Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednesclay, June 22, 1994 Cruisin' Classics:, Tales of'backten' FROM PAGE 10 out of 'Amnerican Graffiti.' Only by Laldng to people who were really there do you hear about living with the Cold War, the Korean War and the racial tensions, along with the fun of cruising the boulevard and attending the prom. (rve alo been told that "back thon" the fifties> cars didn't carry every boit-on accessory avaiable, even if they do today). At a car show I attended in Gettysburg, Pa. earier this month, I even got to speak to a Vietnam veteran who only now can talk about hie ex rince .I was only in grade ochool during the war and nover had the chance before. Hi. car, a 1939 Chevrolet, WILLARD TRELFORD 0f Whitby is shown Model T, judged the best pre-1950 Ford at Fair car show. with his 1927 Ford the Brooklin Spring Photo by JII Mclntosh, Whltby Free Press had belonged to a friend in hi. corps who didn't corne back. He accopted the unflnished car fromn the mande widow and built it as a driveabbe memorial. If you I otho shows or the cruise mighte' take a moment to sk the owner about the car, and then mnaybe a little bit about himself or hersoîf. It may b. the most en.jqyable history besson you'll ever have. Of couef, rm stil relatively young, and Pin the one asing the questions. Sometimes it's pretty scary when I realizo that there DRI VIN SAFELY with RANDY RANDY UcLEAN 15 A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIAUZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. Mr. Mctean has reviowed thousands of individual motor vehicle accident reports and his close working relatonships with police agencies, governmTInts. safety asscations, industry and the public, have gven him a true overview of traffic safety issues, problemns and solutions in Canada. WHATS WRONG W1TH THIS PIR1URE A while ago an acquaintance told me the following storY about a driving experience ho had on hie vacation. 7i was d4iving in the lufit aise at about 120 kilometres per hour approachiisg another car that waa driving at thse speed limit -- lOOkph," he said. "As I got doser I flShed my higlabeama three or four times to let him know I wanted to pass. But bu refused ta get out of my way. Sa I drove up riglat behind him with my highbeams on. This f"a Still wulddn't moue. aver, solI atayed right on hie tail and lecsnud on my horn for czhiwat tw)o kilometres. "People like that cause accients. They should neuer be given a licence, and if they have aone it should be taken away. 'Oh, by thse way, my 16-year..old daugister passed ber luarner'a permit exam, just before they introduced graduated liences. Now I'm going ta teac& ber to drive. " What's wrong with this picture, I thought to are young drivera who will one day ask me what it was likO to drive 1970W and 1980W' cars when they wero new. Oh, well, I mià ght ottie for calling myseif a "lassic" and beave the "antique" statue for a few Yom syot. mysoif. I told him I thought it was a pretty scary story, especially for his daughter. What was the biggest error? And who made it? Speding tailgating, improper use Of highbexsgand unnecessary use of your horn are ail major driving errors but the moet critical error i. the attitude cf both drivers. Neither driver was satisfied to drive onby hi. car, bath wanted ta drive the other person's car as well. The safest thing the lead driver could have done was ta move into the right lane ta lot the faster vehicle pas.. Instead, ho chose ta take on the rôie of police officer and ensure that no one drovo any faster than the speed limit. The actions of the second driver don't require a lot af discussion. It'. more interesting ta consider hi. motivation. Because the lead driver wouldn't do as he was told, the second driver deliberately created a dangerous situation which ho could blamo on the firet driver. The stubbornness of bath drivers caused this situation ta continue for more than two kilometres. While I happened ta hear onby one aide of the ator, IFm sure that both drivers unquestionabby believe that the other was entireby at fault, and that they bear no responsibility whateoevor for the oagr they caused . And if they had caused an accidient, that'. oxactly what they would have told the police officer. What cari wo barri fromn this story? FIrst, if you see your reflection in either of these two drivera, tako time ta reassess your owri attitude. Defensive driving means driving ta prevent accidents. These twa drivers were both actively trying ta croate a dangerous situation, not only for themselves but for other people on the road as Weil. Second, always remember that both of those drivers and many more like themn are out on aur moade every day. Your jo is ta, not lot them, or anyone ese, involve you in their accident. DRIVE SAFELY. CH EVROLET' G EO,* OLDSMOBI LE* CADI LLAC Invites you-to attend their 2nd Annual ail G.M. "Classic Car Show" PUBLIC NOTICE DURHAM TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM REVIEW * You are cordially invted to, participate The Region of Durham in cooperation with the Ministry of Transportation is involved in a comprehensive update of the Regional Transportation Plan. THE DURHAM TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM REVIEW... wilI guide the urbanization of the Region, complement policies contained in the Region's Officiai Plan and bo sensitive ta issues respecting the social, natural and economic environment. Futhermore the study will support the process wheroby Regional transportation projects are completed under the Environmentai Assessment Act. The basic promise of the study is that the established community, environmental groups and other interest groups are encouraged to participate early and continually. VOUR INPUT COUNTS! The second Public Meeting to present the progress of the Study and to consider findings and methodology, will be held at the following time and location: Wednesdlay, June 22, 1994 7:00Opm Durham College 2000 Simcoe St. N. 1lst Floor, Classroom Cl 13 Oshawa, Ont. ENQUIRIES ARE WELCOME. For your convenience a list of names is provided below: Tony Prevedel-Durhamn Works Department- 668-7721 Harold Daîkie -Durham Planning Department-728-7731 Doug Allingham- Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (Consutants) -668 -9363 Written comments or submissians can also be made at anytime during the course of the Durham Transportation System Review which is expocted to be comploted by August 1994. Ploase contact us at: Durham Transportation System Roview Mr. Tony Prevedel Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department, P.O. Box 023 Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3 VA Silgailis, P. Eng. Commissioner osf Works Co-Sponsor: .Oshawa Sunday Cruisers r ý 1 . ý 1 ý , l-ý, - ý-r ', 7"JW-- , -ý - 1 -