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Whitby Free Press, 23 Feb 1994, p. 30

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-r- - -----r--- ---- - -- - - -- -- -- -~ ~ Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, February 23, 1994 Whitby Free Press - 668-6111 Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 amn to 5:'00 Pm Fax 668-0694 Hmm ~ UCI~N ALANNA PEARL WINECK Born .and dled at WeUesley HospiîaI on.February i2th, 1994 at 1:20 p.m. Beloved daug hter of Jim and P au la (ne. Fer% and sister to Connor andý Kiera. cou were nover meant for this world and so Jesus made y ou an angel and took you saght to heaven. Watch over us MIl Atanna until we can, see you in heaven. ) Bryant who passedaa your voIce w. cannothar Your hand w. cannot touch, But we will neyer forget you, We love you very much. Loving ly remembered by Lorraine and Les Brown, and her g randchildren, Janet and Michelle bra. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart of Jesus for favors received. Maly the Sacred heart of Jesus b. adored, gloriied, loved & preserved throughout the world now & forever. 0 Sacred heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 limes a day, by the eighth day your prayer will b. answered, regardless of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must b. promised. P.H. MAY THE SACRED Heart of Jesus b. adored and glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now & forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Judo helper of the hopeless pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times plus with promise t0 pubi ish. N.G. "LEAVE YOUR CARES at home with us.* Professional petthome siers are fully bonded & insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. LVUVAN HELEN CLAýIKwilI not brsponsibIefraydebts incurred by, my husband, Alan Clark of Ontario, au cf Maren 25, 1993. CIRC E FIVE INVESTMENTS umIT"D - Notice is h9reby given that ClRChLE FME INVESTMENTS LIMIT4D intends to dissolve pursu nt to the Business Corporations Act. Dated this i Sth day of February, 1994. James Edward Dawson,6 Director. COMING EVE NTS Galil8684111 c91innectidns 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATELINE Are you expsctng or just roSntly hada baby? VVecome Vagon wouild like to know AUCTION SALE. wKalin Country Auct ions' - every Weclnrsday at 1630 p.m. located on Brock Rd., ýPkkeing, z3 miles nqrth of Hy #401 (t àke exit #399). Featuring everý, Wed. an excellýnt select ion of antiques, fine furnlWhings, glass, china, collectables, primitives and othe unusuals. So join us eveiy wed and part icipate in one of Ontarlo's utruen auctipns wvith ne buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash~, cheque (with proper l.D.) or Vis&. Previews f roffit1O0 p.m. WConpsinment & estate sellingOur specily'». Cail us today -1Khn Auct!on Sîervicel'- 83-004, s DAY aeTPQt4 11IS OUr'&PY FE& 7at1 MREV NOO AT T KN IM~HTS 0F COLUMBUS HALL 133 lROk l9ST. NORTHlI WiTrBY Antiq es, reproductions, 9 pc. ininq room suite, bedroom suite, pin. ardrobe, pîne harvest table and chairs, Oriental & Persian carpts, prînts, pictures. parlour& ocasonal tables, jam & Ielly eupb ards, drop leaf table, parlour chai ,pine bookeases, 3 pc. pine coffe set, dressers, chests, pin. curlo shelves, pine oupboard sidebbard, china cabinet, round tabli, & chair set, glassware cast iron, qullts, rocking chairs, planter stands, stoons, washstands, CIsks decoys, deacons benches, ptat bîns, T.V.- entertalniment pin. unit, mirrors, lampe, beds, pin. MheIves, occassional chairs, vanitV, beds plutà much more. TermÏ: cash, cheque (Visa, M/C 3%) çelivery available. $1 .00 bld cards AUC11ONS UNUMIITED 519-345-2425 cORNEILS AUCIlON BARN F RIIDAY FEB. 25 AT 6:OO1P.M. TH-E PI4OPERTY 0F RICK& LINDA FLEMING 0F SCARBOROUGH & FROM THEIR HOME IN MIDLAND Almond G.E. side by side fridge/freezer & 30in. electric stove bth with black fronts, 9pc. teakwood dinette suite, Jaques Hayes antique dresser, secretary, occassional chairs, chesterfields, 2 apartment size freezers, Admirai autonaIl washer & dryer, .9 . Oak d11.ning room suite with double pedestal table, bunk beds, oak high boy dresser, modern wardrobe, coffee & end tables, Téshib>a microwave oven, reclining chairs 4 pc. bedroomn suite, table & fbqor lampe, almond Coldspot 2 door refngerator, captain's bed, round oaz pedestal table, Yardrnan 4 hp s'nowblower, 8 - 4!X8' - 3/4" finished boards, quantty 0of china, glass &' antiqlue collectables. Open for showîng Thursday, Feb. 24th between 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1, LITTLE BRITAIN Phone or Fax 1-705-786-2183. Cali for information: 434-2010 or 668-6653 * We have înform ation packages *Baby shower for expectant mothers * ieIpfui FREE infomation NO*OLe *N IVOVE By Const. Grant Arnold Durhaem Reglonal Police Crime StopPers and Durham Rogional Police are aaking for the publid'ls help in solving an assault causing bodily hAr that occirrd in Oshawa on Saturday, June 26. At1:15 amln, the victim and lhis wifo were drivh-g through the iptersectlqn of Mitchell Avenue and Drew Street when they saw a Male boating upa young woman. The victim stopped his vebicle and ýpproacjied the suspect and told him to, stop. Asecond M~ale, who was wtchinthinia sut confronted tho victim, told 1 mt. gt loet and thon Punhed and lIcéked him severa times in the face and head. Three other maies pot out of 'a vehicle and also assaultedl the victim and hieswiê, who hadcome tehiesaid.Tlhe victim and his wife were able to get Iback into their vehicle and ewape bydriving through Cowa* Park. The victim suffered a brused and swollen left oye requiring four stitchles above tho eyebrow, a discoloured and swollen right ey e, a swollen righ .cee numerous bumps on the forihoadazId swelling behin gbis it ear. The victun s van also received approxmately $740 i damages. Tho maie wýio asaultedý the female is described as white, early twenties, five feet il juches, 180 pounds, édean eut, with short wayy light brown Mar. Ho was 'wearing a blue, Ion I.evea-' dànim siiirtjeam n d black S mew-1uloe lighi broui, scruffy hitr. -He wao weer*hg wogboutpo hp, pthel7 thr e ls are db.mdasWtélte teens iweariug bbail .atst. The suspflect vehicle is dosciibed as a j>ack, four-door, newer Not American model with a red intérior, similar to a Pontiac Sunbird. Crime Stoppers will pay up't $ 1,000 f<r information on this or an y other serxous crie. 'Cal 436-8477 (thats 436-TIPS). As # caler you will not have to iden Iy yuref or have to go to court. A code numiber will be issued to you to protect your identity. Sergant Grant Arnold is th~e co-ordinator with the. Durh~xn egional Crime .Stpppers prograi! and writes this article to help combat crime. RNVENTIONS, INVENTIONS, INVENTIONS The 1990e winII ncludo a wave of inventions that cause the. least stress to the enviroment. The following producta may ho ofmiterest to you. Iooldng fur a graffii removor Enviro-Gel in a non-tai biodegradeob1% e, wto-suble Solutièn fthat removos paint Zn2 varnish fram wood lloos, brick lsmetai and concrets. TIo product a"s.acte as a grout and=-lklg ceanser. Ti. e mpany also offern Auto-COI a noe-toxic solvent for overspray. For dotal]B,èal 1- A tile mad3e from recycle glass is now avuilable in Canada. Trafflc Tii. contes in 15 standard coloura, a choies, of textures and in highly slip-rsistant. lhe produet, which is aise recyclable but not through the blue box oecton, won firet pri ze in new building category at the International Izitrior De- Exposition. if tiling a floor, muntertop or wafl, ask ocl etailers if thoy know about Trafflc 'fie Er= n uilStone Produta in ichmoeid MUI, telepone<905) 731-3400. Markt for recycled materials depend un you. You'are not recycling if you do flot buy recycled. Tri-Clean reusable laundry diaka go ini with the. wasload and oliniinate the need fur chenucal detorgonta. Th. invention consiste of three eali diske, made of poIéoy1-ene casing with a float rira, which contain charged oeraznnc beeds. The beade cause wator molecules te dissodiate thrugh an electricai phenomenon, thus enabling fractured'water molecule units easier penetration into fabrics to disasive dirt. The envmmniental befite are: detergents are flot i the wasto water, dise are reusablo until îein wowr out and dothes are saft without chemicals. Personal bnft indude: financial and time savings, no dstorgent-based allergies> no detergent zresidue j» clothes and no statie dHig. Ipurhased Tri-lean at a Scarborough envfromental fair and have =e'nu8ffng the product sanceNovenmr. My testmSiah no comnplainte from three teenagers I 1o* forward to seeing Tri-Cloan beig made front recyled plasetc with a feature thatellows the. disk te- bo refilled. For an initial coet of $68, Tri-Clean daims laundry diska last for about 2,000 washloeds. For inrmation, oei Future Trend Enterprise at (416) 504-0616. The Great Lakes ecosystem dêpenda en your a"lty to choose non-texte products. Tip: Onewayto reuse oldsahinles istoput afew in youror during winter7. isbwck i a snow dnft, shingles (lie sand) wiJl help you get out- Correction: In the. Feb. 2 oeiumn, an incorect telephane nuniber was given for the. Recycing Council cf Ontar il numiber should have been 1«e00263-2849 *Free To Cati *Freo To Ladies Seeking Gents *Men As Low As 970 A Day 430-79060%~&

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