brea.tfeed-ig t motiier andl baby.' Mothens, babies and expectant mothers welcome. Call 723-0542 for details. DURHA4M HOME SHOW Dunhazn's Greatest Home Show, sponsored by Sondance International, will b. iield Feb. 11, 12 and 13 at Durhiam College. Show hours are Frday, 4 Wo 10 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. Wo 10 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. W 6 p.m. Admission is $3. There will be-various seminars, numerous produets and a spring fashion show eacii day. MODEL SHOW * suL WVhitby AmroModellers wil hold the. fiftii annual nuodel ishow and sale Sunday, Feb. 6, 10 a.m. Wo 5 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion. Admission ie $3. Fr.. parking. There will -b. more than 30 tables of nemote-controlled planes, cars and boats dealers and pivate vendons. Fr.e dnaws. Refreshmento. For more information, cail 668-0569. JAMES HOUSE METJG James House Durham will hold a public meeting Monday, Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m., at St. Andrew's United Church, 71 Sixuco. St. S. (corner of Bruce Street). Volinuteers are ne.ded for fundraisers and membersliip drive. OSHAWA LAWYER Terry Kelly (left) anid Whitby cou ncillor Joe Drumm practuce for the upcomning Big Brothers BowI for Millions fundraiser. Kelly is honourary chair of the annual event and Drumm one of the celehrifv bowlers. Boling is on Saturda , Feb. 19 at North End Bowl (five-pin) in Oshawa af on Saturday, Feb. 26 at Leisure Lanes (10-pin) in Oshawa. Cail 435-2456 for pledge sheets or more information. VALEMNTIE PARTIY Th. YWCA wili hold a Valentine party frciiildren aged 3 to 5on Monday, Feb. 14, 1Wt 2:30 p.m. Tere will b. crafps sing ad gaes. For more information o Wregister, eall the YWCA at 576-8880. RAMADHA4N-UL-MUBARAK Beginning Feb. 12, Muelims wilI celebrate the. sacred montii of Ramadhan. For dates and locations of area events call Lone at 666-9539. VALENTIE'S BALL-J The AIDS Committee Dunham will hold a-Valentine's Bail for the. gay and lesbian community on Saturday, Feb. 12, 9 p.m. un Oshiawa. lh. cost is $10 pe r person. For nmore information and location, eaU 434-4297. Pho b Wt k AsOsor, VItbyFree Pros 1 AQUARIUM SOCIET!' The Durham Regional Aquarium Society will meet Tuedayeb. 8, 7:30 p.m., at RS.Mcbaughlin Collegiate, 570 Stevenson Rd. (south of Rosland RSad), Oshawa. Ail are welcome. Admisson je free. For more information, cail Jim Brown at 655-585 or Ty Fisher at 831-0940. WOMEN'S AGLOW Wornen's Aglow Fellowship, a transdenominational women's group, will meet Thursday, Feb. 10 at Cullen Gardens, above the restaurant. Refreshments and fellowship*11l begin at 7 p.m., followed bypraise and worship at 7:30 p.m. Ouest speaker wiIl be Gaetane Lecours-Marshall. Admission is $7. For - more information, eall 723-9458. CARPETRACING Radio-controlled car and truck oval carpet racirxg will b. held, on Monday, Feb. 7 to 10 p., in the eafeorium at Henr Sret High Sehool. A special 'blnk cligge clase in held. Formore informàa- tion oeIl Wayne at 430-1996. Al are weboeme. LA LECIIE La Loche L.ague Whltby will its monthly breastfeeding au- port meeting on Thursday, Fe. 10 9:30 a.m The topic 11l be 'AvUatas f Breasteedng to Mother and Baby.' Mothrs babies and exp=tntmothers' are weleome. For more informa- tion, including location, eall 723- 0542. DIRAVA The Durham Region Associa- tion for Volunteer Adminisit- ration (DRAVA) will ineet on Thursday, Feb. 10, 2 p.m., at Northview Con tyiCentre, 150 Beatrice St. E.,Oîshawa. For more information Peaul 905-420. 3383. VALENTINE'8 DANCE A Valentine'. Dance, orgaiized bx the Moose Lodge in Witby, will be held on Friday, Feb. 11, starting at 9 p.m.i at t he Knights of Columbus Hal -133 Brock St. N., Whitby. There will be a light buffet. For more information, cal Bruce Norton at 668-4570. PARENT SKiLIS MUES The Faniily Education Resource Centre of Durham House is offeéring a series of four workshops for parents of ehildren aged 1 to 10. 'Understanding your child's misbehaviour' will be held Thursday, Feb. 17; 'Discipline without punishmnent,' Thurday Feb. 24; ýBuîlding your child's self-esteem,' Thursday, March 3; and 'Talking and listening with children,' will be hld 7 o9 .m. atHoly Cross Catholic School, 357 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. "lue coet je $24 for the son..s or $8 per workshop. Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, cail the. centre at 579-2021. DANCE A '50s and '60a dance will be held b4y the. Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association Ladies Auxiliary on Saturdayi ni ht, Feb. 12 at Heydenshore a lion, Whitby. Advance tickets are $25 per couple, avaîlable at Peacock Sports or Cnawf Sports, or from auxiliary membens. Music je by dise jockey Jimmy Mac. There will be door prizes, trivia con- teste and buffet. Ail money raised goes toward the minor hockey banquet. For more infor- mation eall 668-2072. SPORTS DANCE The Ladies Awiliary of Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion will hold the annual sports dance on Feb. 19 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Legion hall, 117 Byron St. S. Music will b. supplied by dise jockey Ron Moore and drew s j casual or western. Lunch provided; refreshments available. There will be spot prizand va c cancellation, snow and ski conditions, eall Enniekillen at 263-2041. Directions: Highway 401, Waverly Street eit in Bowmanville. T7ravel north on Regional Road 57 for 20 minutes to 7th Concession Road. Turn left to Hoît Road, turn right and then left înto the. conservation area entrance.

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