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Whitby Free Press, 23 Feb 1994, p. 1

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* j Union encouraged by meeting with provincew By Mke Kowalski Ile union representing strik- ing empioyees of a Whitby men- taf health agency is encouraged by laat weeks meeting with Ontario government officiais. Although no promises were made, union officiais are satis- fied that their compiaints againat Whitby Ail Saints.Rosi- dence Corp. received a thorough hearing. Thoy are hocefu that Health MinitRuth GZe wil rsond fàivourabiy te, their demean for an investigation of the provin- ciaily-funded agency. "It went very weil. We're pretty confident and pleased,» said Bob Toop, Canadian Union of Public Empioyees (<JUPE) representative. "They (Grier's staff) wouidn't give us a commitment at this time, but they wili try te g'et back to us within the month,' ho aaid. Toop, <JUPE Ontario president Sid Ryýan, and two Ail Saints workers met Friday with Grier's staff and other officiais. The employees, members of CUPE Local 2936, have been on strike for a first contract with Al Saints since Jan. 18. Ail Saints operates three grou~ homes in Whitby for people witg mental health probleme and pro- vides support services te, about 100 clients in Durham Region. The union has documented several cases of alleged "impro- piieties" at the agency. The dëcu- mente have been given te the heaith ministry. Among its accusations, the union cMare that there have been cases of residents being improperly discharged; reports aitered; residents sexualiy assaulted- sexuâl harassment of staff, and provincial health and safety laws ignoied. Toop said thée two-hour meet- ing «went intè a lot of detail' concerning the union's charges and "we told themn what we wanted themn to do.» The union is demanding a "ful review" of Ail Saints' prograins and a «complte» investigation of the ailegatons, Toop said. In addition, government offi- ciais were informhed that agency workers are wiling te "go on record7 te substantiate their char s, Toop said. (Health minisr staff have been reluctant to, investigate the alleuations due te the uaIonym- ousffnature of the complaints.) Catherine Brown, policy advi- sor to Grier, wouid not comment on the union's ailegations. Grier was unable te, attend the meeting, but «we will discuss t with the minister as soon as possible,» said Brown. She wýould not indicate how soon Grier will reapond to the, ufliofls request frxor- u mYssugaw.' tion of Ail Saints. Investigation next? Page 4 By Miko Kowall Another four workers have been laid off at Durham Region's Whitby recycing centre. A shortage of rocyclable material and a recent processing change at the Garrard Road faci- iity prom pted the layoffs which tooàk effect last week. Thie layoffs, involving four full- time material handiers, come hard on the, heels Of an earlier layoff of 19 15,eopie. 1 Eleven full-time employees were laid off this month ad eight temporary workers were lot go in January. However, the *fuil-time employees couid be cailed back to work in three montha after Region officiais monitor the situation. "A reduction ini the amount of materiai coming into the recy- dling centre and a change in processing combined te beave us with a situation whore there was not enough for everyone to pro- ceas,» expiainedi works depart- ment spokesperson Peter Wat- son. Aithough Durham Region con- tracta out its blue box pick-up service te a private compaany, the material is sorted at the Whtby detil recentiy, the laid off wor- kers separated plastic botties from meta cans andl paper from cardboard. The various items were then baied and sent to different But the bottles and cans are now boujht by a ýHaiiton com- pany which ýsorts the material at its own plant in that city. This meant les. work for some of the re<prcling centre's 45 employges.. Decrease in blue box material - Page 31 SWlSMÏ? JEFF MEEK, 11, launches the basketball -- and himself --toward the net at the Knights of Columbus free throw championships last FidIay at Father Leo J. Austin Cath.olic Secondary Sohool. Boys wlnners Julian Owen (a ge 10), Shawn SuIlivan (11), Paul Medeiros (12) an Darren Burley (13) and girls ' winners Lindsay Best (11), Rebecca Cybulska(1 2) and Jennifer Desouza (13) wiU compete tonight at tlhe district finals, set for 7 p.m. at St. Francis De Salles School in Pickering. P Mb u a « M yF s Coniinittee toresolve dwtw ispt The board of the Dwntown Business- Improvement Area board has agreed to the forma- tion of ajoint -comrittee to try to bring together the factions in downtown's business community. The committee was proposed by Whitby Free Press publisher Doug Anderson te a special board meeting last Thursday, The comrittoe will draft a joint questionairo which will be distributed ta the businesses i the next wek or Po by Marey Marchuk of the DBIA. The conhxittoe consista of Dave Johanri (Whitby Audio) and Eve Heaver r.thse board, and Daykw Insurance) and Andersoni representing thegou that launch.d a petition Isa uN=- ber to have the DBIA tai put in abeyance fer two yemr. The questionaire will attempt to cover ail theissu.. which have b.en in dispute over the lent f.w years such as how the board shoud b.e lected, wherther the boundaries are appropriate, the -SEE PAGE 17 -- 4 more recycling mworkers laid off SENIORS SePages il

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