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Whitby Free Press, 13 Apr 1994, p. 31

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Whltby Free Press, Wecinesday, April 13, 1994, Page 31 Contaminated soil to be reAmo vedfrom site PROU PAGE 1 cali for the Ontario Mlnstry of Environment and Energy ta con- duct soil testing on the property. Instead, council opted to have staff investigate the matter and report back at a later date. A furious Drumm said he would thon personaily request the ministry ta, examine the site, regardiesa of councii's actions. Hlowover, newspaper reports published elsewhere recently in- dicate that private testing con- firme the sali is contaminated and that the ministry is aware of the problern. Women who wish ta provide service ta the community are welcome to join the Whitby Lia- ness Club, a non-political organi- zation that supports many in- dividuals, goups and charities. The club heips disabled and shut-în senior citizens, provides programs and events for Sunny- crest Nursing Home residents, and heips wlth Community Care's8 Meals on Wheeis pro- grams. T'he club donates ta Whitby "I want ta make it absoiutely clear that we have contaminated sali in aur community and I want it moved at no expense ta the Town, Drumm told council. Drumm said ho has been infor- med by a «reliable source» that the Royal Bank holds the mort- gage on the property which is owned by a Markham resident. "I hope that they act in a rayai way and move the soi a.nd very soon,» he said. Drumm, who estimates it wMl cost $1 million ta remove the sali and dlean up the garbiage and aid tires now littering the site, aiso Psychiatric Hospital's Christmas Wish Tree and also donates gifts, and raised funds for the geriatrie ward of Whitby General Hospi- tai. The most recent community service challenge for the club was the Red Cross blood donor clinio on Jan. 4. The club runs a xnothly bingo ta raise funds for varlous chari- ties. For more infarmation cail 668- 4944 or 668-2268. demanded that any con- tamninants be removed. «I won't be-satisfied if it's moved ta a landflui site in Picker- ing and rm sure (Pickering May or) Wazne Arthurs wouldn t be hlappy," Ke said. «I want it de-contarninated so there's no probleins for the people where ît's te go.» Even though Druîmm dem an- ded immediate action 'on the probiem, Edwards rommnded hîm tat council preferred ta wait for ie dont ~want another PEI and have ta wait for five years before we can move an the mat- ter," said Edwards. «We want ta make sure we have ail the weapons at our (lh PrnceEdward Island ferry boat sat rusting away in Whitby harbour for several years before Town officiais had the authority ta order the boat's owner ta remove the vessol. (The problem was campounded by the presenoe of PCBs in the boat's tansformers. The Whitby Hydro Electrie Commission even- tually agreed ta allow the PCBs te be stored on its poie. Edwards toldDrm that while «we ail want this (sali) removed, we want to be clear of aur position.» «I appreciate what youre say- ing, but I want it remaoved at no cost ta the Town,", replied Drumm. "Yf I have ta, l'il go it alone," ho added. «You can tel lt's election year,» said councilior Dennis Fox, in referenco ta eariier iremarks by Drumm and councillar John Dol- stra that they wili ek »ic tion in November. «We're not fighting oach other here. We'ro ail of the opinion it ANTHONY COMIEAU Anthony J. Comeau of Whitby died on March 24, 1994 at Whitbr General Hospital. Ho Ho was boni in Montreal, Que. on June 28, 1910. A Whitby resident for 20,years, ho worked in the lumber indus- trybefreretiring. 'Hewas predeceased by his glrlfriend, Anigle Muller, in 1984. "Ho was a great guy,» said Elizabeth Foskett. Her famiiy, including father Ronald, mother Gloria, sister Nancy, brother Ronnie and daughter Beverly, were friends of Mr. Comeau. «We had him for dinner every Christmas and Easter. We were like family,» said Elizabeth, who added that Mr. Comeau enjayed nathing more than ridlng his bicycle. shouid be cleaned up ..the sauner the botter and at no exponse ta the municipality,» saîd Fox. Edwards said ho had not spoken to anyone from the environment ministry, but toid reporters the soul doos flot pose a throat in ite current location. «rm not advised that the matoriali s dangerous by itself,» lie said. She said she knew littie about hie p'ast except that he had four brothers and five sisters. The funeral was held at St. John the Evangeist Church on Saturday arch 26, Father Andy Mcéth ofliciating. Inter- ment at Resurrection Cemnetery. 6 Generationis of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointmenta gladly arranged1 1994 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The second instalment of taxes for 1994 s due and payable Apnil 15, 1994. Taxes may be paid at anyWitby bank without collection charges, or at lime Muncipal Offce,575 Rossand Road East, Whitby, Ontario. In addition. taxes may be paid btele one through TD Bankiine, Canada Trust EasyLine or CIBC *nkUp. If you have not received a tax bill and you are responsible for payment, please contact dme Tax Department at 668-5803 ta obtain the neoessary information. If payment is not recoived by the due date, penalty wil La added on the frst day ai default and the frst day af each calendar month so long as non-payment continues,- at the rate of 1-1/4% per month, or part thereof. LYNN PIKE SUPERVI90R 0F REVENUE SANITARY SEWER SERVICING AND ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS COMMUNITY 0F BROOKLUN Town of Whitby Riegional Municipality of Durhami The Town ai Whitby and the Regional Municipa of a Durham have established a Field Office in Brooklin forthe duration af construction of the sanitary sewer and roadway improvements ta be undertaken in Brooklin in 1994 and 1995. The residents ai Brooklin are welcome ta visit or cal the Field Office with any concems or questions related ta the on-gaing construction. The afflce will be open during regular business hours (Monday ta Friday, 8:30 arn. ta 4:30 p.m.). Th e Brooklin Field Office is Iocated at: BROOKUN COMMUNITY CENTRE 45 CASSELS ROAD EAST BROOKUN, ONTARIO LOB iCO TELEPHONE: (905) 655-8465 WHITBY - LONGUEUIL 26TH ANNUAL TWINNING Public Meeting A Celebration Of FriendShip There will ho a public meeting on Tuesday Aprîl 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the Councîl Chambers of the Whilby Municipal Building ta discuss the tentative pragram oi the Whitby - Longueuil 26th Annual Twinning. The Twinning weekend is scheduled for Jun. 17 ta 19, inclusive, and wil ho heId n Longueuil, Queboc. For mare information, contact Carolyn Allan ah 668-5803, extension 217. THE CORPORATION 0F TUE TOWN 0F WHITBY IN TUE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, C. 0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT TUE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council af the Corporation af the Town of Whitby has passed By-aw No. 3455-94 Io des'g nate the following property as being of histori and architectura value or interest under PartIV of the Ontario Heitage Act, R.S.O. 199,c. 0. 18. OId St. John's Roman Cathollo Church 508 John Street West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 508 JOHN STREET WEST, WHITBY HUITOIC Being the first solely Catholic Church in the Town of Whitby, the construction of this church began in 1867 under the watchful eye af Archbishop Lynch of Toronto. The bnickwork was contracted ta a weil-known Whitby mason, George Cormak, and was designed by a prominent Canadian architeot, Hengr Lang ley, who also designedAlil Saints' Anglican Church in Whitby and St. Thomas Anglican Church in Brooklin. Tragecly struck in 1901 when the church was destroyed by tire. Soon afterwards 1902), Thomas Devenul, Jr., son of the original builder, began reconstructing the new church in accordance with the onginal building pi ans (which are stored at the Ontario Archivesi).In Decmber 1902, the church was officially opened. It was not until 1975 that the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation sold the church and it becamne a residential praperty. ARCHITECTURAL The style of the church is Gothic in a very modest form, appropriate for a smail parish. The side walls of the church are duvided into three bays, separated by decorative buttresses. The front facade has singie.lancet windows on either side of the front porch. Over the en try porch was a large rose window, now conoealed. At the gable peak, there is a masonry projection for a belfry. The building is constructed in red brick with stone trîm. The heads afite lanoet windows are surrounded by a simple Gothic hood moulding made of a double course of corbelling brick. A single masonry chimney rises at the back of the church. The buiidi1ýng retains its original cornerstane. The building is a unique example of an adaptive reuse ai a former churdi, ani is presence contributes to the architecturai character, vaziety and interest of the community. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 3Oth day of March, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK TUE CORPORATION 0F TUE TOWN 0F WITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 2M8 PHONE: (905) 668-5803 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WIITBY IN TifE MATTER 0F 1THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990,C. 0.18 AND IN TUE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN TH1E PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOMiE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the %own of Whitby has passed By-Iaw No. 3456-94 to desi nate the following prprty as bei ng of histonoc and architecturc value or interest udrPart IV of the Ontauio Henitage Act, R.S.O. 199, c. 0.18. Halsted-Fisher House 535 Myrtie Road West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 535 MYRTLIE ROAD WEST, WHITBY HIQRC This granite fleldstone house s sited on what was ornginaily a 200- acre parcel of land granted to Chnîstîna Damrond on March 30, 1826 by way of patent from the Govemment of Upper Canada. The land was eventually purchased by Thomas Halsted in 1832. Mr. Halsted was the first bonafide settier of dmhe ld, having the existing structure built most ikely in the late 1840s and definitely by 1852, as his residence is isted as a 1-1/2 storey stone house in the census taken in 1852. After Mr. Halsted's death in 1854, the property was sold te Timodiy Fisher. The property was owried by various Fisher family memrbers until 1938 (84 years). ARCHITECTURAL The Hasted-Fisher House is of architecturai value and interest and is an excellent example ai an eanly fielcitone farrnhouse with red brik tim. The hause s Iocated on a large farrni lot and is surrounded by mature vegetation. It lias flnely executed details in bath woad and masonry, which demnonstrate the local vernacular traditions and the mare elaborate decorative design elements typical aifhde early and mid-nineteenth century nea-dlassical styes. t has a typical form for a vernacular farmhouse, having a formai ive-bay front facade with two windows, with six-over-six sash, on either skie ai a centrai doorway. The buikfinq aIs las irregular features, such as a bind window, a double-suded bake aven and an asymmetrical back door, which add to its vernacular character. Interior features af interest are the basement fireplace which indicates the presence ai an early kitchen and the intact mouidings ai the present dinfing roomn. The dining room's baseboard, door and window trim use corner boxes, reeclngs and the same large moulding profile as the exterior entry pilasters. Tbey are the broad and elaborate mauicings characteristic afthie nea-classical style and are repeated consmstently throughout the building, appeanng also in the eaves and in the entry entablature. DATED at the Town ai Whitby this 301h day ai Mardi, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK TUE CORPORATION 0F TUE TOWN 0F WFUTBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2tM8 PHIONE: (905> 668-580 Lioness members serve in many ways OBITUARY I ý00

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