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Whitby Free Press, 16 Mar 1994, p. 22

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Rae2.Whitbv Froe Press, Wednesday, March 16, iÇ 994 __________________________ B ranch gives Pack the winning. edge After their recent playoff triumph over Pickering, the Whitby major novice AA hockey teain defeated the~ powerful Bowmanviile Tarai in their next York-Simcoe playoff round, winning twa of tiie three gaines. The firet gai.ne of the. series was played in Whitby on Thursday. Tii. Bat Pack, who had been defeated in an earli.r series by Bowmanville, was eager te avenge their pr.vioiis lose. Bowmanvillp acored just tiiree minutes inte tthe gaine. Kevin Walsii got the. equalizer early in the second period on a pase frein Wade Branch. Lese than a minute later, Andrew Martlend put the. Pack in front when hie iiard shat fr=inthe point found the, twine. Two wins. for novices The. Whitby novice C ringette teain, sponsord by Mitchell Brothiers Building Supplies, beat Oshiawa selecte 11-9 on March 6 and followed witii a canvincing 14-7 victory over Ajax on March 13. Goal-scorers were Katherine Boys, Joanne Boys, Danielle Avery~, Cindy Johnston and Jenna On Sunday against Ajax, Cornie Horwood and Danielle Dadalt play.d outstanding gaines and scred\their firet goals of the. season. The. defence of Sara Rtosail, Lynsie Arts and Jessica Templeman was aggressive. Goalies were Julia Mitchell and Jennifer Martell. Learn to Skate Registration will b. iieId on Saturday, Marcii 19 at Wiieelies for the. Whitby Roller Skating Club's Learn te Skate prograin. For $25, theii.fve-week, eight-badge prograin teaciies the. basice of roller skating including edges, stepping, turne and backwards skating, ta tiiose aged thr.. and up, including adulte. Rentai skates are included in registration fe.. Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. for registration. Lâessons will begin the. saine day frein 10 a.m. tiIl noon. Wbitby figure club PIIARYT S A Y RMRC7 PRELWINAR 0"ad MMI Ka" Hblsy, Kdi Ganno.Clar. Kyle. Cobani. AllI 3=.Amy Konda Read. DofrdraLao, Katie HlroocK. Ra" alMai11" atGannon. Kls HI "=mra R.a. AshlW Hulir. Andin Lwe.Cohemn .b Jimm , a~Ammh Jmcqu*u w Ish. K" ieng jolenOldfel. Kils MHU e~nonala DolSodo, HeatheFkHo»Mo. Lyndsa Pofle. Asha Sundwii swuhw Oucwn wn CandhkS Sraixi. EriCordwm. Lynds« PoflOf. toma DOnfay. JonniforPeasS wMow o 5t.çhafllS clibi.Annie Rage. Aursa LaSsO. Moufle Aungs«. Andr« Acaoedo. K.,iIPucIf. FREEBKAIE MeWie AWXW =5;; M*MhdI. uIh CieMI Lat. in the. Andrew Larniot empty-netter, third perod, scoran asssted by Brandon Fowler, for a 3-1 win. Gaine two was played in Bowmanville on Saturday. Rat Peewees blanked in York-Simcoe final The Whitby major peew.. AA hocke y teain extended their York-Simcoe soutii division championsiiip series te, a deciding gaine Fiday nigiit with a wil p=ayed 5-2 victery over Bwanville. But the. celebrations, were short-lived as Bowmanville rebounded with a 2-0 victory on Saturday te win the. series six points te four. Down four points te, two following two ties and a 1-0 lois, Whitby staged oe of tiieir moit uipressive efforts Fiday. .Paul Chornobay tapped in a merfect pese from Matt Smith and usin Terry to talc. an early 1-0 lead. Although Bownanville tied the. score before the. end of the, first period, Wiiitby's pressure continued inte tthe second as they scored thre. more times te lead 4-2 after two periods. Smnitii scored on a breakaway witii a perfectly placed siiot iiigii over the. blockr. Shortly after Bowmanville had tied the. score, Mike Orvise drilld a slapsiiet past the startled Bowmanville goaieteonce again .stablisii Wiitby'làead. Luke Power, assisted by Smithi and Andre Harding, increas.d the. l.ad te, 4-2 by the. periods end. Tii. third period was dominated totally by Whitby as they held their opposition te just two shots on goal wiiile Brant Flaherty, assisted by Derrick Two dates for sale The Brooklin-Whitby Miner Hock.ey Association Auxiliary will hold the. ennual bake sale on two dates thispyar. The. bake sale will be at Luthier Vipond Arena in Brooklin on Saturday Marcii 26 and at Iro- quais PiA - in Wiiitby on Sunday, Marcii 27. Donations of baked goode can b. dropped off at the. arena frein 7:30 arn. until noon on the. day of the sale at eacii location. Ruch ai tJoulca Mage Antonello, Deordo, CaUsai 4uti. Neat Andrea Aoewdo. Siophanle Pu*lei. Leigh Gallas (PL 2 Shànnon OIdmoi $L 1) asocou K" .Jonso. AHiana Cosoetla INlERMDITE TEST DAY, KAMH 4 Juinlf ot at. Naash Catlio, Andrea Cudmore. Carolyn PleinS SukLher Oenna vnsaHodge. EriLanb.fl Tub-fox Jonnifer Callmghan. Angola Vyaduft. Shannon Oldan Laud Macintash (LrIdge> Kat HktS.Andea Wam Lynn Wallon.Andes Wu.. 9<1 Fostn bdm»b Hodo.. May Mwphy <Orno) Anudoe wafti Amenda Hrdhig. Edn MacLood, PalhiclaSurgms ShuivmnoBtmmai.Jason Coler FREESKATE honor brom Lod Rida.. progm an d .inus FIGUIES VanessaHodge corp.) 4th) Lura Schahs <(canp.) MAna Nidios (pLI) AM"k.aSdaI(PL 2 la*IslbHodge(P1 Etin Madeod <PL1)(5th) Edr Cauim n PL 2> Ackford, completed the scoring. Saturday night was a différent stoiy aitogether. Scott Thompson's goaltending kept the. gaine cls, but there was neyer any doubt as to which teain would win. Whitby now heads, into the. consolation round against the. winn.r of the Markham/Pickering series. Mulgrew3rd m Chicago Jennifer Mulgrew of the. Whitby ]Roler Skating Club won a bronze medal at the Coachlite invitational event in Chicago recently. She was competing in the world class ladies figures divi- sion. Jeffrey Iidd of the. Whitby club was fourth in world class xnen's figures. Shayne Bayford of Whitby, a former inember of the club, won a silver medal in men's world class freestyle. Several members of thie club will b. part of the. openin ere- mones For the. first Nort Aeri- can junior chanipionshîps te b. held in Cambridge, Ont. in May. Whitby ininor selecte, sponsored by Valuation Consultants Inc., had two wins in the Scarborougii Sabres select tournarnent over the weekend. Whitby met stiff competition right from the start, losing to archrival Thornhill 3-1. Sean BracIn scored the lone goal on an assist froin Michael Lever. Whitby then met Wexford and skated te an easy 6-2 victory. Brackcin recorded his firat hat trick of the. tournament with iielp frm Kurtis Lindeli. Also scoring for Whitbywere Sean Key,Ra Muir and Ran McMiciiaël. The. final gaine was against Scarborough Cougrs and Whitby won 3-O. CbiristopherFoxwell and Mattiiew Redshaw shared the. shuteut. Brackcin once again scored thre. goals. The chamapionship gaine was decided by total points and Whitby did not have enough te advance. TI exhibition play Whitby lost te Agincourt Canadiens SHA 4-2. Scoring for Whitby were John Gillard and Matthew Grahamn. Whitby club ONAO AGE GROUP CHAMPONSIPS BRANTFORD, IARCH 3TOI6 K.I.wBonning 101h 1W0tbacI am$LS11112 Sarah LO 2nd 100 bunt 3rd 50 lrft 7(h 100 fr.. Pack scored the flrst goal of the gaine when Branch connected on a Lamiot rbound. Aise asssting on the play was Fowler. The second period was again clooo-checking, but Bowmanville made the most of their chances, scoring two goals to take a 2-1 lead. Tii. third perod was ail Bowmanville. at Pack, short four êkaters, could not keep up the pace and gave up two more goals in the third for a 4-1 los. In the. deciding gaine of the Justin Hawe of Whitby won top honours at the second annual Sprt Skills competition held ly Variety village 'n Scarborough on March 11. Sixty athletesae 8 to 14P competed ini a challenge incor- porating skills tests from six sports, including a dynavision test (visual acuity), basebaîl (hit- ting, throwing and base run- ning), hockey (shooting, agility and speed skating), rock wal_ climbing, obstacle course and ta. kwon do. In addition te, Hawe's victory overaîl, Ryan Tutak of Whitby scored a perfect 20 in hock. y Brandon Fowler and Jainie MIl lage, both of Whitby, shared the endurance award, and Joanne L.Ongo of Whitby was best in her age group on thé rock wall. Honourable mentions went to Shauna Hainer, Kelly Jeifs, Jes- sica Bradley, Amanda Church, Ryan Pitcher and Paul Finigan, A of Whitby. Crime Stopra and the Durhamn Regional Police robbery suad are ak gfrthepublicesiep in ovig an armed robbry that occurred in Pickering on e esda, Jan. 26. At 4 p.m., the suspetct sually walked into the Toronto Dominion Bank a t 1822 Whites Road and approached the. cu Amr service counter. The. suspect announoed in a loud voice that h. wanted staff and custemers te, get inte tthe vault. Tii. robber cerried a r.d dufflie-type gymn bag and handled the. bag as if a gun was inside. Tii. suspect wanted the. manager te open the. money vault but was unsucceseful because thé. vault was time-locked. The rolber tiien took two tellers over te, their tills and receiv.d an undisclosed ainount of cash. He then ordered tiiem back inte the vault before h. left the. scen.. The suspect drove south on Whites doatowards Higiiwa 2, in a custom gold, four-door 1994 BMuick ega that was stelen N.w Year's Day at 5:30 p.m. from a car dealership in Pickering in a break, enter and theft. Thi ehicle was driven out hruh the rear bay door and sustained rear-end damage and a broken rear window. After the. bank robbery, the. suspect drove te tth. Rouge Valley on Twyn Rivers Drive in Scairborough and robbed two males of their vehicle, a black 1988 Chevrolet Beretta b.aring Ontario licence plates 790 KHK. Before the suspect loft tuis scene, h. set the stolen Buick on fire. The suspect is describ.d as mal., white aged 36 te 4U, five feet seven inciies, with a élirmauitd and a dark moustache. He was weanng a pink ski mask or scarf wrapd around hie face, nurror-type sunglasses, a blue, pueyfull-length, nyIonwmas coat, dark pants, wiiite runming shoes and gloves. A re-enactinent of the. crime will b. shown on CITY-TV (channel 57, cable 7) on Thureday, March 17 duîig the, 6 and 10 p.m. news. It will also b. shown on CK"-TV in Barrie and CHEX-TV in Peterboroughi on Friday, March 18, ganduring the, news. CAime Steoppers wiIl pay up te $1,000 for information on the bank robbery; break, enter and th.ft- or the robbe yOf the. Scarborough vehicle. Cail 436-8477 (1~at's 436-TW or the. robbery squad at 579-1520, ext. 355. Police would like te know whereabouts of the. stolen Buick Regal b.tween Jan. 1 (wiien it was stelen) and Jan. 26 (when it was used for the. robb.ry). Did you see the. vehicle parked during this time period? As a caller you wiil fot have te identify yourself or have togo tocourt, Aode number will be issued to you to protect your identity. Sergeant Grant Arnold is the. co-ordinator with the. Durhiam Reg*ional Crime Stoppers prograin and writes thie article te help combat crime. 1 1 series played on 19unday, Brencii opened the. scoring with the gaine barely thr.e minutes old. Bowmanville tied the, score early ini the second on a goalmoutii seramble, but the. Pack rallied te tae the lead Only seconds later when Býý7h outmuscl.d hie man along the. boards, bulled his way in and put a beautifu move on the goaltender te make the. score 2-1. The. third period was a nail-biter. Bowmanville threw everything they had at the. Rat Pack net but te ne avail. Midway through the. priod, Branch agai outmuscled his opponent infrn of thieBowmanvile net and, witii the, assistance of Fowler, scored hiesthird goal fer a3-1lwan. Rat Peck now faces Newmarket. -police hosts win tite The hoet Durhiam Regional Police hockey team. won the. coin- etitive diision of the. 34th International Police Hockey Tournament reéently. It was the. fmrt chempionship in the 20-year history of thi. Durhampoie SeriaOPSP*wan the. oldtimers division and Burlinetn OPP won the recreational division. Al proceeds froin thetourna- ment, held at arenes in Whitby, Ajax and Pickering, go te tth. I& Safety Village to b. con- struct.d at Kathleen Rowe Pub- lic Sciiool in Wiiitby. Tii. village will b. an actuel child-sized model of a town and will t.acii elementary school chil- dren about trafflc safety in a controlled environment.

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