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Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1994, p. 14

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-'---w 'age 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 2,1i994 _______________________________ Stepp ing Out at. Whitby teatre Steppig Out, a musical comedy,Y is being presented by the Whitby Courthouse Theatre as an extra production for the current season. This very succesaful play earned rave reviews on the London and Broadway stages followed by great box-office returna when it was made into a movie, starring Liza Minnelli and Shelley Winters. In the. play, a weely dance casas, made up for the moet part of people wth two left feet, is run by an ex-profiessional dancer. She is assistedà by a rather dour, often sour piano-accompanist. The dance routines are sometimes tricky for thia amal group of "hoofers," made up of seven housewives of Varying ages and one intrpid gentleman. The frequent inept sturnbling of smre of the class and the accompanying remarks are what provides a lot of laughs. Adding to the confusion is one SING-ALONG MESSIA The Amadeus Chir of Greater Toronto, in co-operation with Mayor Tom Edwardsa of Whitby, Winlreet a ing-alo>ng Messiah onSunday, Mach 6, 3 p.m., at Wh'itby Christian Assembly Church, 100 Rosland Rd. W. Singera and orchestral instrurnentalis are welconie. flckets, $5, are available in advance in Whitby at Thomas House of Music (430-0815), Cullen Gardens Restaurant (668-6606), Kitchen Cuphoad (666-1600) or Whitby Optical NEWCOMEBS The OshawalWhiùtby New- corners Club will hold a dinner meeting Tuesday, March 8, 7 pa.. at Dionysos Restaurant, 1208 Sixncoeo St. N., Oshawa. Women new to the area are welcome. For more information, cal Information Whitby at 668-0552 or Information Oshawa at 434-4636. PARKISON MEETING The Paricinson Support Croup,- Durham Region Chapter willi meet Monday, March 7, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. Ouest speaker will be Loi Katz from the ParkinSons and Daughters Support Group. Ail are welcoine. Refreshments available. For more information, or those requiring transportation, oeil 430-8475 or 666-8576. SOROPIMRffT RMEIG The Soroptimist International OfOsaaWiy Club wii meet Thuruday, March 10, 7:30 p.ni., at Grandview Réhabilitation and Treatment Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa. Interested persons are welcome. For mor information, aml Yvette Adamkovics at 432-2828 or Joan McKnight at 725-3704. CBEATWE PLAY The Family Education Resource Centre of Durhamn House will hold a workshop with suggestions, ideas and activities for parents to use at home on Wenesday, March 22, 7 to 9 pan., at Durham House, 1521 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. mhe fee is $8 per person and pre- registration is required. For more information, cail the centre at 579-2021. lady in the class who insiste on dashing around as often as she can to sweep, dlean windows, ash-trays She even attempts some plurbing repaire with very little souccess. As the play progresses, we Iearn of the. colourful lives that amre of the clasa members are leading. As well, there aremorne very touching scwenes between mre of the otherwise haWy~-golucky people. wlb the ending of "i hilarious production. <The cast includes Jenmifer Boston, Ev' McKenzie, Cathy Bevis, Marion Coltman, Dana-Lynn Wood, ,iàola Lirnback, Tina Robinson, Carol lhornas, Cathy Bat. and Jirn Renshaw. «Stepping Out' wMI open with the usua free preview performance for senior citizens on barch 16, followed by regular performances March 17, 18, 19, 24,25 26. Ticets, $10, are available at LaFontaine Trading Pott, Dundas St. W., near the four corners tolephone number 430-3374. Elome ticketq may be available Bert Heaver, with choreography at the theatre bo oEe.;by Cathy Bate.. he producer is 'Stepping Out' is directed by D'ArcySmyth. Initeresting 'Footprints' Dy Stophanie Dayes DurhiamnShoestring Perforniers opened their production of 'Footpnints on the Moon' with a successful firet performance on Feb. 25 at the. Arts Resource Centre in Oshawa. Footprints on the Moon is a draina about human relationships that will capture the. interest of any audience. The pay opens as Joanie paelbyHeather Warkentin) waits for her dauliter te return homne te the small town of Rose Coulee. Joanie's daugliter Carol-Ann (played by Angie Bassano) lias been visiting lier father in Toronto. Everyone can sympathize with Jonie. when Carol Ann announces éhe wants te move -te Toronto te live witli her father Boome (played by Bon Getz). The theme change becomes evidenta&3the play' begina to focus on Joanie's 1f. as ahe tries te, hold on te lier daugliter and TIh? truth 0f the message of this play is uplifted with the humour of Heather Sessions who plays Joanie's beat friend Beiyl, and old flanie Dunc Carr (played by Vance Dick). Ihe focus of the play is alternated with inteijections of Joezue's contest-winning essay commun t roup which arebé ldn WhIthy or have a substantial WtIly. membershlp may pacetheir paea ocost. Prof vmt ro-~4b ld f l g w . i t al o It l Fiit* ai Sp.m. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY mhe Whitby-Oshawa Brandi (Region of Durhamn) of Ontario Genealogical Society wMi meet Tuesdy, Mardi 8, 7:30 P.m., at Henry Street H-igli School cafeteria. Judith Gaulin fr-on Pickering Public Library wiil b. guest speaker. Her topic is 'Source matenial -- local history.' Meetings are free and ail are welcome. For more informnation, call Marion at 683-2476 or Bessie at 723-7460. ONE PARENT FAMILlES On. Parent Familles, Oshawa Chapter will hold a general meeting and elections on Tuesday, March 8, 8 p.m., at the Adria Croatian Cultural & Sports Club,' 432 Simcoe St. S. For more information, call 436-5089 or 728-1011. CRAFT FAIR & BAZAAR Ormiston Public School PAC wi]l hold a craft fair and bazaar on Saturday, March 5, 9 a.m. te 2 pa., . at the. school, Forest Heighta Drive, Whitby. Proceeds wMl b. used te purchase equipment for the school. PUBLIC BMEETIG James House Durham wiil hold a meeting Monday, Mardi 7, 7:30 P.m., at S t. Andrew's United Churcli, 71 Sirncoe St. S. (corner of Bruce and Simcoe streets). Volunteers are needed for fundraisere and membership drives. TOWN HAILL MTING Ontario riding MP Dan McTeague will host a town hall meeting teniglit (Wedneaday), 7 Pmr., at the Town of Pickering council chambers at One The. Esplanade. WORLD DAY 0F PIRAYER The World Day of Prayer, sponsored by Women's Inter-Churcli Council of Canada and liosted by the Catholic Wornn's League of Holy Fami* Pariai, will b. held at Holy FamlyCurc, 91 Ribblesdae Dr., Whitb on Friday, March 4. Ecumenical services will be held at 2 and 8 p.m. Residents of ail denominations are welcome. Refreshnxents will b. served. TheDuramRegonAquarium Society will will meet on. Tues- day, Marci 8, 8 pr., ini the caeei o g dcE'gliinArl- legiate 570 Steyenson R.,Osh- awa. Pr more informionCali Jim Brown at 427-8063.or. 7ýr Fisher at 905-831-0940. EPILEPSY SUPPORT Epilepsj Parents Support Gou ,w 1 meet on Thuisday, Marc h , .m. For more infor mation, inc uding location of meeting, caîl Diane at 683-4070. ST. PATRICES DANCE A St. Patnick'a dance hosted by the Whitby Lions Cfub, will b.è held at Heydensho¶e Pavillon on Saturday, Mardi 12, 8 p.m. te 2 a.m. There will b. munic by dise jockey Clark Brown. For tickets, $10 per person, or more information cali John at 666- 2223. ST. PATRICES DANCE A St. Patrick's dance will b. held at the. Kniglits of Columbus Hall 133 Broc k St. N., Whitb on âaturday nig it, Mardi 12. There will b. a liv. band, Squid Jiggera and dise *jockey, and lunch. eor tickets cal 40-9621. CARPET RACING Radio-controlled car and truck oval carpet racing will b. held on Monday, Mardi 7, 7to 10Opm., in the. cafeterium at Heënry Street Higi Scliool. A spe*al 'bolink digger' clasé is held.Mo more information caîl Wayne'at 430-1996. Ail welcome. AVICULTURAL SOCIEFY The Durham Avicultural Society of Ontario will meet on Tuesday Mardi 8, 7:30 p.m., at Swan's Marina, Liverpool Road South at Lakce Ontario, Picker- ing Guet speaker will b. veterinanian endy Korver. For more information cail John at 655-8367 or George at 721-8397. ONE PARENT FAMILlES me éNorthi Oshawa On. Parent Families will meet Wednesday, Mardi 9, 8 p.m., at Christ Memorial Churcli, Mary and Hillcroft streets, Oshawa.. Guest spaker Donna Smith will discus income tax. New memberes ad guesta welcome.. For more information, cali 721-8154. BONSAI mhe Matsuyama Bonsai Society will meet on Mardi 8, 7 p.M', Faith Place, 44 Williams St, Oshawa. For moreinformation,: cail 683-2568 or 683-5135. VISON WOBKSHOP Children's Services Coundil (Durham) bIc. will iold a workshop, 'Developing a Vision for ChilzdesServices iDurhamn Region,' on Saturday, Mardi 5, 9:30 arn. te, 2:30 p.m., at Faiti Place, 44 William St. W., Oahawa. Registration, coffee beginning at 9 a.m. TALES FOR TOTS Registration for Tales for Tata, a pogrnifor chiîdren aged 2 and3 accompanied b an adult, will held in ah children's and adult fiction departmnent at the Whitby Public Library on Wednesday, March 9, 9:30 a.m. until closing. The session begins Mardi- 22, followng Mardi break, and will run for four weeks. lb. program will b. held Tueedaya and Wededys 10:30 te il a.m. and Thursdays 10:30 te, il a.m. or 2:15 te 2:45 p.m. Reégistration at on. brandi only, in person, on a firat-come, flrst-served basis. Spaces are limited. For mor information, cali the. library at 668-6531 or 668-6541. LEGAL AID A legal aid clinic will b. ield. on Tuaeaday, Mardi 8, 7 te, 9:45 p.m., at the. Whitby PublieiÀbr- ary main brandi. Appointments must b. made in person at the Wtby Information Centre, 900 =rok St.S. r by calling the centre at 668-0552. The service is available ta anyone, *at no charge. STUDY GROUP Feilowship in Christ, a non-denominational metaphysical study group, will hold 'Lessons i Tru)mti, by Dr. Einily Cady and preened by Ruth Baniko, licesedmetaphysical teacier. Classes for the 12-week course begin Thureday, March 3, 7 te 9 p.m, at Northview Comrnunity Centre. To register, cli 728-7586. « WhyIý like Rose Coule..' and lier memories of growing up ia small town. It is through thes interjections that we ses the path Joanie'. life lias taken, and understand why she in 80 eager to "freeze" time (" 11k. thinlidng about the very second that an astronaut put his foot down on the moon, and how that second is frozen there. For a thousandyears.'). The final scene of the play ties together events in a. .reslved, yet realistic ending. The remaùnigr m-L for mances of Footprints on the Moon are on March 3, 4 and 5 at the Arts %sêource Centre, Oshawa City Hall cornplex, curtain 8 p.m. DOWN'S MEETING The Durham Down's Syndrome Association will hold a' social evening Truesday, March 15, 7:30 p.m.,- at Whitby Baptînt Churcli, 411 Gilbert St. E. Refreaents provided. For more information, calI 579-0187. HOMEBlUYEIRS SENMNAR A free senunar for flrst-tixne and resale homebuyers will b. held Monday, March 7, 7 p.m., at Oshawa Publie IÀbrary, McLaughlin Theatre, 65 Bagot St. The seniinar, presentd y barristers and solicitors from Kitchen, Kitchen,, Simeson & McFarlane, will discuse working with an agent and 1lawyer, negotiating an agreement of purchase and sale, and obtaining financing. A question period wl follow. BIRIIAYPARTY ITMh. Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hoM a birthdayparty for members with birthdays in January, February and Match on Monday, Mardi 7, 2 p.m., at the centre, 801 Brock St. S. June Church and E.A. Fairman Public School choir wiil provide entertainment. Coet is $1 at the door. For more information, cal the centre at 668-1424. WOMND&S DAY WOFRSHOP La Fédération des femmes canadiennes-fr-ançaises «dmhwa will hold a woekshop on family matters to celebrate International Womons Day on Monday, Match 7, 7:30 p.m., at the Frenchi Cultural Centre, 384 Hiliside Ave., Oshawa. The workahop, entitled 'The. wornan, focus of the family relating to, the International Year of the Family,1 will be conducted iFrecI. Women, partners and teenagers are welcome. A light lunch will be Served. Admission is free. For more information, call Giberte Gilbert, president, at 728-55. CESARE.AN SUPPOR The Cesarean Prevention Supor and Education Group of Duram Region wull- meet Monday, Mrh 7, 7:30 pan., at Earthdanoe Store, 8 Midtown Dr., Osliawa The. topic for discussion in 'Alternatives te drugs in r 1 v 1 r RÀEVIÀEW Àm

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