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Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1994, p. 24

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Page 24, Wliitby Free Press, Wednesday, March -2,1994 CAL A CFilD CRE ICiBDA5IIP5Ta I PROFSSIOAL I SERuiE SomVC ______ CUSTOU DRAPERIES, valances, sheers . and coordinatlng accessories. Many styles and fabrics to choose fom. Cail today for that new look for spring. Customor fabric wolcome. XPRESSIONZ 666-762. PROFESSIONAL PMUSICIAN AVAILABLE, 25 years e=oi ence, for wedding ceromne (piano or organ), receptions, funerals, or any special occasion. For that special touch. Cal anytime: 666-2085. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewlng machine repairs. Ail makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complet. t une-up from $29.95 + p arts. Factory trained techniclans. For fre. pick-up & delivery cal! 432.7375. J & D CONSTRUCTION. Complote basoment & bathroom renovations. Drywall, tapinq, and texturod ceilin gs. Painting & wallpapering. Fre e estimates. References. 10 yrs. experlence. Cail 430-3957. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive q uality portraits. Studio or in home. Babfes, children, familles. Packages from $29. Also: weddings, christenings, groups, boudoir, copy & restoration, executive, promotional. No GST. 427-9164. CALL PLUMBUNG BROOKLIN 655-5934 rDerek Dutka îSFpcaszing in tax'and retirement planning sînoe 1986 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOUNTMENT. r FIIZGERALD HomeaZpvent Cermüc ZYing DrywalÂAndPaînting a al9 Years i iDurha ~Region a Cail: %L668-4686J LOVING MOTHER will rovide day care In my home, full- or part-time. Nutritious lunch & snacks. Non-smoking envlronment. Cali 430-3361 CAN 1 PROVIDE FOR YOU dependable, steady childcare? Flexible hours. Will work full or p art-time. Vears of exporlence. Excellent rot erences. Cal evenings, 668-8608. GARDEN & MANNING. Reliable mother of 2 avallabe for daycare. Non-smoking home on sf. court, close to schos. Caîl Martina 430- 6194. ROSSLAND/GARRARD. Daycare available In my home. Full timo or p art time. Close to St. Mark's chool. Cail 721-0707. LOVINO CARE PROVIDED ln my homo. Gardon/Dryden/Brock area, clos to school & park.Fullpart time. References, recopts. 666-9382. Specializing in Early Childhood >M Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Ferry St., Whltby 668-9476 SevcmîST *CARPE! & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION Resldentîliand ConmercialCleaning *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION FireWater/Smoke Cleanup and Restoration (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY THE BEST WILI. DO" 436-6000 F 1* DU Computenized Drycleaning Exellent Quality & Service W. do dry cleanlng, shirts, launcky and ail kdinds of afteations & ropair. 3%55 Thickson Rd. - 576-2510 Dqyden & Thikson, besid No FMIlS iwnterlokingson retaining walls Wood fencing & decks FREE GOMPETITI VE ES TIM4 TES Written Guarantee 666-9690 t J The Mutuai Croup HERTRAN càIl for quotafion 668-9669 s 432-7216 RRIFS- ANUTITE Gi.1I - kIh 5U MARCH BREAK CARE - I have oponings availablo for cars during the March Break. Snacks, lunches and crafts. Rossland & Gardon. Cal Kathleen 666-4087. r. .SHARED ACCOMMODATION NEW HOME TO SFIARE wh 1 other, large private suite with bath, cablo, laundry, parking. $475 Inclusive, non-smfoker preferred. Available March 1 st. 668-3412. AVAILABLE APRIL 1. Roommato wanted to sharo 4 bedmoom home. Parking, laundry facilitios availabl. $350/month. Cai 430- 7103. NEW HOME - have your own bathroom, bedroomn - share the rest. Laundry, close to buses. $400 Inclusive. You are a responsible, quiet, non-smoker. Contact 728-0337. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT $8Olweek. Share bath room & kitchon. Student or worker preferred. Walk to ail amenties. Please caîl 666-3776 after 6pm. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes trom Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms avaliable for rent. Low weekly rates. Cail 655-5308. ROOM FOR RENT ln farmhouse., $90/wseek. Available immodialty. Cali 430-4673 or 430-7059, beave message. NICE, FURNISHED ROOM ln new home. 4 pc. private bath, air con., laundry, share f ull houso. Maie or tomai. welcome. $500/month. 666-5213. WHIITBY- apt. on main floor of homo ln quiet residential area. Vary dlean & cornes with fuît basem ont, paio & backyard, private parking, air con. & 4 appliancos. Non - smokers preferrod. Available May 1. $6251mo. + utilities. Cail 668-3011 or 666-3883, evenings & weekends. CENTRAL WtHITBY. A must to sool One bodroom basemont apt. in quiet 6-plox. Large windows, f ridge, stovo, laundiry facilities, carpoted & storago unit. $475lmonth + hydro. 728-3594.* ONE BEDROON basoment apartment. Bright, lrge windows. Largo living room, ki. wl stove & f rid ge. AIl utilities lnicludod. $625/month. Suitablo for maturo, worklng maie. 725-7474 or 571-2051. NEWER 3 BEDROOM home flnlshed basoment ln south Oshawa. AvailableApi1- Oct. 31194. $850/mo. + uiiis Ajax Roalty Ltd. John Vankralingen 668-7008. BROOKLIN - one bedroomn apt. availablo now. Close to ali amonitios. Rent $495/mo. Heat + hydro included. 655-5539. CENTRAL WHITBY one bodroomn basement apartment. Bright, clean, carpoted, separate entrance, appliances, parking fenced yard, storage. evilb now. $475/month + 1/3 utilities. 666-2032. COMING EVENTS Cail 668-6111 CLEAN & QUIET - one bedroom aZi ln ceintury building, oentrally locted ln Whftby. Suitable for single, working person. Non- smok rrre. Available April 1. $W4onth.eCal 668-3011 or 666- 3883 evenings and weekends. ONE BEDROM BAMENT APARTUENT in Oshawa Harnony and Rossland area). M imonth Includes Utilities, f ridge, stove & access to washer/dryer. Non-smoker. Oail 432-3238 or 666-832 for * more information. ON4E BEDROON basement apartment for rent partilUy furnshed. AIo- a rom forent l Oshawa. Ideal for a single tomais, non-emoker please. $79OlweekIY. Please cati 430-2934. 2 BEDROOM basement apailment, avallable April 1. $600 including hydro. Quiet, working persns only. CalI 666-3263. NEw 1,250 SQ FT. LUXURY 2 bedom; apt., central location. Huge ktchený & living room, ensuite laundry, 4 appliances', complets pnvacy. $700/mo. al inclusive with cable. 430-1418. TWO BEDROOM basement apt Own entrance, large backyard. 4 pc. bath, frld ge & stove. Laundry & utiiies lncluded. Parking, close to bus servoe. $6W0mo. First'last. References. Whitby. Cali 668-4298. AVAILABLE MARCH 1 - 3 bedroom main floor apt., approximately 1,000 s. ft. Involves caretaker duties. $725/month, utilitios included. Cal Ron 434-5629. Office 436-0990, 517 Harris Crt. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES Il ALL. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CANADAS LARGEST MANUFACTURER ai qualty ouidoor recreational trampolines roquires distributors ln Southern Ontario. For more infarmation cail (306) 931-8001. INCOME TAX BLUES? Stop paying, Iegally! Discavor the startîing truth. 2-1/2 minute message. 10.000 Canadians now living incarne tax reis. Caîl Now! 24 hours 1-.(604)-8935850, 1.(204)-788-2056,.(1-416)-609-7071. EARN UP TO $60.000 - NEW SPACE AGE ROOF COATING. Rofavers Dealership available in your area. Thermo 2000 an eîastamneric seamless coating that tatally seals and protecs a roof ffrm the elements. No need ta reshingle. V2 the cost aI rerjofing. Protected torritory $7900.00 Inv. roqd includes inventary and training. Cail (416) 398-7663. Fax (416) 398- 7689. BUSINESS SERVICES CAIL CANADAS LEADER IN FARM TAX SERVICES: incomo tax. GSI. bookkeeping, financial statements, NISA and year round planning. For FREE consultation, cati TrncGuard taday -800-265-1002. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctianeering. Nexi Class: March 12- 18. Information, contact: Southw.stern Ontario School aI Auctioneoning. RR1.Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519)6537-2115. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE of Vancouver alhers correspondance courses for the certificats oi Counselling Studies ta begin the 1 51h ai the manth. For brochure phono: 1-800- 665-7044. CERTIFICATE COURSES. Incarne Tax or Boakkeeping courses by correspondence. Free brochures. No obligation. U & FR TAX SERVICES LTD., 1345 Pembmna Hlghway. Winnipeg. Manitoba R3T 266.,1-800-665-5144. FOR SALES ENERCRAFT a eading manufacturer ai Portable Band Sawmiîls also catries woodsplitters. edgers, chainsaw chain grinders. bandsaw blado grinders. skidding winches and more! Open HouselDerno Day - May 28, 1994 -- Cali 1-800- 387-5553 for det ails. _________ SALES HELP WANTED TAKE THIS JOB and love il! LANTANA is a le ading fashion network marketing campany Iaoking for people like you Ia become Fashion Consultants. Cail 1-800-463-8659. ADOPTION SEEKING TO ADOPT preciaus newborn intoaur homo filled with love and affection. doting grandiparents close by. W. love music and the outdoors and believe in providing many. many. opportunities for our child. Working with licensed professianats. PLEASE CAIL 1-800-387-8582. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND memnbership/imeshare? We«Il take it! Amorica's largest. oldest resale clearlnghouse. Resort Sales Internationat 1-800- 423-5967. Tmeshare rentais needed. Cai 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BRADLEIGH PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS. Proudîy made in Canada for rural industrial commercial. Drawings with buildings. Drap packages or erected. Free estimates cati (705) 431-6777. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - flot quonset - 32x54 $7.899; 4Ox7? £11.924. 50Ox90 $16.954; 60x126 £25.883- other sizes availabte - Miscelaeus clearance - Paragon 24 Hours 1 -800-263-8499. Vaur ad could appear in community newspapers In Ontario, or right actas, Canada, or any IIndividuprovince. Space I# Limited so Cai This Newspaper oday! I W3CROSS CANADA MA&RKE.TPLAj&CE9 To oma* a w*rmakeI. a"f ftdtq&heuthe d»gfOOWWafmmh4, oithe Omb and Canan CommwinWy PNeupqer AsaocWa m. Centraina 50 n.wspapsns - 168 or 25 word. - AU Oajo 178 nswspeo, - SMfot 25 words AU C.ndutWe50n. mr- $1,183 feru25 wd SFre ~ ~ 4j jI QW a Hors: <>ndy toF ria y ;00 rn t 5:0.p.nFax..8...4. Are you expecting or just recently had a baby V/e/lcorne Vagon woauldi like to knowv Cail for information. 434-2010 or 668-6653 *We have informaion packages *Baby shower for expectant mothers *Heiptul FREE information NO*OLCIIN sVOVE 1 L a 44 gd.. CALL A - - - 1 -J For further Information pleme cali the Whitby Fr» Prou CleulOmM - 668-6111 1

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