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Whitby Free Press, 16 Mar 1994, p. 31

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 16, 1994, Page 31 Fi*rst local Habitat project could be built this spring By Sharon Stevenson The Durham Habitat for Hum anity likes to consider their program a «hand up" rather than a han dout. Habitats for Hunianity, a world-wido organization started by Millerd Fuller of the U.S., is made up of volunteers who, with donated building materiais, build or renovate homes for those in need. A chapter of the organization has been established in the Dur- f OBiTUARIES JAN SCHOEP Jan Schoep of Whitby died at Bowmanv'ille Memorial Hospital on March 6, 1994. Ho was 78. Ho was born in the Nether- lands on March 1, 1916, son of Willem Schoep and Sya de Vis- ser. Ho married Cornelia on Feb. 18, 1942 in the Netherlands. A Whitby resident for 37 years, he worked at Sklar-Péppler Fur- niture before retiring. He waz a member of the Emimanuel Reformed Church in Whitby. He is survived by his wife, six children, 17 grandchildren and seven great-grandchiidren, and two sisters in the Netherlands. Ho was predeceased by one grandson, a sister and a brother. The funerai was held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on March 9, 1994, Rev. AI Honken conducting. Interinent at Mount Ljawn cemetery. SOPHIADILLING Sophia Dilling of Whitby died on March 7, 1994 at Whýitby Generai HosqitaI. She was 69. She was _~rn on March 5 1925 in Whîtby. She married William (9ilI) Dilling on Aug. 16, 1947 in Whitby. A Whitby resident ail her life, Mrs. Dilling was a hairdresser at Fairview Lodge from 1964 to 1978. She was a volunteer at Whitby Genorai Hospital and a member of Whitby Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian legion. She i. survived by her hus- band, daughter Dnna Zimmer- mani of Mapie Ridge, B..gad Bons Brad and Brandon immer- man ocf Maple Ridge sisters Mary Zabiotnoy cf }tamiltan, Helen Deboeky and n Labano vich cf Whitby and brother Joe Yarmola cf Carrying Place. She was predeceased by sister Lena Vasesk. The funerai service was hoid from the W.C. Town Funerai Chapel on March il 1 p.m., ey. Patrick White conclcig Cre- mation. DONALD MCKINLAY Donald Douglas McKiniay of Whitby died on March 4, 1994 at Whitbr Generai Hospital. Ho Ho was borni in Chatham, Ont. son of Elier Charles and Barbara Nevin (Irvine) McKiniay. Ho married Ornia Jennie Weil- mani on May 23, 1951 in Orillia. A Whitby resident for 36 years, Mr. McKinlay was a carpenter by trade, and maintenance supeor- visor at Whitby Psychiatrie Hos- pital for 23 years. Ho is survived by his wife snsi Birian sand (Granf.t anc harn area for a year and a haif. Durham Habitat is looki at a number cf locations, and volun- teers are anxiously awaîting spring te start renovating or building their first home. The recipient of a home must be a faxnily (single parent or two parents) with at least one spouse employed, te be able te pay Hab9itat a no-interest mortgage. «It doesn't bave te be abhus- band, wife and two kids and a canary scenarlo,» says Durham Habitat chair Glenn McKnight Most importantly Habitat looks for famulies wîling te put '500 heurs cf sweat equity' i their own property. "This is net a handout. We get a lot cf celîs from people who say 'Gee, put my name on the iist for a free bouse.' This is not the way it works,» sayýs Habitat membeïr Rich Krechowcez. The organizetion needs more volunteers and especially needs donors. Habitat recentiy formed a partnership wîth Millworks H ome Centres. Durham Habitat, in associa- tion with the Toronto chapter, is also operating a re-use store where donations of building materials such as dooirs or cup- boards can be delivered. Caîl 416-512-7611 CONSUMERS GLASS LàAUNCHES ENVIRONMENTAL VJDEOS As archaeologists have found glass botties and jars dating bock to 1500 BC, it is tbought that glass is the cideot maneiuatred substance in the world. Today, the future sucoess cf glass recyclng ,depends on the recyciin dustiy and the ublic rvi"g a rhelaî, consistent anid sustainabl source of supply. As sgas bocomes a major <raw material in new cotainerpodcHoqultý pciiAtin ms become more stringen t andth manufacturing process altered. To achieve its goal cf 5 per cent rcce content by theyear 2000o, Consuiers Glass wl, over the next five te seven yoars, undertaloe the neusar eloical changes required te achieve a higher rate ofrecyldglsiits containers. Two new videe eping to proenote glass recycling have been recentl1y laluicb-edb Consumera Glass. 'Care and Be Careful' i aimed at elementryshool students, and stmr Stace Mistysyn cf the Degrassi television series. The 13-minute tape received an enthusiastic response from students wben Stacie, a long-time supporter of environmental issues, and Joe Paradiso, Consumners Glass Ontario recyclngco-oedinatSe, recently visited schoolsa asm the countzy, talking te classes about recycling cf container glass. t'EvTery used glass container cen b. utilized bçy Consumers Glass temake new glss bottles and jars," mays Mistysyn. "Rathér tam tbrowing them n the garboge, we waxit to encourage young peuple to develop a life-long habit of putting the containers into local recycling Ue deo shows what con and connot b. recycled into new glass containers. People misatakenly put ceramics, ight bulbe, drinking glasse and glass cookware into recycling prgma, which c case a wbole lcedcf recycled glass to be rejeced ecuse cf contamination. Teacher Janice Palmer was pieased te be consulted with the fihning process. "So oftoxi educational vidos are made without the invlvement of an active teacher. Ail containier glass shuald hé ~rced wiile keeping out contaumnation. You can make a diffrencftst ates. <Gas Containers, Rçccng it Right' was produoed as a 15- minute traini*g*vid0 for recyclers. Te tape providesseii information abothow te recycle dmlasmnd helpe recyclers witha-jo thtin beconmg xiymportaadnt.oed api Both tapes are i H94Fenhada led ato verasio.Fa c y, elementoaschodS rreycingfirins cmxi cntact Tip: If you pack a beverage in a glass bottie te take te work, ani event or outing don't tous the empty bottle in the neareet trash cmxi. Insteod, take itlbock home te your owxi blue box for recycling. w,"- -n IN TUE MATTER 0F fTHE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND IN THE MAlTER 0F LAND AND PREMISES AT TUE FOLIO WING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW NO. 3438-94 TAKE NOTICE that "h Council of the Coprton of the Town of Whitby at a meeting held on Februaz 14,199 passed a by-Iaw under Subsoction 34 (5) of t2hé ,#à% A R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18, repoolîngBy-Iuw N. 7'l0,"' hich-à,préviously designated the following property as béing of histoul and architectural value and interot: THE JAMES FOTHERGILL HOUSE 1011 DUNDAS STREEET WEST WHITBY, ONTARIO DATED at the Town of Whitby this Oth day of March, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITDY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LUN 2MB PHOêWE: (US5) 668-80 (Toronto) for more information. Anyone wbo wishes te volun- teer locally can call McKnight et 434-6655. Crime Ste ppers'and Durham Regionai Police are asking for the publies help in soiving a rash of stolen snow machines. Since November last year there have been 83 snowibilas stolenfrom acrosa Durham iteglon. Fifty-soven have not been reovered and police need your help in finding them. The northern section of the region hms been hardest bit: the Port Perry area bas been victunized 26 times; Beaverton and Uxbridge, six each; Sunderland, four. Victims h ave had trailers taken from their driveways. Machines have thon been dragged off the trailers, started up a short distance from the scene and driven away. Police are askcing owners to lock their trailers, snow machines and take extra car. no that additionai thefts do not cour. Crime Stoppers will pay Up to $ 1,000 for information on this or an y other serious crime. If you know who i*L stealing- these machines or know where they are being stored, cml 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). Asa caer you wil not have to identify orefo aet ot court. A code number will be issued te you te protct your identity. Sergeant Grant rold is the co-ordinator witb the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers program and writes this article te help combat crime. iB7D DURHAM REGION Take notice that the Régional Planning Commtéee wiiI considér at a meeting to beheldon: TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1994 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMVENT BOARDROOM 1615 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBV 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST BUILÃ"ING, WHITBY MALL AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The amendment applications, as submitted by the applcants. propose to mdesiýnate the site indlcato on the map bélow. from Employment Area to Living Area in order to permit resildale development The site is thé subîect cf threé mdlvidual Officia Plan Amendeient applications istedbelow. Subsequently, the Renmonal Counail mill consier the recommendation of the Planning Committae at a meeting Io be held on: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1994 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report relatod to the rpoe amendment is available for inspetoni0 téofiesc éPelanning Départinént, 1615 Dundas StetEast, 4th Floor, Lang Towor, West Buikân , Whtbt Mail, Whiby. Furthér information can bo obtainéd by calling Anna DeFaaa (9R5) 728-7731 (Whitby ine> I (9W)> 686-1651 (To#ront» âne). Requésts te make'a presentation bef oré thé Planning Committée concemin te psdainendmént must be fouwarded to Dr. M. Michael, ..lP.,Commnissioner of Planning, Box 623, 1615 Dundas Street East, t Floor, Lang Towér, West Building , Whitby Mail, Whitby, Ontauio LI N 6A3, and should b. récéived by Friday preceding thé Planning Committee meeting. Réquésts te make a présentation bel oré thé Régional Council concermîng the proposed améendmént must be ferwarded te the Régional Clerk, Régional Héadquarters Builcîng, Box 623, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3, and should be reoîeivd 48 hours prior te thé Régional Council meeting. FILE NO.: OPA 89-16, OPA 90-028 & OPA 90-029 GARY HARREMA REGIONAL.CHAIR C.W. LUNY, A..iT REGIONAL CLERK MUNIC1PALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F MEETING I 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby j 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882j Horne appointmenta gladly arranged Fw_ - -- -ý . ý

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