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Whitby Free Press, 2 Feb 1994, p. 27

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-ifBROOKIIN}- Theft at greenhouse More than $2,000 worth of snowmobile parts and green- house equipment was stolen after a break-i at Hotner Green- houssesrecently. Police say the culprit(s) broke into a greenhouse at the. 7585 Dufs Rd. business by pryingf open a door sometime betveen f8 p.m. Jan. 16 and 7 a.m. Jan. 17. Cupid's c-ard party Feb. 9 Braolin United Church Women will hoot Cupid's Dessert and Card Party on Wednesday, Feb. 9, 7 p.m., at the Christian Education Building. Admaission is $4.26 by advance ticket sales only. F or mor inforriation and tickets, cal 655-4559 or 655-4141. Parts valued at just over $1,000 were taken off three snowmobiles. Some $1,200 worth of items which could b. used in a growing lai> were also taken. Greenhouse items were also Lunchoons for seniors and shut-ins of the. Broolin, Myrtle and Ashburn area begin Wednesday, Feb. 9 at noon at St. Thomnas Memoial Hall. Seniors are asked ta bzing a friend or neighbour who needs an outing. Transportation can b. arranged by calling Ray at For more information, cali 655-4596,655-3187 or 655-8716. taken in a break-in at the. busi- ness ini Deoember, notes Durham Regional Police Constable Jim Grimley, raisiq questions about hether' the tlueves are setting up adrug lab. An investigation is continuing. Gospel group at Burns Church The Torchmen from St. Catharines, Canada's premier. southern gospel quartet, will be in concert at Burns Church, Ashburn on Sunday, Feb. 13 at Alaewelcome, and a social hour will follow" the , concert. Thero vmill be an offering. For more informaition, cal 65r>4240. Whitby Fr»ePree, Wed*ieday, Fobruary 2,1094, Page 27 Crime Stoppera and Durham Regional Police are aln for the publc so help in solving an armod robbery ta occurred in Oshawa on Saturday Ln. 15. At 8:50 p.m.,,a male ontered tle Rave convenience store at 433 Simncoe St. . The. suspect made bis way behind the front countor and thon poented a knife at the victim. The. uspet demanded afl ýie money, includlng the lottery money. Tii. victim complie4 a#nd put the cash into a grey cloth bag that the suspect *vas holdin. The suspect is describod as male, white, age 4J5 (approimate y, five foot six inches, 180 pounds, with ëhubby hana. Ho was wearin a long, grey coat, a, blue-ry toque and a.groy scarf over bi faco. The hunting n e wassx inches in Iength. .Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for information on tMs or an y other sorious crime. Cail 436-8477 (that's 436-TLPS). As a caller you will flot have to identify yourself or have to go to court. A code number will be issuedt to you to protect your identity. Sorgeant Grant Arnold is the. co-rdinator with the. Durham Regional Crime Stoppers program and write. this article to heip combat crime. 7 0 w C/0orgg NOTICE 0F INTEN11ON «Me Councaif1h. CRp ot hile Twn ofai hY itrc obpass by-laws bctpuplose=anWse ofpath e road aJkowancebetwee Lots 22 aid 23, Cnsion 3, of aiWhdby, as ehown below. designae as Part 1 on Plan aofSumvey4OR-1 3801. 'Th. subject lands are no longer recÀred for road purposes duie b lie reent re-ahignment ai Anderson Sbtret souli af Taunton Road East The Operations Conimittae. aiWhid>y Town Counicil UMeet aÈ n lie evening ai Mond, March 7, 1994 in Cammittae Room Onie oflie Whutby Municipal Buikng, 575 RZossiand Road East Whulby for li purpose ofi h. g any peison who dlaims his or lier land MI be pmudicially afiected by li by-Iaw. Any persan wshng ta meet wili lie Comnitte is asksd ta advise lie Town C"r accorcngly by no later lian Thuiaday, Mach 3, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK N1E CORPORATI O F THE tOWN 0F WHTBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 218 PHONE: (M0) 668-680 1994 INTERIM TAX NOTIE The ftt itsaiiof tie taxes for 1994 s due and payable February 15. 1994. T&wos may b. paid a WVdhy bank wiliot colection chaeor g le Ntriicipâl =fice775 Rossland ltAd East WNv ntl.In addition, taxe may be rad by telehane ivough î Bankie, Canada Trust Easytkme or C BC LàriUp. f you hav not recoeîvd a tax bil and yau are responsiblo for payment. pkeue contact lie Tax Deparftmt ag 668-5803 ta obtain lie neasa romation. il= t îs ot rcie Mde diae pealty l b added e as non-payment ontblus. gaie"rte of 1-1/4% per monh, or part leaie. LYMI PUCE SIJPERVIGOR OF REVENUE SIDEWALK SNOW CLEARING thngle w"termonths,thie munlcipa4 ltdeans lde snow tm al sieaks in the Town ai Whitby. Please be advised that the Town Al HM b. responsible for any damiages causod by muricipal sidewaik snoev-clearnq ecupment ta abjede such as wood, concrot or ic driveway edgings, hedges or "shrb, fances and flower beds placedi by reeldents on lie puWsc roui. alowance near or adjacent b lie sidewak Repairs tb damaged sod wi be undertaken by tie Town, as deemed neceesary. Should you requioe adcftional information, please ceal us. Vour continued co-operation i appieciatgd. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERAIONS CENTRE 66844=7 ON-STREET PARKING& WINTER SNOW CLEARING Ta assist lie Town of WNhin Iweping the ebeets dear of sn, die Mlui requested to co-operate by HM parkcing in amanner tat wW inteee with municipal snow-deanng operations. The Town of Whitby has a Trafflc By-Iaw, By-Jaw 1862-85, that states, n part, lie folowng. No) persan shal on any highway park any vehidle for mare dma thre No person shall on any highway stop any vehicle in such a manner as bo interre with the movemrent ai traf tc or the dearing of snow fram lie hghways. Setin 3 Q)- A Provincial Offenses Officer, appomnted for lie canryinq out oiflie provisions ai ths by-law, upon disoove.y af any vehicle parked, stopped or standing in contravention afi lis by-Iaw may cause it bD be moved or taken to and placed or stored in=a*ial place and ai costs and dharges for remnoving, care and sto Yliro. iany, are a lien upon the veNcde which may be enforoed in lie manner provied by lie Flepar and Strage Liens Act 199(Bi 152), as may b. amended toam time tatdme. Shouki you recpire additional information, please cal us. Vour continued co-operation ir appreciated. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEJIT OPERATÏONS CENTRE 6684=7 Whitby Council and Standing Committee Meetings af the Planning and Develapment Committae and Operations Committe. ai Council are qenerally held on lie flrst and third Moncfay of each month. Whtby Town Council metys regularly on lie second and fourth Monday af each monli. AUl meetings occur at lie Whitby Municîpal Building, 575 Rassand Raad East. For furlier details coentact the ToWn Clerk ai 668- 5803. NOTICE TO MUNICIPAL ELECTORS BY-ELEC11ON French-Language Sfparate School Trustes Durham Reglon Roman Cathollc Separate Sohool Board N011CE me hereby gîven that in accardance with the provions of lte Edcctn Act and the Muiipl Elactions Act~ a by-election wM b. hold ta eleot a Fnh4anguge soparale school #mse b the Durhoe Regman Roman CaliecSepaateSohool Board wSeite French-language edoctoral groupaof the combinod munep aio BroDds Oshawva, Scga= , Whitby.Tebeconi csarb til a vacancy on theouraRgioni Roman Cathollo Soparab ceoo Board. Rgefoe 01 a tuai An C poi ntemeeed in being a canddat for Mhi office mustrelr th lerk af die Corporation of the City ofCOshawa befae h o shesed or raises any money for nacivities. Rogilalion fIms ad related infonnation can be = at the ofrK fice WIh Oshawa City CIerk, 50 Centre Stz'eet South, Oshawa, Ontaria. NomIam o Lnidt Nominations wil be received at the office of the Clark aof the Corpoation of the City of Oshawa, 50 Centre Stret South, Oshawa. Ontario, between 8:30 &mn. and 5.00 p.m. an Weckiesday, Fobry 9, Thursday, Febwuary 10 and Friday, Fob uzl1 1994 and belweon the haurs af 9100 arn. and 5:00 p.m. an Nomn'ination Day, Monday. Febnrai 14,1994 for the purpose ai nominating fit and proper prorisn for the office. Electors are hereby required takeo notice and govem thnrens aocordingly and furher take notice th-at the marner in which the nominations shal be fled is set forth in the FMjnicipal Elecbans Act Nomination formes and fuIl particulars ai procoedres bc be followed may be obtained tram the Oshawa City Clork's office. Registration and nomination are two different procedures andevy candidats le recpired bo do both. In order to raise any campa.gîind or incur My cmag expenses, a candidat must be regfistered. In order ta be a c anddt in the by-electon and b have hie or her mme placed on the bali«t a candidate must be norminatd And Rfùrfher take notice if ordy one caindidate me nominaied and has not withdrawn g the end af nonination day, the provbs ofa the MUnicipal Elections Act respecting acclamations shal apply. Hf no candidate las been norninatsd at the end af nomiaion day ta fil the vacaicy dmi Oshawma City Clark may, betwen lie haurs of90Mamn. and 500Wp.m. on Wedneeday, Febway 6,194 rcev adcrtf nominations forthe office af French-lanuage separateetod baisue bo die Durham Regin Roman CatholcepraB c oBaud. DONALD &. MoKAY, CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWN 0F WHITDY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EA4ST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2US PHONE: (O05) 6684580 In the very near future, groups and individuals who obtain Special* Occasion Permits from the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wil be required by Iaw to have ail servers of alcohol trained under the Server Intervention Program. Protect yourseil - get trand. For more information, contact Mar Stanford at Iroquois Park Complex, 668-7765.

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