Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Februry 9, 1994, Page il TI1ME MRUNNING OUT *_ By Mik. Iowalold TMme i. quickly runnino out on a canmpaign to save a îhstoric west Whitby home from domoli- tion. The. Fothergili Houa. will b. torn down aftér May 1 unIes. a buyor can b. found to sither j purchaso the home and adjacent property or move tho 111-year- aid building. As a rsult, Whitby's Local * Architectural Conservation Advi- sory Committee (LACAC) ban renewed its efforts to prot.ct the historically significant structure from destruction. LACAC hopes someone will step forward and rescue tii. Dundas Street West home beforo it is reduoed to rubble. Despite considorable interest initially, the hous. i. no closer ta being sold than when it won a temporary reprieve from the wreckor's ball iast September. Town council îssued a demoli- tion permit to Few-Pet Ltd., the. property ownor, and in return, Few-Pet agreed to allow LACAC more time ta find a buyer. "Whon w, firat publicized that the hou.. was slated for demoli- tion w. had a lot of inquiries,» said LACAC vice-chair Catherine Beckett. "A few were from people who had roperty and were thiinking of relocating it,» ah. said. However, the $50,000 estima- ted cost of moving the two-stor.y brick building scared away ptential buyers, Beckett said. "It'. fot economical ta move it. %e houa. i. difficult and heavy tomove,» ahe said. «Idalýywe noed someone ta tae the flouse on site.» But a. Few-Pet officials can testify, that i. easier said than don.. Tii. company bas been trying ta soîl the. property at 1011 Dundas St. W. for several years, Few-Pet solicitor Robrt 'Whit- tingtn tald council>. planning and ovelopmont commttee.in September. But when prospective buyers loarn the bouse bas a hiatorical designation, they back away, ho said. Whittington had appeared b.fore conimittee in another attempt to demolish the building. Built in 1883, the. bouse wa. te homeo f John Joshua Fother- gil a fariner and son of Charles Fthergill a noted political figure ana1 naturalist in Upper Canada. According ta LACAC, the homo i. a fino example of rural Queen Anno architecture. But a. Whittington tald coin- mittee the building ha. b.come dilapiclated and poses a safety threat. Vandale constantjy break into the bouse and the ownors fear that someone could b. iun'urd or killed once inside, b.e said. Whittington's apipearance b.fore comiitte. was the second time Few-Pet had sought a demoition permit hast year. In Juhy, the company was denied permission to demoish tho bouse. But bocauso it was designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, official notification of council'. decision waa required within 90 days cf an application for a permit. deemed to have consented to the Pot agreed to gv the 'houa. aplcation. away for fre. ad contribut. Hfowever, through inadver- $5,000 towards the cost of mov- tance, Town staff did not provide ing it. the necessary notice before expi- But LACAC would prefer that ration of the time period. the hou.. remain in ita current After Few-Pet throatened to location. sue if a permit was not issued, a "Thore are a number of (bis- comromsewas reached. torically) designated and non- lii retuen for the permit, Fow- deaignateýd buildings ini Whitby THE FOTHERGILL House as Rt Iookçed in a photo taken sometime between 1900 and 1905 (atve) and? the way Rt appears today (beiow). The historie house wiIi be tom clown aerMay 1 f a buyer can't be found to either purchase the home and adjacent property or move the 111 -year-old building. Save anexra 401/oiidtaxesomnyour RRSP contrbufio this year WORKING VENTUPES CANAOIAN FUND INC. DEREK DUTKA *The extra provincia tax credis are available to investors in Ontario, Prnce EdWard Islar' i' and New Brunswick. or more information cai: CFnancial Concept Group *Financial Concept Corpor'ation is a liensed Mutuel Fund dealer. F.C.G. Securites Corporation is a ficensed Securities dealer. boing used as professional offices," said Becket. «It can b. don. and han been don. in downtown Whitby,» ah. said. Despite ite appearance the houa. in "very tsolid,1 said bock- ett. «It looks worse on the outaide than the iide,» she said. "But a lot of work needs to b. done'she conceded. Th'e Whitby LACAC han con- tacted other LACACe and bis- torical groups in Ontario but no far no takers, Beckett saiâ. «The demolition permit won't b. used util May 1< or unleas the owner has a fïrm offer,' she said. «Tii. owner feels the propet is more valuable without it.vet Whtintntold Tiie Free Press that he reoenly spoke to Few-Pet's real estate agent about the houa. and «noboyi. actively looking at it now.»ýd «What* interest there, was, dried up. lhere was no follow- Up% 'h.said. elf someone buys the property now, the houa. cari b. demol- ished. If not the owner muet wait until Kday 1, Whittington his practise of family dentisti. please ealu 666-021144 FOR AN APPONMN " Insurance plans accepted " Days, evenings & Saturday appointiments available " Emergency cails accepted (duringqffce hours) 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. SUITE 207, (Rossland / Garden Plaza) Port said. Whittington did not know how oon the owner will want the home torn down once the dead- Uin. has paased. MULliu RAI ED OnIy 129 675g haf Reg. 1.75 Umt3 baves per customne Large MdUFFINS OnIy Re.6/3.5 Umtidoz.. per custoiner 138 HçW*. Ste, W Oshawa The Public is lnvited to an INFORMATION SESSION on the OSHAWA HARBOUR COMMISSION PORT STUDY Wednesday, February 16, 1994 C.A.W. HALL 1425 Phillip Murray Avenue Oshawa, Ontario 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Viewing of Port development plans and sketches with opportunity to discuss details with study consultant personnel. Written comments are welcomned for consideration in finalization of Port study. 8:00 Pm - 9:00 Pm Presentation by consultation teamn on study resuits to date. 9:00 pm - 10:00 pmn Question period and comments. [ For further information cail 576-0400.1 Here's an eu?;*: Investmeit in Woiidng Venuoe 5,0 Tax Savings -20 -RRSP tax deduction (at 5011'vsmed tax Sat) FedeuilTax Ciedit(20%) -$,0 PoviixiaTax Cedit* (20% wfrm acb) -$, Yourl Net CDt50 YourTotal Tax Savings$40 $5,000 U,500 $l'Mo -$1,000 $5S $41"