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Whitby Free Press, 9 Feb 1994, p. 12

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Page 12. Whitby Free Proua, Wednesday, February 9, 1994 GROWING A BAB3Y The. Childbirth Education Association of Durham will présent a fre. information session for expectant parents on Tuesday,,Fèb. 15, 7 to 8:30 p.m., at the. Ajax Public Library, 54 Harwood Ave. S. 'Growing a Baby' will focus on aspects of a healthy pregnancy ' including nutrition, fetal development, physical and emotional changes in pregnancy and healthy lifestyle choice. For more information, contact the association at 420-3890. ONE PARENT FAMIlES North Oshawa one Families will meet Wednesdy, Feb. 16, 8 p.m., at Christ Memorial Church, Mary and Hiilcroft strets, Oshawa. Guest speaker William McGee wîll discuse 'Nids for Nids! New members and gues are welcome. For more information, cal) 721-1876. DINffNRMG The Canadian Club of Durham Region will hold a dinner meeting Tuesday Feb. 15, 6:30 p.m., at Holiday k;n, Oshawa. Author and environmentalist Carolyn Davis-Flshêr will b. guest speaker. Ail are welcomne. For réservations or memberahip inquiries, cal) 571-2679 or 668-4336. COMMYUMnT «DENNER Durham Chrietian Academy, 900 King St E., Oshawa will host the annual commitment dinner Monday, Feb. 21. Dr. Roy Lowrie, Jr. fr-om Columbia, S.C. will b. keynote speaker. H. is the author of many books deaing with Christian education. Tickets (valued at $16) may be cbtained free of charge by calllng the. school office at 436-6354. DANCENG WITH MOOSE IN. Women of Moose loge will hold a country-style dance on Sunday, Feb. 13, 2 pm. at Moose Lodge, Wilso t Southl Oshawa. Music will b. provided by the, Shades of Silver Band. Noe-members welcome. For more information, cal] 728-5630 or 666-1449. THEOS FOR THE WIDOWED The local chapter of TheoS will meet Sundiay, Feb. 13, 2 p.m., at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane Street.. Theos is a support group for the widowed, and ail widowed men and women are welcome te attend. For more information, cal 668-2648. SUPPORT GROUP The Cbildren's Services council will hold an invisible disability support group for parents witn children/adolescents with ADD, ADHD and/or socalfemotional/ behaviour problemas on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 7 to 9:30 pari., at 947 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa. Guest speaker is Sherry Summeruides, co-ordinator of special services, Northumberland and Claington Board of Education. The topic will be individual education plans (IEPs) and other 1egaities Association will hold a Bow- leraina on Saturday, Feb. 12, 4 to 7 p.m., at North End Bowl, Oshawa te raise funds for the Durham Heart and Stroke Foun- dation. Each participant will bowl thre games of 10-pin. Regi stration deadline ie Feb. 21. CaL inda Tetroe at 683-5285, after 6p.m. SPORTS DANCE The. Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion will hold the annual sports dance on Feb. 19 from 8 p.m. te 1 ar. at the Legion hall, 117 Byron St. S. Music will b. supplied by dsc jockey Ron Moore and dreas is casual or western. Lunch provided; refreshinents available. lere will be spot prizes and a door prize. Tickets are $10 per couple and are available at the e on hall or by calling DANCE' A '501s and '60a dance will b. held b y the. Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association Ladies Auxiliary on Saturday,ýni*ht, Feb. 12 at Heydenshore aviione Whitby. Advance tickets are$2 per couple, available at Peacock Sports or Crawf Sports, or from auxiliary members. Music is by dise j ockey Jimmy Mac. There will Ire door prizes, trivia con- tests and buffet. Ail money raised goes toward the minor hockey banquet. For more infor- mation cal) 668-2072. JOAN MOYER (left), qovemnor of the Eastern Canada region of the Soroptimist International of the Ameicas, hands over the charter to president Sheila David of the newly formed Oshawa-Whfiby club of the Soroptimnists du.g cerernonies Jan. 29 in Whib. Soroptimists is a service orgaaion for executive and professional women, with 95,000 members in 94 countries. Te local chapter next meets Thursday, Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m., at the Granclview Treatment Centre in Oshawa. Those interested in the club are welcome to attend. Photo by JessicaUndofm, Wntby Fiee Press VALENTINE PARTY The YWCA will hold a Valentine party for children aged 3SteS5on Monay, Feb. 14, 1 to 2:30 p.m. There will be crafts, ainggan gaines. For more information dor te register, cal) the YWCA at 576-8880. VALENITES BL The AlPS Committee Durham will hold a Valentines Ball for the. yad lesbian community on Cturday, Feb. 12, 9 p.. in Oshawa. Th. cost i. $10 per person. For morm nomto n location, cal) 434-4297. VALENTINE'SDANCE. A Valentin.'s Dance, organized by the. Moos. Lodge in Whitby, will b. held on Fniday, Feb. 11, starting at 9 p.m, atthe Knghte of Columbus Hal, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby. There will b. a light buffet. For more information, cal) Bruce Norton at 668-4570. VALENTINE'8DANCE A Valentine's dance will b. held b y the. Rose of Durham on Saturday, Feb. 12, 8 p.m. te 1 a.în., at Holy Family Catholic Church, 91 Ribblesdale Dr. (near Manning Road and Anderson Street), Whitby. There will be music by the. Express Band light refreshments, cash bar anc1 door prizes. Tickets are $15 per per- son, $25 - per couple, with al proceeds te the Rose of Durham, which provides assistance te teen parents. For tickets cal) Carol at 432-3622, or go totth. Rose of Durham office at 221 King St. E. weekdays. SUPPORT GROUP Birthrnothers interested in joining a free support group to explore and share adoption and reunion issues, may contact 1B-701 Rossland Rd. E., Box 368, WVhitby, Ont. LMN 8M. Include your first naine and telephone number for information and location of meeting. EABTAND FILOWERS A Hearts and Flowers Valen- tine Special, for Iide a"ed 4 te 8, will b. held at the. Whitby Public iàbrary on Saturda,Feb. 12, 10:30 to, 11:15 a.m. R.istation began Jan. 24. LA LECHE La Loche League Wiiitby will its montiily breastfeeding sup port meeting on Thursday, Feb: 10 9:30 a.m. Th. topic will b. 'Aâvantages of Breastfeeding te Mother and Baby.' Mothers, babies and expectant mothers are welcome. For more informa- tion, including location, cal) 723- 0542. THETRE NIGRT The Canadian Red Cross Society will hold a 'Theatre Night, on Wednesday; Feb. 16, 8 p.m., at Oshawa Little Theatre, 62 Russett Ave. ' The Melville Boys,'a Canadian oemedy wiîl b. presnted. Tickets are Ï13 par par son. ickets are available at Saywel)'s and the. Red Cross office at 45 Bloor St. E. in Oshawa, and at Ms. Emma's in Wiiitby. For more information, cal) 723-2933. O)RIENATION SESSON Tii. Big Brothers Association of Oshawa-Whitby will hold an oientation session for mothers on Tuesday Feb. 15 and for osedvs Bi. Brothers, î"e y.,Feb. 2.For more information and regigtration, oel 579-2551. ST. JOHN COURSES St. John Ambulance offers courses (basic rescuer, child and infant, standard first aid, emer- gEncy flrst aid) in Durham Rygon during February. Cal) 447800 for more information. CHRONIC FATIGUE Durham Region Chronic Fatigue lýyndrome/M.E. Support Group wili meet on Wednesday, Feb. 16, 7 p.m., at A.E. King Memorial Complez, Kingsway College, Oshawa. For more infor- mation cal) Renoe Leahy at 655- 4398. TIC LUB The Firet Oshawa ITO (Inter- national Training in Communi- cation) Club will minet on Tues- day, Feb. 15, 6 pan at the Hong Kong Restaurant, ôséhawa. The. clubdvloscndechipb lic speaking and leadership. Cot is $14 For more information cal 725-9179. EUCHR The Whitby Branch 112 Lgo Ladies Auniliary will ho)d a euchre on Thursday, Feb. 17, 8 ..,at theL¶«on hall17 $"ÏTmilu isunch and prizes. Ail wecome. EAD INJURY The Head Irijury Association of Durham Rtegion ilfl hold support gup meetings on Wednesday, Pe.-16, 7:30 p.m., at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Ail are welcome. Survivors wiil meet on the main floor, family and caregivers, upstairs. For assistance with transportation, cal) the office at 723-2732. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club will meet on Sunday, Feb. 13, 12:30 te 4 pam. at the Arts Resource Centre, behin;d Oshiawa City Hall. For more information cal) Earl Macean at 728-1352. ONE PARENT FAMLIES Oshawa Chapter On. Parent Familles Association will meet T'uesday, Feb. 15, 8 p.m., for coffée, cards and conversation at the Adria Cultural & Sports Club, 432 Simicoe St. S. For moreo information, cal), 436-5089 or 728-1011. ROLLERSKATE FOR MS Th. Multiple Sclerosis Society Durham Chapter and Wheelies invite falmilles te rollerskate for MS on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 7 te 10 p.m., at 901 Burns St. E., Whitby. Admission is $3. Wheelies will donate rink time, staff will work free of charge and all door dàoWil Pte MS. Prizes. ormore information, cal) 666-1272. STAMP CLUB Th. Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday PFeb 15 7 to 9 .m.at ONeill M (a!tei) DUMRHAM Homs SHOW Durham's Greatest Home Show, sponeored by Sondance International, will b. held Feb. il, 12 and 13 at Durham College. Show hours are Frlday, 4 to 10 pnm; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 n-m. Admission la $3. There will Lý-arîu9seminars, numerous producte and a spring fashion. show each day. DINNR RMEEIG The Inter-Church Group, Ten Days for World Development, wil hast a dinner meeting Saturday, Feb. 12, 6 p.m. at St. AndrewIs Proobyterian Church hafl, 209 Cochrane St., Whiby Speaker Francisco Rico Moutline challenges faing1 El Salvador as that countryhode its f&rst democratic élections iMarch. Tickets are $6 each or $15 per faznily and are available. by oeling Suzanne Schembri at 436-6903 or Don Warne at 668-5372. RAMADEL4N-UMIJBARAK Beginning Feb. 12, Muslims will celebrate the sacred month of Ramadhan.- For dates and times of area events, cail Lone at 666-9539. SOFTIWAREPIACY The problem of software piçy will be addressed at a meeting of the Durham PC User.' Club on M ersdy Feb 10 7p.m at the CWHaIs, 14à5 Nhi r urray Ave., Oshawa.ý Peterp Bourke, Software Publishers Asociation litigation'a manager will b. guest speaker. AlwZIcoeme. For more information cail Bruoe at 728-8624. PO FlEDISCIPLIN The Family Education Rtesoure Centre of Durham House. j offering an eight-seeson stuy rop for parents with chidreage S e 1, focusing on understandig why children bebave the way they do and learning positive, patcal ways for redirecting misbhaviour and encouraging children. The group will meet at St. Theresa Catholic School, 173 Crawforth St., Whitby, 7 te, 9 p.m., starting Wednesday, Feb. 16. For more information, cal) the centre at 579-2021. VIDEO CAMERA woBKSop The Oshawa YWCA is offering a video camera workshop for adulta on Saturday, Feb. 19, 1 te 4 p.m. Bring a cameorder. Cost ie $15 per person. To register, oel 576-8880 or drop by the office at 1 McGrigor St., Oshawa. UNIO1W VAIZNTJNEDANCE The WhitbY Seniors Activity Centre, 801 Brok st. s. wilil hold Seniors plannzing a trip can learn travel tEipead how t pacýk properly at th htbçy Pemor Actity Centre, 801 Brck St. S. on Wednesday, Feb. 16 at 1 p.m. Cost is $1 at the door. Refreshments wif be served. For more information, oeil the centre at 668-1424.

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