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Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1994, p. 21

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Whltby Fe. Prees, Weclnesday, Match2. 199, Page 21 ~Taryn Briggs HENRY ST, H.S. John Cuss DURHAM ADULT LEARNING CENTRE It oeems that; w. were lucky enough togect omre nild weather last week, Ut once again winter is bock ini full force. There' no needto worry, though, because at H rythere have been lots of thing to keep our mids off the. bitter cold. Last weekes Spirit Week was finished. off wonderfully. Fun was had by ail who wore purple and gold on Wednesday and who had their faces painted at lunch. On Thursday, we hac the. Slave Auction at lunch i which staff or students could go up on stage and b. 'boughet t do embarrassing thinge tthe foilowing day. About $500 was reamsd for student activities, with much credit going to Mr. Arbuckle who was bought by Day. Knowles for ,300. Hopefully, Day.e eroyed his ANDERSON A&nderon's Legai Eagles have taoen fligit Last aturday, 24 Anderson students pripaeinm a mock trial at o Osawacourtiiouse. Sponsoreci by the. Whitby Rotary Club, students were able to spnd Urne li a real courtroom, wthi the Honourable Judg. Crawford presiding. ,:,On Saturday, judges rnarloed the. performances of the Lea Eagles te decide on a winming tmar. Congratulations to winners Ana Alizadeh, Heather Bird, Romi Dattoni, Seyi Okuribido, Hlarpreet Sidiiu andi Priy.n Tanna. Aft.r mucii dliberation, those students who were nxost con'vincing in the. courtroom were chosen te participate in the regionals this spring. Congratulations te Ana Alilzadeh, Heatiier Bird, Steve MacBeth, Kiatherine piggot, Harpreet Sidiiu and Leaf Worsley, Whio will represent Anderson on Marcii 28 at the. Durhamn competition. Speial thanks te Mrs. Bariault and Mr. Lake for organizing tue event. Anderson student council has declared Feb. 28 to March 4 Poster Child W.ek. Evente %lanned include a raffle for Blue atickets a silver drive and a pizza sal. Student council encourages everyone te get involveci and help Anderson' foster cildren. As well, pion now to attend Anderson' final dance cf tue school year on Friday, Marcii 25. Mark the. date on your calendar so that you don't miss out on tis great event. Tickets wil go on sale soon. Congratulations te tue Anderson Junor ad Senior Concert Bonde. Botii ensembles receiveci silver =stan at the. Southern Ontario Bn Festival on the. woekend. Haarty applause i. extended te ail musician involveci in tue competii for their hard woek and dedication. musc students are sefling cheee te rais. mrony for their trip to MusicFest. B.esurete talk to anyone rn the. music department if you are interestedl in purciiasixig soin. tasty cheee. Until next trne, Anderson, have a great week. Friday s ctngvcpicpl Not ony asFrday Save Dy but spirit Week endeci withRa Day, which always gets a lot cf participation. A cyclnglubis beng formed at Hmy.Mr.German ad Mrs. Leigh will coach after-school vractiet begin in early April. Studntsinter.sted are invited to join, and b. prepared for a great trne. But we must net jump aheaci too quicldy. Before the. season of on. sport begins, another on. la .nding,ad is Worth rcogzng. The. senior girls? vol).= team E ae second last Thursday st =ýand lhas qualifleci for DYSSA this we.1c. Boat of luck te the. entire team frorn ail of Hery. Andi yet anotiier 'best wish.s' goos out to Tanya Shaw. Tanya is aGrade 12 student who wil be boadin aplae til ffdafor a six-montii exciionge te =ce. W. are ail sure that Týanya, will have a wonderful tir 'e duning her stay. Students who wish to flnd out abzioureig hngsare asked te sp.ak te tthe guidance department for more information. Student couuidil wishes te r.mind you that we are stil selling lots of great Henrywear. Hats and boxers are on sale every day in the. council roomn, at $18 .ach. These articles con b. picloed Up oni purcliase. There are three styles cf sweatshirts for $45 eacii, but tii... muet b. placeci on order. Orders for sw.atshirts will b. made any day now, so if you Students recog nized Seven students from Whitby Catholic high schools will b. among those recognized at an awards cereznony next w.ek. Students who attended stu- dent leadership courses in 1993 will be recogniz.d by the Dur- ham separate aciioo board on March 9. Students te b. recopiized in- clude Natuhalie Fournier, Cathy Jordan and Matthieu Tanguay of 1'.col. secondaire catholique Saint-Charles -Garnier andi Susan Deehan, Tobias P'ennes- sey, Anthony Hlerrera and Tho- mas Matth.ws of Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School. still want ocm, order mon. The. guidance dpatent wisiies tethadmk otudnsfor mbmitting on tfrne, their option sheets for neit year. If you are stilI unsure wbat to dl make an appontmet intheguidance offceas mmasn oeiblas they are more thon wilig t help out. Until next Urne, Henry, k.ep workmng hard and, most importantly, have fun. Jennifer FATHER LEO J, AUSTIN The. Austin Community Theatre (ACT) will present this ryearesmajorpoution, .<A MidoummerorNightr'S Dreaun,'on Marc 2, 3, 4and6. Curt;aintime is 7:30 p.rn. Tickets are $8 for adulte and $5 for children and seniors and are available at the. sciiool. Tii. play is a companion piece te last year's play, 'Romeo anid Juliet.' 'iis yser, however, love and the. imagination are subjecte for comedy. Our cast visited St. Bernard, St. Michael, St. Marguerite and St. Theresa elementary schools and delighted the. audiences witii the. humour and magic of the Plaimntr school stu dents have been inviteci to matinees on Monday ad Tuesday. Because it's been a relatively quiet week at Austin, I have only on. bit of information for the. Austin comnrunity. On Feb. 23, Ms. Sculion gave birtii te a 9 IL 3 oz. bouncing baby .boy -- Carneron. This i. the. flrst child for Me. Scullion and her husband. W. are all lookcing forward to seeing mother and child in the. near fuue. I certainly hope everyone in making plans for Marcii break, I know that's what rmn doing. So, until w. meet again -- keep smiling. Like a cancer, it cam moiplat. and ovepower mWe' séif-controL. As it spreads itaelf thyughout on.'. body, It con erush pall na aSplit Second. Fear in the factor that blocks or prevents the. learning proce. Not knowing about or flot understanding in the. fSst stop te living in fear. A lack of elf-awarenss adignrorance towards others' fears wil confine on. te, living in fear. When you become the. persn_ who lives witii that constant fear, yo=ecee isolated, mrse and conusd.If this happens, yu lose Oelf-esteem and become -- in a erise- the. cracked -11iei. Th. omk n the. outgl con only run Se, deepbfoecomplet. structural breakdown. 11w bout road to overcoeing fear i.n duaing ad experiencing yoer thougits end i felings wlth others Once yoei have rualzeci that oduer aroemd yoer siso liv. with fears%,ye become more awar., ad awareuse arouaciyoe leoda to selfawar.n.u. Sellf-awar.em lead te confidence, ad confidence i. one of the. bout tools to use when fighting fear. Also,4 keep i mid that your atteznpt to underatand or solve these prcblems con lead to more complity, confusion and dfistress, and that it will take tm.. Self-awarenees and confidence donttcorne overnight. In fact, it is a life-long commitment that only gets easier. Fear can ney eb completely removed frm oesself;, ut it can b. controlled. Here at DAME, staff ad students successuly woek together to change the. fear oflearing tothe joy of learning. 'y to, From reading to math, Sylvan Learning Centre' helps children make the grades. With our positive, individualized instruction, students find their grades soaring - along with their self-esteem. Instead of dreading school, students actually look forward to it. We've already helped more than a million children turn their grades around. Lets talk about how we can help your child. e Sylvan 4w Learning Centre@ Helping kids be their best.S eadn *eiîn at e.uySki Kendalwood Park Plaza, 1801 Dundas St. E., Whitby 404-1818

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