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Whitby Free Press, 13 Apr 1994, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Freu Priss 'Vý,dresdày'. April 13, 1994 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby resîdents for Whltby residents! MEMBER 0F: COMMUNITY COMMUNITY ONTARIOASOCIATIN NEWSPAPER vC A EWSPAPER 'a"ASSOCIATION e SOITO E~U CANADIAN CIRCULATIONS CNA DIVISION AUDIT BOARD ISSN#0844-398X 26.500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario LUN 5$1 Phone: 668-6111 Toronto LUne: 427-1834 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pif her - Editor Alexandra Martin - Produùction Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% _41k recycled content using vegetable based inks.to ED Ail written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation oftCanadian copyrigtaw. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit lne ta the Whtby Free Press. Why flot save mrone,.,ýy?à To the EdItor: Re: Article on chiropractie, 'Services shauld bu fulty insured under OHIP: Manga,' 1h e Free Press, Feb. 23. Il doesn't surprise me that chiropractars are experts regaiding back problems. My wife and I have buen going ta a chiropractar for a couple af years now. We have noticed relatively na back pain as a resut, and aur health in generat has been better. My wife found lasting relief of the headaches and neck stifiness which had been a constant source- ai st ress. We go ta aur chiropractar i irst with any new physical prablems. Ho bakes a real inerest in aur health. Most people know that chiropractors aie experts in neck and back pain and hoadaches. However, 1 would like ta tell you about another problem I was having. I had a condition known as 'tennis elbaw' which was being treated by the medical route. Four months laler, I still was unable ta Tlhilsuinadvertently came up on my next chirapractie appointment (l didn't know a chiropractor could help with this). Within three weeks oi trealmont, I was back an the court. I was amazed. I cannat bulieve that OHIP is anly partially cavering the cost for me ta seib my chiropiactor. The article staied that chirapraclors wauld save taxpayers hundreds of millians ai dollars annualty. Did you know one third of Dur lax dallais daes directly ta heafth care costs? When Joe down the street goos 10 see his MD for backç pain, you and I are paying for it in aur tax dollars. When are we going ta change and save aur health care systemn hundreds af millions oi dollars annually, as Manga has iound, and delivor top-notch health care which chiropractars provide? Ken Slack Bowrnanvillo To the Edîtor: Firemen from both the Oshawa and Whitby firo departmens voluntoered afi-duty lime tla support Famiîy Respite Services ai aur annual ratier skating party. At times il was difficuit la delormino wha, was having mare fun -- the kids or the firemen as they whizzod around the iloor armn in arm. Our thanks ta lhem and the businesses who were aur sponsors. Speciat thanks ta the volunbeer commitbos and iirofighters Grog Latin and Drew Armstrong. The latter co-ordinaled the twa lire departmonts' participation, indlu- ding lire safety handouts and chiîd-sizod firemen hats, big hits with parents and childron alike. Mary L Wlson Co-ordînator ai voluntoor services, Durham AsscIatIon for Fanmilly Respite Serviices Realizing a dreamn Ta the Edîtor: Denise House wishos la acknowledge Volunteor Week by bhanking aIl the special persans wha ofier their support ta the sheter in a volunleer capacity. ValunboOl'5 and Iheir contribu- tions are an integral component oi Denise Hauso pragramiming. Sincere appreciation is direclod la past and prosent board and committos memburs, programn volunteers and aur community supporters. I With your help, we have roalized many ai aur dreams during aur 10 years of aperation. Vour conlinued support wil ensure the realization aif marly more dreams. Mary Dumals Co-ordînator of volunteer services Dollars and sense By Paul Pagnuolo Ontario Texpayors Federatin The recent jump in North American interest rates has many Canadian consumers wondering about lacking in their martgage rates. As interest rates mnove up, aur po.ol aid Canadian loonie ls hoaded in the opposite direction. t's bogun a stlide ta levels nat seen since the beginin of1987. buhat's happened since Iast Octaber's ioderai electian and, in p articulai, since Finance Minister Paul Martin deîivered his first budget in February ta account for the double whammy? The truth is same of aur countrys foreign lenders have begun quiet ty unloading their Gavernment aof Canada bonds. In February atone, apai mately $3 billion in bonds came flowing back ta Canada from a variety af sources, including U.S. "hedge' mut uali unds, European holders and f rom the Far East. Money managers tend ta move from country ta country as a graup, seeking ta maximize their investment roturns. But why have foreg ivstors decided ta take thei rft and look elsowhere for greener pastures? There's twa reasons: a feeling that interest rates have hit bottom, and a boliof that the new ioderaI government dosn't have the same commitment ta keeping inflation at ils present low point. SelîiNg bonds back inta aur domestic capital market has a two-odged effect. Nat only does il have ta absorb the addilionat supply ai securities, but their sellers thon turn araund and convert the Canadian dollar rroceeds mbt a currency ai their ror years now Canada has enjoyed the~ inf 10w ai investment funds. And with it has corne the demand for Canadian currency ta pay for these purchases. Hawever, over lime we've lost sight ai an al-oo- important cansideration -- namely, Ihat the debt eventualîy has ta bu repaid. Government bonds are nothing mare than lOUs, with a due date and an interest rate marked an the front of them. At a time when Ottawa needs ta raise new money to caver ils bugtdeficil, lb can'b aiford ta be reeeing bonds i's already issued -- especialîy when bhey're coming back at rates ai $100 million ta $500 million a night. When foreign credilars decide ta cash in, the consequences are quick and painful. Higher domestic interesi rates anid a Iower Canadian dollar, coupled with a credit rating downgrade, means not only higher borrowing costs, but an increase in the Canadian dollar equivalent ai our foreign debt. As a debtor nation, w«re now exposed and vuinerable ta external ecanomic factors, beyond aur control. What we're seeing is Our foreign Ienders voting negatively with their wallets on aur fimancdat outiaok. Thore are no short-term solutions or an easy remnedy ta the prodicament we're in. B3ut a criticat objective has ta be baianced govmrment budgets. But the government's present course -- ta get the dol icit down ta, 3 per cent of grass national product -- is anly growing aur mountain af dobt and putting off the inevitable until same time in the not too distant future. A more realistlc approach would bu ta deal wth the doficit problemn now. Roversing t he cycle requires restorlng the aost confidence af lendors. And that means the ioderaI government must move quilkly, not only by koeping the Iid on Inflation but by demanstrating that. it's insatiable appetite for running up deficits and hikçing taxes has buen put on a severe diet. Otherwise, stop warryn about your mortgaIXe. ltItbue M toast Of your cancerns when the country goos broke. Opinions expressed ar those of the author. Party flot open To the Edîtar: Reform Party leadlership hypacrisy continues in the wake ai the revelation of Preston Manning's secret paymonts when ho pretended in public ta bu an example ai frugality for Ottawa politicians ta emulato. The new hypocrisy involves Rick Anderson, paid consutant, wha represenbod the party pn Keith Mo rrison's Canada AM (CIV, April 7). Ho stated that criticism af Manning's secret payments by Slephon Harper and other Reiorm MPs *goos to show" that the Reiorm Party isan open party and is not airaid ta discuss such bhings in public. Whoal Anyone ever active in Reform (including Anderson) knows thal the leadership circulatod memoranda staling that if you criticized the party leadership or Manning in primae, you would bu shunned, or ify u did sa in public, you were subject ta discipline inctuding expulsion. Thal policy was used against many honest grassroats memburs. hl bocame a symbol ai intelligence for active memburs not ta criticize the jSaty leadership -- privaloly or publicly. The party is not open. Anderson perpotuabes the hyporuy . ask: Will Reform MPs who (ta thoir credit> recently publicly criticized Manning's secret payments bu subject ta the same discipline applied ta the grassroots? Or wilI Reform MPs be allowed certain priviloges and dispensations not allowod to the grassroots - - which until now Manning and the Roi orm Party leadership have sbridontly pointed out as being the major flaw ai, the aider backraom-bype parties? Is there roomn somewhere in this stary for Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye? Louis S. A llais 1Whltby The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters ta, the editor on any subject of conoem ta our readers. Letters should be briet anid to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accoempanied by the name, address and telephone number of the writer. However, an request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree there is a valid reason. The newspaper reserves the night ta reject or edit ail letters. Send ta: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LIN 5S1. or drap through aur mail siot at 131 Brock St. N. Firet ighters a big hit Viewpoint m To the editor...

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