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Whitby Free Press, 9 Feb 1994, p. 30

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Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Februgwy 9, 1994 D U R H A M R E G 1I0N Action Cormmittee for Training £-:&0 E. ' W&0 I REQUEST FOR PROPOSAI VENDOR MEETING Durham Roglon ACT will b. tendering numorous training Fro rams, subjeot to Federal Govern ment, Funding, for the 1994/95 fiscagl Year. A MANDATORY meeting will be held in the ACT office, 209 Dundas St. E., #200, Whitby, Ontario on Frlday, Febrar 5, 1994 at 8:30 a*.m* OnI those vendors in attendance ill . e 'ble to tender on pnio ACT's fiscal 1 994/95 proagrams. The required Request For Proposai disk will gnlybeav"a'Iable atthe endof this meeting for a nominal fee of $50.00 (ail applicable taxes included). You must RSVP by calling the ACT offi!ce at (905) 430-8511 no lator thon faon, Frlday, Fobruary 18, 1994. INVITAT1ON TO PREQUALIFY AS A MILLWORK SUB-CONTRACTOR for the MiIIwork requiremnents of the Whltby Psychiatrie Hospital Redevelopment ln Whltby, Ontario for the Minlstry of Health PMrO«s No. MOII - 74WO8 The purpose of 1h18 Invitation ls ta prequallfy MlIwork Sub- Cotracters wha have the relevant experience and whe are lnterested in provldng Millwark sub-cantractlng services for the new Whitby Psychiatric Hospital located In Whltby, Ontario. The scopeo f werk le brl.fly d.scrib.d ne follows: *Supply and Installation of ail bullt ln mlhîwork. *Supply and Installation of waed deors. sSupply andcIinstallation of ail built ln tack boards and chalkboards. *Installation et finish hardware. *Installation et hoiiow motel doors and frames. The generai contract was awarded ta Ellis-Don on Navomber 22, 1993. Milwork Sub-contracters who can prove their experlenco In the management, construction and campletien cf major Institutianal projects of a similar type, size and cemplexity wlth la construction value et approxlmately $3.5 Million are Invted tu> submlit pre- qualification packages ln 1he forms avaîlable!tram: Ellis-Don Construction Ltd. 2 Shepard Avenue East Suite 2000 North York, Ontario M2N 6LS Th. compldeted statemnent wil be evaluated toeostablish the capablîty et the lnterested Miliwork Sub-Contractors, and those frme qualiiying wili then b. invlted to submt'bids. Prequalfîications submlissions on the speclfied forme wiliib. received until 3:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, Februar 22, 1994l. Ellis-Dan reserves the right te accept or reject any or ail respondents based on the Information recelved. For furthier information, pie... contact: Mr. Michael Viscont Ellis-Don Construction Ltd. 2 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 2000 North Yorku, Ontario M2N 6L5 Telephone No. (416) 226M22 Site Office Ne. (905) 666-0069 The Ontario Government supports equitable employmeht practîos ln the private sector and encourages yau te take an active role in achieving the goals et Employment Equhty. Please recycle thisWnewspaper NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F AjITHONY A. VANSFEMMEN, lateocf 129 Annes Streetiln the Town cf ,Whlty who diod on or about the l9th day et December 1993 are heroby Ir ed te send full particulars cf such dlaims te the undersignod executor on or before theo i th day cf February, 1994 aftei~ which date the estate's assets wilI be distributed having regard only te dlaimrs that have thon boen recelved and the undersignod wili net be lhable te any 'persan et whose claimrs ho shal net thon have notice. Dated at Bowmfanville this 1 5th day of January, 1994. Adriaan (And) Van Hem men <2545 Rundie RWa Box 17 RR#6 j Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3K7 AUCTION SALE. tKahn Country Auctionsu - every Wednesday Mt 6:30 p.m. lecated on Breck Rd, Pickering, 3 miles norlh cf Hwy. #401(take exit #399).1 Featuring everyWed. an exceleyt select ion of antques, fine furnishings, glss, china, collectables, primitives and ether ùnusuals. Se join us overy Wed. and partucipate In onset Ontarlo's utruer auctions wfth ne buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, cheque (with proper W..) or Visa. Previsws frein 100 pin. "Consuignmont & estate aolling Our specialty . Cali us todw - Kahn Auction Services - 683-0041 MOGREGOR à WEST AUCTrION SA ANTIQUES, COLLECABLES, HOUSEHOLO EF GIS & SPORTS CARD OETION SUNDAY FEB. 13 ot 11:00 5PORTfi CA RD ,I2:-,00 REGULAR AUCTiON 0RONOTOWN A LL MAIN ST ORONO (Tako401 to 11515iW. &Nol lolun) Sports cards wii be selling downstalrs M 11:00, partial lest Inclues rare Bobby Orr rookle card, TalI Beoy cards, eod hockey cards from 609. tope. Parkhurst etc. Bih Rlpkn promo errer card, boxes, binders, singles, sets, stars, autoqraphs, basobali, hoky& misc. card&, imited etionprints by John Grètzky, Roy Clarke, etc. A must attend event for the card collecter. Note: 11:30 start Regular auction starta at 12:00 & features a quality selectien of antique furniture'in rot inlshed & as found condition, plus numnerous household collectables, pine buffet, ash bonnet chest, washstands, eid çupboards, lbrary table, wlcker babyi carrnage (c. 1 920's). oak waii phono, misc. tables, ol chairs a rockers, dressers & çhests et drawers, oid beds, geld weigh scale, É4uilt, shotgun, oh l ampe, dcks, old coins, jewellery, electric snow blower. glass & chia. Plus many more raie & unique collectabls. Auction Meatures an excellent selectien cf articles. Mnt0 11:00I wbih rn Datitf SAT., FEB. 12 AT 10-.00 AU EXCELLENT ANTIQUE, QUALITY FURNITURE GLASS VEHICLES AT OR VAL IcEi i OON CENTER, LINDSAY Selling for the PUBLIC TRUSTEE complote household contents, & other estate property. Beautful carved dining mcm suites, gargeous bedreoni suites, gentiemans chest with drepfrcnt desk, several unusual desks , buffets, walnut hall stand, fancy carved sotte., Victorian wing back chairs, walnut Gevemor Winthrope desk, china cabinets, several end & fancy parler tables, soin. modem furniture, soctionai chesterfiold, appliances, dlocks, students lainpquilts, dock, German porcelain, glas & china, 16 Royal Doulton figurines sports cards, old comics, 189 âhrysler New Yerker, loadod. '89 Mazda 323, '88 Mustang, '88 Suzuki Samari 4X4, '85 Topez. Parital list. OR VAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 70&-324-2783 LIDSAY SUNDAY AUC71ON THIS SUNDAY FEB. 13 AT 1 2NOON PRéflEW 11:30 AT NHE KNIGHTS HALL 133 BROCK N. WHIBY (Hwy. 12) Part list only includes: antiques, reproductions1 open dlsh cupbeard, pin. robe, 6" pins harveet table set, oak secreta" desk pins bock cases, parleur & occasio'n'a tables. Persian & Orient carpets, linen boxes, jelly cue* ads, deoys, handinade STiffany type lampe, cast rocker, Cheval mlirro" lU c'dan, lamp table, table/hutch, peanut jai, pins coffe. tabluse, prints, ctres, pins T.V. centre, damons ench, dressera, chests, bedroom suite, brase pcs., trunks, dining mcom suite, drop leat tables, planters, sçpinnet desk. treadle sew machine, tenches, giassware, china, quik rýcloe, PR rilre chairs, rockers, plus much moe. Terrns: cash, cheqvi (VISA, MIC 3% prom.) Dellvèry availabie. 1.00 bld cards. AUCflIONS tUNUMITED 519-345-2426 TUES., FEU. 15 AT 10-:00 AMl. UNRESERVED RESTAURANTIBAKERY AUC71ON AT OR VAL UCLEAN AUCT1ON CUJIER9 LINDSAY. Undor Instructions froin a socured creditor ». wilI supplement & liquidate the complote assets of a modemn Restaurant/Akkery by auction featunng Taylor Sottes master centrol soft ce creain machine. Bakery oquimnt, restaurant oqupient g waie, tables & chairs, seating for 108: etc. Most lemnsbetween 1 & 2 y sais old. Office 4q mnt & fumiture, 1'91 Ford Expierr VLT 4X4. loaded, '91 Chsv AstreVan 9 4 00 k).'89 Bulck LeSabre 8î,kmdd, 88 eepCheroke. Laredo 4X4. IoaLT. Vohicles selling subjoct te ownsrs appreval. Ternis: $200 rot undabie bMders . taratlams_y up.tl CORNEIUS AUCTION BAR FM DAY FEU. 25 AT 6:-00 PJ. -ME PRO('RTYOF RICI<&& UNDA FLEMING 0F SCARBOROUGH. GE almond side by side frldgefreezer & 301n. olctrlc steve, teak dlning mcmr suite, Jaques & Hayes dresser, secretary, chesterflelds, modern dressers & chest of drawers. More details week of sale. If planning any type of spring auction et your place cr mine, large or smali, we would appreclate a call DON OR GREG CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS RR#1 LITTLE BRITAIN Ai' 705.786-2183 THANKS TO ST. JUDE in the naine of Jesus Christ for faveurs rocoived. MHD. c9nnectidns 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATELINE 33 YEAR OLD FEMALE. Good sense et humour, .sensitive & uniderstanding hoping te meet gentlemian e samo nature. 430- I é Free To Lad ies Seeking Gents *Men As Low As 970 A Day 430-7060

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