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Whitby Free Press, 16 Feb 1994, p. 7

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WhIby Fr.. Pres, W.ckissoy, Fgbuuuvle1«»00, Pffl7 Snapshots The day cf the wedding dawned grey and muffled. At least we were lucky: ne sinow. Net that H-amilton, Ont. needed more snow last Saturday. A couple ef feet had fallen ovèr the past two days. Most cf the side streets, and eur hotel parking lot, were still un- plowed. Fine time te forget overshoes. Se "there we are: Hamnilton, last Saturday, for a mornixig wedding. Net just any weddmg. My daugbter's wedding. Barbara. The one witb the dimpled smile. To Jeif, the guy from Michigan. Strange Urne lapse. One day she's the seven- year-old who rolled down the window in the car wash. Then pof there she is, making a small intiniate family-only wedding into an international event. What can I say about a young woman who overnight brings twe grandsons, Ryan and Jason, inte the family -- one cf wbo outweighs me by twenty pounds, and the other who wiII some Urne next week? It ' hard te believe that this is the littie girl who listeli dte Daddy's made-up stories each bedtime, and-teck turna at «blowing out the light.' No Daddy before ever thought up a routine quite like that. This is the same girl who used te spread her tewel on the -pool deck (at age three) te practice Sun tanning. The girl with skin se fair she literally blistered under the sun. Who, when she was four, coloured her bedroorn waIl with wax crayon, using her bed as a tramipoline te get te those hard-te-reach places. Who arrived in Oshawa for a weekend visit once when she was sixteen- - with orange hair. Spiked. (It was a fad.) Who conned her father inte providing transportation te a dance at Ontario Place. (That ended at 1 a.rn. --,,and we ail stayed te the end.) Mernory bas videotaped a lifetime of sucb vig- nettes: little snapshots cf the mind frozen forever with us. I shared precious few with other guests at the reception. There neyer is trne -- nor words -- te say ail you mean. Even in print. But there it is: one minute ber biggest problem is finding a dress te wear te ber Grade 8 graduation. Then peofl. she is a grown woman who bas planned ber wedding te the last detaiL. And those details she carried witb ber in a colour-coded multi-tabbed binder, almest until the moment we started down the aisle. A state dinner now would be a snap te orgamize. And another snapsbot in the mind: my tbree girls, tegether, one in white bridai splendeur, tbe other twe, twenty years apart, dressed in red as valentine bridesmaids. As a father, there are many bits cf advice 1 should bave ixnparted -- but wisely didn't. Iàke using my years and years cf experience as a step-parent te counsel ber in the new role cf step-xnom (se bere it is anyway, Barb): Listen a whele lot, because mixed up with ail the words you'll hear wbat tbey're really saying. The movie (and stage musical) Fiddler on The Roof contains a song Sunrise, Sunset. About a father who cax't recail aging as; bis children grow from play te -marriage. That sert cf thing. I will net repeat the words here, since tbey are covered by copyright. Aise, 1 can neyer make it past the second line. Se l'Il just hum a few bars: Is.. *mmm ... miiUf...If.m.ii...nm..rr Is.. .mrnm...mmmn... m..m..boy..m..mm . .... ......... . MOVING WHITBY JUNCION STATION, FERUARY lot 1970 Twenty-four years ago today, this old railway station was moved acroos the trackS from the site cf the present GO Transit station te the cerner cf Henry and Victoria streets where it was restored as the Whitby Station Art Gallery. , - 10 YEARS AGO fr-om the Wednesday, February 15,1984 edition of the WI YKRE P¶SS " Brooklin development, under discussion for more than 10 years, will not occur. Durhamn Reion council is seeking a $400,000 settiement from the developers " * b Hewis, 91, marked 70Oyears as a memiber of Benevolent Rebekah I odge. " An expansion of the Neighbourhood Watch prograin is needed to stop Whitby'si break and enter problems. *An international precision skating competition will be held at Iroquois Park on March 10. 35 YEARS AGO fromn the 7mur .FebraryL2, 1959 edition of the WÈW EE YNEWS " One of the worst ice storms 'in recent memory struck Whitby last week. " Almonds area residents want town watermains extended to their. part of Whitby Township. " The new St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholie Church on Giffard Street will be used for the first time on Feb. 15. " Six minors were fined $25 each or 10 days ini jail for possessing liquor while under age. - 125 YEABRS AGO from the Thursday, Fébruary il, 1869 edition of the WIIITY CHRONICLE " Town council is debating a bylaw to licence and regulate stores and hotels. *The annuel soiree and niissionary meeting of St. AndreW's Presbyterian Church will. be held on Friday evening next. *The secretM o f the Whitby Board of School Trustees ie paid $40 a year. *M. HMlary, a niember cf the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, has opened a medical practice in Whitby. 1

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