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Whitby Free Press, 16 Mar 1994, p. 10

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Page 10, Whitby Fre Press, Wednesday, March 16,1994 Pettin pposes Cassels widnig By Mike Kowalski A planned widernngof Cakssels Road in Brooklin bas drawn tii ie 4&vllP residents. A 219-name petition opposing the wideming of Casues frein Baldwin Street to Queen Street bas been submitted te Town officiais. Opponents want Town council te reverse last moth's decision te reconstruct the road and widen the aveentwidth te 9.1 metres (30 foot). The clim hiswill virtually "destroy" the village's uniue character and liken the. proposed widening ta, buildig a "higiiwa( through the. heart cf Broolin. 'We are opp ose the widening of Casuels Road East," saidpetîtion orgarnzer Judy Davis. "W. feel it wo aid alter the character of the noigiibourhood, " said the. Casuels Road homeowner. 'That's (9.1 mnetres) wider than Winchester (Road). It's putting a virtuel higiiway through the. village." Thieoabject cf the residents' scorn is a public works department report which recommends wideming Cassels te 9.1 metres fi=m Baldwin te, Queen and 10 mtres (33 foot) fm Qusen te tthe future Brooklin Meadows subdivision further east. The department originally propoeed 10 metres along the entiro stretch, but modified its recorniendation after residents complained last falI. The new width allows room for two laros cf traffic, a parking lare and mountable curb a4nd will cost about $20,000 less, a staff report ettes. It alsomeets0Ontario Minityc rasotton minimum urban collecter road stnad.Iit's any narrower, the. ministry may net share as much of the. Stew dinner offered Brooklin United. Church $4 for children and preechoolers Women wiliiold a beef stew are free. dinrer on Wedreeday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m. For tickets, call 655-4141 or Dinners are $8.50 for adulte, 655-8716. Crafnt show upcoming Town's Sîng ito Country craft show and sale will ho e ld April 24, 10 amn. to 5 p.m., at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club in Ashburn. Spaces are available. Admission is $2 and ail are welcome. Proceeds will ho donated to I o ur life being affected bysommoe else's drinkinge. car help. AI-Ateen AI-Anon Aduit Children of Alcoholics Al-Anon 728-1020 James House Durham. For more information, Janet Town at 725-1338. coot, staff note.p Altiough the. widéniing Winl not p off anyone a front yard, Davis notes that mary hoen. on Cassels are on non-cnomiglt. "Seme are quite cose toe i.rosd already. This cant hlpbut destroy the character cf >the. eighourood» se.said. Daisinitith residents are net akn o mucii. "If th.y would come down te 8.5 (mnet es5w would not be tetally happy, but I think there would be room for compromise," a e said. "They have ta widon the road, but rot ta that extent. Although the petition will b. considered, the. likelhood of council reversing ituelf is remoe, courdillor Rose Batten concedes. Batten, along with courcillor Jo. Druiimn, favourod a narrower road widtii but could net convince the r.st of council. (North ward councillor Don Mitchell, who ropresents Brooklin, resides on Casuels Road and has a conflict of interest on the issu..) Batten was presented with the. petition at a recent meeting in Brooklin te outline details of road improvements needed ta accomodate extension of sanitary sewer service te the village. "The petitien will corne forward ta courcil, those thinge are always looked at," said Batten. "But the. only wýay it (issue) car ho reintroduoed is that a member cof council wiio supported 9.1 bas te reintroduce it and thats net likely te happen." SWhile h. initiely wanted an 8.5-metre width, Cal The Brooklin Horticultural Society will meet Wednesday, March 23, 8 p.m., at Broolin United Church. Richard Woolger will discuas the. different methods of growing tamatoes. Refreshments will ho served. Lug-a-mug. Ail are welcome. Batten said ho now agrees with public works staff. "Liooking at it now, it would b. tough te do that," he said. "If you. looked at a cross-section diagram you would ses that it will b. paved shoulder to, shoulder. The road won't b. wider ust more pavementç" Batten also promised that measures wil ho taken te, protect any mature trees on the road and staff will attempt to, preserve the aasthetic qualities of the. Lynde Creek bridge. geao rqiesrpir n Built in 1940, tebig lorqie ear n widening. "Publie works will try to maintain its special character and niake it as aesthetically pleauing as possible," said Batten. But according to, Batten, the residents' 'biggest complaint" is the arnounit of future trafflc on Casuels -- sornething which carnet ho avoided, ho sai-d. Batten explained that residents made it clear to council that- they want, future commercial development directed to, Baldwin Street and not to shoppng plazas outeide downtown Brooklin. "We've done that. But ini order to, do so, it was also neoessary to, make the proper connections se people caxi get to, the downtown core." Batten added that road reconstruction i Brooklin was intentionally delayed in recent years while council awaited final provincial approval. of the sanitary sewer project. "If not for that, Cassels would «have been rebuilt years ago," ho said. China trade opportunily =urha idigM More than one billion people and an economy doubling every four years mnale trading with the Peoples Reipublic of China very attractive. The federal goernm ent recognizes this. Se much so, in fact, that while we reduced the total Cabinet to 23 members, we elected te include a Minister of State fur Southeast Asia. Raynond Chan is the first Canadian of Chine»e descent to ho made a Cabinet ininister. I ae recognize the importance of dealing with the ballooning market. I amn trying to interest local members of the business and agricultural cornmunity ta accornpany meta an international trade show in Beijing May 20 te 24. ore than 100,000 business people are expected te attend the show which could turn out to be of great importance in the creation of jobs and diversification of our economy. The Peéoples Republie of China is interested in high-tech and computer industries, building and road construction, telecommunications, aircraft industry, food processing, environmental and recycling, and fashioei and textile-related industrien. I have already macle somne in-roade for the exportation of dairy and beef cattle, and, aithough nothing bas been flnalized, thinga look promising. The Chinese governrnent is involved i every aspect of the economy. Consequently, things move vory slowly. Perseverance in the keyte unlocking the. door leading inte this enormous market which is relative y untapped. Srnall- and medium-sized busiresses, farmers and manufacturera can participate in the trade mission. I wiil take your business proposai ta China and show it te the relevant people. But, better than that, why don't you corne with me. I arn Eaying for my trip eut cf rmy own pocket. Approximnately 100 uniness People ard four or five MPs will aos e ogoing. AIl that in required of you is a business proposai and sffcient background information hofore we go. This wiil enable me te introduce you te the business and agricultural community in the Chines. capital. This is a great opportunty for Durhamn, and Canada, ta shift its tiçaditionaI trading partners and, mont of ail, te b. invelved with aralpidly evolving economy. For more information, call 721-7570. Leprechauns at library The Broo»klin branch cf the held Wednesdays, 6:30 te 7:15 Whtb Public tibrary will iiold p.m. 'eping lieprechauns' for The six-week program begmes children aged 5 and-oe Marcii 30 until Ma 4. beginning Wednesday, March 16 Registration fo prshl from 2:30 te 3:30 p.rn. prograrne starts Tuesday, Marcii 'Tales for Tots' for children 22. aged 2 te, 3-1/2, accomparued by The Broolin Brancii an adult, will b. held Tuesdays, Ciiildren's Club, for eîdren aged 10:30 te i11 a.rn. 4 and over, is held eacii Saturday The five-week program begins frein 10:30 te, 11:30 a.m. March 29 until A fl 26. For information on the above 'Preschool Sltoryme' for prograis, contact the Brooklin children aged 3-1/2 te, 5 will ho library at 655-3191. Registration forme for junior level entries for the Brooklin Spring Fair are available for pickup at the. Brooklin library over March break. Aduit regfistration forme wiil be available at the. Brooklin library after April 5. HIISTORICAL FEATURE Whitby Free Press i .What is the date of the earliest known photographs of downtown Whitby? 2.What trophy was awarded at the Whitby -High School for 100 years, and whe donated it? 3.What achievement by the Kinsmen Club of Whitby is betieved te b. unique in Canada? 4.Which Whitby building was once the home of the poor and destitute ef Ontario County? Answers on Page 23 This feature provded by L.lAoe , tc.,dC 1..v..ti. , u.rgCat L- -y.-«Urý Should 1 Wax My No Wax Floors? The other da a customer was telling us that her No Wax Floor was losing it lustre. "Is there anything 1 can do to get the shine bac?" she asked. Fortunately there is. What has happened is that the grit carnied in on the bottom of shoes has over a period of time gradually ground the protective coating'off the floor. The resuit was a Ioss of shine, and dirt embedded in he'r floors which was flot readily removed. The solution te the problem i8 to give the floor a thorough scrubbing using AIRx 66 Heavy Duty Cleaner, rinsing the floor with clear cold water, and coating the floor with a high grade polymer floor finish (we recommend Butcher's Benchmark). The resuits are spectacular - a durable wet-Iook shine with a minimum et effort. Should you wax your no wax floor? We think se. A thin protective ceating of a hi gh grade floor finish wiII net only protect your floor ag ai nst ause but give you a constant shine that you can be proud of. Corne in and see our CLEAN-IT CENTRE. Our trained, friendly staff ef cleaning experts wilI gladly help you with your cleanung problem. 9aU tdyHur' CLEAN-IT CENTRE 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1224 DANCE AEROBIC CLASSES for Women begin the week of March 21/94 in Columbus For inorrmion cil Jennifer - 655-8974 YVWCA oentified instructor

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