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Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1994, p. 15

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Whltby Fme Press, Wednesday, March 9,.199. Page15 A HOME DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT FEATURE Hiring ca conitractor .Now that everyone'e thoughts are begining to turn to spring and the warmer weather it wîll being, many hozneownere are starting to seriously cansider undertaking somne home renovations. Undoubtedly, spring je an extremely popular time of the year for this type of task. If you've been bitten by the renoatin bug, now ie the time to start laying the groundwork for your projeet. That way, you can map out your ideas and get quates ftom a few qualified cantractors. You'1l have a much better idea of just how much your projeet will cost you and you should be able to avoid the spring rush. Before contacting any eontrac- tors, its extreniely important to ait down and decide exactly what you want done and your budgetary paraxneters. For exaznple, je this going to be a large undertaking or a relatively minor one? Obviously, a large job will involve more expense and, generally, more disruption to your daily routine. For instance, adding on a deck won't mvolve a lot of upheaval. However, a projeet that involves tearing down walls and adding on extra rooms, or totally gutting existing ones, will reqire some patience and understanding from you and your faxily -- and you should be prepared to put up with some degree of pandemonium until the job je complete. Ask family and friends lIn your eearch for suitable contractors, contact friends, family and relatives for posible referrals to reputable contractors. Obviously, if they've had a bad experience with a particular company, you're not going ta want ta use the same company. Keep in mind that if Aunt Matjorie had her back porch replaced by eoneone she highly recommends, it dobesn't neces- sarily mean the same contractor wilI be well-suited to the task of adding on a second-storey addition ta your home. Contractars who specialize in emnail jobs aren't alwaye qualified to take on larger projects. The reverse is also true. Once* you've campiled a Et of some cantractors, you may want to contact the Better Business Bureau to eee if any consumer complainte have been lodged against any of them. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, you'Il want to contact at least three contractore ta obtain written quotes. Keep in mind that quotations can vary greatly, sa make sure you give each contractor exactly the samne specifications for the work you want done. Choosing the Iowest bid doesn't always guarantee the jo will end up being the least expensve in the end. And pickIng t he highest quote doesn't necesearily mean youlIl get the best resulte. If possible, get a liet of recent clients of these contractore and contact themn to see if they were satisfled with the jobs they had done. It's also important to factor in your rapport with each contractar. Obviously, you)re not going to work really well with someone with whom you feel uncomfortable. Aiea look at everything that's included in the contract. After ail, you don't want a lot of unexpected surprises down the road. Othor cansideratio« You should also find out whether these contractors are licensed by the industry'e licensing. commission, trade association or professional organi- zation. Are they insured and banded? Ites aiea a good idea ta flnd out if they have good credit ratinge. And find out what kind of warranty, if any, is offered with the renovatian. Keep in niind that a reliable contractor should be able ta offer you ideas, improvements, even cost savings. Ideally, the contractor ehould aiea provide emergency telephone nuxnbers which'are accessible after hours or an weekends. Written contract Once you decide on a particular contractor, it's important ta get a written contract describing ail the work that's ta be done. Yau should epecify wha jes responsible for obtaining all the appropriate permits. Remember that it's absolutely essential ta ascertain whether y au need a permit for the job that je ta be done, and ta obtain it, before any work takes p lace. Otherwise, you could be subject ta fines, or you might have ta dismantie your project. Your contract should aiea outline start and completion dates and a payment echedule. Take care when agreeing ta the terme of a contract and make sure everything je spelled out clearly. Remember that, under the Construction Lien Act, yau muet withhald 10 per cent of the contract price far 45 days fallowing substantial completion of work. 'THE SKLAR-PEPPLER 688,' made by the Whitby uphol- stery company, recently won a Trillium award in the motion' furniture category. The awards are presented annually by the Ontario furniture îndustry. A boost in efficiency Anne McLellan, Minister of Natural Resources (NRCan), recently made two annaunce- mente expected ta, help Canadi ans improve the energy efl¶ciency of their homes. The first announcement concerne new standards for the R,2000 home programn, which celebrated a record-breaking year in 1993. The other concerne a housing energy code that will aiea help Canadians contribute ta the reduction of greenhouse gas emissione throughout the country. "On April 1, 1994, new standards will take effect for the R-2000 prograni -- standards which have been developed in co-operation with the Canadian Home Buildere' Association (CHBA) and aur other R-2000 partners," says MeLellan. "These higher standards respond ta the publicse growing appreciation for their home's Celebratiugl2 Jfears ofBtçies NOW BOOKUNG INGROUND POOLS FOR SPRING! Cali for details. SAUN7TQ THE STOVE DEN 133 Taunton Rd. W. (Just West of Simcoe) ÉM571.0189 po tential contribution ta the health af their family and envirarnental protection." Under the new standards, M-000 homes will use 15 per cent less energy and 35 per cent lese water than those built ta the current standard, while main- taining and improving air quality ana comfart. "The M-000 programn pravides a best practices standard for Canada's hamebuilders," notes McLellan. "ifteen hundred houses were constructed by qua]ifled R-2000 homebuilders in 1993. This represente a 25 per cent increase over 1992. It je apparent that increasing consumer demand for energy savings and envirmnental r ality have contributed to the -2000 program's success." The second announcement was the release of the draft National Energy Code for houses, for publiecocmmentary. The code je a result of NRCan working with the National Re-search Council, the Caiadian Electrical Association ,ànd prvncial energy *mi 'tres, through the National B *1ding Coeprocess, ta, develop a minimum required standad for the energy efficiency of new homes that would be available ta, aIl rvincial and municipal Following its addption by provincial goverrnents, the code will require that ail ne w, ernal residential buildings, meet or exceed minimum' standards which will pravide a cost-effective degree of energy efficiency. McLellan invited the public ta submit commente ta, the National Research Council until June 30, 1994. ~Výv v v v v v Y NOWOPENV Ma & Pals Country StoreV Y CountryDecor Y Sante FeV Y Scented Candies Y Potpourri and electrie pots V Y Large Variety of country placemnats, table runners, rugs, etc. IV Y Featuring 16 craftspeople hrm Durham Region P This week's featured local craftspeople V V Maria Saucier & Viekie LeV 10%1, OFF nmf tus, bunnes & dîied flowersv V 374 WILSON RD. S. OSHAWA a 434-7560v North of Bloor, South of CXine V Soiled Dirty Carpets Restoring Their Original Beauty Nothing detracts from the beaufyof your home more thon soiled carpets caused from ground in dirt, animal stains or food spilîs. If if's time tf0 dean your carpets you are faced with 3 options. You con hire a professional, pick up a machine at the local supermarkef. or corne ta Swish, the carpet cleaning experts, and rent the same equipment the prof essionals use. Carpet cleaning is easy and economical - you con probably dlean your whole house for less thon $5000 We'lI gîve you ail the advice and expertise you need - free! We'Ii even show you how ta Scotchguard your carpets thus making your carpets vrtually irnpervious ta future sfaining. A word of caution - if a weekend rentali s desirable, reserve ahead. The units are extremely popular. Spectacular results are guaranteed. If you don't get the results that youre expecting. we'Ii give you your money bock' Sat ,jdedc CLEAN-IT CENTRE 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1224

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