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Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1994, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Fre Press, Wednesday, March 0.,1994 SUPPORT GROUP The Invisible Disability Support Group will meet Tuesday, Match 15, 7 p.m., at 947 Adelaide Ave. E., .Oshawa. The meeting is for parente of children with social, emotional or behavioural problemo. Ail are welcomne. For more information, cali Nancy at 436-7706, Mary Lou at 623-5414 or Karen at 623-6490. KASTER HAM T'e Rotary Club ofr Whitby is selling Easter ham to raise funde for . various projects and po pramne. Cost of a 2.3-pound har is $10, 4.6-pound ham is $18. Club members will deliver hams. Caîl Ron at 430-8221 Brian at 668-4212, Debbie at 4(3-3700 or David at 668-3579. SCIZOPHIRENL4, Ontario Friends of Schizo- phrenics Durham chapter, will meet on Wednesday, March 16, 7 to 9 p.m., at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, building 30. Guest seker wilI be Glen Davis of N4ational Trust who will discuss wills and trusts. For more infor- mation about the meeting cal 404-1301. OSTOMY MEETINGS The Oshawa anid District Ostomy Association, a mutual aid group for tho.. anticipating osftomy surgery, will meet Wednesday, Mach 16, 7:30 p.m., at Oshiawa General Hospital, room 1002F. Refreshments served. For more information, cal Velora Gibson at 434-2886 or Le. Wilson at 728-5853. DINNR MEETING The Canadian Club of Durhamn Region will hold a dinner meeting Tuesdy, March 15, 6:30 p.m., at the. Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Guest speaer is Jerry Amerdc, author and public relations consultant, dissng «'The Modem Communicaýpr: Ail bels 'n wistles, .u no substance.' Al are welcarne. For reservations or membership inquiries, cal 571-2679 or 6684335. TREOS FOR THE WIDOWED The Whitby chapter of Theos will meet Sunda, March 13, 2 .M, at S. Andrew's Psbyterian Ciiurch, Cochrane Street, Whtby. Ail widowedme and women are welcome. For more information, calI 668-2648. PC USERS' CLUB The. Durham -PC User.' Club will meet Thuraday, March 10, 7 to 10 p.m., at CAW Local 222 Hall, 14215 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. The. topic is 'Borland, and there wili be a demonstration of Quattro Pro. Admission is fre.. For more information, contact Barbara Rice at 434-7420 or Bruce Laycraft at 728-9351. LA ILECEE La Leche League Whitby will meet Thureday, March 10 at 9:30 a.m. The. topic la < Baby arrives: tiie famiiy and the breastfed baby.' Mothers, babies and expectant inothers welcome. Call 723-0542 for details. La Leche Laque is a non-profit organiza- tion recogri zed as the. world's foremout autiiority on breast- feedng. Support and encourage- ment are provided in a friendly atmosphere by mothers with first-hand experience. ST. PATRICKVS DANCE A St. Patrick's dance iiost.d by the. Whitby Lions Club, will b. held at Heyenshore Pavillon on Saturday, Marcii 12, 8 p.m. te, 2 a.rn. There will b. mune>y disc jockey Clark Brown. For tickets, $10 pr person, or more information caîl John at 666- 2223. SUPPORT NMMiGS The. Head InýjuryAssociation of Durham Region will hoid support group meetings Wednesday, March 16, 7:30 p.m., at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Survivors will meet on the. main floor, family and caregivers,' upstalrs. For assistance with transpotation, cal tiie office at 723-2732. ONE PARENT FAMILLES The North Oshawa On. Parent Familles will hold new member orientation night on WednesdaY, march 16, 8 p.m., at Christ Memorial Ciiurch, Mary and Hillcroft streets, Oshawa. New members and guests welcome. For more information, call 721-8164. DOW" SMEETIG The. Durham Down's Syndrome Association will hold a s"cal evening Tuesday, March 15, 7:30 p.n., at Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. E9. MRe ents provided. For more information, calI 579-0187. ST. PATRICIC'8DANCE A St. Patrick's dance will b. iield at the. Knigiits of Columbus Hall 133 Brock St. N., htby on âaturday nigiit, March12 Ther. will b. a live band, Squid Jiggers ad ds ockey, and lunch. orticketscal 430-9621. SAVE-A-EARtf Durham Save-a-Heart offers courses i basic rescuer, basic rescuer refresher, infant-child cardiopulmonary resuscitation and Heartsaver, locally in March and April. Caîl 666-0995 for more information. Non- pfrt communiLtgroup whých arn e d ' Whlyor have a sbtantiai Whltby membershlp may place their upcomlng meeting or activiti s or. thi page ai n0 cost. w~k~U ~fl0~Ofl W b. Frida~ ai Bp i.. SOROPIMIMEETINmG I%. Soroptimist International of Oshawa/Wbitby Club will ment Thursday, March 10 7-30 p.m, at Grandview ehabiÎaion and Treatment Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa. Interested persos'ar welcome. For more Urfrmation, cail Yvette Adamnkovics at 432-2828 or Joan McKnight at 725-3704. CHILRENS NUTRMTON Marchin i National Nutrition Month, sponsored by the. Canadian Di.etetic Association. Dietitians will hold a nutrition workshop Saturday, March 12,' 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., at Durhamn College aznpiitheatre. Parents may bring cildren aged 4 to 12 to participate. Guest speaker is Eleanor -Brownridedietitan and author of <rm ngrlou Guide tW Nutritious adTasty Food for Young Children.' Her topic ia 'Mealtimes needn't b. battletimes.' Admission is free. Refreshments provided. WOOD COMES ALiVE The Forent And Stream Woodcarvers of Whitby will hoot a special exhibition and carving demonstration March 12, 13 and 19, 20, 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Purple Woods Conservation Area in the display building beside the. parking lot. There wiil also b. sugar bush tours from the. dlsplay room at il a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Admission, parking and tours are free. Ïhe conservation area ln located north of Oshawa at the. southeat corner 0f Simca. Street and Coates Rond (luth Concession). Maste'r Plan approved By Mike Kowaaki Opponents of developrnenýt near the. Lynde Creek Marh could b. figbting a losing battle.. Aplan proposinig tW protect the. environmientally-sensitive wet- land from industrial and residen- tial development bas r.c.i ved the. backing of Whitby's planning and development committee. The committe. was unanimous in its support Monday of a rev- ised open spaoe master plan (OSMP) designed to ensure pro- per use of lands between the. marsh and future development. Committee rej.cted cdaims from a local environmentai group that the. plan still falis short of protectmng the. marsh from the. impact of a proposed communîty of 6 700 people. ithough not advertised as an officiai public meeting, the. com- mittee agreed to hear a presen- tation from Durham Wetlands & Watersiieds. Spokesperson John Foster toid comittee that hie group was not satisfied with the. changes made te tthe document since it was firet unveiled last Septem- ber. Foster claimied that the. plan faile Wo compiy with recommen- dations contained in the Crombie royal commission repr on the future of the Lake Ontario waterfront. H. aiso repeated previous demanda for an environmental asseasment of the joint govern- menit-private sector projeet and criticized both the Ontario government and Whitby council for te lack of an assessmnent. "It was irré-sponsib1e of the. Ontario governmerit fot to order on. and Whitby council not to request onp." 1-e said. When councillor Jo. Drumni took exception tob.ing called irresponible, Poster later apo- logzedandsaid h. meant Wo say "w. isied you had ask.d for one." But Foster posed tiiree ques- tions to, the committe.. "Miy the. iurry tW deveiop tiie east aide of the. marsh? Why the. need Wo expedite it? (and) Is Whitby in so urgent n.ed of tax dollars?" Councillor Rose Batten infor- med Poster that the project's iiistory dates back ta t h e id- 1980s when the. Lynde Siiores Secondary Plan was developed. H. denied that Whitby was attempting to push the. matter tiiroughquickly. «Wéveben reviewing this for five years,» eaid Batten. "As chanrman of this commit- tee and a member of counc-il, I don't feel the public has beeýn "bhut out of the. process or been neglected,» lh. said. App~roved in 1989, the. second- ary p lan calls for deveiopment of about 700 acres of ]and east of tiie marsb. Housing, parks and sciiooîs are planned for as many as 6,700 people. A 185-acre industriai park north of Victoria Street is p art of the. project, as is the $ 133.5- million redevelopment of Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. Three years ago, council endoreed an environmiental management plan (EMP) which was prepared in conjunction with the. secondary plan. The 200-page document was designed Wo provide a general strateg for assessing the impact of devopment on the marsh and to outline measures which could lessen its effects. The. marsii is the. largest remaigwetland b.tween Osii- a ad Hanilîton. But prior Wo any development proceeding, an additional study dealing with open space lands was also required. mle OSMP and EMP were both commissioned by the. four landowners in thie secondary plan area -- the. Ontarîo govern- ment, Durham Region, tii. Rose Corp. and Dr. George Jaeiw. Batten told Foster that Whitby had "extensive consultations" witii not only provincial officiais but the Crombie commission as weli. «They've ail given approval to the. procesa. It's not t he case of Whitby council trying W push ahead on its own,»he said. "W. are confident that what we're doing la protecting the. waterfront and our environmen- taily sensitive lands."» Batten sald that not only has council undertaken the Lynde Shiores plan but also studies of lands near P>ort Whitby and the. GO Transit station. "We're one of the. few com- munities on Lake Ontario that have the, kind of studies that w. had don.,» inteijected councillor Dennie Foi. "David Crombie himseif was 100 per cent impressed,» Fox added. Foster, however, was not. H. noted that province'a own wetiands policy recommends at least 120 mefres separation bet- ween a marsh and deveiopment, whereas the Lynde plan ranges from 15 to 30 metres. Foster aiso said the. marsh b. studied as a "complet. unit" rather than studying the impact of development on varlous parts. "Thi would provide for protec- tion of the. marsh as a complet. eco-eystem," he said. In response to Fosters caîl for an envronmental assessment planning director Bob Short saicl the. govenment feels the, EMP has served that purpose. Despite a 4,000-name petition dem anding one, former environ- ment minister Ruth Grier did not order an asseasment, Short said. «Tis was the same minister who 'said there should be an environmental assessment wiien she was an (opposition) MPP but who exempted thie Ministry of Government Services from an assessment," h. said * Fox stressed that it was not council's idea Wo develop the pro- perty near the marsh. "But it's part of our responsibi- lity Wo make sure itfs don. rigiit,» he said. "It may not b. perfect but at least we have some afeýPards that we didn't have b. fore. Followingtiith meetfing, Foster said h. will try Wo convince coun- cil not to support the recommen- dation next Monday- "le's true that ti.y're working within the. statutes of Ontario and itfs true that the. people who own the. land can do what tiiey want,» eaid Foster. "But tii.h citizens of Ontario isn't it better te preserve a Class I wetland?' Foster noted that many wet- lande aiong Lake Ontario have disappeared due to developmen- taI pressure. Tosee an example of what Lynde Shores wili look like when tbey put the. subdivision in, 'go ta the. eat aide of Duffin's Creek (Ajax)." j centre at 68124. FRINDSflPCIRCLE nThe Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre's'Friendabl t rce'wiIl meet Friday, Mat ch il, 7 p.m., aî. the. centre, 801 Brock St. S. New members welcome. For more information, cail the. centre at 668-1424. pRY8IcyNIRAPY DISPLAY March 13 to 19 is National M sitheapyW.ek. To provide Inrmation to,,the. public rofar drthe ofeon ad ite rh District Physiothrapy Association wili have displays at FIve Pointe Mall Oshawa from Monday, March 14 to, Thurada, March 17 and at Pickerinown Centre, Friday, March 18 and Satirrday, March 19. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club will meet on Sunday, March 13, 12:30 p.m., at the. Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa city hall. For more information caREarl Macean at 728-1352. SEPMNAR The Salvation Army will hold a series of seminars in money management and budgeting the firat to b. held Frida-y, March il, 1 to, 3 p.m., at the SaVation Army Whitby Citadel, 122 Kent St. Guest speaker wil be Sandra Sherk, executive director, Oshawa and District Credit Counselling Service. Topics will include stretching the dollar, having money left over after bille are paid and getting ahead in tough economic times. Ail are welcome. Admission is free. Refreehments Space is limiteci. To reserve a smat, or for more information, call 430-3454. TAXE A MARCH BREAK Durham '94 bas activities for kidd in Durham Region in Marck starting with the. l8th annual maple syrup demonstration at Purple Woods Conservation Area, Simca. Street North and luth Concession Road. Guaded tours will b. held weekends from, Mach 7toApril 22and during March break, March 14 to 18. Admission and tours are free. Por more information, cail the conservation authority at 579-0411. Cullen Gardens wifl have a magic show, storytelling and face-painting, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., daily drigMatch break. Aivance bookinge ony are accepted. Tckets are $6.5 per person, including luch and taxes. Cail Ciillen Gardens at 668-6606 for tickets and information. ONE PARENT PFAMlS One Parent Famies, Oshawa Chapter wiil meet Tuesday, March 15, 8 Pim., at the Adria Croatian Cultural & Sports Club, 432 Simcoe St. S. for coffee, carde and conversation. Far more information, call 436-508 or 728-1011. KIRST AID, BABYSI'TG During March break, St. John 1Ambulance is offering ba!bysit- 1ting courses for teens and first iaid courses for chuldren aged 10 and over. Courses are a t area locations from Match 14 to 19. Cail 434-7800 for more informa- 1tion. 1 Ulm ST. PAT1UCKS DANCE

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