THE by Jil Mclntosh Photo radar stinks Smile,- you're- on candid camera. The tepic cf discussion these last few weeks has always turned te photo-radar and ifs certainly a controversial subject. When I first heard about it, I didn't think there' would be -anyone who supported it, but I was wrong. For every letter or editorial in the *paper condemning it, there'son hailing ifs arrivai.. * I 'don't like photo radar for several «reasons, two cf them being that it doesn't necessarily *target the, person .actuaily driving Stbe car, and that it doesn't slow the driver down for another four weeks. At least when you get a ticket from a real live cep, you tended te watch your speed right away. The thing I really don't like, though, is the way the govemnment is selling it te us. I tbink I would find it a little easier te accept if the police just came eut and teld us that it's primarily a source cf easy revenue. It only makes money; . it doesn't bit the real crimidnals on our highways. Speed aione doesn't kilI -- if it did, ne one would survive a plane ride. A fast driver can be a safe driver (just ask Scott Goodyear), but there are people on our roads who are a menace ne matter what speed they drive.- If we are going te lower our accident and fatality rates on the highways, we need ceps who are going te aggressively- target people Who: - Drive in any lane but the ri&ht-hand one unless they are passing; - Out in front cf tracter- trailers with less than six car lengths in between; - Pay more attention te their car phones, coffee cups, cbildren or cargo than they do te their driving-, - Drive unsafe cars that are in danger cf losing parts (a mufler dropped on the 401 cas be deadly to the drivers behind); - Cut on the highway et the very end cf the rnerge lane, without attempting te meet the speed cf prevailing traffic; - Run red ligbts, whether going straight through or when turning left (why do the four drivers behind the last car on the yellow light stilI think they have the right te turn?); - Change lanes without looking, or by assuming that the car they're cutting off will jara on the brakes te lot them in; - Pull trailers without working lights (or often with ne lights ever put on them); - Stop in the middle cf the road and decide whether or net they want te turn into this particular shopping mail; - Are nervous when they are behind the wheel. [f driving a car flusters you, you should net ho driving. There cas be ne argument for licensing divers who will -endanger themseives and other people on the road. Without fail, most people who support photo radar complain about drivers on the highway whe tailgate, zip in and eut cf lanes, flash their lights and henk at them. Fim willing te bot the bankroll. that I cas accurately describe these people. SEE PAGE 18 Most car interiors are usually made out of vinyl, leather or plastics, a.nd it is expected that bythe year 2000 more than 40 per cent of a car's interior. will be made out of some kind of pastic. New cars with their vinyl or leather interiors look and smnell especially good but after a couple cof years due te normal wear, and tear on the car's dashboards, door panels, vinyl or leather seats, they tend to lose their colour and lustre and begin to look old and faded. Before yeu try and recolour or recondition your car you should try and dlean it with a mild cleaner (soap and water) or a vinyl cleaner which does flot contain any abrasive solvents. A good vinyl cleaner will help you remove some cf the grease, grime or silicones that may have been left beind by food or products used te protect or shine your surfaces. If this does not revitalize or clean the surface thon stronger «action will be needed. You can either replace or reuphoster the dashboards, door panels, seats or even vinyl roof tops that are faded or plain seiled. This can be done at any geod detailing shop and although it is one of the options you have, it can be a particularly expensive way of reconditioning your car. Or you can change the colour or simply recolour by spray. painting t he surface yourseIL The second option is what we recommend as it is more economical- and the quality cf finishes available today can make your car look like new. There. are several paint manufacturers that provide you with paint in aerosols or in litres that can te this job. It is, bowever, important te remeraber te use a paint or dye' that is fleible -and that will penetrate the material you wish te colour or you will end up with a finished surface that will peel or crack Vinyl or leather Interors. NC Vinyl roof. after just a few months and you will bave te repaint the entire surface again. (NC) -- Did yeu knew that cars equipped with centre bigh-mounted stoplights are involved in 15 per cent fewer rear-end collisions? Several products were tested by Hot lied Magazine, Collector Car News anid CAA and -they found that out cf ail the products tested Vinylkote was the ea siest and most effective product available. They quote: "inylkote is easy te apply and dries in les than 15 minutes. Once. dry, the vinyl stays supple and retains its original look. After a few months of use the treated vinyl has shown no signs of cracldng or peeling." Vinylkote is net a paint. It acts like a dye, is easy te use and can be applied te either vinyl, leather or plastics. UnlÃ-ike other paints, Vinylkote will penetrate inte the surface se much that the grain of the vinyl or leather is left intact and in perfect relief. If yeu wish te receleur or change the colour of your ABS or urethane bumptrs, wheel trims, sidemirrers or ekher hard plastic parts, yeu may. want te try Formula 40 Kolerbond which acte much in the same way as Vinylkote but is specifically formulated for bard plastics. Kelorbond is a one-step colour troatment and gives a new silk finish to the surface being coloured within minutes without the need fer primers , flexers or reducers. The additional rear brake light, wbich became a sefety require- ment in Canada in 1987, has resulted in as estimated 3,000 fewer collisions on the read annually. c Rear-end collisions reduced by 15%- OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. Experienc e h. asoe Feeling. WHRfBY Proven ro serve you BEST since 1972. 2 Sales, service, leasing, body shop, ail makes. M o Rentais in Canada, USA and Europe, overseas deiwery. OWW 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby 2 e 686-6410 =e= ~W~O OP D LLAR35 MINUTES OWASO TP DOLARFOR EAST FROM VOURTRADE! TROT . 1