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Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1994, p. 22

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2 . . , . ", . t ,' - Il ' . 1I l I g, . *l 1ý lf , Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Marcn 9, 1994 The Whtby junior girls' rnnette teai, sponsored by Midas Muffler, won the chempionsiiip at the. 22nd annual Silver ing teurnanient in Aýjax this past weelcend. Why opened tournaient ~lyon Friday by defeating the oasy Naxteam7-1 ti another hiP ti.second pge.on Saturday, Whitby faced a strong Dorchester squad and in a fast-paced and solid, defensively- played gae, camne out on the short end of a 2-1 loae. Ini the. third gaine on Sunday Whitby faced the undefeateci Guelph squad, with Whitby iiaving te, win in order to advance to the championship gaine. Once again, the. gaine featured whitby minor basebal I association Applications to coach Whitby Minor Basebail Select Teams for the 1994 seasorn are now being accepted. Anyonie interested should send in a resume which must include your coaching9 experience anid any coaching certifications (le. NCCP level). These applications must be received no later than March 31, 1994, and can be malied or delivered to the address below. Anyone requiring information about these applications should contact Walt Lazary after 7 pm at 668-3026. CONTACT Walt Lazary 36 Goldring Dr. Whitby, ON. LlP iCi ,Ce tu 2u SELECT TEAMS Mosquito (4 teams) Peewee (4 teams) Bantam (3 teams) PLAYERS AGE LEVEL Born in '83 & '84 Born in '81 & '82 Born in '79 & '80 Born in '77 &'78 Born if '75 & '76 WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB OUTDOOR R EG ISTRATION REGISTRATION DATES: Mardi 12 & Mardi 26 TIME: 9:00 amn to 4:00 pm PLACE: Soccer City, 100 Sunray St. (Just north of Consumers Dr. between Hopkins and Thickson). REGISTRATION FEE: $ 70.00 per person $1 75.00 per family of three or more Ater March 26, 1994, 'à laie payment of $10.00 per player wlll be charged. solid defensive play and strong goaltending by both tearne, which produced an exciting contest that saw thei.age. tied et 1-1 after the. fret period. This time, Whitby mngd to score the go-ahead goal "With les than two minutes te, play and iield off the. Guelph attackers to corne away wit a 2-1 victory. The division charnpionsi gaine on Siday saw a remateh with thie Guelph team and, once egain, tiie defence and goltending set the. ton.. Whitby scored twice in the. Redmen alumni club iformed The:n newly.formed Broklin Redmn Aumi Club is attemptirg to, contact ail former Redmnen players. Former players and those inter.st.d in receiving furtiier information about the club or the firet-ever Redmen reunion cari write te: Art Morton, Brooklin Redmen Lacross Club, P.O. Box 382, Broklin, Ont. LOB 100, providing naine, address and telepiione number. Anyone knowixig the. whereabouts of former players outoide the. Durham ares. is alSo asked to write. Women's fastbal players wanted Individuals or teams are ti- vited to joi the. Duriiam Lekesii- ore Womn's Fastball Lee for the upcoming season tiia gins ini May. Leegue gaine are on Wednes- day and Friday nigiit anad an invitational tournanwnt is iield ini June. One of the. bague rules is that aIl teain membèes muet go to bat. Eacii teain in the. recreational league obtainsj their own spon- sors, equipinent and players. Players muet b.. aged 19 by Jan. 1, 1994.- For more information cal Carolyn Mountjoy at 668-1405. opMnghperiod and managed to, carr thmargin welUinto the second period before Guelph were, able to, get the ring by Heather Novices spAit in exirbition, The. Whitby mn«ornovice AM team, sponsored by Main. Tech Industries, split a pair of exhbition games by notching a 7-0 win at home over the. LNH Oshiawa Bruina on Saturday. Whitby then travelled to, Aurora on Sunday and were set back &2 at theUh e ofa big Aurora equad. In Whitby, the. team opened the. scoring early on a goal by Wayne Turcotte set Up b y Steven Seedhouse. Oshawa biattled bard to end the firet p.riod trailing by one. Wiitbykept pugging away and finalyad.a pair in the. second with Liam Reddox and Tanner Twining finding the net.' Assisting on goals were Chris Laforge, Turcotte and Seediiouse. WMhy broke the. gae open in the. third period as tiiey scored four unanswered goals. Leading the. attack were Aaron MacMurray, Blake Robinson, Ryan Johnston and Mfatthew Fowler. Reddox and Se.dhouse, with hie third of the. gaine, add.d assista. Kyle Simpson and Michael Jeffrey blocked all shots coming their way to, register the. shutout. In Aurora, Witby fell béhlnd, 2-0 nudway tiirough the. firet on two quick goals. Whitby drew close late in tii. p.riod, wath Ryan Jobriston onilon a reboud on ashot fedylair Singler. The. Whitby squad tied the. gaine ini the second ed on a put a move on the. goale and found the. empty net. Aurora came out in the. third period and dominated, as tiiey scored, three unanswered goals to gain the wmn. Huret ini the Whitby net. Guelph never gave in and with just 27 seconds remaining in the. Irn, teyevened the. scoe 2-2. oeeWhitby was not to b. d.nied and witii juat thre. ticka loft on the. dock, Angola Dunn scor.d the. gae.winner, to prevent ending the. final into overtimne. Once again, ev.ry member of the. Whitby equad contributod to the. teain ecoring. Dunn led the, team with six goals and an &sssit teain captin Catie Ciilloi.rfou golsand three assista, Calie or0a, a goal and two assiste, Ad iit gol and an assiet,, and Brea Alocontributing assista were Lindsay Millard (thre), TanYa Camnp.au Aunley Hunt 'and' Tarnara Wisiolek (two apiece) and singles to LidaFeld, Luanne MecKenzie and ïhâno Wgurst who -wacafld unto service from the twen teamn, play.d a v.r solid gaine in goal tiirougiiout the. tournarnent. It was her spetaulmar.play ini the final two gaines agaunut Guelph home thei.champlonship. Wedinesday night damn league UMATMS BLUE UoerOM- W L PUi BaI.rFumlkumFibnk 130 0130 DoddlSusrlomom1206120 WN ~ hie.a104Ha9 1504 ne Suvim 103 97 103 E2 1coem cm 89111l09 Pem aFoarn IMmatbW 0i66 124 68 DarrylNtion Ssrvlcn 3 13783 G-fl -d Joy Husak BRING BIRTH CERTIFUCATE. 8 FodretkîaTe.h 10 OMMy Nofon 6 ciffeTfm tCam 0 ParmaFoamn Top 10o cueme John Mdheso GSogeHilad Ai Phd MkeMeuWIW Todd Bitjou Gsum alngwl Pbysr of turnwusk AI Pidar LASATr$ CARLSBM rG - Dmm ffceutem 69 9 6 In Une Sto»re ltss 56 64 56 NauonaTrust 47 73 47 P«s ntenise4 In LUne SWor DW a fta» 3 NationalTnist Top sab sconer SonO Loriw 314 DavidReid 1l Wayne Thomas18e Joy 14" 12 w nDay go Jean AR)Ieby 8 MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION B.W.M.H.A. COACHING APPLICATIONS REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS Coaching applications for 1994/95 season may be obtained at Crawf's Sports, Iroquois Park Complex, Whitby, Ontario. Return applications post marked no later than March 23,1994. To: Terry Witruck, O.M.H.A. Teams Director, 71 Glen Hill Dr.,Whitby, Ontario Li N 6Z8 "*% T m &£Trn

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