Page 2 M Whitby Free Press - 668-611il Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm - Fax 668-0594 WANTB I It~Ic~~NTI 1'~ Aï. Quality maternity and children 's clothing, foys, books, baby furniture wanted for consignment sales! 1011/2 Mary St. W.- Whitby (PearsonLx") 666-KIDS I WILL BUY your unwanted items. BEFORE you throw out or Nide them in your basement: CaH 728-8485, leave a message. BOOKS, PAINTINGS, sculpture, religlbus, musical instruments, crans, collectables, small antiques, culture Rtems, frames, gifts, ceramics, poetry, gaines, pets, cages, flowers, old doacks, children's fumiture, toys, stuffed animais. 114 Duridas St. E., Whitby. UPSCALE RESALE Consignment boutique opening soon In North Whitby requires yaur quallt pre-ownedl maternity, childrens & women's clothing; kids' toys & baby equipmfient, etc. Also accepting your country crafts & collectables. RoeyeUUng pays $$$ 1 432-2998, 434-5692,436-04251 ... ... .. ...... .........C . EXLUSIVE DOG & CAT GROOMING. Prof essional, qenfle care, de-mattin9, flea & medcated baths. CaIliCristîna, 666-0765 or 579-9115. HANDMADE BIRD CAGES. Birds, rabbits, guinea pigs & more. 35,000 books - new, used & rare, $2 each. Wanted: books, pets & cages. 114 Dundas St. E., WVhiby. THANKS TO THE HOLY spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Jude for favours recelved. RS. ÃŽNMâTIN OEN OUSE In honour of Bea Middleton's 6Oth birthday. February 20, 1994 - 2pm- 8pm. 8970 Ashburn Road, Ashburn. Best wishes only. LOST - one black, man's bilffold. Lost at Petro-Service Station, Brock St. S. on Feb. 11, 1994. Reward for retumn. 427-1176, leave message. PHILP, HELEN MARGARET, 0f Holland Landing, on iThursday, Feb. 10, 1994. Dearly loved sister of Ruth Middleton (and her husband Keth), of Whktb, Ont. 33 VEAR O0W FEMALE. Good sense of humour, sensitive & understanding hopunig to meet gentleman of saine nature. 430- c9flnectidns 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATELINE MVVAN HELEN CLARK, wil not beresponalble for any debt lncurred by my husband, Allan Clark of Ontario, as of March 25, 1993. AUCTION SALE. "Kahn Country Auctionse - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. #401 i tke exit #399). Featuring every ed . an excellent select ion Of antques, fine furnishings, glass, china, collectables, primitives and other unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontaro's etrrauctions wvith ne buy-backs or reserves. Terins: cash, chaque (with proper l.D.> or Visa. Previews from 1:00 p.m. wConsignment & estate selling our specialty.Cailustoday - Kahn Auction Services - 683-0041. CORNEILS AUCTiO BARN FRI DAY FES. 25 AT 0.-00 P. THIE PRO(>RTYOF RICK & UNDA FLEMING 0F SON WOROUGH GE aimond sida by side f rldgeftreezer & MOn. electric stove, teak dining room suite, Jaques & Hayes dresser, secretary, chesterfields, modem dressera & chest of drawers. More details week of sale. If planning any type of spring auction at your place or mine, large or smal, we would appreciate a caili DON OR GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1 LIlTIE BRIFAIN AiY705-786-2183 MaCGREGOR & WEST AUICTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES& HOUSEHOW EFFEOTS. SUNDAY, FEB. 20,11 2:00PRM <ew10:ý3Oarn ORON TONHALL, MAIN ST., ORONO Take 40l1 n115135 Hwy. &riorthl1Okm Auction features a selection of antique furniture in refinshed & as found condition, plus a large offering of collectables found in & around the home. Partial list includes: Hoosier cupboard (in paint, oak buffet rq, deacons bench, child's desk, pine bonnet chest, Quebec blanket box, mlsc. chairs & rockers <pressbackçs, early stenclied gun stock, etc.) oak table & 8 oak chairs, iron & wood beds, slgned decoy from Wolfe Island, collection of costume dolis, quits, glass & china, old tins, toys, bottles etc. ibis is only a small ad with the larger portion of this sale stilI to be unpacked. Cali for aIl your auction needs (next sale March eth) Mac GREGOR à WEST Mike MaGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 A six-year-old Basset B oule- vard frl says she was grabbed from fihind while walking back to school after lunch Wednesday. lhe girl, a student at Glen Dhu Public Sçhool, was alone on tepedestrian walkway that jon Lumsden Crescent and Pal- > ingbrook Street when she heard fo0otsteps. She turned te sem a white man who grabbed her around the waist, polic were told. Thegr mayasheran away and didln't stop running until she reached thé school. The man wa.s wearng a blue bail cap, blue winter jckt with a hod blue jeans and runnîng shoes, the girl reported. The incident was reported te police by Glen Dhu s vice-rni pal Who aIso warned studnts and crosuin-_guards. The walway ls just south of the school and bordered by. a InMonitof Black History Monh, lubCarih of Oshawa Inc., in co-peration with the Multicultural Council Oshawa/ Durhamn (MCOD), will celebrate African, Caribbean and Canadian cultures on Saturday, Feb. 19, 1 Cuj.m.,at the Caribbean Centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. One of the highlights will be a presentation by Rosemr Sadiier, president of the Blak History Society who will spea and show avideo on the rôles of blaclca in Canadian ocidety. ê' -"'n i $4 for adulte, $2 frseniors and youth aged12 to 18, and $1 for cfdrn aged 2 te 12. seven-foot high wooden fence. Police are continuing theirý in- vestigation. Innu women visit Whitby Some of the Davis Inlet, Labrador residents helped by the Innushare group llb. ini Whitby on Satuiay Feb. 26. 'Davis Inlet Women Corne to Whitby,' to be held at ýSt. Andrew's Preshyterian Clnirch from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., wîll include visite by several ÃMush- uau Innu women. They include Elisabeth Penashue, who is daughter of Innu nation president Peter Penashue; Mar Jane Andrew, former Davis In1et community health care worker, now a nurs- ing student at Nothen College, Kirkland Lake;. Martha Piwas and Germaine Rich, who wil attend a leadership' course in Cornwall. They will diseus their con- tinuing strue te create a bet- ter 1f. fb"r their children in the coxnmunity where child suicides have taken place. Innushare is a Whitby-based group that has collected and sent many items, including clothing and toys, te the community of 229 adulte and 285 children. lhe Feb. 26 schedule includes a 10 a.m. panel discussion of life in David Inlet, led by TVO's Guy Lawson; at 10:45 a.m., the In- nuahare film 'A Helping Hand';. at il a.m kenynote speaker, Elisabeth Lýénahue of Shesh- eshit, Lab.; at 1 p.m., grouýp workshop in the formà of an anti- que healing circle. Registration fee is $5 per per- son. Donations welome. To attend, call 430-1653 by Feb. 23. Grier to meet with wvorkers FROM PAGE) vices te the group home residente and agency cliente. The agency has been using eight managers and six replace- ment workers te operate' the homes during the strike. Following the rally, Ryan told reporters it was «disgusting that we have te corne out te the ~ick t lin.» te pressure a New Demo- cratic Party govermnent for an investigation of the union's alle- gations. "nhey (NDP) would have been up on thei feet in the legislature screarning blue murder when theY were in opposition,» said Ryan. «Now they're tweeping under the rug the sex assaulte, sexuel harasamant and the other stuif that's going on ini the work place,» h e sald. The Ail Sainte workers have been presn for a meetig with Grier sneshortly after the strike began. They have been frustrated by the government's apparent reluc- tance te investigaté charges con- tained in two sete docu- mente sent te the health minis- Among their accusations, the employees charge that there have -been cases of residente being improperlyý discharged- reports being altered; sexuai assaulte, and- provincial health and safety laws ignored. WEIGHT RESTRICTION REGULATIONS will be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham effective March 1 to approximately April 29, 1994. Vehicle loads are restricted to FIVE TONNES per axie in accordance with Durham Region By-law Number 251-89. Signs wiIl be erected on ail Regional Roads to which these Weight restrictions apply. V.A. Silgailis,P Eng commissioner ofWrk Regional Municipafity of, Durham DURHAM REGION 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, February 16, 1994 A e~EI rm Gi*rl escapes attacker Free To Calê; *Free To Ladies Seeking Gents *Men As Low As 97o A Day 430.7060 k- e-