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Whitby Free Press, 23 Mar 1994, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free Preas, Wednesday, March 23, 1994 IM#DPM~R NAiME0P. WU~P,/ Novices risc to top in Falis tournament The Whitby major novice AAA hockey team, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary, "pnt part, of March break week in the honeymnoon caital -- capturing the Niagara a l atom hockey tournament. Whitby went undefeated including a win in the cham- pionship gaine over archrival Ajax-Pickering 4-2. Whitby's first opponent wus ta be Streetsville. However, afler losing their first twvo games, Streetsville. decided against staying to face the powerful Whitby team. Tournament organizers inserted the hast Niagara Falls team who were very hospitable as Whitby skated to a 9-2 win. Leading the way was Billy Dier with three, goals and three assiste, Brandon McBride a goal and four assiste, Ryan Tutak two gocals and two assiste, Ronnie Robertson a gorl and two assies, I'y1er Harrison and Michael osiw each a goal and an aseit. Chris Neniiez and Marc Gleeson 3hared goaltending duties. Game two saw Whitby face the same Niagara Fais teain, and WVhitby spent much of the game in the penalty box. A goal by Harrison late in the third, assisted by Fox, knotted the game at 3-3, and with the gamne winding down Whiitby played the last two minutes shorthanded in a five-on-three situation, holding the hast teain off the scoresheet. McBride provided the other two Selects win another The Whitby major novice select teamn, sponsored by Crawf Sports, won their second Kimberly and Kerri Sinclair of Whitby each earned fold medals at the Niagara Cup '94 gymnas- tics meet in Buffalo, N.Y. KimbeLrly, 12, earned a gold on floor exercises and was third overaîl ini level 10 competition. Kerri, 15, won gold on the balanoe beam in level 9 cmei tion. Ambre Shearer, 14, of Whitby w85 sixth in floor exercises in level 10. Kimberly Sinclair and Shearer were both members of the Gemini Gymnastics team that fiihed first overail in level 10. Kerri Sinclair and Whitby's Michelle Totz, 11, were members of the Gemini teain that was fourth overall in level 9. The Whitby munor novice AA hockey teani, sponsored by Main Tech Industries, lost 3-0 ta Camnbridge in the B final at a recent taurnament in Niagara Falls. The most valuable player for Whitby was Wayne Turcotte.* Wliitby started the taurnament by defeating the saine Cambridge teain 3-1. Blake Robinson and Liam Reddox each had a goal and an assist and Matthew Race had two In game twa, Whitby tied 2-2 with the Barrie team froin the west division of their own league. WVhitby jumped on the scoresheet first when Ryan Johnston scored late in the first period. Barrie pressed and took the lead 2-1. Brandon Davis scooped up a lase puck at centre ice and broke in alone and fired higli on the goalie's gbove side ta, give Whitby a 2-2 tieÎ with lesa than a minute e ame three, Whitby lait a 3-0 lead and tied hast Niagara Falls 3-3. Steven Seedhouse and Turcotte liad a goal and an assist each. ]Reddox had the other goal and Davis two assiste. Whitby lait 2-1 to Barrie in the semil-finals of the tournament. Reddox scored the goal for Whitby. Goalies Kyle Simpson and Michael Jeffrey were soid in the tournamelit, allowing five goals whle facing 95 shots in the five gaines. taurnament of the year in Thornhill last weekend. The firat gaine on Friday saw Whitby defeat Peterborough 4-1. In the second gaine, Whitby skated ta, a 6-4 win over Weston. Gamne tliree was a fast-paced gain aganstBradford, but tight deece and solid goaltending allowed Whitby ta win the gaine 2-1. The semi-final gaine saw Whitby face off against ichmond 11111. The gaine was cbosely contested with Whitby conung out on top 4-2. The win advanced Whitby ta the finals against the host Thornhull teain. Whitby took an early lead but Thornhill camne back with two goals ta lead 2-1 going inta, the second period. The Whitby squad managed ta tie the gaine midway tlirough the second period, setting the stage for a spectacular finish. Bath teains played end-to-end hockey in the third period but Whitby took the lead with tliree minutes and 14 seconds ta go. Thornhill pressed liard but Whitby played their close- checking, defensive gaine tashut them down and win the tournament championship 3-2. Scoring for Whitby were Brian Chard with five, Lee Waddington, flhomas McWhirter and Jef Has two apiece, Richard Thomas and Robert Rjihard four a iece, and Adamn Death, Geof ela, Matt Annis and Patrick Lang. Assists came fromn Hass, Thomas, McWhirter, Waddington Lang, Chard, Colin Barrett anct B.J. Bowles. Darryl Donaldson and Gordon Dale were solid on defence while Patrick Miller played good two-way hockey ta, contribute ta, the taurnament wmn. Ian Upton and Justin Connors were outstanding in goal the entire taurnament. Whitby, defeated in novice final The Whitby minor novice AAA hockey team lbat in the final of the Niagara Falls tournainent lait week. Gaine one, which was played againit the host team, was a one-sided affair with Whitby winning 4-1. Goal-scorers were David Arnold, Scott Morrison, Derek McTéague and Kyle Vanderîca. Gaine two was an easy victoy against Waterloo 4-1. G=l scorers were Aaron Mcguire with twa, Greg Williamns and- Joshua Francis. Gaine three against Oakville was a tight-checking contest with few scoring chances for either teain. However, Oakville Whitby indoor soccer BOUSE LEAGUE PEEWEE Mach M Leon's Red Kevin Da Slva 4 Rou arrUilE 2 Reanna Cabmnan Darryl McOonaid Arnber croeh Coure~s Maoon Marcus Pa.rm 2 Davis Addngton Burs Bies David Flon 5 Tony'. Tigrs Jason Ralmn3 Barry's Mourtues G. Epamninondas 2 Jererny Mount Brandon Church Mike Tayor g Green Machîn. Scott McDavld 2 Melanéo Wlknson 3 Peters Pat hefs J. Vanderven 3 Shariela Fleming. 2 Anthony Plastina David Caughill 5 Dss Stf iker s James Gomney Antonla Scala B lan Ralney 3 Golden Coug as tan BuIoch 2 5 Briarvs Wanriors Pa i nniie prevailed with a 2-1 victory. Williams scored for Whitby. Gaine four was the semi-final against St. Catharines. Goal tending was the key ta, victory for Whitby and it earned Devin McLeod a 2-0 shutout. Kyle Percewicz scored bath goals. In the chanipionship gaine against Oakville, Whitby opened the scoringr when Kevin Mangoît took a shot from the point which ended up on Williams' stick and lie found the back of the net. After Oakville tied it 1-1, Williams was set up by Justin Sawyer and Whitby had a 2-1 lead. Oakville scored three unanswered goals ta win the championship. Lampa. chaomploauhlp gaine LeoeWs Red Darryl McDonald 2 KovinDa Siva2 Rosa mamfis 2 Reanna Colcm CLtis HowY Cullen Scarviil David Busch 1D Polars Parhors 4 Jonalhan Varuerven 4 MOSQUITO Ployo ls - ioLid IMo 3 March 20 Garmany Jantes ElIkTW Brent Hear Jonathai Binder Ireland 7 Karmn MoCinton Scm Chappela USA Daniel Dbeau Steve Sylvestre Brazil 2 Justin ChaJhrouri 2 Stephen Shwm a Michael Walsh 3 Sw.den MichaelShaw 2 Greoco 2 Spain Steve Bowerman 3 Stove Mater 2 Joanna Wllney Nahan Whtney 0 Ruesua 4 Norway Jorge Correa 3 Darnen MHill Senti fnal round - Mach 26 Ieland vs. Norway 7 arn. Spain vs. Mexico 745 ain. goals. Gaine three provided little OPpo*tion from Stoney Creek with Nemiez and Gleeson shutting the door for a 5-0 win. Marksmen were Koeiw with two, Harrison, Deir and Liake. Revenge would corne in the senii-fInal pie against Halton Hilîs as Whîtby avenged an overtime las in the cliampionship of the Brantford taurnament at Christmas* Whitby held a lead throughout the gaine, winmnig 3-2 in an exciting finish. MeBrie, Plgram, and Tutak with the winner, provided the offence. Neiz and Gleeson ngain Whitby club IJMCORN FAIR FEU 20, OSHWA Pru-unb A 0km. FUght Oa Andrea Hole - lW Peu-juaeilsA 0kb NoM 1Iwo JunIoyiviFrasor - 2nd Whisie amn 3rd Pro-juvsNImà A b im. 501Time Du" ol Conneil - r MlchéliAhalnuo - 41h juwemllm A 0CibFle R w. w jesu"caBowsrmi- lu Juvu» aeOb 01.RU*ghFour mw klmro- lW JuvealeC 01dm lgh T1w. Rlom Sohorand - 4th Pre-Novice 9 B 011FlubE Orne Albon Mainon - d Pue-Novice 801.1. F19111 1wo CaflikiHnrohan- 8h Pro-Novice B G0.F19 UTisa. ShehtW Hennails- 8h Novice C noy Chai Tes-rh.ad MMI UADES INVITATIONAL MARCH 6, MANVERS Novice A F#gM Or* Nicoe Kls - th Supiha" lertus - 71h card Gael o Kate Garon - aid LUsa Bons - 7th Novice B Mon Anck NbNcxgas - lo lnéroductory A FliHoWOne Kai@oChalonçer - Oth Whitby minior hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MAJOR NOVICE Playofle Mardi 19 W h ltb U nr la 1 B rooklW ins m n O Maithew GIN WhIIby cOtIrrst wlns erls 7-1. Srtning DUiors 6 Owasco Jordan Oldfilk Chris Delanoy Erlk Peterson llmothy Motuzas Blake Blnley Jarnie Ballon Andrew Lazai'y Patick Lang SrniTqDillneNrs wlns SOieS 11-5. Lennox Drum 4 Acctinie Christohr Long 2 Thomas McWhirler David Lenox Michael Varley L.nnoec Dnjm vAns serIes 5-3. Brooln Legion 5 T8DSteaki 4 Brett Backmîm 2 Robert Richarde Jeffrey Mss Adam Death Robert Waiker BroolhmLeglon wlns sortes 9-5. UNOR NOVICE Ployoffa Rounid 1w Mardi 16 Master Bedro Brady aren Andrew Elcon 3 McTeague Electlc 9 Bob Chepnun3 Andrew Lebel3 Kevn Jay Mat Laffey Andrew Crae. March 19 Master Bedroom 2 McTeague Electrlc Dancfondai Kevin Jay 2 Jason Gordon Andnew Lebel Ricky Gale Patii Michael Rivest Andnew Craie Mîke Melissis McTeague Electnlc wins serisa 16-5. Takkoix 2 GDR Medianical Knstian Cunîffe Adami Stein 2 T. Farquhanuon Max Osuszelt Stewart Potig GDR wlns sais 6-2. Jarrys. DnJg O Kinanuan Club Kovin Vecmanis 2 2 I combined to, backbone the win. Travelling in style on Sunday, Whitby bused to Niagara Fails for the championship end d0feated Aýjax-Pîckering 4-2. Koiw led the way with two goals, omnges ta McBride and Pigrain, the gaine winner. A complete team effort limited Ajax ta nine shots on goal, gi'ving Nemiez and Gleeson a well-deserved rest. Tournament most valuable player Mcflride received a new pair of sktes while 'WHhy won the Campbell Trophy as the team that displays outatanding leadership and sportsmanship ta, opppoeing teama. hUtrodutoy A FUgM 1w. ChrlW"JaJums- li huioowy 8 gaM OnS Juu"caToWI - 51h Shby- 2nd JacquOm eoh - 11h Ardons Od Somb - Oh kwaoéactoy S FlM lue.h Jum Bob - 41h Pm8U.im, A Flot*Tise. H hi uuon - 3rd Pmwknâwy a NOM Tw Pr.héu1=Cot1 StpAmy LM- h 8e eFU* TOas Ciri F rian loth Anuk« hr" - th LNàw fflr*na- 8h Juif Kuslq - 3W Artmy moloo- 3rd mkib h nlon lu 1 oie C w Jeu Kouuq - utd Coin Harvey 2 Sean Cunninghami2 Brod Afibou Paddy Kelly Wuliun Cochran Kinsmnwvns erles 21-0. MAJR OINRI Sudes. A Spydors 2 Leaom 1 Andrew Meadows Justin Fox Coy Brunsm Marc Renaud Kyle Murphy 2 Whltby Optlrnist Mich" lMcKenzle Karen Hrden Derek Crab Joshua Mlv SeelsD Jafms Dck Jason Velaclch 2 Carson& Weeks 7 Andrew Laraniy 2 NIk Coler 2 Nick Camon Bros Crains Jordan Fitzgerald 9 Brooin Leglon 3 6 Sean Gree Alex Mclntosh Boby Sct 9 Michdl Bra. 4 lm Liake3 A.J. Wheaton WNORA OJRI March 20 Playft Again Ryan Kerr 2 &&alTrudeau 6 Whltby Trophy JamonCaMs John IreWan BroodinL.gIon S Michael Mach 3 Andrew Futc Jaion Polard Lulto Cano Top sasme » of h 20 7 Philp MciRhone, Leglon Adam Johnston. Play UN Ryan Kerr, Play Rl Again Andrew Faric * Legen Luke Carson, L1on Nicolas Jardin. P II Chad Thbodeau, Pt~ MakMhz.SweA*dPr Jorda',Beaudrie, Troffhy MchalTudeau. Play t Staphon Ba".rPlayN Brad Smith. Spee lu Farquha "'iTph Jay Singlor. Play U Aai 1

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