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Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1994, p. 10

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Page 1i0, Whitby. Free Prese, WednqsedayMarÇp30, 1994 ITC First Oshawa ITC (Inter- national Training in Communi- cation) will meet on TLesday, April 5, 6 p.m., at the Hongz Kong Ifouse Restaurant in Oshawa. ITC helps develop confidence in public speakiu and leadership. Cost le $14. For more informa- tion cal 725-9179. FOOTSTEP8 TO THE CROSS <Youth Walk to Caivary' jn an interdenominational event invol- ving churches fropm Whitby and Oshawa. The. 'Folow C.is Footstepso to the Croed walk will b. héla Good Friday, April 1, b.ginning at 1 p.m. at St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa. Participants will stop at various points along the way for brief devotions before arriving at All Saints' Anglican Churçh in Whitby. JAMES BOUSE T'Me James Houe. committe. working to establish an AIDM hospice in Durham Region, will meet on Wednesday, April 6, 7:30 p.m., at St. 'Andrew's Church, 71 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. For more information cati 404-2102. ONE PARENT FAMILlES North Oshawa One Parent Faniilies wiil hold a general meeting Wednesday, Api 6, 8 p.m. at Christ Mémorial Church, Mayand ilicroft streets, Oshawa. New members and guests welcome. For more information, cail 721-8154. SPEAKEEr'SNIGUET The Head Irjury Association of Durham Region will hold a speakere night Monday, April Il* 7:30 P.m., a Cedarcroft Place, 649 ing St. E., Osawa.Seakr je Clair *iedel of Betacom Brdges on the topic of computer software. For more informat4on, cali 723-2732. AQUATIC PROGRAM Registration je underway for the Arthritis aquatic progrm at the Ajax Community Centre. Classes, led by traîned aquatic instructorewill b. held Frdays, 3 to 4 pmn beginning April 8. The. fee je J35 for on. day per week for 10 weeke. For more information or to register, cati the Arthritis Societ~y at (905) 434-7221. EPILEPSY Epilepsy: Parents Support Group wl meet on Thuraday, April 7, 7 pm. For more informa- tion, idn ocation, cati Diane at 905-6834070. BINGO Tii. Moose Lodge of Whitby holds fundraisingý bingos every Tueeday, 12:30 p.m., at Bingo Country, Monarch Ave., Aj ax. Non-proifit whltby or have a substantiel Whibhy mombership may n place their upomiri meetings or activi es on thi9 pagel mthngo mriWfi FUdstpm esTiKM OUT ARTERlTI The Arthritis Society in sponsor na provincial bowling event,'Strike Out Arthritis,' April 10 te 15a. For mâre information, call the. society at 434-7221. INCOME TAX CLINICS Income tai cinice are aan being offered free te, Whitby seniors. Volunteers are availabie through the Wbitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. te, assist seniors in 'prparing income tax forme. CaIl 668-1424 te arrnge an appointment. ONE PAIENT FAM[LIES Tih. Oshawa Chapter of One Parent Families Association wil hold a general meeting Tuesday, April 5, 8 pan., at the Croatian Cultura & Sports Club, 4,32 Simcoe St. S., Oehawa. AUl are welcome. For more information, cati 436-5089or 728-1011. QUILEpS'GUILD Theburham Trillium Quilters' Guild wili meet on Tuesday, April 5, 7:30 p.m., at St. George Anglican Church, Bagot aÎd Centre streets, Oshawa. For more information caîl 683-5135 or 725-1945. ANNUAL MEETING Tii. Auto Workers Community Credit Union Iàmited will hold the. 57th annual meeting on Saturda, April 9, 1 p.m, at M-cLaughln CVI, Oshawa. Members will b. elected te tthe board of directors, the credit advisory and supervisory committeee. MEETING The. Soropti'it International of Oshawa/Witby Club will hoid their next meeting on Thuraday, April 14, 7:30 p.m. at Grandview Réhabilitation & Treatment Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oehawa. Interested persona welcome. For information cae 432-2828 and ask for Yvette Adanikovics, or 725-3704 (Bus.), 434-6655 (haone) Joan McKnight. AQUARIUM SHOW The Durham Region Aquarium Society will hold the annual auc- tion and show at the Aax Cam munity Centre on SunJaýY, April 10. For more information cali Donna at 427-8063 or '1'y at 905-831-0940. EASTERIIAM ii. Rotary Club cf Whitby le seiling Easter ham ta raise. funds for varicus proecte and po grame. Coat cfa j2.3-pound ham ie $10, 4.6-pound ham je $18. Club mernb.rs will deliver hame. Caîl Bon at 430-8221 Bian at 668-4212, Debbie at Ïà0-3700 or David at 668-3579. BRAKFAST NMTING Durhamn Region Employment Equity Network (DREEN) will Îýol- abreakfast meeting Tuesday, April 12, 8:30 te 11:30 a.m., at Oshawa Holiday Inn, Guild room est. Registration will begin at 8:15 a-rhi.Tme tepic le 'Qualitative measures empioy- ment equity, networking round- table,' which will provide participants with an overview cf the. components cf an effective empionnt equity policy and plan. àoregistrate, contact Cathy Lloyd at 436-5663 or Carol Ann Hastings at 433-1433. AUCTION & SHOW mhe Durhamn Regian Aquarium Society, in cojntion with Ontario Heretologcal Society, wiil hold an auction and show, Sunday, April 10 at the Ajax Community Centre, HMS Ajax Rocin, Centennial Boad, Ajax. For further fish information contact Donna Schinkel 427-8063, Barr McKee 683-7660 or Ty Fieher at 831-0940. For Hérptile infor- mation, contact Mlary Bird 837-0383 or Tom Mason at 839-6764. Everyone le welcome. You do not have ta b. a member te buy, seIt or show. Fre. admission. BE HEALTHY, BE TRIM mhe Aax-Plckering Generai Hoptal will hold 'Be H-ealthy, Be =ri,a 10-week prograin te lose weight safeiy and keep it off. Sessions wiil be held Tuesdays, April 10 te June 21. For more information, cali Margaret Devor at (905) 472-8477. LUPUS SUPPORT mhe Durham Region branch cf the. Ontario Lupus Association will hold a su pport meeting Thursday, April 7, 7:30 to 9:3 p.m., at Faith Place, arts and crafts room, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. For more information, cati Karen at 623-2765. DESSET & CARi) PARTY St. Mark's United Church Women will hold a dessert and card party (progressive euchre and bridge) on Thmrsday, April 7, 1 p.m., in the. churcêh hall, 201 Centre St. S., Whitby. ickets are $3. Prizes. Ail are welcorne. Cali 668-6389 or 668-3091. PARINSON FOUNDATION The Durham Region-,Chapter Painson Foundation will hold a monthly support meeting Monday,April 11, 7:30 p.m., at St. Manls United Church, Whitby. A speech therapist from Oshawa General Hospital wiii b. the guest speaker. Refreshments. For more information or assist- ance with transportation, cati 430-8475 or 666-8576. APRHL COURS m.e Canadian Bed Cross society, Oshawa branch will hold an emergency firet aid course (with Heart Saver) on Saturday, April 9 ($55 and standard firet aid (with Heart Saver) on Saturday and Sunday April 9 ad10 ($70). An up¶ ete basic rsurlevel je avai able with ail emergency and standard courses (additionai two houri, $20). For more information, cali the society at 723-2933. PARKINSON April le Parkinsons Awareness Monith. About 80,000 Canadians have Parkinsons, a neurological condition resulting frein a chemi- cal imbalance cf the brain. Symptome are treinor of limbe when at rest, difficulty with balance and walking and los cf volume cf seh. Te Parkinson Foundation of Canada, Durham Region chapter, holds monthly meetings "ta make life with Par- kinsons better.» Meetings are held the ffret Monday cf each month at St. Mark s United Church in Whitby at 7:30 p.m. For more information caîl 430- 8475 or 666-8576. STAMPCLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, Apnil 5'. 7 p.m., in the cafeteria cf ONeill CVI Oshawa. Staznps, postards anâ caver collections can be exchanged appraised or sold at auction. dollectors and visitors are welcome. For more informa- tion cati John at 725-7962. 1«M ANNIVEIAWYDINNE The Denise Houe will celebrate their lUth annverar wlth a dinner on Tu"ady A Eh 26 at General Sikoreki Posh Veteran'. Hall, 1551 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. A reception and cash bar will begfin at 6 pan foliowed by opening remarks anâ dinner at 7 p.m. Gu"et epakel is Canadian OlympicAsocaton prudent Carol nn Letheran, dsssng 'Women -- High-tech people in a high-teh society.' For tickets ($40) or more information, caIl 728-7311, Monday-to, Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pan. EGG HUNT The. Centrai Lake Ontario Consrvaton uthoitywiil hast heeefLft nul trEgg Hunt Saturday, April 2, il amn. to 3 at Heber Down Cosevation, Area in WhîtSy. Egg hunts will talc. place with various ae groupe at different times: children aged 3, 4 and 5, 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. (parents ma maset); ages 6, 7 and 8, noon ad1:30 p.m.; ages 9, 10 and 11, 12:30Oand 2 p.m. There will be a jel11 bean contest, facepainting a= refreshments. Admission, je frie. For more information or in case of incleinent w-eather,' contact the authority office at 579-0411. Directions: Talc. H-ighWay 12 (Brock Street) te Taunton Road. Turn west one kilometre te Country Lane Road, turn north and go tothe end of the. road and follow the signe. CLCYING SALE The. Durhamn Region Paêrents of Multiple Births Assocation wifl hold a spring ciothing, toy and baby equipment sale Saturday, April 9, 9 a.=. to, noasi, at Kinme United Church, 5 AdelideSt.E., Oshawa. For more information, caii 668-05 or 430-3944. PC USEES CLUB The. Durham PC Users' Club will meet Tlhureday, April 14, 7 te 10 pain., at CAW Local 222 Hall, 1425 PhIllip Murray Ave., Oehawa. The topic je Lotus, with a demnonstration of SmartSuite. Admission is free. Ail ame welcome. For more- information, cali Bruce Laycraft at 728-9351. 508 & SOs8IDANCE James Houe Durham will hold a 50a and .609 dance, 'Rockin! for a Home,'April 9,8 p-. .te 1 a.m., at Port Darlington hfriaHotel, 70 Port Darlington Rd. (Lake Raad off Liberty Street South), Bowman'vilie. ickets are $15 and incliide a buffet. Door prime and a contest for best dreeed for the. era. For more information, cal 404-2102. but drop in anytime to our (flot quite decorated) new location, opening Mon., Mar. 28th at Whitby Town Square, A T ROSSLAND RDl. &GARDEN s'T .........WHITBY TOWN SQUARE Rossland & Garden. OSLAD D.666n4100 [6 DAYS ONL]I Ym Auto & Clssi orTruck Service "Like Casi u Narne, That's Where we Aim" TRACTOR TRAILER SERVICE A ND PA RKING A VA ILA BL E ASK ABOUT OUR BRAKE SPECIALS 1549 Victoria St. E.., Unit B Whitby (Thickson & 401) Formerly Whitby Mack Building 430-1918 SHWY41 2ICORIA ST. cn le:

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