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Whitby Free Press, 16 Mar 1994, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Frne Pres8, Wednesdiay, March 1,1994l BROOKUN - 1 bedreem plus sitting rocm in quiet area, parking, p refer working tomaI. or student. $350/month. FirstAast. Reterences. 655-3827. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes fromn Whftby, between BrooklinlPort Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low. weekly rates. Cali 655-5308. OSHAWA - 2 unturnished bedreems in house. Share facilities. 1Non-smoker. $325/month. Gal 728-3872. ROOM FOR RENT In tarmnhouse. $90Aweek. Available lmmediately. Gal 430-4673 or 430-7059, beave message. HOUSIE, APARTUENT FOR RENT? Il you hsd adverloed he, 1.000.Imm you would he rmadlng Ms nw. AVAILABIE APRIL 1. Roommate wanted te shore 4 bodrom home. Parking, faundry facilitios available. $350lmonth. Cal 430- 7103. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. CreatiVe rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ONE BEDROOM apt. for rent i Whitby $45Olmonth ail inclusive. FirstAlast - last month nogotiablo. Suitable for senior porson. Available Apuil 1/94. Cail 623-4782. ONE BEDROOM basement apartment for rent, partilly furnlshod. Aiso - a rocm for rent In Oshawa. Idoal for a sinl female, non-smckor ploaso. $eAweekly. Ploase Sil 430-2984. ONE BEDROON tbsement apartment. Bright, lrgo winýdows. Largo living room, ki. w/ stovo & f ridg o. Ail utilities included. $625/month. Suitable for mature, worklng maie. 725-7474 or 571-2051. LARGE SPUT LEVEL 2 bedroom apt. In quiet building. Broadlocin throughout, appliances including dishwasher, covered parking. $ll5lmonth. Aveul. May 1/94. Cali 668-4643. WHITBY - ROOMY &BRIGHT. Immaculato one bedroom basement apartment wlith separate entrance. Quiet residential area - fridge & steve, laund ryfacilities & much more. Non-smoker preforred. $550 Inclusive. Enquire 433-8992 or 725-0308. CENTRAL WHUTBY - 2 bedreom apartment. $500 plus hydre. First & last. No pets. Avoulable April 1194. Gaîl 668-2445. CENTRAL WHITBY. ACT FASTI One bedromr basement apt. In quiet 6-plex. Large windows, fridge, steve, laundry facilities, carpeted & storage unit. $475/month + hydre. 728-3594. CALL A *CARPET & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION Residentiai and Commercîal Cleaning *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION Flreiwater/SmOke Cleariup and Restoration (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY *ME BEST WILL DO" 436&6000 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax and retirement planning since 1986 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. Feaca concept interlocking stone - retaining walls -wood fencing & decks FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIMA TES Written Guarantee 666-9690 ( I I I I I I i E E E I I E i i I .UUMItUMMMMMUUUMUMUUUIIb FITZGERALD CARPENTRY WHITBY LTD. GenendJ CarjentiyAdditiong Home impirvement Ceramic Timg Rec Rooms DiywallAndPainting 19 Years i Durham Regionl (m54 Cail: 668-4686 "I E E E E E E E E R The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cail for quotation 689669,b 432-7216 RR-Fs ANUTE GIs Rs BROOKIJN - one bedroom apt. avoulable hlow. Close te ail amoniles. Rent $495/mo. Heat + hydre lncluded. 655-5539. 2 BEDROOM basement apartment in quiet Christian home. 3 appliances. Good location. Quiet woring persons only. $600 monthly. Oeal 666-3263. WHITBY DOWNTOWN - 4 corners, bright, renovated one bedrom apariment, second floor above offic. $450 plus hydre, first & last. Calil 430-8236. SOUTH AJAX - furnished or unfurnished bedsitting reom with pnivate kitchen & bath., parking, louindry. $435/monthly. Quiet, mature, working adult only. 686-3299. ONE BEDROON BASEMENT APARTMENT in Oshawa (Harony nd ossindorea). $40011mohth includes utilites, fridge, steve & accees te washer/dryor. Non-smoker. Gal 432-3238 or 666-832 for more information. WHITBY - available May 1/94. 2 bedroom apatnent with dining room walkout. $650/month includes utilities, fridg7e & stove. Cal Ren 434-5629. 517 Harris Crt. ONE BEDROON avoulable April 1. $622/mo. Inclusive, parking extra. 3 b.droom $799 inclusive, parking extra. AvallableAri 1. N'ce, qiet building, completely carpeted & balcony. Close te shopping, in Whitby. Cal 668-7196. WHITBY - 2 bedroom apartment $600/month. Immediate occu.pancy. Fridge & steve, heating, prking for 1 car lncluded. Phone 40-0959 or 723-2857. NEED TO KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YOtUR NEW COMMUNI1Y? Cal Phone 668-6653 POWER 0F SALE properlies (epessessed houses) from under $1,00,000 in Oshawa. Cail Carol Ross, Sales Rep., Guide Reelty Ltd. 723-5281 or 683-2981. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE & garage o workshop. Codmmercu possibltios on Hwy. 2. No outdoc maintenance. $885/menth + hes & hydre. 668-4321 or 655-4623. WHITBY - 2400 sq. ft., 4 bedrooin, main floor femlly rocm, fabulous kitchen, immaculate condition. Located ln Brookwocd subdivision. Sublet $1 ,350/month. Cali 666-4953. 3 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE with 20 acres & barn. $900/month. FirstAastreerences. 1 year lease. Cal Chris Tyrovolas 668-6171, W. Frank, Roator. WHY RENT when you can own? $600$900 per month, $3.000 - $6000r ow. Detached, som!s, townhcus.s &power of sale avall"b Cal Carol Chantier, Remax Summt for Meails 668-3800. NORTHWEST' .xec. 4 bdrm. home, upgrados, drearn kit., OIA, 2 w/o dock main flcor tam. rm. w/ fp, labubous large roc, gaines rin.. ceramlc & cak entry. $199,900. Accent Realty,433-8054 Reafter. ICENTRAL WHIITY BUINGALOW walkIteo , bargtreedkgton endo;À quiet street, view te undevolpo bond, large brlght kllchen. Harwd ir p & down, attachod garage. 1112 ai Cntre St. South, $1 42.500. xr By appointmont. 430-1530. 't I CI*~s~fk~ftôus I Avoncsments Andue, Ait A CciecfWes Aparmnw IonRatI Apoaes Artdes Ion Sae Aucemu AutWsTrcs 1la Sale Bk,. Business OppoaniMUes Bwsnmsu evice CaaProlesai Card ofThaiks Ci'ii Car. Servces Coeing Events Converdiai Space tu Ronm or Sale Danice InaiucUon Deda Educabcni Services En1ooynentWa1Iod Formalcreage Faum Supie à Ewýinêft FhWaiW Sevices Fer Peot Garage a Yad Sales Happy Ada Hadp Wanted He r eRni Minies for Sale In Memoriam Insurarce Lmdsc**ig Servce Logt & FowM Lo&Cotqaes MomcydewIRVa Porsonia Porsonl Sunfc Peests/ock & SuPlea Ri Eais RoorgIon RSU" Shaned Acconmodalon Sixage Thanks Traig SeMmce TraffNacatian Vaientlne' Wanted [CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEI [ TS FAST - UTS EASY I ONE CALI, ONE BILL DOES UT ALL. 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CANADAS 01 HOME BASED BUSINESS. LIGHTER KING distrbtorhs now available n U ur arasa. No seling required. Excellent Incarne. inimum Invesirnent $8.600. For Information cal Lle~trking (Canada) Ltd. Toll ire@ 1-800-665- CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERINO et the Sauthwestern SchooU of Aucioneering. Nexi Clasa: JuIy 16-22. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School af Auctloneêring. R.R.05. Waodatock, Ontario N4S7V9. (519)537-2115. MONEY MAKUNO OPPORTUNITUES. Incarne Tax or Booklcseplng courses by correspondonce. Fres brochures. Iwo oblig~ation. U & R TAX SERVICES 170., 1345 eombina Higahway, Winnipeg. Manioba, R3T 2B6, 1-900-665-5144. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTUTUTE of Vancouver allers corrospandonce courses for the cortifîcete ai Counseîllng Studios ta bogin the 151h ai tho month. For brochure phone: 1-800- 665-7044. CRAFTS CRAFTERS WANTED: SeUl your arts and crafts evory day without bolng thora. Write for information: The Craltors Merketplace, Box 26029B, Guelph, Ontario NIE 6CO (519) 763- 2750. 2ND ANNUAI. COUNTRY HEARIS Show and Sale, Saturday, April 30. 1994. Mount Forest Community Centre. Contact Patty. Registrer, (519) 323-2463 Marg, Chairmnan, (519) 334- 3033. Fm, (519P34-3090. FOR SALE ARICTUC WOLF FOR SALE in 18 packs for under S20. Avalable et th. beer store. ENERCRAFT a eading manufacturer ai Portable Band Sawnuils aIea cardes woodsplitters, edgers, chainsaw chain grinders, bandsaw blede g inders, skiddîng winches and mare! Open Houae/Dec Day - May 28. 1994 - Caîl 1-800- 387-5553 for deteils. HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT hlring for summer. Chambormeida, wsitresses gas attendants cashiers. For application séni self. addressed stamiped envelope ta Glacier Park Lode, Rogers Pasa. B.C. VOE 2S0. SALES HELP WANTED START VOUR OWN HOME-BASED BUSINESS! Watkins le tadays bat business appartunityll For FREE Information cmlfIlnd.pendent Marketing Director, 1-800-263-2999 Canada. Ml§CELLANEOUS COINS - A UNIQUE approach ta collecting from Hontage Cailecibies. handsomnely mountod and lrarned collections af historic coins and banknoles. Frèe colour catalogue 1-800-451. 5796. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE À 18-30 with earcutural oxperience to livo/work Iln Australa, Mew Zeeland, Europe, Japon. Coats/details 1-800-263-1827, #206, 1501 1 7th Avenue. Calga.y, AS. T2T 0E2. PERSONAL JEHOVAHS WITNESSES, rinonda and familles - lind oui lacts the Society dosot want yau ta know. Conlidential. Write: JW Fadta. Box 294. Nelson, B.C. Vi L 5P9. GREAT SEX. no a geflmit. Overcome al erection probloms. D.V.A. TAPS cards accepted. Gel the tactslfrom: Perfarmance Medical, Box 418, Valemaunt. B.C. VOE 2Z0 1-800-663-0121. WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond with unattached Chrisian people acrass Canada for companionship or marrnage? S.A.S.E. Fr.. information. 51mb e. Ashgrove. P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C.. VOE 1 0. LIVE A HEALIHIER and longer fluet Rid your body aI harmful offecte of daily pollution. Buy 8& read »Cear Bodfy Clear Mind< by L Ron Hubbard ($22.00), Caîl 1 -800-561 -5808. LACK 0F MONEY? Elfecte oI the economy? Worriod about jobs? Be happ and succeed in fiet Buy and read «Prablems ai Wore by L Ron Hubbard (30.00). Cl 1-800-561 -5808. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershipAmeshare? We'Il take fIl! Amrrcas langeai, oldeat resale clearinghouse. Reoat Sales International 1.800- 423-5967. Timoshare rentaIs noeded. Cuit 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Streitwail Type - nat quanset - 32x54 $7 899- 40x72 $11,924; 5x90 S16 954- 60xl26 125.883 - other aizes available - kiisceiîaneous clearance - Paragan - 24 Haurs 1 -800-263-8499. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS. Stralght Sided Madels. Vaniaus sizes. ega 0 xSL-$S7.152.00 Including onde anddoor. Cait Futures¶ -80-668- 8653. BRADLEIGH PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS. Proudîy mode ln Canada for rural, industriel, commercial. Drawings with buildings. Drap packages or enected. tre estmates,Cit (705) 431-6777. TRAVEL RIVER CRUISES. Spend 4 or 5 nîghts cruising central Canadas calmi rivera in exquîsite comioti aboard a modern, elogant replica ateamnboat. Outstanding ecenory. worid-cîass atiraclions. Froni $860. gFreo brochure I1-800-261-7868. Vuadcould a ncommukynewgiapeira la Ontario, or rlght actas. Can"d, or any Yot ndivlual provine .SpcluLmi«4 go Cail This Newpaper TodavyI Our hostess wull bring gîrts and IWAjER* ETPMýA EU greetings, along with helpful C.n4 0 &WOn IoJ0IdCAeGeCOMMnk~y %J*WPAso"' community information. cAN CanadaSU583 pfl m - $1,183 lor 2s word. J For further nformaion pisas. COUlthe Whltby Fr.. Preas Clanlff.ds - 6611 Whit~3y Frne Press i I ' Otflce Hours: Mouiday to Friday, 9;OO arn to 5:00 pin ~ Fa~ 6$8~0594 LANDSCAPING by University Werks ff- ýq

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