Page 24. Whitby Free Prose, Wednesday, February 9, 1994 Pickering deals j uniors 2nd loss During the p"s week, the Whitby Midas Muffler junior girls' ringette tearn won two of their three leaguepy games. On Jan. 29P, &t balot for only the second time ds season to their Pickering 'rivals, coming out on the short end of a 9-4 count. Leading tho Wbitby attack was Tamara Wiesolek with three goals, whilo Angela Dunn had the other goal along with two assiste. Cailie Corneal had two assists, while Lindsay Mllard and Ainsley Hunt had sîi1le lpers. Luanno MacKenziq, Playng only her fo urth gie in goal, handled the goatsnding duties. On Feb. 1, Whitby controlled ail aspects of the. gamo and skated to a solid 5-1 Mictory over Markham. Scoring for Whitby wero Angéla Dunn with two goals, Catie Challoner with a goal and an assist and Wiesiololc and MacKenzie with single markers Teain assista went to Amenda White, Millard, Comneal and Lindsay Field. Heather Hurst, called up from the tween team, played a solid gaine in goal and Zepatedly thwarted the Makhaxnattackers. On Fol>. 6, Whitby wont to Sunderlanrd to face this teain for the firet Urne this season and, in a veiy close and intense gaine, omerged with a 7-6 'victory. Scoring for Whitby were Wiesiolok with three goals and an assist, foIlowod by Dunn with a goal and two assit,Challoner a goal and an assist and aingle markore te Brea Blight and White.à Other team assists wont to Amy Sagan and Lindsay Milard. Goaltending duties were handbedi by MacKenzie who played a solid game in the Wihitby. net. Whitby HOUSE LEAGUE MDCET Raoya Ertels Mà l swli 2 Jamn VaIn Jim Maasws Sott Pritchard Van Veen Snp On KoviGrahm Neil Vitman Lonnau Drum Ltd. Anmrw Ferguson 8h. Hsaiy Dadd à Swute Robert Mtir Raya Ergerprso Jonthan Toiles SmK- eu &Bc Macs. Lodg. - WMI. Lutinais DrmLtd. Dr. Ssmotiuk Orikuj Ntional Ato Glas Raya Erierprbse Dodd a Sasier 7 WhkoyFme PnU Robin MaDaugul 2 Hlghl#MdVan ShanKmm DvidDooy MOR ATOU 2 Macs Lodg.-WhIl. Nicai.Haulq 1 Nuthinal Auto Gi.. De"nyCoud 3 Kurtis LkKd. Soc«i Eymuin 2 Dr. Ssmaltisi Dril. lInPukar mandlà 9s ofc Fab. 7 Goa.Stiodue CA Chrhotopher Faxwull. Lennox 27 SphnLutinis.LutinasDrwn 6 MasDi Ays Et «r 30 , : W e =M f N =% o d g e 3 8 Mitea Rdaia, Ddda auer51 Chri FudaliDdd &Sotier S AuanSoilsyDodd à Sater 3 Jordan Gilos. N9iarulAtto Gi.s 38 DAVE SILVA raises his stick in triumph atter sconng to give Anderson CVI a 2-0 Iead over Henry Street High Sohool in high school hockey action Thursday. Anderson went on to beat the Hawks 4-1. Photo by Mwk Roobor. Whltby Fmu Prou 25th year for popular mixed bonsp ici Sixty-four rinks from Whitby and Oshawa and other aroas as far awa y as Ottawa and Hunts- ville will compote in the Motor City Mixed Bonspiel Invitational Feb. 25 to 27 'n Whitby and Oshawa. 1994 marks the 25th annivers- ary of the event that began as a warm-up bonspiel, attracting 40 rinks, for the men's Brier whon it was held ini Oshawa in 1969. A member of the winning rink of that popular first ovent sug- Brot Macoahoin Dr. Sermatiuk 31 222 Bendan Pol. Dr. Srnotiuk DîlUer 2 2D0O Top Soo.oos sof Fut. 7 0GA vamC" afdNtionslAuto Glns 30 2 Chrhstcpher ESmn% Law=oxDmwn Il74 Mithow Graham. Lnnox Drurn il 10 Cul loulo. Mca.. Ldg - Wbltb15 2 Som Bracih. Dr. Ssrntluk Ddilr11il5 lkm Puhor, Dr. Ssmotluk Culai 12 I ElkaItFtzsîrnmfwo.,Moa. Lodg. il 1 Nchai.Hmwdy Mocs. Lodg. 9 3 Grog Johnstan. D. Sntkk 9 3 ESiyWhdey SoxDrm1 il obet Mur. Ddd &Sosie 7 2 Androw Furgwson.Lutina Drum 7 1 OD.aùBeo.Lui- DrumnUd. 4 4 4 Shan o 41*,LutinaisrnULd. 4 3 Sm iThoradke, RCys EiOSp,4 3 4 Juti Slvm NtirdAuo 3 4 . 15 AVO 2A5 amo 2.75 325 av 5.I) a&o 200 av7 MAJOR SOUURT feb. 0 Whh by O= all il mamcRo"d Mioas MKszb3 Tyler Me* Jashum MUOV 2 Aaron Psumcck R4laShuia SIq*m oFston Dérck Crabb Corma,, à Wmb ô 5 MiicÀw Ora. Cwnera Cuuldy 2 Dwryl Ouinien 3 Brn Crahw 2 Jardan Potter 2 Gclfmy NUisI Tira Liai JarasoDbok A. 4 LessaraConuaiti, Juan R.od JusinoFoxs Spydm. 10 Brodri Logion Mét nwjn 3 KWn aui mi Zam Giot 3 BcIm Scat Andow Moadgoa2 David Adarot jan KGne nèef f06. Whkby OplfrTsts 17 Lmoxn Consuking1 %iydots V Muar Rsnaida Cutma,,à aW.sks a g.ste thobonsiol should be el d et ryh yoar and it was calod theMor City bonspiol when it was held the following yEvo;nts are held at the Whitby Curling Club, Oshawa Curling Club and Oshawa Golf Club. Curling at ail three locations is onFriay,'Fob. 25, 7and 9p.m., Saturday at 9 ad il and 1 and 3 p.m.,an Sunday at 9 a.m. On Sunda there are six games at thoWhtby and Osh- Brachin Loglon Mitcol Bras. Juta.. Ock Aggnçm Lamine m a. of-FOL. O mc a dwzis, WhUby piris.t, Joshue Mibh. Whitby Optknist 4 Bobby ScatBmaklh Logon Mal 8noWd. pydmr R.ndy Walon. Jma 1 OIak Kn lhnu, Lamom Cea<4i K. Mwphy. Mata Rsmud N. Calter. COrnonSbk JrnPaier. MtlBras. 1 Justin Fm., Lnam Cwonsi*k1 Tybar He*. Mua Rs"w1 A. Luany, Carao à W.sks CunaanCuad. C a awssb 1 K" wln AoplsBraciMnLoglan 1 8Sphsn Foton. Whltby Opiri1 Zua Gmue. %)yd» D. Aid. &roklin LmgOm Dm oua sn. Loam nConsaing1 MNOR SCIWRT FIL. 6 Bpoody Atto Gi.. Brookn Logbon 2 Phlp Mihois 2 PlIlkAgain Sports 9 Adwn Johniton3 Nichai. Jardin Jay USingo M"hms. basa astmEtherhagon Da4dAlluo MW" ulTuK Whîtby Trcphy 3 Je" uaBs.udr2 JUonCUOldy Sof Fut. a Braciin 1mion Pky t AgoïlSports Spe yAA'&Ia" W L 062 862 3 5 1 7 Lalm mom Phip Moiorne, BrooanLagion Andku. Fanac. Broakin Logion Admis Jahnsi.Pay Ut Agoks Luis Caraco.B aidnku Ched Trhhod.aa.PW #UAgi Janm Cam*d. Whity Tcpiay Brod Smrith, S..yA utoGm Jordn omdis=W=Ut Trphy lI Farquhutuan.WMUty Trophy Brendua Oki0 u.Broakin Lg Nocialu. Jui. I.'UtAk i J@q SIrver. t PI%etA9aaSt# awa curling clubs with the final six games at the Whtby club at 4:30 p.m. Henary scores thbreehiloss Whitby Fabries novice ringette team lot 7-3 in a woekend gaine against Markhamn. Whitby had many scoring chances but wero continuaily stopped by Markhiamn's polie. Cortnie Henry scored ail three gols for Whitby and Joanna Telshad an assist. Whitby goulie Eristen Alphonso played well and made some great saves. Whitby plays in a tournainent this weekend in Pickering. Golf privi-neges The Lung Association will ho sefling 1994 gof pivilogbooks in time for Valentines a. Ine cost is $25 per book which ilows play at discounted rates at 90 courses. P mroeinformaion or to purchase a bookc, cail the assoiation at 436-1046. Whitby select MAJOR NOVICE spours by Crs.? Spomt Féb. 5 - mshi*ion Whhby ai. Bow" s3 Patrbc& Long2 Mit Anmis 2 Puai Lond Pl"i Vandsrl BaiCu Lm. Wdlga Gaci sl 12CeduHa Frasord Tosunsfl Fé. 4 Whmibv Bria Chard 3 mn Amis Androw HIsoan Whiby Jan. 30 - ilot ;hauM cWh 1 5 Ausor 0 PautHao 3 Puhuoà d The bonspiol includes a brunch at the host Whitby Curling Club and a dinner =n dance at the General Sikorksi Pohish Vêerans Hall in Oshawa., "It's mainly a fun thing for the clubs," says Anne Sonley, an Ashburn resident who is chair for this year's 25th annivorary event. The Jeif Stauffer rink froin Guelph won last year's bonspiýel, and Alison Goring's Bayview rink won in 1992. The Whi*tby Girls Softball Association Wiil hold tryouts for the rep midgot team Feb. 13, 20 and 27, 5:10 to 6: 10 p.m., at the Civîc Dome in Oshawa. For more information cali Rosemary at 666-3636. Bantam tryouts will ho at the saine location on Feb. 19 and 26, 7:50 to 8:50 p.m. Cail Bob at 666-2908. For information about novice tryouts, cail Jim at 655-3454; sqmUrts, John at 666-2223; mites, K or Jane at 668-8443. Ak.o.tTumua Jus. 28 Whltav Mm. MI*ie jeu HM Sdri- lm 4Iton JWL.29 Whkby Jan.27 - loque AKndmo Ham Thor. MeWhir Pud Vwanddp Félà . 5 Whkby Whkbv Adwn Steins M4vp - And.w L"be 3 WhIlZnyk Js. 25 - e.xlIn WMkby 3 CoderHO O Ii.*oe 3 Lhdawul *NOR NOVICE qopmb6yTDBmu MoNo.TO.aiue O w ity 1 Bot 1 utimEs O Lhsbluo. 1