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Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1994, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 30,1994 [CL CR CIL CR I AflTI GARDENIDRYDENIBROCK. Loving, reliabte î-home daycare. Close to Ormiston & St. Matthews. Snacks. Non-smoker. Full & part- time. Cali 668-7654. CARING MOTHER will provide a happy envirionment for your child. Nutritiaus lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (walks, crafts, stories). Thickson & Rossland. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. Ages 2 & up. CHILD CARE in my home. Any age welcome. Bellwood School area. Cali 404-0031 atter 5. We Watch1 PriaitHomneDayCare The system that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quatity care foryour child " FuIly trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provicler ,ilness or " Comprite insuranne coverage " Income tax receipts *Children six weeks and up " Full or part-time For more Information Seil: 686-3995 a icensed Agency BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes from Whitby, between Brookiin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weekly rates. Cati 655-5308. OSHAWA - 2 unfurnlshed bedrooms in house. Share facitities. Non-smoker. $325/month. Cali 433-4108. BROOKUN - large bedsitting roo)m in quiet area. Close ta ail amenities. Availabte now. Cati 655-5539. WHITBY - clean, quiet fully furnished roomn in private home. Privleges: kitchen use, cable, parking. Suit mature working mate. Availabie imm ediatety. $90/weekly. FirstAlast. 668-3640. ..........SNAE HAVE YOUR OWN bedroom& * bathrcom in a new home. Share the rest of the house. Laund ry and utilities inciuded. $400fmo. Quiet, responsible, non-smoker required. AVAILABLE APRIL 1. Roommate wanted ta share 4 b.droom home. Parking, laundry facilities availabie. $350/month. Cali 430- 1103. PROFESSIONAL FEMALE, non- smoker, ta share house with 2 others. We are ctean, organized & considerate of one another. Whitby, just north of Hwy. 401. Call after 6:00 Pm. 666-8540. WANTED - mature, Ioving woman ta care for 2 childrein (under the age of 4) in my Whitby home, 2 - 3 days per week. Cati 404-0805. Early Childhood ~ I Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry House Child Care Servces 129 Psrry St., Whitby 668-9476 DAYCARE PROVIDED in a sal e, happy, Ioving home by mother of three. with 13 yrs. babysitting experience. Babies wekcome. Lots of toys & activites, nutritiaus lunches and snacks. Smoke-free. Fallingbrook area (Rossland - Anderson Close ta Gien Dhu Public 4chooI. References& receipts. Please cail 666-8723. REUABLE, CARING MOTHIER looking ta do childcare in her home. West Lynde area. Please cati 668-8566. WANTED - mature, responsible babysitter for children 2-4li2 years. Days & some evenings. Please caili40-6913. MOTHIER 0F 1WO wiIl provide daycare In my home. Non-smoker, infant/child CPR, fenced yard. Thickson/Manning. Cail 435-0714. WANT A HAPPY & FUN envirionment for the child? Lots of crafts, gamnes, painting, pasting, story-time and much more. Nutritious lunches and snacks. Caît 430-3361. WHITBY - Thickson area. 3 bedroom main floor faniity room & laundry plus w/o basement with living room, kitchen, 4 pc. & bedroom. $1 ,100/mo. + utilities. Lilian North, Remax Sumrmit, 905-668-3800. 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Whitby. Large yard, walking distance toallait aenities. $800/month + utilities. Avaii. June 1/94. Cali 668-4627, leave message. CENTRAL OSHAWA - unique, updated century home. 3 bedrooms, 2- 3pc. bathrooms, appliances, garage, futty fenced yard. Avait. Aprit 1. Pets weicome. $950/mo. + utilities. First/iast. 668-3640. WHITBY - good landiord looking for good tenant. Detached bungalow with income potential, $1,1 00/month + utilities. Cali 430-1821, leave message. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE & garage or workshop. Commercial possibilities on Hwy. 2. No outdoor maintenance. $885/month + heat & hydro. 668-4321 or 655-4623. WHITBY - avallabte My1/4 bedroomn apartment with dining' room walkout. $650/month includes utilities, fridg e & stove. CatI Ron 434-5629.517iHarris Crt. ROSSLAND/THRNTON -one bdrm. bsmnt. apt. Bright & dean, large windows, carpeted, fridge, stove, shower & laundry facilites. $575 mnci. Non-smoker preforred. Avait. immed. Cail 725-7474 between 12 & 4pmn, or 571-2051. CENTRAL WHITBY - 2 bedroom apartment. $500 plus hydro. First & last. No pets. Availabte April 1/94. Caîl 668-2445. WHITBY - one bedroom apt. for rent. Close ta ail amenities. $485/mo. inctudes utilities& parking. Caîl 666-1171. ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT apt. for rent. $550/month, atl utilities included. Available nuwM r42 Mary St. N., Whitby. Cati 433-2197 or 668-4859. LARGE 2 BEDROOM immaculate apt. in desirable NE Whitby. Parking, iaundry, ail inclusive & cable. $750/mo. Cail Jeff at 430-1972. LARGE SPUT LEVEL 2 bedroom apt. in quiet building. Broadioom throughout, appliances inctuding dishwasher, covered parking. $775/month. Avail. May 1/94. CatI 668-4643. WHITBY - bachelor apt. for rent. Walk ta, GO train. Parking. $550/month including heat & hydro. First/iast. Inquire 432-2914 after l2noon or leave message. HOUS, APARIMENT FOR REKT? if you b.d advortised hors, '0009 Hk. y would be readlngthsnw WHITBY WEST LYNDE townhouse. 3 bedrooms, new carpts (your colour), & garage. Pool, ptayground, schools, sholmiNg ear GO. $1 12,900. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding. Spring clean-ups. Renovations Of g ardens, rock gardens, ptariting, firewood. Dutchway Landscaping. (905) 649-3183. IDEAL LANDSCAPING and SPRAYUNG SERVICE Whitby Toronto 905-430-6435 416-439-6639 Weed Control Lawn Fertlizing Spnng & Fail Cleanups Plantingi & Designs Fui/y icesed and insured LARGE SELECTION of new & used furniture & appliances, new beds, antiques. Beforeo u buy, give My Dad's a tryl 116 Brock St. S. 40-0561. MATTRESSES andi boxsprings at haIt price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. FOR SALE - 3 wheei trike (paddie bike), good condition. Approx. 6 years aid. Cai after 8pm. 430-9407. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, iess than hait p rice. Large select ion. McKeen urniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. 386 COMPUTER, cotour VGA, 2 megs RAM, 40 megs hard drive, system software, $600. Also 14.4 fax/modem, US robotics, $160. Still on warranty. Caîl Andrew 666-0271. BABY GOODS - Jolly Jumper, strolier Snugli, infant car seat, baby gym, shoulder carriers. Like new. Caîl 430-0837. WEDDING DRESS-- perfect for sring/ summer! early faîl. Furchased new 193 - $1 ,200, askin $500(negatiable). Please 98,000 BTU GAS FURNACE; 1 X6X4', i X8X4' & 2X4X8' treated wood; 10' satellite dish, Manterey; 1" & 20 undressed red oak wood. 683-5905. MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY TICKETS, April i 2th & ptayoffs avaitable. CalI (905) 753-2246. WHITIBY LANES commercial/office units for lease. 420 sq. ft. for $620 monthly. Cati toli-free (pager) 1-416-550-3204. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby Creative rentai arrangements. 66-1468, 9'a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE in densley popuiated residential area of South Oshawa. ideal for prof essional services business, real estate, insurance, hardware store, video store, day care centre, hair salon. 1 unit at 1 ,300 sq. ft. & 1 unit at 2,600 sq. ft. or 3 units at 1,300 sq. ft. Lots of parking, 12 off ices in place, hair salon facilities in place. Cali (905) 623-4172 or (905) 434-0473. AYFEN11ON LAWVYERS A C COU NTM4TS, DOCTORS Very busy prof essional building exceltent exposure for smatlbusiness/professions 329 sq. ft. - $382/month încluding G.S.T. 60831-5411 teave message for Ruth FOR AU. YOUR EYEWEAR NEEDS - gtasses, contact tenses, sunigiasses. Quality products, servceand prce. Eye examinations arranged. Dmsunt for seniors and chikiren. 1111EV OPTICIANS 102 Byron St S. 430-8849. SOFA & LOVESEAT $350 o.b.o. 2 queensize headboards $60 o.b.o. Very good condition. Caît 666-0606. FIREWOOD. Excellent quality hardwood. Seasoned, very, dry, sptit. Honest measurement. Order now for nexi seasan. Free delivery. 905-753-2246. WEDDING DRESS - new, origial desgn made of beautiful Bsc. broade. Bought at Benjamin Barrett Bridai. Sîze 12. Original price $1 i750, seiiing for $600. Cal 579-0575. TOOL SALE - chainsaws, sawzails, drills, powertrowet, eng me hoist, scaffolding - good setèction of hand & power tools, new & used. We aiso buy used toots. Sale A p1i 1, 2 & 3. 409 Brock St S., Whitby. 666-1049. I WILL BUY your contents or unwanted Items. Cati 728-8485 leave a message. GOT SOMETHING TO SELL, give John a yelit We pay cash. Good used fnidge & stove, wooden furniture & antiques. Cail 430-0561. WHlrBYf SEWING MACHIN Repairs Io ail makes INDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC ln-home service availabie 111 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY Peter 666-12283 MORTGAGES LOANS at prime rates. Cali Michael 668-7200. Anubis lnvestments Mt. Serving Ontario since 1972. Fwnanciaiu Corporation MORTGAGES m , =.LÉ ,. istp& 2nds to 95% - Debt Consolidations Prime Rates - Pre-Qualîfying n 571-2880 or 686-6450 Tor. uine ;LESS ENERG YIS f CONSUMED MANUFACTURINGI ;NEW PA PER FROM WASTE PAPERS THAN FROM TREES. .- 5-5- 5S- en .»- .1 _. 5 ~

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