Page 8, Whtby Fr. Prees, Wednesday, February g, 1994 ___________________ *Â-1 rn business Colineeoffersempoyrs satisfactionguarantee Durham Collage ban become Ontarid>'s firet 'satisfaction guaranteed college' by taking on an initiative that will give the. 1994 graduates the. competitive ede in their job marches. Ifan employer finds that a graduate lacks a eil or area of training suitabie for their company, normally acquired in his/her college program, Durham college wili provide additional training at no charge. The. guarantee ap hes oa 1994 graduatos WC obtain fuil-time, part-time or contract postions related to their aresof study. "Our business, essentiaily, is te pepe our students for the. woring world. To Mr~ them well, we have provîr'highly qualified staffl relevant knowledge, practicai experience and input from involved program advisory committees," comùmented Durham College president Gary Polonsky., Mlichelle Nichols, vice president of poot secondary and continuous learning, feels the. guarant. je goeng to b. extremely poitive for students. W.know our curricuum 18 relevant and current and that ail" staff, in and out of the. classroom, are contiuti to the. succem do our students. This initiative wMi build assurance for employers and promte life-long learning fir our raduaates"» Nichols mye a moid traëcdng system will b. developed to ensure f.edback from eniployers will be utilizd ln furtiier curriculum development and wilI b. evaluated consistent- wlth ail quality Initiatives. Poioky sa W ith this puarant. DurhamCollege is letting mployers know we stand behind our gauts ietheni .theyilavle to 9your bottom lime. 1 guarante. it." F il _ I Your Financial Health Derek Dutka Dollar cost averaging ln your RRS-P Do yu wat areal easy way to save income tax and build wealth?om:bine three proven nioney-making strategies into one and your financial future will brighten considerabiy. W. have already discussed in earlier columnen that the RRSP je the number-one tax sheiter in Canada. We have also discussd how equities and RRSPe are well-suited for each other because they are both oriented for the. long term, and the. hi er returns associated with equities will mean a larger % nest egg. Wy don't more people invest in equity then? Ini a word, volatility. Although equities have a proven record in the. long term, they do fluctuate (considerably at times) in the short terni. M osPloe associate these fluctuations withrsadilo were forced to take your nxoney out during a downward futation there is a riek that you may not recover ail your capital. However, t.ii longer the. time frame, the. more the fluctuations change fr-on a real riek to a peroeived risk. Here's your chance to turri those downward fluctuations into extra. profit: make your RRSP investment by monthly pre-authorized cheque (PAO) into an equîty mutual fun. Every tme the maret goes down, y ou cari cheer because your PAC bought more shares than it did last month. As soon as the market goes up (which it eventually will), your portfolio will increase subtantially. Dollar cost averaing, as this je called, gets the best average prioe without the. effort of trying to time the. market. It alec> foroes you to inveet when the market je down, which je what succeseful investors do. Professional managers inake their greatest gainsb positioning themselves in good sks when the. markets are low and nobody else wants to buy. And finally, if you have been contributing ail year, you won't have to run around tryng to ecrape up money to top up your RRSP in February 0-ie most people do). Call your financial planer today to start a systematic savinge program in your Derek Du"k is a fiancial consultan t in the PWtby/ Osha wa ama. WHEN FRIENDS GATHER co-owners Janine Turner (ieft) and Terri Clemente at work in their recently-opened Hopkins Street craft store. The store is unique, the, partners say, because it offers craft-maklng know-how, advice and supplies ali under one roof. Photo by M.irk Peu«.r Whittiy Fr.. Pros NE WL Y-PENED 0WNEN FEDS GA TE Craft store offiers classes By Mark Reesor A new Whitby business is offering craft supplies and know- DBIA petitonignoe To the Editor- Re: Pétition te place Downtown Business Improvement Area in aboynceand Feb. i special coucilme etiùng It was with astoniehment and disbelief that the proponents of the. petition te place the. DBIA on hold for two years witnessed an unabashed and utterly biaoed coundil denounce their petition at the. special couricil meeting on Feb. 1. Approximately 360 of 400 businesee supported thie petition but democratic principles were discarded by council with pompous abandon. During the. meeting, councilor Don Mitchell indicated tint h. places very little credence in petitions. In other words, écuncillor Mitchell would and did ignore the. 85 per cent mAjority who signed the e tuton and thereby gave credence te tth. 16 per cent wiio didn't sigri. 1 suspect Jag Bkaduria would have a similar opinion to councilor Mitchell with respect te petituons. Councillor Judi Longfield eaîd the. petition was "toc> narrw." It's perhape toc> narrow for Whitby coundil but not so for our motuvated, intelligent business community comprised of doctors, dentise, lawyers, corporate heads,. pharmacias, retailers, service-criented buoineees consultante, publishere, insurance brokere, financiai experts, Montessori achool, etc. It was an excellent petition, duly executed. It could have been the. vehicle te rid DBIA members of the. special tax levy for at least two years. That moratorium would have been a eaving of almost $10,000 for Miracle Mart. Had ii. DBIA been put on iiold, the 40 members wiio didn't *ign would have only saved $22,ý000 from a budget of about $300,ý000 over two years. Tiies 40 mnembers have a lot of lout for the. smali contribution they make to the. overall DBIA budget. It is interesting te, note thnt in a Nov. 19 letter te, Gene Peacock, Mayor Tom Edwards stated that "if the. merchants wanted te end this endevu it is their right te do so." About 360 businesses did, about 40 didn't. What happened te, rights? This je a very arrogant and undemocratic way to treat the. vast majority of businesees in the. DBLA area. If je unfortunate that council doms mot have the. wisdom of the. late esteemed Dr. M.W. Butte (my mentor) who was so strongiy opposed te tuis mandatr tax. The revoIt will go on.We illnot let uIù down. An "ini" statement is "Governments are urifair, untrustwortliy, etc." I arn sure thus does not apply te al poiticians but on. would have Len bard preseed te have, seen any evidience of fair play and trustworthines' dieplayed dur*n the. etaged debate at taWhitby council meeting. Personal letters froni businesea. ;ru gthe. DBL to b. plaeed* on hold mayb directed te, 405 Trent St. W., Whitby, LiN M4. Shfrfy Scott Reprentative fer several DBIA bsnse how urider one roof. When Fýienjds Gather co- owners Jare Turner anid Terri Clemen t ýh ave years of experience teaching and creating crafts, everything from porcelai dolîs, collectable bears and cut and pierced and Victorian shades te arranging fresh and dried flowers. Clemente has designed floral arrangements for 23 years anid ran craft classes at Sheridan Nurseries and, most recently, at Weall and Cullen. 8h. is con- tinually tgking courses to upgrade her ekille and keep up with the latest trends. Turner je well known on the craft show circuit. Shes made and soid crafts through a home- based business the. last six years and- han taugiit craftmaking ekilîs for the. past year. The. partriers carry a full lin. of crftsupplies and will b. offering lessons and «new and interesting workshops rouh out the year, includin g some designed es ecîially for chidren. Among i e topîcs offered is a worksiiop on the. latest decorat- ing tool, "blockirig,» a printing technique which cari be. ued to decorate waIlisp"per, fabric, glass and even lurniture. mhe emphasis, both i work- shops and with walk-in custo- mers, is on "quality and service,» ays Turnler. People cften complain about there not being enough know- ledgeable staff in stores... w. ofl'er free advice and we're always here... (and) if we can't answerour question, we'1l find somebody who cari.» The. shop has its own kiln, and offere classes iceramics and porcelain as well as a fig service for area hobbyists. Clemente and furnr aise want to offer services to profès- sionale - florista looking to, upgrade their ekilîs, for example --and will soîl work briocal artiste as well as rent tem space to, teach a particular craft or ekill. «Wd 1k. to ultimately get as many crafts as possible under on. roof,»" says Turner. When Friende Gather will hold its officiai opening Feb. 17 at 1 pan. The business je located at 1450 Hopkins St., unit 6, Thieves apparently fled with-. out takinanyhig ter break- ngintofthe Bailely Big V drug store .aly Sunday mornmg. Witnesaes phonied police after noticing -two men, one armed with a crowbar, breaking a front window at the. store around 3:30 a.m. By the time police-arrived, thtairwasgone. The srea was to check its inventory but there didn't appear to b. anything mIing, sýay police. Coet of rea1 gthe wip- dow isneetimated at $300. ~ wyue(M i CUM #1 mm