pae 26, Whltby Frée Prbss, Wedesday, AonI 27,'1094, Ard-inn ude rs "just love to sing" By Erin O'Connor Some people like t. do things simply for the joy cf it. That'. especiallv true in the. case of the Guider.' Choir «in Brooklin, which consistR cf about 20 leaders and volunteers from gLiding. Both pastimes -- guiding and 'ëinging in the. choir -- are violun- teer positions, whose rewards are the knowied&oeeof a job weli don.. The. Guidera' Choir was formed five year aeo in 1989 by a group? cf wornen whýo loved t. sing, ana were aise devoted t. guichng. Their first year, the choir entered the «Sing Ontario Sine' competition and finished first. Ini each of the followin$ two years, the. choir earned two honourable mentions, and in 1993, received another fIrst. The junior choir, consisting of guides, was first last year for their performance. The. choirs, both under the direction of Patti Scott, have been successful right from the start. "We just love t. sing,lesays Scott, and credits that te t he choes success. The choires reperteire includes guiding and international songs. 'There are many wornen and girls who travel, says Scott, 'andwhenthey find songe thy lik., they bring th.m bac k wih them, and we learn them together." Scott, a private piano teacher and vocal leader for the Brooklin United Church junior choir, "enjoys the.'vocal part very much." In addition to competition, the choir ha. aIse sun g at functions such as the. Brocklin Kinsmen Senior Citizen.' Christmas Party, Guiders' lTraining Day, and two Thinking Day cere- monies at Brooklin United Church and St. Mark'. United Church in Whitby. Although the choir won't com- pet. this year, they are still available t. sing at functions. Anyone interested is asiked t. calî Maureen Jackson at '655- 4469. PULIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM IN THE MAlTER 0F THE MUNICIPAL ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council cf the Regional Municipality cof by-Iaws authorizing construction of the following projects: Durham May pas$ 1Road No. Ra Name MunIcIpality Loation - 8tth Conc. 9th Conc. Reacb St. Liberty St. Thîckson Rd. Fincb Ave. Harwood Ave. Thornton Rd. ClaringtonlOshawa Pickering Uxbridge Clarington Wbitby Pickering Ajax Oshawa 8th Concession frem Oshawa/ Clanington Townline te, Reg. Rd. 57. Upgrade te acceptable standards. 9th Conc. from lot 30131 westerly to VorklDurbam boundary. Upgrade to, acceptable standards. Reconstruction to 3 lane urban standard from Main St. to Testa Rd. Liberty Street trom Reg. Rd. 4 northerly te, Reg. Rd. 20. Upgracie te acceptable standards. Tbickson Rd. at Winterberry Dr. and at Dryden Bivd. Operational improvements te intersections. Finch Avenue at Atona Rd. (Inerational improvements te, Intersections Harwood Ave. from !'lwy 2 southerly to Mandrake St. Widening to 5-lane standard. Thornton Rd. from Rossland Rd. northerly ta Taunton Rd. Recon- struction ta 4-5 Iane standard. Mscellaneus Improvements Broclc Road Brock Rà ad Shirley Road Pickering Uxbridge Scugog p~~8howflgdtUlOf teprjecs and the - lands affected may been seen at the offices etf the Durhamn Works Departmeflt, 105 Consumers Dr., Wbitby, Ontario, Telephoile 668-7721. T. pIEVE)EL, P. ENG. DIFà CTO0F TRASOTTO L Brck Road. at 5th Conc. Intersection improvements. Brock Rd. at 1.7 km north of Reg. Rd. 11. Culvert Replacement. Shirley Rd. ut Reg. Rd; 2 Commuter parking lot. Works Committe., belng delegated by Regional Council as the bearing body, shall bear in person or by bis or ber counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims his or ber land wilI be prejuicially affected by the by-Iaws and wbo applies on or before April 29, 1994, ta the undersigned to be heard at a meeting% of the Works Commite on May 3, 19 94. %..Silgaihis, P. Eng. 7eofhniiofaiWorks MEMBERS of the Guiders' Choir are (front row, from left) Mary Grace Milton, - Nan MacKenzie; (second row, from left) Helen Mitchell, Maureen Jackson, Patti Scott; (third row, from left) Sylvia Ã"îdenzieî, Bey Allen, Janice Slaug hter; (fourth row, from left) Heather Perigoe, Annette Cowan, De bo rah Kay. Photo by Jeremy Dresar, Whitby Free Press Otimists to serve up spahetti roPls-anl-dessert The. Brooklin Optimist Club wiIl host a spaghetti dinner on Wednesday, May il from 5:30 t. 7:30 p.m., at Brooklin United Church. The menu also ineludes salad, The cot is $6 per person or $3 for children under age 12. Proceeds will go t. the Heart and Stroke Foundation. WCB reform By Gord MiII. Durham East MWP My constituency staff spend an incredible ainount of time heiping people with their workers compensation probiems. Recently, we even had a request:from someone now living in Portugal te assist them. Se, you can se., I was interested in the announcement of our intention to reform the, Workers! Compensation Board. W. gcet the Maine for the mess the WCB is now in, although the probieme are far from new. W. are the oniy goverinment that bas the fut. to, deai with the problem, yet we will still get biamed for alte ii.. Ib. five-point pakae for reform'inclûdes a new board of directors, with changed ladership at the WCB. There will b. a songer emp hason rehabilitating injured workers and getting k to work quickly and safeiy. Cost-saving.measures will b. întroduced to change pension indeing and government-direct-ed targets for the new board of directors. There will b. special indexing protection at full CPI for the most vuinerabie injured workers and an additional $200 on the pensions of older injured workers who receive or have received benefit supplements. Finally, a Royal Commission will look at the future of Ontario's workers' compensation system.. I don't know if ail of this wrili help us with our workload of WCB cases. Speaking for my staff who bear the brunt, w. sincerely hope go. To thoee employer. who have written to, me asking if the government is proposing the expansion cf, workers' compensation coverage, I can say "no." le issue of coverage. under the WCB willb. addressed by the Royal Commission. The. commission will consist of a chief commissioner and two aide comiiMoners repr.spntin labour and business respectiveiy. They Yw411 report their findi ngs by December 199.T rfrswiil Bave anmini f$18 billiSon from the WCB's iupfupded liability. 1 1