Page 12, Whit>y Free Press, Wednesday, March 16, 1994 Lynde Shores master plan approved FROM PAGE 1 But prior te any construction U roceedin' an additional study dealing wdth proper management of the open space lands between the marah and development was also required. The OSMP and, EMP were both commissioned by the four principal landowners in the secondary plan area -- the Ontario government, Durham Region, the Rose Corp. and Dr. George Jaciw. Dui ngtheir presentations, Fostr ad Whitby reaidents Edie Gomille and Glen Raesau- gested several measures which they claimed would better pro- tect the marsh and its inhabi- tants from human intrusion. They demanded an increase i the buffer zone between the marali and development and doubted the effectiveness of a 15-metre wide barrier of "un- friendly' plantings in keeping people out. «Exprts sometime do make mistakes, » said Gomille in refer- ence te, the authora of the EMP. While conceding that the deve- lopment cannot be stopped, Gomille aaid a minimum buffer zone width of 300 feet would provide better protection. (The buffer zone varies from a width of 55 metres (180 feet) at its- narroweat point, te 200 metros (654 feet) at its widest.) Brunelle reminded council that hie raised many of the saine objections when the EMP was 4Por me plantinps of un- friendly bushes didn t cut it. It wouldn't keep young people from running amok in the marsh,» he said. Atlhough hiestill han "great concerna about what will happen te, the maréh when you put in 7,000 p eople," Brunelle expressed appreciation that «some attempts have been made te hold back the intrusion of people.7 Among the revisions which p le ased -Brunelle aie extending the 15-metre-wide barrier plant- ingan extra 130 metree outh of Vitra and creation of a water barrier north of Victoria. In addition, a monitoring com- mittee entrusted with overseeing implementation of the OSO proposais will be asked to con- aider repla1n a wooden fence near thepmars with a chain-link fonce. (The Yet-to-be appointed cern- mittee will include representa- tives from the Town, conserva- tion authority, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resowie environ- mental groupe à nd local resi- dents.) "If I could wiah the develop- ment away, I would do so,» said Brunelle. But with the changea, "I now feel a lot better about this motion," he added. Councillor Rosa Batten admit- ted the plan was not perfect. "But ît's certainly.far superior te anything done in Southern Ontario te protect environmen- 1al sensitive property» he said. Gokvernment agencies at al levels have edoreed the thoroughness of both the EMP and OSMP Batten said. Hie note that fermer environ- ment minister Ruth Grier wai- ved the need for an environmen- tal assessment of the project precisely for that reason. "Afler they (ministry) reviewed it, they decided it had gone beond what is ordinarily accep- ted said Batten. P!dwarda said the provincial governinent is touting the plIan as a model which shouldf be copied by other Ontario com- munities. «"It' not a perfect document, bu t by heavens it'a as close to It as thia hnperfect world will allow » he id. Folioloiglte meeting, Batten told reporters that a houaing development application fromù the Rose Corp. in expocted te corne before council'a Planning and development committee fin April. Find the pot of gold A mischievous littie leprechaun is hiding hie pot bf gold in downtewn Whitby. In which bumilding is lie hicing it? Downtown shoppers are invited to MIl out a ballot at participating businesses. From the dlues presented in local newspapers, customers may nmke an unlimited number of guesses as te where this character ha hidden Ide treasure. Downtown businesses have been encouraged te post the St. Patricks Day poster in their windows te indicate their participation. The 'luck of the Irish' winner will be drawn from the correct returned entries on. Satuýrday, Mardi 19. The prize is a handmnade leprechaun. For more detaila, contact the Downtown Business- Improve- ment Aiea office at 666-4189. Nomination forme for the annual Mayor'a Senior Volunteer Award are available at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. The award reconizes Out- standing ahiveent by seniors (a i and over). pril 8 is the Iast date te, submnit completed nomination forme te the mayor's office at the rnunic I*pl building on Rossland The winner will be announced April 26. New Nails or FUIs (Does not apply to existing clients) Offer expires May 28, 94. ~ Welcoming New Clients. Book now for EASTER. ____________________Gift Certificates Available Don't forget Mother's Day, Mai'8th ANNOUNCEMENT- As of January 1lst, 1994, SNELL FRASER LAWYERS has dissolved and become two separate Iaw firms: David Siksay and Natalie Fraser practice as: SIKSAY & FRASER LAW OFFICES 618 AthoI Street Whitby, Ontario (905) 666-4772 204 Casimir Street - and - Port Perry, Ontarlo (905) 985-4141 Robert Snell, Stuart Mutch, Anthony Baika and Elizabeth Saad practice as: SNELL LAWYERS 185 Brock Street N. Suite 200 Whitby, Ontario (905) 666-3666 204 Casimir Street and - Pori Perry, Ontario (905) 985-0889 - , - 4 i i 1 ý ý f ý & . ý - . 1 . 6 * , , . . ý , , , f 1 v e ., * 9, 4 f ,