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Whitby Free Press, 2 Feb 1994, p. 3

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Whitby Council agenda(s) Mndny*jWu 3 Recommenda- ions from the Planningand Development Committee That the Town of Whtby bas no objection to an application tram Pebbiestone Mufti- Services Inc. to arnend its certif icate of approvai for a waste processing and transfer site at 2000 Wentworth St. Pebbiestone, whlch processes Industil and commercial waste for transfer ta efther a recycllng depot or landf l site, Ils seeking to change certain conditions of the certif icate of approval. Planning staff have no objection provlded the applicant complies wlth provincial regulations. Carrid That a public meeting be heid ta change the name cf Elizabeth Street ta Delong Street. A short section of road connectlng Harriet Street and Clarence Drive ln centrai Whltby, Elizabeth Street was namned in 1957. However, a Harriet Street resident bas written council and asked that Rt be changed ta avold confusion wIth Elizabeth Crescent ln east WhItby. Bath the t Ire departmnent and publie works department agree wtth the name change, a staff report states. Delong Is the name of a famnily which has resled ln Whitby since the mld-1 800s. Carried Recommenda- tiens from the Operations Commitee That public works staff prepare a IIst of test locations ln WhItby that will be used ta monitor and assess varlous types of trafflc calmning techniques. Traffic caiming is the abillly to make trafflc flow at an acceptable speed That a no-parklng-at-any-tlrfle restriction be placed on the north side and wthin the bulb area of Schilling Court . Public work staff had earlier suggested eliinating parking on bath sides of the Street. Carried Whltby Fre Press, W*inesday, Februai 2, 1904, Page 3 DBIA'9 s future to be decided By Mii. Kowalold The death watch for Whitby' downtown business assocation ma hveegn. Ten agam, it could well be business as usual for the 16- year-old organization. Town council was to have held a special meeting lent night (Tuesay to deal wth the future of themDowntown Business In- provement Aiea (DBIA). Council was to hear froi both opponents and supporters of the DBIA and then consider a request te suspend the special tax levied againat businesses situated in the downtown cor.. Sports equipment retailer Gene Peacock , one of the organi- zrofa petition dem andiniz an critie Douq Anderson publisher of the Whitby Fr..es were scheduled te make presentations te council. A member of the DBIA management board was also in- vited te addr.ss council. Peacock's petition demande that a two-year moratorium b. plaoed on the 1.vy which muet b. paid by ail retail outiets and professional offices located within the DBIA boundarifs. It also stipulates that a two- thirds mjority vote of DBIA members b. obtained before the tax can be reinstated. (The tax funds the DBIA' annual budget, which Iast year totalled $15 $974. The money is used te improve the downtown's appearance and te sponsor pro- motions aimed et attracting shoppers.) Peacock's group, who claim the. support cf 85 per cent cf the more than 400 DBI members, tried te present the petition te council lest November but wer. rebuffed. Rather than deal with the matter then council chose te wait until alt.r DBIA niembers themseiv.s had a chance te debate it. That meeting was held two weeks ago, but the two factions couid not resoive their dif- férences. Mayor Tom Edwards, for on., was hopeful that the long sum- mering contreversy over the DBIA would finaily «b. put te rest on. way or the other" iast night. Edwards said h. would urge council te make a decision on the petition et the meeting and did not shy away from indicating bis position. «Because Fve been invoiv.d with the DBIA since its incep- tien, and before that, the down- town action commnitte., I think it'. necessary for downtown Whitby," said Edwards 'Tm satisfied that the DBIA's 2122 1407 2215 LET US F111 UP YOUR WINDSHIELD WASHER RESERVOIR PLUS RECEIVE A FE 4 LITRE JUG 0F WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID. BECAM NE C A our Yom saÀi mj" Expire, Feb,. e . PA fflipresent this ad al Uneol relaoemert. b 1013 Dundas St. E. 1-800-668-9247 MOBLE SERE GUARANTEED WORKMANSHP activities over the yashv been worthwhîle. 1 dont agre. with people who say it's a waste of time'hbe saad. centre ward councillor John Doistra, the Town's representa- tive on the DBIA board, could flot be reached for comment. CULLEN GARDENS ip v Restaurant Vqi mils, dessert and cottee or tea. q# , ~Our livepiano nsic "Ilprovitustthe wrigh backgrowzdfory>vu aSd yourValentine DO YOU HAVE À BROKEN WINDSHIELD?

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