Whitby Fre prees, We<fneday. Febwuary 9, 1904. Pag0 9 Dr. Walter Jngwersen was elected preuident of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association at the annual meeting held reoently in Hamilton. Ingwerson practises at the MacKay Animal Clinic in WVhitby. A 1982 graduato of, Ontario Veterinary College at the. University of Guelph, h. subsequently becaine board- certified in ma]] animal internai medicine in 1990. Ingwersen joined the. board of directors of the association in 1991 and bias held varioas positions on the exeutive committee of the board srnce 1992. Raisd in Burlington, Ingwersen and wife June two chfidren. Ont., bave Them Ontario Veterinary Modical Association représents veterixiarians in Ontarjo. Its. program inuclude coentinuing veterinary education,4 public relations and govermeçnt relations. COST: MIKE HOPKINS puts everythlng Into his shot ln an air hockey game recentlyat Family World arcade. The Whitby Mall amusement spot celebrated its f irst More new homes sold ini 1993 Greater Toronto Area (GTA) pnew homo sales totalled 11,297 in 1993, up 12 prcent fromn the 10,091 homnes solid in 1992, said Peter Langer, president of the Greater Toronto Home Builders' Assocation (GTHBA). "The 12 per cent increase in sales over 1992 was largely due te the remarkable monthly gains we made in the fourth quarter. "October, November and December witnessed monthly increases of 44 per cent, 70 per cent and 77 per cent respectively, resulting in a strong finish to 1993," said Langer. The top five municipalities in terins of sales were: Mississauga, 2,640; Brampton, 1,231; Scarborough, 817; Oakville, 775; and Marlcham, 718. Whitby was 1Oth with 450 sales. Other municipality new homes sales for 1993 were: Rich.mond Hill, 665; PIckering, 626; Vaughan, 601; Toronto, 450; Oshawa, 407; North York, 345; Newmarket, 316; Burlington, 301; Ajax, 288; Aurora, 229; Bowmanville, 199; Georgetown, 168; Etobicoke, 167 and Newcastle, 7. 'Tax Savings Opportunities,' the last of five financial planning seminars sponsored by the Osh- awa Public Library, will be held on Thursday Feb. 10 7 p.m., at the McLjughlin Pubýîc Iibrary auditorium. Mar.aging for capital growth, making payments tax deductible and RRSPs versus mortgag pre- payment, will be topics discussed at the seminar conducted by Lynne Downey & Joan Whyte- Elliott of Investors Oroup Fin an- criai Services Inc. of Whîty Admission is free, but tickets are required. Cail the library. blrthday Jan. 28 ana owner Paul Conway 18 planning blgger and better games for Its second year. Photo by Mmrk reuor, Whltby Free Prou Whitby General Hospital- 1994 MEMBERSHUPS ApplIcatosformebershipIh Whitb y Gneal Hospîtal Crpraton for the year February 194 January 1995, are now being acceptecl. $5.00 (for new applications or renewals) TIME: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please cail in advance 668-6831, ext. 1315 PLACE: fice of the Chiot Executive Offlcer, Secretary te the Board, Whitby General Hospital, 300 Gordon Street, Whitby DEADLINE: Memnbershlps rnay be taken out at any Uime, however, ellgibility ta vote at the 1994 Annual Meeting is depnendent on being a member In good standing at least four months prior to said meeting (le. February 22, 1994) The Annuai Meeting wiIl be held at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22, 1994 in the 2nd Floor Dinlng Room ai the Whltby General Hospital. For further Information, please cali the Chief Executive Officer's Office at 668-6831 extension 1314 or 1315. EV ERYTU-ING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT C0E MEL71NG POUT There are an abundance of ice-melting1 product on the market teday, ai dlaimig Io bfie e againstoe -and t" al arel 1 However, there are some sîgnificant differences in the performance cf the products. ROCK SALT is the Ieast expensive and probably the most used of al te de-icing products. Used princspally as a highway de- icer, it requires heat generated by the fnction of the car's tires and the road te work effectively. Mien used on sidewalks andi entranoe ways rock saIt is only effective te +20 F. UREAk the small white pellets are a eiveynew arria on the le-iang scene. Usd rncipally as a fertiizer, they are Ty SwIsl extremely slow werking and are only Netmuln effective to +25 F. Beth rock saIt and urea CLEAN-IT CENTRE 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1224 beave a Mhite &odr eiduewhen drie which tradoe int"-o ur À'd gTo neutralize this white film leit on your floor from these p oducts - we recommend Swish Wnterinse. This product wîII restore your shine and reduoe the slip hazard created by the film. CALCIUM CHIORIDE PELLETS which we market under the namie of Swish Ice Rid is the best solution to icy sidewalks. They are designed specifically for de-icing waikways and steps in residential, commercial, institutional and industrial applications. Swish Ice Rid leaves no powdery residue and does flot track into buildings. Most important!y it works effectively ail the way down to -25 F. h k» RId P.IMs md Wltedrue gthsm could È à a dy mlp.up OINTRODUCING THE ALL NEW Whitby Corporate Centre Executive Suites -Newly renovated offices as Iow as $1 75.00 per month -Available services are receptionist services, te.lephone services, professional boardroom, fax and photocopy, Dundas Street parking and much more. .Cali today 427w6283 a 666m3665 or drap by at 209 Dundas Street East Retail Lower Level 3, 4, and 5. tax savingsl DEREK DUTKA 0 Integ rate your RRSP into your overail investment strategy. 0 And much more. Get the miost out of your RRSP. Call for reservations NOW! Seating is Iimited. - - - ityan shw sne 98 1