Whiby Free Press, Wecfnesday, Marh 23, 1994, Page 27 HOW TO L300K XVOU AeâLASIIED AD...' Çai 668l-61 11. Acs placed by Monday at noon MiI be I. ~ published that Wednesday. P repay by 5 pm to save money! Or, prepay wîth your VISA card when placing the ad. ...... TorlontoScholrT COMPUTERS COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS 1-2-39 D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSINC BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTINC HOSPITALITY *ý TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS ,DETA CHA~± ' :V~I R-S1I ' i SECRETARIAL LEGAL9 MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONISI, WORDPROCESSING FinanciliAistance May D. Available 2 Campuses in -Durhiam OSHAWA CENTRE 723-1163 PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. <Hlwy. 2 at Valley 1ami R&) 420-1344 * j,: Mail your ad ta: Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, Li N 5S1. Ads should be mauîed ta arrive by Monday at noon. You can endlose your paymient, or provide billing information. ptf&04' h MAA C N SPRSIO TRAINN This comprehensive 69 hour part-time program will develop your personal, leadership, and business skills. Major topics covered are: / Organization and Departrnental Objectives / Supervising People /( Production Management / Industriel Relations The program runs Tuesays and Thursdays (6:30 - 9:30 PM) from April 12 to June 25,1994. The last sessions are an intensive weekend case study. Funding Partial funding may be available to qualifying companies through Ontario SkiIls. E1igibility Crfteria Appicants for this program must be emptoyed as or preparing to become a supervisor or team leader in a manufacturing oompany in Durham Region. '<ou must be registered by your oompany. 427192 or1-00-28-339 . Wereopen 9am to5 pm, Monday ta Friday. Place y aur ad by Monday at noon for Wecinesday publication. If your can't makéI<~t in duning office hours, we have a mail slot Io the feft of aur front door. $369000 NET -international company r uie sales people ta represot aCaadiani children's tax stîelter. FulVpart time tralningAeads suppliod. Cati Paula 434-7089. ESTABUSHED BUSINESS serving' Durham Rogion sino. 1989. ýMost suita"o for personable, retired, ative couple. Excellent incarne potential. Cal 666-5312. BREW ON PREMISE. The only one in Whltb ioking for active prtnor 50% ownorship. Establishod'for 16 mo's. wfth groat potential. Cali 666-2739 ýfor dotails, ask for JIm.. $370 WEUICY POSSILE at home - simple, easy pleasant work. For irfo, sond $1Y .S.AS.E. to Babain Stengel,'R#3. Bracebrldgeo. Ont. PLI X1. -AMAZffl REOORDED 5ESSAGEI 1Hoar how* mail order millionaire makes oVjer $30,00 per month.* Free riepôit for i st 500 callers, .lIrhuià m or Durhoam Our mandate is to support caregivers through the provision of education and support services. We would welcome men and women from across Durham Region to seek nomination to our Board of Directors. You are invited to apply in writing before April 15, 1994 indicating your.areas of interest and skills which could benefit the work of the Society. Please reply to: ALASKA JOBS! Earn Up ta $30,000 in 3 months fishing salmon. Also construction, can- neries, ail fields, plus morel For immediate response, cal 1-504-64-4513, ext. K142. 24 hrs. $200 - $500 WEEKLYI Assemble pructs at home. Easy, no selling. You're paid direct. Fuiy guaranteed. No experience necessary. Caîl 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 142,24 hours. Elizabeth Fulford, Chairperson Nomination Coinmittee 178 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa LiC 4S9 OPTOMETRIST - office requires part time receptionist. Apply in wrfting ta: Neil Murkar, 304 Dundas St. W., Whitby Li N 2M5. EARN UP TO $3461WEEK Io assemble Christmas and holiday decorations year round, at home. Work avaîlablo across Canada. For more info., sond a self- addrossed stamped onvelope ta Magic Christmas - 2212 Gladwin Cr., Unit D-2, ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontaro KiB 5N 1. PROFESSIONAL COUPLE seeks non-live-in nanny type help: daycare for a newborn; general household support. Appicant must have at least 3 references, experience, good command of the English language; compensation negotiable; 4 days per week 8:30am - 5:50pm & the odd evening. Please send resumé ta 24 Foster Cres., Whitby Ont., quAESPERSON REQWIRED To seil the fulll une of SHARP facsimile machines and copiers in the OSHAWA AREA. Salary, commission, medical benefits, car allowanoe and protected area. Please fax resumês to 905-683-1159 or mail to: EXECUTIVE COPIER SYSTEMS INC. 5-520 Westriey Rd. S. Ajax, Ontario Li S 6W4 EXECUT1VE COPIER SYSTEMS INC. SHARP STYUST - progressive local salon seeks exporiencod stylist with professionatism, creativity and has a committed attitude. Our salon off ors incentive packages, upgrading education and a personal atmosphore for your clientele. Send rosumé to 1 B-l0i Rossland Rd. E., Box 369, Whitby Ontario Li N 8Y9. WE'LI PAY YOU ta type names and addresses from home. $500 per 1,000. Wrte today. Gateway Uists, Dept. WFP4, # '150-1857 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 1 M4. ENTREPENEURS $$$. Non-mun pantyhoso business. FulVpart timo - minimum investment. 100% prof itl Linda (905) 430-0347. CUBE VAN 15' for hire with one or two mon. Housohold or commercial <noves, short or long distance. Phone 433-0775. Fax your ad to us at 668-0594. Please ensure you pro%#ide ail pertinent inforrmtion, and a number where we can reach you, if necessary. ý ---.i ......... .