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Whitby Free Press, 16 Feb 1994, p. 9

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Whltby Free Proa, W«eeday, Fobra 16. 1M,4.Paoe 9 Anoter business is 1oaking to build on the site of WitbVs abandoned Price Club retail warehouse. Witby's plnnngdepartment has receive an applcation froni Invar Industrial Ltd., for its 22- acre pro on Victoria Street, east of Mieksn Road. Invar is seeking an amend- ment ta, the current zoning bylaw to, permit a retail facility with food sales component on tho site provioualy intended for a Price Compaint about 66 rimoral' actsin Courthouse play An anonymous persn has complained ta, police about "im- moral acts goïn on ini a Whitby Courthouse Theatre perfor- mance. Police say they roceived the telephoned coniplaint Thursday afternoon but the persan - who rofused ta give bis or her name - said the act had occurred the previous niht when a dress rehoarsalte theatre com- pany's new production, 'Accom- plice' was presented ta, seniors. <'There was an allegation that there was some nature of sexual actiitym bedon the s3tage,» says Stf Sergeant Sandy Ryie. Police are looking into tho complaint, which lias been sent to the Whitby division, "with a view to what action we're going ta take on it,» says Ryrie. The complaint is difficult ta investigate because it's anonym- ouahes.ays ~rlly we would like a complainant in something liko this because we'd have ta, show that that persan would be offen- ded by what they saw.» Accomplice is billedl as a 'com- edy-mystery-thriller'; «a verX mature play - and not for kids, according ta, director Bernard Boales, 9(but) there are no im- moral sots going on -- they're actars, nt porn stars... "There s nothinq obscene or done that you can t sSe on apy channel on television every ruilit of the week. Any of the unMe sexual scenes are aIl don under covers and blankets - the people are fully dressed under- neath.» Beale says ho talkted taopl1 in the audience the mght ofithe dress rehearsal and after the three performances presented since and not one persan found anything offensive. 'Tram the reports that rve heard, there was more humour than anything else." Club warehouse. But the identity of Invar's perspective client is a rnystery ta Town officiaIs at this tîime. Councillor Ros Batten told reporters following Monday's council mieeting that Invar hias not released details of the busi- ness involved. "We don't know the name of the organization that's inter- ested,» said Batten, chair of council's plannng and deveîop- ment comitte.. "Invar has approached us and it looks like they're prepared ta mave in the near future» le said. The Price Club, an American- owned food and department store chain whicli operates on a meni- bership basis was ta have occu- pied one-hal? of invar's Victoria By Mike Kowalsld Hollywood has camne ta Brook- lin. A made-for-telovision movie is being filmed ini the north Whitby cammunity al this week, council- lor Don Mitchell informed his colleagues Monday. 'To Save Te Children' is being produced by Children's Film Pro- ductions for telecast an the CBS network on April 5. Starring Richard Thomas and Robert Urich the movie ifs based on an actuaf hoetno'- n inch cident involving chidren1ih occurred in Cokeville, Wyoming. A number of BrookhIn [ocations Street location. The other half will ho the site of a 129,172-sq. ft. Aikenhead's Home Improvement Warehouse which lian no connection with the Price Club. However, fioIlowinga a corporate merger Iast yeOarbetween the Price Club and Costco Ware- house Club (a similar American- owned bulk merchandising rotai- 1er), the Price Club component was shelved. Company officiaIs feIt that a 133,0O-sq. ft. Costco outlet which recentîy opened in Ajax was sufficient to serve Durhiam R.efflon. Since thon, Invar has been seeidng another tenant for the Price Club portion. Batten expects the Invar appli- cation ta come before hie commit- such as the Masonic I.odge Brooklin United Church, Royal Canadian Legion hall, and Mea- dowcrest Public School are being used in the film. Mitchell tald council that the movie's location manager said Brooklin was chosen because of the Vitrian-stle architecture of many of its alIder buildings. Mitchell also said that the film crew will return ta Brooklin this stunmer after workers begin ini- stalling sanitary sewers and tearing up local roada. "They'e doing a mini-ers about life in Sarajovo,» ho quip- tee ini the next four ta six woeks. Meanwblie, in an unreîated matter Batten uaid the recent sale oft Alenhead's by parent company Molson's wlll have no bearing on the Whitby outlet. American retailer Home Depot has purchaaed 765pr cent of Aikenhead's from Moan Com- panies Ltd. Batten said the Whitby outîet will become a Home Depot store. Home Depot selle home and gardon products for do-it-yourself renovatars and building trades. It in the largest home Improve- ment chain in the United States with 269 stores. 1MT - I j DECKS - SAUNAS 9 POOLS - PATIO. GAS/PROPANE FIREPLACES FREE HIGH-EFFICI ENCY OIL/GAS FURNACES REDUCE HEATING65 cosi UPTO Television movie filmed in Brooklin We would like to shed new"LIGHT" in your communhtymal Unveiling anew O OS SOLIWITIIG CONCEPTS Icoming soon to Whitby .CTlIG1GLiE 209 BLOOR ST. E., OSHIAWA Just W. of RMton Rdi. BLOR T.404mi6776 - sECHOBE

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