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Whitby Free Press, 16 Mar 1994, p. 29

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Whltby Free Prosu, Wednesday, Ma"c 16,1904. Page 29 2 - 98,000 BTIJ GAS FURNACE; 10' satellite dish, Monterey; 1l & 20 undressed red oak wood. 683-5905. FIREWOOD. Excellent quality hardwood. S.asoned, very dry, split. Honest measurement. Order now for next season. Free delivery. 905-753-2246. SIDE BY SIDE fridgefreezer, dual aven stove, both harvest gold in excellent condition, $500 pair. 3 smake-blac mirrors 3'X1 0', best offer. Maple table & chairs, $150. Cal 668-9539 atter 7pm. CEDAR & RED OAK LUM BER. Calil 655-4200. FOR ALL YOUR EYEWEAR NEEDS - glasses, contact lenses, sunqlasses. Qualhty products, servoe and price. Eye examinations arranged. Discaunt for seniors and chikiren. TILLEY OPTICLDNS 102 Byron St. S. 430-8849. MATTRESSEýj and boxsprings at haîf price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simco&-St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. BLEACHED OAK Wall unit/entertainment centre. 3 yrs. old, excellent condition. $425 o.b.o. Cai 666-3378 evenings & weekends. CRAFTSMAN 10On digital electronic Cabinetmakers Series radial arm saw, like new, $700. Cal (905) 430-2564. 1985 CHEVEITE - 4 'door hatchback, automatic, deluxe interior, $1,700 certif ied. 655-4019. 1990 BLACK< ISUZU IMPULSE. Fully loaded, A.40, AMIFM cassette. 139,000 km. $5.500 certff iod o.b.o. Caîl 666-0850 or 644-2331. MUST SEIL - 1970 British Rover 3500S car. 18,000 miles (stored indoors sinco 1974). Spare parts, includo ongino. Interior excellent, no rust. Mako an offer. Caîl 668- 7360, leave message. 1981 TR(ANS AM for sale wth robuilt motor. Asking $300 a.b.o. Caîl 668-4509. 1988 PONT1AC FIREFLY - 2 door hatchback, automnatic, AM/FM cassette, $2,800 certif ied. 655-4019. All sizes. Installation and Computer Balancing also availablo WHUfTBV TIRE 103 DundasStE. (oetn.rof H". 12 & Hwy. 2) Phono 430-890(X 1 CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haIt price.u Large select ion. McKeen Furnit ure, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. 386 COMPUTER, colour VGA, 2 megs RAM, 40 megs hard drive, system software. Also 14.4 fax/modem, US robotlcs $800. WiII selI separate. 666-0271. FOR SALE - 3 wheol triko (paddle bike), good condition. Approx. .6 years aod. Cal atter 8pm. 430-9407. MOVING SALE - C/A York gas air conditionor, 2 tan $500; window unit 10,000 BTU air con. $125; Lawn Boy g as mower $150; lawn furniture $60; office desk $50; central vac. - new, $400. Cal 430-1363. APT. SIZE DRYER, good condition $165. Nintondo games rogular super-low prices. Good condition ski machine $20. Cal 430-7420. CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR $315; chair & ottoman $100; recliner $75; bed chesterfield $350. Prices nogotiable, within reason. Othor items. Good condition. Cali 571-6113. 16'X32' ABOVE GROUND POOL Best offer. Installed b y Taunton Pools in 1987. Caîl 666-3357. 01 had nover used the Whitby Free Press cîassifieds bofore, and 1 was deli' hted with the rosponso ta my ad. T"ehe cost was alt loss than othor papers. I will continue ta use the Wghit by Free Press." R.P. MOTO RCYCLE INSURANCEI 683-9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE AUTO INSURANCE - low rates, oas y pyment terms. free quotes. ClFSaron 666-2090. MORTGAGES & LOANS at p rime rates. Cal Michael 668-7200. Anubis Invostments Ltd. Sorvlng Ontario since 1972. Financial Corporation MORTGAGES1 [~*lst & 2nds 1095% * Debt Consoidations Pr;me Rates*- Pre-Qualifying r571-2880 or 686-64502Tr.lns" i 'I 1I1 ANTiQUE STEP LADDER $25; 5 wood chairs, book shelves, small drop-leaf table, electrlc broom, fig ht table, iraning board, kitchen garbage can, clothes hamper. 668-3975. OAK DININO ROOM SUITE. 9 pc. - buffet, hutch, large table with 6 chairs, rose coloured seats & backs. Good condition. $1,200. Call 723-1790. WANTE - family van or camper for July 23 -Aug. 6, drMvng toFbrida & retum. Wi trado for stay at cottage on Rice Lake for same time perlod. Maurice 430-9886. I WILL BUY your contents or unwanted items. Caîl 728-8485, beave a message. HORSE STABLES FOR RIENT. Close ta Whitby and Heber Dawn riding park. Excellent riding trails & retirement facilities. $1 70/manth. Phone 655-3142. Mav Pa's Country Store Wanted: Uquead- V miade Country Crafs for consignmeat V V V vp Needed: MuslinBunnies, V FolkAjM Mrscand WoodenProduet.V 374 Wilson Rd.S, Oshawa -434-7560 i vSouth of Olive, NorthotBlorV FWHITBY SEWING MACHINE J Repa~r 10ail rinakes INbUSTRI AL & DOMESTIC In-home servioe available 111 DNDAS ST. W., WHITBY Peter 606-1228 CEDAR VALLEY RESORTr. Seasonal trailer camping $930. Beautiful settingl Wintor visits perm itted. 7kmn east of Orono/Hwy.. 115. Enter Clarke 4th or Sth onc. lino. 905-786-2562. REMOTE FISHING CAMP - 27 km from the noarest town. 50 miles NE of Peterborough. Great mus"i, bass, piko and pickçeral fishing. OFIIY camp on the lako. Housekeping cottages, boat rentaIs, camping, familyfun. Roasonable rates. CaIl or send S.A.S.E. for free information ta PECK'S CAMP Box 45, Havekck, Ont. KOL iZO. 1-705-877-1148. AJINOUNCINO - Frank Scaniga has now openod Frank's Hair Salon Unisex at 62 Old Kingston Rd., Pickering Village. 1iInvite al new & old customers ta corne over and see me ln my new location. Senior haircut for moen $2 off, senior haircut for ladies $5 off, senior perms $10 off with Ihis coupon. Thursdays, Frldays -& Saturdays. other days by appolntmont. Call 619-0584. couMMY CRAFIS& COLUCARLUSlSow Fni., Match 25 3pm-9pm Sat., March 26 lOam - 5pm OSHAWA CIVC AUDIORUM 99 Thorton Rd. S. Oshawa Durham's lagesi cnft show " 40 exhibitor - 14,000sq. ft. of unique crafts 434-5531 YARD SALE - "Early Bird Special" Sat. & Sun. March 12 & 13, 19 & 20 Bam ta 4pm. Sports equipment, codar fonce rails, doors, household items, toys, books, clothes. 5805 Halls Road, Brooklin ( S. of Hwy. #7). GARAGE SALE - Books, toys, clothos, bikos, gadgets, & more. Sat., Mer. 19 &26,,&Sun., Mar. 20 &27. 3 Bellfield Court, Whitby. PRUNING of fruit trees, shrubs and evergreens. Frae estimates. Dutchwa ànsaig (9) 64"3183. Lnsalg ST. PAUL'S CEMETERY, COLUMBUS Application has been made ta the Ontario Ministry of Consumer & Commercial ReJations for approval ta introduco new by-Iaws for the 0praions of St. Paul's comotory 0f St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Brooklin, Ontaria. Anyone wishing ta, inspect or make copies oif the by-laws should phono the church off ice at (905) 655-3883 for an appointment. Anyone wha has purchased a burial or cremation plat at St. Paur's is askod ta contact the St. Thomas' church office, ta enable the cemotory ta update ts records, and ta supply purchasers with a copy of the now by-laws, whon approved. AUCTIONS I AUCTION SALE. *Kahn Country Auct ions"e o ry Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Icaed on Brock Rd., rickerln, 3 miles north of Hwy. #401 (take exit #399). Featurlng ever Wed. an excellent select ion Of antques, fine furnlshings, glass, china, collectables, primitives and other unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate ln one of Ontario's "true" auctIons with ne' buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, cheque (with proper l.D.) or Visa. Previews from 1:00 p.m. "Consigrnment & estate solîing aur speclty«. Cail us todav- Kah n Auct ion Services - 683ý-Ob SUNDAY AUCTION THIS SUNDAV, MARCH 2Oth, 12NOON PREVIEW 11I30 am at The KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS CLUB 133 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY Antiques, reproductions including: pine wardrobe, Persian & Oriental carpets, 4 pc. Chippendale carnet back sofa set, oak round table & 4 chairs, harvest table & 6 matching chairs, oak dresser, handmade quifts, pine cofte. & end table set, quilt rck, jelly cabinets, oak Jam cupboard,. chestnut chest of drawers, pine bookcasos, oak leadod glass bookcase, cunio shelves, stools, spinnet desk, pine & other linen' boxes, oak office desk, 4 armn chairs, china, glassware, cast lion decoratar pces., oak bow glass china cabinet, ine entortainment centre, parlour &1 occassional chairs & tables, oak sew machine, dining room suite, plus much more not listed. Ternis: cash, cheque (VISA, M/C 3% remium) delivery available. 1.00 AUCTIONS UNUMITD 519-345-2426 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY MARCH 18 AT 6:00pmn THE PROPERJY 0F THE LATE IVAN VAN DENBURG 0F KIRKFIELD PLUS OTHERS 4 pc. walnut bodroom suite (barley twist legs), oak drap front secretary (barley twist legs), 5 matching press back chairs, round oak pdsa' table, pife drap leaf table, 8gn cabinet, treadle sewing mchine, iparlour tables, f lat top trunks. curio cabinet, antique dressers, portable colaur T.V., modern dressers & chosts of drawers, hand made q uits, shop vac, M.T.D. 8 hp. snowblawer with electric start, D34AV Stilh chalnsaw, 8 hp. M.T.D. Rata Tiller, acetlyne torches, 30 ft. aluminum extension ladder, 3 wheoler Honda A.T.C., gardon dump trailer, fiberglass truck cap, qty. oak & ash lumber, Delta UNA table saw, g uns, Winhete 22 magnum pump, Savage 243 with sccpe, Winchestr 270 pump with scope, 30-06 Remington pump with scope,' 30-30 Winchester wth scope, Savage .12 gauge over & underar, 12 guage MotunRom ington 22 Rolling BlocRffle, Winchiester mnodel 12, Remington 2-22, shotg un- sheli loader, plus a quantity of power & hand tools, china glass & collectablo items. Guns ta be sold at 8:3Opm. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1, LITTLE BRITAIN Neda car - Credt problems? " 1vé hae hm tdu>m (mpasumbns) " L.u. o ny i.edu ..W " Cuhf1« brmds -C91nw ft qi LEPASEGDE AUTO LEASMN mmîm ~- f m mmumumuma mmummumaw 4m 1 1

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