Whitby Fre Press, Weo.day, Febmury 2,1994, Page 25 '~~' 1' ARTI~kfI I I ARTUtkU I LOB? ~ k LE~L I 'FOR' SALE FOR FOR & FOUNO OLD CHEST 0F DRAWERS $30 (reflnish htyurself); newer chest af draw.rs W; lraning board, coffee makr, igh table, efid table, electric broom, TVsta". 66-3975. FOR SALE. Nintendo equlpment incîuding s~ ste m, power pad, contrallers, Shdow Gate, Game Genie, Batm an, Dragon Warrior, Iron Sword and much mo re. Caîl 655-4265 ater 3. QUEENSIZE dark wainut finish waterbed with 6 drawers, mirrored headboard, 2 night stands, caps & bag incîuded. $550 or best offer. 668-5530. FOR SALE - bedroomn suite - 6 iee~bed-chesterfieîd (Kraîer); ayyrocker recliner; 21 Hitachi colonia console colour T.V. Ail in excellent condition. Moving - must seli. Caîl anytime 666-8014. FIREWOOD. Excellent quaiity hardwoad. Seasoned, very dry, split. Honest measurement. ire up) wth cozy heat. Fr. delivery. 905-753-2246. CANADIANA 11 hp riding mower $600. Full size 8ft. f laul mower $1000. 2 ferule plow $150. Cal 655-8822. CHESTERFIELD SUIlES, love- seats, sectionaîs, less than haîf pri. Large select ion. McKeen Funtre, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. FORD ZEPHYR FAIRMONT LTD. New parts model 3.31 carburetor, rators and pads, drums and shoes, fuel tank, rad, vacuum boost and radio. $300. Ford 1 6 stud chrome rims $160 set. Caîl 655-8822. 1985 FORD Econoine E150. Cruise, overdrive. $1 ,300 in work ust don. recently. Needs very Iittîe. $1 ,500. Cali 666-2739, Jum. 1988 011EV. SPRINT - 2 door, automatic, low km. $2,750 certif ied or best off er. 668-1986. 1988 SUNBIRD. Auto, air, rust proofed. Excellent condition. $3,900 certified. 1986 Cavalier -5 speed, low km, new tires, excellent condition. $2,700 certif ied o.b.o. 433-1787. 85 CAVALIER - 4-door, auto, dark blue, excellent Condition. $1995. 668-2194. Need a car - Credfit problems? - W. e hase» tmeemm <mpassbn) - L«».to oeuany Maoe«'mcWs -Camhfartrad.-* CUlnoFoefqir*a LEASEGW»DE AUTO LEASN 2 8KIDOOS, 1980 SS, $950 & $750. Trailer, $200. WiiI oeil complote or separate. Call 668- STEL CLAD ENTRY DOORS 32*X80" $60 each. 4 Kero-Sun radiant 10 kersosene Imaters $25 each. 6000 BTU window mounted air conditioner $200. Homelite Model XL 1 1 6 chainsaw $60. Moffet white heavy duty washer and dryer $250. 2 Motorola model 4500L hands f re car phones $200. Caîl 655-8822. HANDMADE BIRD CAGES. Bîrds, rabbits ' guinea pigs and more. 25,000 books, new, used, rare $2.00 each. Wanted books, pets & cages. 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby. BABY CRIB SET - white soîid birch crib converts to junior bed; 4 drawer dresser converts to change table. 430-6479. BRAND NEW plumbing fixtures (Kohîer). 50% off retail. GST included. Inquire Jeff 430-1972. X-COUNTRY SKI PACKAGES. Fisher Elite 210 w/boots - 91/2; Lampinen 200 w/size 7 shoes. Bath like new wth bags and pales. 430-0947. SHOPSMITH Mark V Model 510 home workshop system. C/W casters, 40 pinter, shaper, molder with full instruction manual. $2,250. 655-8822. SNOWMOBILE. 87 Palaris Indy trail $2,000. 4 machine enclosed snowmobile trailer $2,250. 2 machine trailer with deflector $100. Cal 655-8822. SOFA & MATCHING CHAIRS - chestnut brown velour, goad condition. Apt. size freezer in excellent condition. Bassinet, cherrywood, mattress included. Excellent condition. If interested caîl 579-0246. DINING ROOM TABLE & 4 chairs. IKEA set. Nutbrown, stained, solid pe.Very good condition. Asking $0.Caîl a ter 5:OOpm. 576-9347. WHITBY SEWING M ACHINEé epairs to ail makes INDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC In-home servioe available 111 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY Peter 666-1228 .A..L.......j HANK'S APPLIANCES- Offers rou the best - CROSLEY - Best Prices, Warranty & Service. CROSLEY has a full lin. of q uality built refrigerators, gas or e lectric ranges, washers, gas or electric dryers & dishwashers. CROSLEY provides the most inclusive 10 year imited warranty of ail major brands. Hank's Appliances & CROSLEY together offer quaity& value at affordable prices. %uy CROSLEY. Hank's Appiances - 191 Bloor St. E., #6, Oshawa. 728- 4043. AUTOMA11C COFFEE BREWERS 3 burners à 2 burners (Koffee King). Used, dlean and ln mi nt condition. Inquire Robin 430-1972. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at haîf price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. LEVEL-TRANSIT David White instruments model LTS-900 C/W trpd aean ar gcase. DUBÉ DODGERS Ladies Intermediate Fastball Team is conducting an 8 week TRYQUT & BASEBALL TRAIN ING SESSION commencing January 23, Sunday evenings from 9-10 p.m. at the Oshawa Cîvic. $40/8 wk. session. Contact Les ley Doran at 668-1064. * s *YOU KIDSUFI Quality maternity and chi/dren 's clothing, toys, books, baby furniture wanted for consignment sales! K(Cidtff .-. 1011/2 Mary St. W., 4 Whitby (Pearso Lanes) 666-KIDS 1 WILL BUY your unwanted Items. BEFORE you throw. out or hide themn in your basement: Cal 728-8485, beave a message. PAINTINGS, sculpture, roliglous, musical instruments, crafts, collectables, small antiques, culture Items, trames, gifts, ceramics, poetry games, pets, cages, flowers, aid dlocks, children'sýfurniture, stuffed animais. 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby. UPSCALE RESALE Consignment boutique opening soon in North Whitby requires your quallt pre-owned maternity, childrens' & womens clothing; kids' toys & baby equipment, etc. A Iso accepting your country crafts & coîlectable. Recyollng pays $$$ IfoClifr info 4602 MORTGAGES as low as 5.751/1 o.a.c. Caîl Michael 668-7200. Anubis Investments Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. * 1 st & 2nd's Io 95% - Debi Consolidations * Prime Rates - Pre-Qualifying 571-2880 or 686-6450 (Tor. line) FOUND - orange, unneutered, maie, DSH cat. Rossiand/Cochrane area. 430-6237. HORSES BOARDED. Springfield Farmn Boarding Stable is offering large spaclous box stalîs. Daiîy turnout. Brooklin's larpest indoor riding arena. Individual feed program. For more Information, caîl 655-4280. HANDUADE BIRD CAGES. Birds, rabbits, guinea ýpigs- and more. 25,000 books, new, used, rare $2.00 each. Wanted books, pets & cages. 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby. EXLUSIVE DOG & CAT GROOMING. Prof essional, VendIe pare, de-mattinq, flea & meducated baths. Caîl Cnstina, 666-0765 or 579-9115. NO11CE TO CREDITORu AND OTiIERS IN THE ESTATE 0F ANTHONY A. VAN HEMMEN, late af 129 Annes Street in the Tawn of Whltby who died an or about the l9th day af December 1993 are hereby required ta send full particulars af such dlaims ta the undersigned executor an or befare the 1 8th day af February, 1994 atter whlch date the estate's assets wilI be distributed having regard only ta dlaims that have then been received and the underslgned wili not b. hiable ta any persan of whase claims hè shaîl nat then have notice., Dated at Bowmanvllle this 1 Sth day of January, 1994. Adriaan (Andy Van Hemmen 2545 Rundie oad Box 17 RR#6 Bowmanville, Ontario Ll C 3K7 ARE YOU HAVING1 TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. PREWP.............. (Cash, ISA, coque reeived.efo...dad..n. .*............... .......O M $7.5 9for25perdsagate 1+490neT (5Ms w aith oespitueor;graph+1ics) Regular .50plfyrtes aply -$1 0L per g te n (14 p agate fprineh Minimum sîze 1 column inch $14.70 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the fîrst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. '.4 I