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Whitby Free Press, 16 Mar 1994, p. 3

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Whitby Council agenda (s) Monday, March 14, 1992 Recommenda- tions from the Planing and Development Committee That a site plan application f rom Marlo Veltri for f Ive street townhouses on the northeast corner of Dufferin Street and Front Street be approved. Carried That a request ftram Devan Properties Ltd., owners of the Kenclwood Plaza, for a minar varance to the municipal slgn bylaw be approvedi. The request seeks a reduction ln the distance f rom the ground ta the dlsplay surface of the slg n f rom three metres ta two. Carried Recommenda- tions from the Operations Committee That a bylaw ta amond the animal contrai, bylaw be approved. The changes- include Intraduclng a cat identification system enabling cat: owners ta voluntarily purchase a collar or tag for' their pet at a cost of $20 plus GST. The new system could generate as much as $1 0,000 In its f irst year, staff estîmate. Other changes include authorizing animal contrai centre staff ta order a dag muzzled or leashed after it has bitten a persan or damestlc animal, and lncreasing kennel licnce fees ta $65 f rom $25 a year. (Jarried" That a portion of Anderson Street south of Taunton Raad be closed as Rt is no longer requlred due ta, the reent road alignment. The road allowance wiIl be said ta the adjacent property owner and Incarporated loto lots ln the Kelloryn Meadaws subdivi- sio n. Money f rom the sale wili be used to caver the I-wy. 401. The requested exemption relates ta, the need ta perform the work at nlght to minîmize traffic disruptions. The work is expected ta be compltedi by June 30. Whitby Fr,. presa Weçkioday, March j6.19M4, Pagp 3 Public empoees threaten gener6 Ontarlo'. ocialcontract cutbaCks could promnpt a strike of public sector workers, union leader Sid Ryan warns. Ranpresident of the Canadian Union of bnie Eply..(CUPE) Ontarlo division say.mùbi ector workcers Could walk àf the j6, later this yoar to protest further cuts. That i. the "mesmig" ho and other public sector union lees are hearing as they tour Ontario ta, drum up opposition ta, the social contract. "The messagetonight is that they're (workers) calling on the- leadership ta, organi ze a strike," Rýyan told reporters fa lwin a rally in Oshawa last week (see stron p oge2). Wrell have ta test it out in a few ather locations, but you'd have ta b. deaf nat ta hear it (strike demand) " he said. Bill 48 (Social Contract Act) provides for $2 billion in public sector cutbacks in each of the next the years. A coalition of public sector unions is trying to determine the best way of oc cur, publie sector workers must emphasize the impact of the socal conitract .. and more cuts antidipated in next month's provincial -budget - on public services. "The. focus has ta b. away froin wages. It lian ta b. on cuts to services," ho naid. Ryan doubted that a strike couid ho organlzed before the summer. (However, in reports published elsewliere hast weekend, the Ontario Federation of Labour'. exécutive board i. soon expected ta discuss the possibility of a strike as esrhy as May.) Ryan naid public employees are. especilhy upset with the govrnment reachinga retraint and yet Premier Bob Za andiùs cabnet continue ta dole out funds. "They've taken $6 billion out of the public sector and now they're taurin g the province and dropping money arun w"h naid. "W. aIl know where its comiAng froni." fighting the legisiation whicli was paased by tie Newv Demnocratic Party governirent last summer. But according ta Ryan, there i. only one option. "W. have ta say ta, the government, 're1peal this bill and restore services or we r. walkIng out'"hlieid. Such a move wouùid createa "criais" for the governinent from whlch it couhd not recover Ryan believes. "If tle public sectar unions brouglit their members out the governxent would have to allauan election "ho snid. The prospect of lalor canipaigning against tlie NDP doses not phase Rya, whose 170,000-member union wlll not b. supporting the New Democrats in the nex election. "W. have toa get b.yond the NDP government and débat. where labour and social deinocracy i. going in this country," said Ryan. "Tis goyernient i. ike a boil that lias ta b. lanced," lie nid.' Ryan stressed that if a strike does Workers protest social con tract FROM PAGE 2 "How mucli have MPPs' salaries been reduced by the social contract and how mucli hian the debt been reduced7' ho By Mike Kowalsld Ontario ssocal contract is essential ta preserving the pro- vine's pub lic services MPP Drumxnond White contenâs. But Whites argument found littie support aiong noarly 600 Durham Region union members at a rally in Oshawa hast week ta protest cutbacks contained in the provincial logislation. However, the Durhiam Centre representative did score pointe for beig the only area MfPP ta attend tghe rally which was spon- sored by a coalition of public sector unions (se. story on page 2). Although ho admitted it would b. "futi é»ta defend Bihl 48 (S3ocial Contract Act) in that set- cing, White also refused ta attack Premier Bob Rae and Treasurer 4hbey made decisions and I respect those decisions, lie said. Telling the gatheig that hie was only there ta «listen,» White g romised ta take their concerns ack ta Queen's Park. 'Tis i. an issue that won't go Il- 1 Thievos who broke into Bun King Bakcr Saturday night caused abut $500 dainage ta steail a paper bag containing $40 in coins. The. break-i at the 1916 Dun- das St. E. bakery was discovered Sunday morning. Police say the cuiprit(s) fore open a rear metal door with a prybar ta gain entry. ROTRY WMI ýAWA .1 .4725429 nJ said ta applause. Another man, liowever, casti- gted.the teachers for not tain patin a general stijke before Bil, 48 becamo haw last year. "My feelings are isinular ta the away. It'. fnot an easy issue for anyone,» ho said. Adzitting that the social con- tract was a «majo disaponlt- ment for ail of us" WhLito saîd thegoerment hac little choice. Te rising costs of public ser- vices, coupled with the recession and cuts in transfer payments from the federal government, for- ced the province ta, takie drastic ineasures, lho said. Even with a «labour-oriented" 9vernment, there was no way the cute could be achieved with- ou upsetting labour ta some dere White said. Following the meeting, White told reporters that labour would be making a mistake if it took out its anger with the NDP in the neit election. "What are the alternatives?» hoe asked. "The Liberals want ta take out $2 billion more, the Tories the same.»* White said the government tried ta, make cuts in a way that would prove the least disruptive topubhlervices. "Tere's only sa. far you can bond. The reality is if you make cut:, people are going ta lose 010 Sessions - $50 O <ff u)VaXîw . 20Z OFF o O NaIls, Waxng, Haîr & Makeup Q 0 Ac=10Muniex hir and beaityoetr Poo§Wld Rd. Dun"d St 0' 0 speaker. The province ishould have been shut down Aug. 1,» replied Lewis. "But that was not the position of the majarity of public sector unions," ho conceded. Brenda, Harford, president of Local 132 of the Canadian Union of Public Employeos (CUPE), cri- ticized the government for dlaim- in that those earning lese than $0,000 are not affected by the. scal contract. Harford, who re eonte wor- kers at Durlia n's three homes for the aîd t backs have affecte lwor-king con- ditions and put more pressure on ail employees, rogardiess of in- came. 8h. told MPP White to deliver a message ta Premier Bob Rae. "Who do you.think is going ta look afte ~u i y Iod ager» But one separate school board employoe questioned the wisdom of fighting something that was aiready law. «W. must work ta ensure there in no, Social Contract Il and we must work ta ensure the NDP is neyer hoard froni in this province again,» lie said to prolonged aPoi:ver CUPE Ontario pro- aident Sid hyan bluntiy told the workers tliey will not fare aniy better witli another party in 0«CUPE lies made the decision not taspport the NDP hi the net leton,» said Ryan. "But we don't pretend to bolievo the Reform Party, the Liberais or the Tories are the answers ta our prableme, they'ro not," ho s 4 Aloadressing the rahly were Claire Ross of the Ontario Engl- isli Cathlii Teachers' Associa- tion and Barb Sergent of the Fodoration of Women Teachers of Ontario. strike over cuts MPP: Contract was 'disappointing' but necessary' 1 Dentures so ntural... you' Il nver know the difforoncol* No iv ot-rou mutelrials for (FREE CONSULTATION) Walter Wimmer, Denture Therapist PICERING TOWN CINTRE 421>5020 TOLL FRE 420802066502

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