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Whitby Free Press, 23 Feb 1994, p. 31

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Whitby Fr.. Prees Wmdneday, Febnuary 23,1994 Page 31' Region perplexed by sotgof material Answers to Whitby Trivia fromn page 17 ho Rîgwood, a palatial brick hme at the corner of Victoria and Hopkins streets, was built in 1876 by craftsmen f rom En gland for railway contractor Barnabas Gibson. It is now the offiîce of Co-Steel Lasco. 2. John Ham Perry donated the land for Whitby's f irst Methodist church at Mary. and Centre streets, and h is wife don ated the land for Ail Saints' Anglican Church. 3. Ontario Lieutenant- Governor Dr. Herbert A. Bruce's speech at a Legion Drumnhead service in Centennial, Park on Oct. 24, 1937 was broadcast on Toronto radio station CFRB. It is believed te be the f irst radio broadcast from WhitIby. 4. Rossmore, at 404 Dunlop St. W., was the home of Mrs. George A. Ross, a founder of the Whitby Womnen's Institut. in 1899 and the Victorian Order of Nurses branch in 1914. Region officials are at a lees te explain the reason for the shor- tgeo blue box material. Iod weather may b. prevent- ngpeople frem putting eut their bxes or consumers are buyi*ng less because of the econemy, tey suggest. "W. want te encourage people te recycle even when it's cold eutzide, " mays Region wvorks depart- ment spokesperson Peter Watson.. The. recycling centre workers are members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). According te Watson, CUPE is considering an advertising cain- paign te promoe the benefits of recycling. T1ie advertising campai&n is A-Train stolen An "A-Train' trailer combe, was stolen from a Whitby gas station last Wdneday 2r a trucker had parked it while get- tingrhis tracter repaired. Police say the diiver was head- ing teKinmgsten on Highway 401 around 6:30 a.m. when he 'expe»ienced mechanical pro- blemse. He parked the. trailers at the Ultramar station on Victeria Street East, west cf Thickson Road and headed for atgamage. The. trailers, which hadl two empy ea hipig cbntainers on them, on.e thte word ACE written on it, were gene when h. returned around 10:30 p.. material,» he stressed. "If the public is mad at the collection service, they talc. it out on our guys."n Despite ti. current problems, Durham wiII not b. rushed into re-examininit its appreach te, recycliing, said regienal ceuncillor Marcel i3runelle. "There is always a drop at this turne of year...Imî sure that when the weather gets botter It will pick up,' he said.. Nonetheless, Durham Rogien will aIse b. enceuragring people te recyce more ini 1994,runelle said. A member of Durham's waste management committee, Brnelleeconceded that while recycl& is expensive, «you have tecosier the alternatives,' Ulm STREET NAME CHANGE The Councîl of the Corporation of dh. Townl of Whitby intends te, pas a by-law to change the namne of Elizabeth Street tf0 Detenid The change in street name will apply to ail of Elizabeth Street~ on Regstered Plan No. M-4, between Hamret Street and Clarence Drive, as shown below. The change in street narne will avoid confusion between Elizabeth Street and Elizabeth Crescent (Noath and South) located in the eastem part oft1h. Town. The Planning and Developmfent Conimittea of Whilby Council MIl meet on the evening of Monday, March 7, 1994. in the Meeting Hall et the Municipal Building, 675 Rossiand Road East. Whitb for the purpose of heail any peron who claims hsor her anj wïll b. adversely affectec1by ft4 by-iaw. Any p.rson wishing te meet with 1h. Committe. s asked ta advise the Town Clerk accordingly by no later than Thursday, March 3, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, CLERK TH1E CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWN OF WITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2M8 PHONE: (905)>66"-803 Meetings of the Planning and Development Commutte. and Operations Cermmttee o Council are generally h.ld on -d. first and third Mond2y et each month. Whtby Town Council meets regulariy on dm. second and fourth Monday of each month. Ail meetings occur at th. Whitby Municipal Building. 575 Rossiand Road East. For turther details, contact the Town CI"r at 668- 5803. The Couinci of di. Corporation of the Town of MW inteds to pass by-lws to stop-p, close and selî part of dm1h. HoaebetWeen Lots 22 and 23, Concssion 3, Town of WNhy, as shown below, desugnated as Part i on Plan of Survey 4OR-138021 The subjec lands are no longer meqÀlmd for road purposes dhue Io di. recent rn-iinment of Andeoeon Street, south of Taunton Road East The Operations Commuite.etfhitbyTomn Counci WiImeeton h ev.ning et Mondla&. March 7, 1994 un Committe. Room One of 1t. Whiby Mu'nicipal uilding, 575 Rossb-id Road East Whitby for 1#. purpose of hearing any pelson who dlaims his or her lanclwill be prejuddatly affected by tiq by-jaw. Any pemson vvshing te meet Wth t he Cemtte. s asked te advise 1h. Tomn Clerk acouringly by ne later than Thursday, Marti, 3, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK 111E CORPORATION OF M1E fIOWN OF WFITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2PA8 PHONYE: (O0U) 668-580 - 1,11 i àwk 0 pWi Heber Down CrescenVFerg uson Avenue/Garside Avenue Mitchell Avenue/Torian Avenue/Montgomery Avenue Cassels Road WestNiîpond Avenue Roadworks Sanitazy Sewer Servkuing àndl Road Imprevement Work Please b. advisedl that 1h. final plns for the above-noted prejects will be on display at dh.: Brooklin Community Centre Upper Hall 45 Cassels RoadE st WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,199Q4 7:9 to 9:00p.as.. NOTI CE TO AIL OWNERS AND USERS 0F TRUCKS AND TRAILERS Iri accordance with By-law 1718-84, as amnended, boad restrictions of MV TNES PER AXIE9 wiII be in effeot froni MARCH le 1994 TO APRIL 30, 199à in the Town of Whitby. Signs wiIl be erected-on ai Town roads to whlch these weight restrictions apply. PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENTr OPERAllONS CENTRE IN THE PMATIER 0F 1THE ONTARIO HERITAGE AnT R.S.0.. 1990 C.0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES; AT TH1E FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS PROViNCE 0F ONTARIO TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 1755-84 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Int.nds to, amend By-Law No. 1755-84 relating tn th. followung municipal address: JOHN WATSON HOUSE 1733 DUFFERIN STREET WHITBY, ONTARIO REAsON ÉmRAmENDUENT TO By.LAw No. 1755-4 On November 12.. 198, Whty Town Council passed By-Iaw. No. 1755-84 to designate lands municipally known as 1 733 Dufférn Stome, Whity, containing the John Watson House as being of historie and architecturai significance under Part IV of 1h. Ontario Heritage Act. On August 19, 1993, the Regional Municipafity of Durhamn Land Division Committee approvec severance application file No. LD- 118-193 te se=er the subjc property. In rdr te release.1h. severed lot them h. hetage desugnatin,, it is neoessary te amend By-Law No. 1755-84 se that te prosof the by-iaw oniy apply te the oroperty containing 1h. John Watson House. Any person may, before March 25, 1994, send by registered mail or deliver te th. Clerk oft1h. Town ef Whitby notice of his or her objection to 1h.prpoed amendment, together with a statement of reasons for 1hLojeton and ail relevant facts. If such notice of objection is r.ceived, th. Counclof et1h. Corporation cf 1h. Town of Whitby shail refer 1th. matter te tde Conservation Review Board for a heaning. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 23rd day of February, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK TH1E CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 2M8 solely a union initiative and net connected with1 any Durham Regien program, Watson stressed. Morrie Patchen, president of CUPE Local 1785, confirxned that the union will fund a cam- paign te encourage Durham resi- dents te get into the recycling habit again. "Our biggest concern is the whole aspect of recycling,» said Patchen. "I lest 15 fuil-time employees for ne reason other than the were doIng their jobs tee, eft1. ciently and the publie is net usingrthe prograin, h. sad. "There, wer. im;es in the past when the building was so ful you couldn't sqJueeze another pieceo f paper in.» Patchen acknowledges that this winter has been esipecially brutal, "but the public has te put the stuf eout.» Failure te do se will only create more probleins, h. said. Existing landfIll sites are near capacity and adding reccable material te the re largabe will only hasten their demis., Patchen noted.,* Unlike other municipalities, "we've neyer had any problems along those limes," hie said. Patchen said recycling centre werkers may aIse b. paying the price. of homeowners upset by occasienal lapses in blue- box collection service. «W. don't do the collection, we just process the incoming , WEIGHT RESTRICTION REGIOAmREGULATIONS will be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham effective March 1 to approximately April 29, 1994. Vehicle loads are restricted to FIVE TONNES per axle in accordance with Durham Region By-law Number 251-89. Signs wiIl be erected on ail Regional Roads to which these WVeight restrictions apply. V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. Oommissioner of Works Regional Municipality of Durham

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