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Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1994, p. 27

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Whitby Fr0. PreBs. WedJnesy, Aptil 6, 1994. Page 27 invaon THE MONTGOMERY High Sohool band per- formed at the Whitby council chambers Thurs- day before heading home to Blackpool, England. The band performed the night before at Henry Street High School. Photo by Mark Reesor Whtby Fre Pres 1994 INTERIM TAX NOTICE Tb. second instalment ai taxes for 1994 is due and payable Aptil 15, 1994. Taxes rnay h. paid aI n Whitby bank without collection chiarges, or at the Municipal Offce,575 Rossland Road East, Wbitby, Onaro. ln addition, taxes may h. paid by telephone tiirough TD Bankiine, Canada Trust EasyLine or CIBO UnkUp. If you have not received a tax bill and you are responsible for payment, please contact the Tax Department at 668-5803 ta obtain thie neoessary information. If payment is not recoived by the due date, penalty will h. added on the first day ai default and the. first day af eacb calendar month so long as non-payment continues, at t-" rate ai 1-1/4% per month, or part thereof. LYNN PIKE SUPERVISOR 0F REVENUE ELDERLY PENSIONERS' TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM You may qualify for a $1 00 residential property tax credit if you were 65 years of age or more by March 31, 1994; are in receipt of the monthly Guaranteed Income Suppement under the OUd Age Security Act; occupy a residential property in Whitby where the municipal taxes are paid in excess of $600 for the current year; have been continuously assessed as the owner of that property for flot Iess than f ive (5) years preceding March 31, 1994. For further information and aplications, contact the Treasury Department at 668-e803, extension 323. M ri /i 9 iY Seniors! Take advantage of our Healthy Living programs at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. Cal 668-1424. Un the very near future, groups and individuals who obtain Special Occasion Permits from the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wiII be required by law to have ail sérvers of alcohol trained under the Server Intervention Program. Protect yourself -- get tralned. For more information, contact Mark Stanford at Iroquois Park Complex, 668-1765. THE CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWN 0F WHUTBY UN THE MAlTER 0F 1THE ONTARIO HERUTAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, C. 0.18 AND UN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWNING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN TH1E PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council ai the. Corporation aifIthe Town ai Whitby bas passed By-law No. 3455-94 ta designate the. iollowing property as being aof istoric and architectural valu, or interest under Part IV ai the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990,c. 0.18. OId St. John's Roman Catholic Church 508 John Street West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 508 JOHN STREET WEST, WHITBY HITOLG Being the first solely Catholic Church in the Town of Whitby, the construction of this church began in 1867 under lie watchful eye af Archbishap Lynch of Toronto. mhe brickwork was cantracted ta a well-known Whit.by mason, George Cormak, and was designed by a praminent Canadian architect, HenryLang iey, who also designed AIl Saints' Anglican Church in Whit% an St. mornas Anglican Church in Brookîin. Trag.dy struck in 1901 when the. church was destroyed by fire. Soon afterwards (1902), mhomas Devenul, Jr., son af the original builder, h g an reconstructing the new churcb in accordance with th, ariginal building plans (which are stored at tb. Ontario Archives). In D.cember 1902, the. church was off icially opened. Il was flot until 1975 that the Roman Catiiolic Episcopal Corporation sold the churcb and t became a residential property. ARCHITECTURAL Th. style of the. church is Gotiiicý in a v.ry modest iorm, appropria. for a small parîish. The side walls ai the church are duvided into three bays, separated by decorative buttresses. The front facade has single lancet windows on eitber side ai the front porch. Over the entry porch was a large rose windaw, naw conoealed. At th. gable p.ak, lier. is a masanry projection for a belf ry. The. building is constructed in red brick with stan. trim. The. heads of lie lanoet windows are surrounded by a simple Gothic hoad moulding made ai a double course ai corbelling brick. A single masonry chimniey rises at the back ai the church. The building retains its original cornerstone. The building is a unique example ai an adaptive retise ai a former church, and its preserice contnibutes ta lthe architectural character. vaziety and interest ai the community. DATED at the. Town ai Wbitby this 3Oth day ai March, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION OF 1THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2M8 PHONE: (905) 668-5803 TH1E CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHUTBY IN 1THE MATTER 0F 1THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, C. 0.18 AND IN 1THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT 1THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN 1THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO N011CE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that die Council of the. Corporation af the. Town of Whity has passed By-Iaw No. 3456-94 to desugriate the. following poprt as being of historic and architectural value or interest une art IV of the Ontario Hefitage Act, R.S.O. 1990,0c.0.18. Halsted-Fisher House 535 Myrtie Road West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNAT1ON 0F 535 MYRTLE ROAD WEST, WHITBY HIOPJ This granite fildstone bouse s sited on what was ofiginally a 200- acre parcel of land granted to Chrnstina Diamond on Mardi 30, 1826 by way of patent from the Govemmerut of Upper Canada. mhe land was eventually purchased by Thomas Halsted in 1832. Mr. Halsted was the flrst bonafide settier of the lands, having th. existing structure built most likely in the. late 1840r, and deiiniteîy by 185-2, as his resiclence is listed as a 1-1/2 storey stan. bouse in the census taken in 1852. After Mr. Halsted's death in 1854, the property was sold ta Timothy Fisher. Th. property was owned by various Fisher famiîy members until 1938 (84 years). ARIEIURAL mhe Helsted-Fisher House is of architectural value and interest and is an excellent example of an early filkstone farmhouse with red brick rilm. The bouse is Iacated on a large farm lot and us surTounded by mature vegetation. t bas finely .xectuted details in both wood and masonry, which demonstrate the. local vemnacular traditions and the. more elaborate decorative design elements typical of tb. earty and mid-nineteenth entury ne"-assicai styles. It has a typical formn for a vemnacular iarmnhouse, having a formaIfilve-bay front facade with two windows, with six-over-six sash, on either side of a central doorway. The. buikinq also bas irregular features, such as a blind window, a double-sded bake aven and an asymmetrical back door, wbich add to its vemnacular character. Interior features af interest are the. basement fireplace whicb indicates the. presence af an early kitchen. and the intact mouldings of the present dinirig roorn. The. dining rooms baseboard, door and wndow rilm use corner boxes, reedings and the. same larg moulding profile as dme exteior entry pilasters. mhey are the. %broad and elaborat. mouldinps charactenistic ai tie nea-classical style and are repeated consistently througbout the building, appeanng also in the. eav.s and in the entry entablature. DATED at the Town ai Whitby this 30th day af Mardi, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWNI CLERK TH1E CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWN OF WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST W11UTBY, ONTARIO LIN 2MB PHIONE: (905) 668-580 1

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