Page 16, WhIby Free Press, Wecfnesciay, March 9, 1994 ______________A HOME DESIGN AND IMPROVEIMENT FEATURE Tips On buying asnd-.-usi-ng a freezer (NC) A freezer can help stretch your grocery dollar in many ways. In suznmer, for example, a freezer lots* you preserve fruits and vogetables that are abundant and relatively inexpensmve at that time of year. To get the moot benefit from a freezer, it's important to choose the unit thýat's right for your n"ea Keoping energy efficiency in mind is also essential when shopping for, installing and maintaining a freezer. New EnerGuldelbeln The federai goverrnment, which Passed the Energy Efficiency Act in 1992, bas revised the EnerGuide label that i. required to appoar on al new ranges, refigeratorsi fr-eezei% dish- washÎers, clothes washers and clothes dryers sold in Canada. The new rectangular EnerGuide label provides an annual (instead of monthly) estimate of how much electricity the appliance is expected to consume in kilowatt hours (kWh). A bar oale and pointer now appear below this number. The position of the pointer on the ocale indicates how the particular modol compares to other modela with imilar capacities and features. The closer the pointer itstothe left end of ýthe scale (uses lois energy), the more energy efficient that particular modelis coznpared to othors on the market. bis practise of faf entis.y please call 666-0244 FOR AN APPOLNTMIENT' " Insurance plaps accepted " Days, evenings & Saturday appointmcnts available " Emcrgency cails accepted (during office hours) 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. SUITE 207, (Rossland / Garden Plaza) WH1TBY *choose the right size. HomSe freezers corne in three sizes of storage space: 4.3 cubic feet, 7 to 8.3 cubic foot and 13 cubic feet and over. Sinco a half-empty freezer coets almost as. much te run as one thats full, bigger doesn't necessarily mean botter. Allowing three te five cubic foot per person i. usually enough. * Decido whether te purchase a cheet-style freezer or the upright type that resembles a rofrigerator. Since lésa cold air escapes front chest freezers than from uprights when theymr openied, a chest freezer i. more economical te rum. On the other hand, cheet-style uts are more difficuit te dlean because y ou have te reach inside te the bottoin. This may rule them out an an option for seniors or others who find bending difficuit. Features such as automatic defrost aise affect the energy efllciency and cost of running a freezer. Chest freezers with manuai defrost are especially efficient compared te most frost-free uprights. 9 Plan the location of the freezer. For best efficiency, instal in adry andlevel area, away. froen sources of heat such as sunlight, stoves, furnaces, washers or dryers. Avoid porches and garages where the unit is affected by fluctuations in tomperature. e Measure the space the freezer will roquire. Alow space for air circulation around the back andsaides of the unit and, in the case of upright freezers, above teunit as well. *Choose an eniergy efficient model to save energy dollars and help the envirornent. Since freezers are on ail the time and usuallylast 15 to20 years,itfs important to, consider the coét of operating the freezer (the second price tag) when dociding which Modelte buy. *Be careful if yVOU'S buyin a used appliance. Warranties and guarantees generally aren't offered on used gooda. Ini addition, units built in Ontario before January 1990 weeret required te, meet the energy efficiency legislation after this date. While lower-priced iitially, an older freezer may cost more- te operate than a newer model. e Reduce enorgy demand by operating your freezer effliently. - Ice on freozer's walls acts as insulation between the cooling element and the sterage compartmnt, making the unit w:ork harde, longer. Defrost when ice buildup- reaches five millimetres or about one-quarter inch. -Keep thefreezer set at -18 degrees Celsius (zero degreos Fahrenheit). - Freezers work most efficiently when nearly full as lois warm air can enter each time you open the lid or door. On the other hand, packing the space too full prevents the necessary circulation of chilled air around food. e Freezer-life of foods. To find out how long frozen foods will last in your freezer and any cautionary information, contact the. Ministry of Agriculture. e Safe disposai of a freezer. Remnove ail latches, hinges and lids te prevent entrapnient. If units neid te be moved, handie them'carefully te, avoid loakage of freon gaz. I READY TO AN VERICALS ~ AVAILABLE IN WH,.rc OR IVOR Y