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Whitby Free Press, 2 Feb 1994, p. 8

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a Page 8. Whftby Fee P"ee, Wednesdy, Febray 2.1994 whiby ueiee Ai"kenhead 's gîven g o-ahead by 0MýB By Mike KowalokI A giant hardware and building es tore proposed for Wtb has been given the "r.n hight Z the Ontario Municipal Board. Ail objections to an Aiken- head7s retail warehouse were-for- mall withdrawn at a s eial OBmeetingIast weekTown The. software piracy problem will b. discussed at a Durham Personal Computer UseWa Club meeting on ThursdaLy Feb. 10,g panm.at the CAW Vall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave, in Oshawa. Peter Bourke, litigation's manager cf Software 'blihers Association, baaed iWaahingç- ton, D.C., wvill present a multi- media demonstration addressing aspects cfr the piracy problem that coa Canadian sqftware manufacturer. an estimated $200 million annually. . The North Anierican Free Trade Act Vhich teck effect Jan. 1, 1994, hais affected copyright t'b% Canad ian Mi-Intern, tional C.1. Pacific Fu nd 1 year 9l.7% 3 year 35.7%o 5 year 19.5% 10 year 21.6%/ annual return sinoe incepfion 20.3% RSP E iig ibi ity 20%. council heard Monday. This means construction of the 126,000-square foot building cam 9 rceed acson as site plan and uidnsrxnita picatiens are ét isi standing in the wa now, councillor Ross Batten tedreporters afler making the announcement. laws. Spokespersons i the soft- ware manufacturing industry say software rental is now con- sidered illegal without the express consent cf the copight holder (manufacturer). Businesses in Ontario have stopped the' software rentaI aspect cf their operations con- centrating instead on sojtý-ware sales. But seme organizations using software may net know how te staxy on the right aide cf copyright lawa. MI are welcome te attend the Feb. 10 meeting. For more infor- mation caîl Bruce at 728-8624., -1 think they're (developers) anxioius te go ahea and we'd certainly like to se. a shovel in the ground before the end of the yeart» said Batten cf the contro- versial pro]ect. Expected te create about 240 jobs, the Aikenhead's outlet was originally one-half of a massive retil!11warehouse development Proposed for a 22-acre site on Viina Street, east cf Thickson Road. The. Price Club, an Aznerican- owned food and department store chain which operates on a mem- bership basis was te occupy the other half cf tIÏ development. (Aikenhead's, owned by I%. Molson Compais has ne con- nection with theMPe. Club.) However, following a corporate merger l'ast year between the Price Club and Costco Ware- houa. Club (a similar American- owned bulk merchandising retai- 1er), the Prie. Club component was shelved. Company officiaIs felt that a 133,000-square foot Coetco outlet which recently opened in AMax was sutffcient te serve Durham RTu«t prier te that decision being made, the original popoai from Invar Industrial Ltd. (owners cf the Victoria Street site) drew opposition from some local busineases and chain stores. Desp'te being approved by both WhMitby aid DrhmRégion councile, objections te the Inîvar return without unnecessary risk. - Fund Performance as at December 31, 1993 C.1 Global Equity RSP Fund return since inception (Aug. 93) 5.7% RSP Eligibllity 100%1/ C.1. Emerging Markets Fund 1 Year 65.00/ annuai retum sinoe incepfion 34.2% RSP ElgibiIity 20% C.1. Global Fund 1 year 35.7% 3 year 24.8% 5 year 14.4% annual retum sinoe inoepdon 10.5% RSP EIiglblIIty 20%/ C.1. North American Fund 1 Year33.1% annual retum since inception 41.0% RSP Eligibility 20% The Canadian International Group has been brlnglng the benefits of International lnvesting to Canadians for over 25 years. By empioying the expertise of portfolio managers from around the globe, the Canadian International Group has become a leader In global Investlng. For more Information about the benefits of global portfolio diversification please contact: W ~Fluanclal Conept 7c Securltios DEREK DUTKA Serving Whitby and Oshawa since 1986 106 STEVENSON RD. S., OSHAWA %579-7,777 *p~~J cncpt scMV u buoe syl r.ukiln ~dby .CG.Souriho Cep»Mon DEREK DUTKA application were filed with the 0M and a hearing had been acheduled to begin later this menth., But as council learned Mon- da1- ail objections are now gene. 'f think most wer. pertinent te, the food aspect cf it,» said Bat- ten. "When Price Club letteut, the bulk cf the objections were with- drawn .»he explained. (Loblaws was amýng the finit toappeathe appriova. touah sme cf the objec- tiens dealt with the Alkenhead's component, "it was clear the were not well-feund.d, sa4 Bat- ton. "eMost cf the ob4ectlonqpr tained t ompetitàon anaith OMB made tlathey w0r ne t intme.s.d icompetitioa con- cerna but planning aspocMs, h. said. Batton chKair of councl'o plan- ning anâ devlopmet pmt- teNe, said Castco still hod» an option on the Invar site, although h. doubte it rill b. exerci"&d «(But) with the. removal of these objections, rm confident other apliatons will com~e for- ward,'ÎBatten added. Vour Financial Health Derek Dutka The case for toreign investing Effective Jan. 1, 1994, one je allowed to invest u~p to 20 per cent of the cost base of RRSPSi in foreign holdinqz.. Jathis good or bad? From a financial planning standpoint it is very good. The corneretone of a good financial plan is diveri cation. For many Canadians, their RRSP i. their largest investment. While Canada je a great place to invest, it represente lees than 3 per cent of the total global capitalization. -Hodin assete in other parts of the world will protect you fromi poor economic conditions that may be isolated to aparticular market. During the recent recessien, the Canadian economy was much more eeverely affected than some other parts cf the world, particularly the Far East and many of the emerging markets. Whether you use stock market averages or mutm funde as a base, historically yeu will average at leAst 2 te 3 per cent per year greater returns in a foreign i.nvestnient than fin a comarabe Canadian investmient. Why je thiese? There are many reasons and I will highlight three of them. Firet, there are simply more companies te chocs. from. Second, a mutual fund manager has the authority to seek out high-growth areas and avoid areas that are in recession. Third, the investments are held in foreign currencies, therefore, the falling Canadian dollar has increased the returnB te Canadian investors. It je actually possible te have up te 36 p er cent cf your RRSP invested in foreign- holdings. For exam.n , le ssay that yeu own two muta funds in your RERS: 80 per cent in a Canadian equity fund and 20 per cent in a foreign equity fund. The Canadian equity fund je allowed to have 20 per cent cf its assets in foreign investments while still being considered 100 per cent Canadian. If that were the case, y ou would have 36per cent of your RRSP invested in foreign holding. investors muet be aware of what investmnents qualify as eligible foreign content. Penalties for ineligible assets and for exceeding the 20 per cent limit can be quit. severe. Normally a self-directed RRSP je required. With the rise cf many new economies, the potential rewards are even greater. Cali your financial planner today te give your RRSP a global perspective. Don*k Dutka îy a finandal consutan t in the M~iLb>1 Osha wa ANNOUNCEMENT BARRY J, CARMICHAEL B.A, LLB. Barrister & Solicitor 500 Brock Street South Whitby LIN 4K7 (905) 666-4396 I arn pleased to announce of my law practice from, to Whitby. the relocation Scarborough My area of practice is litigation including FAMILY law, CIVIL matters and CRIMINAL law. 1 invite both new and past clients to contact me at my new location. New clients are offered a free initial haif hour consultation. t t ~ *t *4~ *** *SW~ -- IS YOUIR POlIRTFOILIO DIVIERSIFIED? Global diversification can signiflcantly enhance your portfolio Imortaniormfzon abouttIue musualfw&dçiscordainedin ihirsipbflprospciu. ObWiîn a copyfrom Mie Cariadiman ernational Group. 151 longe Stret, EighihFloor, Toronto, Ontarjo, MSC2Y1 and read il carefudly before ùwesti.g. UJAit valie,yields and iwutmenI reurw illlucate. Past performuee anoS in&dictie offlie growh. The indicated ruW. of reaurniare the hiskrical I acomposa'd S oi rearrms iluing chi»igel in theui value and reiverbmnt of diùM eaddo moio tak i ocmb ro al, redeMpion. d&Yi&"in or optional chwaspayable by any secsoity holder which wosddlhave reâ iced ralas

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