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Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1994, p. 31

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 14, 1994 , Page 31 CAREER$ CREft AS AER ____ Strtn Se te be 2,,19 41 This comprehlensive 69 hour part-time program will deveiop your personal, leadership and business skills. Major topics covered are: V Organization and Departmental Objectives V Supervising People V Production Management V Industrial Relations The program runs Tuesdays and Thursdays <6:30 - 9:30 p.m.) from September 20 ta December 3, 1994. The last sessions are an intensive weekend case study. FUN DING: Partial funding may be available ta qualifying companies through Ontario Skills. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Applicants for this program must be emplayed as or preparing ta become a supervisor or teamn leader in a manufacturing company in Durham Region. You must be registered by your company. Programs are offered at: S ie4- 95 ayy t. ..Aja,- ntriT S7K 42-92ir1-0-6803 CALL A PRO! FOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS YOU A SIIOCK OR MW! Just check the CALL A PRO section ~ <1 and let the pros do the job'. Y' ou can compare and choo;e frein the senices youlI find ýthere PIANO LESSONS, good with beginners. 668-9884. GUITAR LESSONS. AIl levels. AIl ages. Accoustic or eiectric- Register now. 666-1979. techniques and methods in an indepth and enjoyable manner. Training s every Friday marning t ramo tm ,r5 O.tobgL2. Marketing in the 1990s This 40 haur program is designed far those wha require a knawledge af marketing. The program will take a marketing planning appraach and wiII be beneficial ta small business. Training runs an Man./Wed. evenings t ram Qçtober 26 ta Decerber. Personal Computers in Business Microsoft Office This 63 haur pragram is intended for thase with little or na computer experience. Eachip rog ram wilI include an optional keyboarding session, DOS and Winidows. The program is based on Microsoft Office, which includes Word 6, Excel, Powerpoint and Access. Runs Monday and Wednesday afternoons from September 28 ta Novemnber DOS/Windows Environment This 18 hour program wiIl benefit new users and experienced software users who are not familiar with DOS and Windows. Training runs Tues./Thurs. afternoons from Ocober 4 ta October 1. Microsoft Word 6 This 39 hour program is intended for the new computer user. The program will introduce DOS/Windows and caver the most common word processing and software features. Runs Tues./Thurs. evenings f rom October 25, to December 1. These programs are sponsored by Durham Region Action Committee for Training and offered ta you at about 10% of the actual cost. DIAMOND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Suite 404 - 95 Bayly St. West, Ajax Local Cails: 427-1922 Long Distance: 1-800-268-0339 CAREER Are you feeling hemmed in? Do yo>u hate havn celling on yo>ur incomne? If sa, cati Brian for a great opportunity in the Financial Services Markeflng Industry Previous experi.ence not neoessary Excellent training & support. Caîl 576-7635 COMING EVENTS Cal658-6111l I............ ALLANAH MYLES & Kim Mitchell are Iust two acts I have worked wvith. Guitar and bass lessons. Beginner - pro. Good rates with best resuits. Cal 430-6913. DRUM LESSONS. Beginners or experienced lessons at your home. Learn at your own pace. 26 years experience. Member *of Toronto Musician's Association. 430-2075. PIANO & THEORY LESSONS - experienced teacher just reiocated ta NEWhtby area. CaR now ta register for fali term, Cathryne Strachan, A.R.C.T., 666-8736. PIANO LESSONS - advanced student off ering lessons ta ail a ges. Grades 1-5. CalI after 6:OOpm 666-3627. DRUM ISTRUCTION by former NY - Toronto studio & tauring drummer. Ail aqes. Please oeil Gary Berman at 905-723-1001. ESTABLISHED PIANO teacher in NE Whitby has opening for piano students. Reasonabe rates. 721-9290. >% Tap inito vour child's earlý Slearing Create & Discover PreSChool, offers a carefully baîanccd 1/2 day program for and 1/2 -.5 year ol s featuning: "*an unparalleied group si7e of 5 children " ECE. teachers witl 20> years experience " music. stories. draina - math concepts " computer - eading roadiness pmograrn. ernphasizing phonetics " fine iniobor developinent through mixed media arts. printing. toys & puzzles " Outdoor play includes swings. climrber. slide & sandhox. Make the most of the preschooIyears! 430-1737 - Whithy RAGLAN INDUSTRIES Inc. receiving applications for the following positions: Welder Fitters, Paint & Bîast, Industrial Yard persan famlliar Wth steel industry & loader. experience. Ap&1y wlthIn at 5151 Slmcoe St. N., shawa. PART-TIME HELP. Local portrait studio in Whltby Is hlrlng people for marning & evening hours ta el customers ta set Up ,âppointments. Expenienced sales people close ail the sales, you just need ta enjoy worklngin a busy office atmosphere & ie taing ta people. Advancement ta full tUme avallable. EXCELLENT EARNINGSI Cal 430-6232, Thursday l2noon - 9pm. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at' the Eastview Boys-& Girls Club and. its north Oshawa location serving chlldren & teens 6-17 years of age. Just 2 hours weekly tram mld-October ta May. HeIp Wlth g amas, cratts or sports prog rams. Noexperlence neoessary. Tainlng providd. Good experlence for those enteng people orlented careers. Cail 'the Vlunteer Co-ordinator 728-5121 during business haurs. PART-TIME 1 HELP requlred at Brooklin Day Nursery. Muùst be at Ieast 18 yrs. aid. Please caîl Tracy at 655-3864. $200 - $500 WEEKLYI Assemble praducts at home. Easy, no seiling. You're pald direct. Fully guaranteed. No expenience necessary. CaJI 1-504-641-7778 ext. 142, 24 haurs. $475 WEEKLY. Homeworkers needed ta make stylish beaded earrings, year round, at home. Info. send a self-addressed stamped envelope ta ACCEX CRAFT 829 Norwest Rd., Ste. 813, Ext. 3162 Kingston, Ontario K7P 2N3. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER wanted for, busy salon. SaIary + commission & great benefits. Cal 728-0435. LOOKING FOR energetic younq pratawrk in brew-on premise. Mfustbetenthu'sLasU, hard worldng& seff motivati ng. Part or fuli-time.C al Jim 905-666-2739. ALASKA JOBSI Earn yp ta $30,000 in 3 manths fshing salmon. Aiso construction, cani- nerles, ail fields, plus morel For immediate responise, el 1-504-64-4513, ext. K142. 24 tirs. EARN UP TO $346/WEEK ta assemble Christmas and holiday decorations year round at home. Work availabîe across Canada. For more infa, send a sef-addressed stamped envelop e ta: Maglc Christmas, 2212 Gîadwin Cr., Unit 0-12 ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontario KIB 5N1. BARTENDERS REQUIRED at Chit Chats Sparts Lounge. Personal interv(iews only. Wednesday ta Saturday 9:OOam - 4:OOpm. 965 Dundas àt W., Whitby. S UBWAY - fuil-Ime heip wanted ntts&days. Ap1pIyn persn at 1(,7s Dundas St..,Witby. No phofle calis please. ~11 I HOW TO BOOK VOUR CLASSIFIED AD....:........... ...... ....***':**... . . . .. Cal66-11.M pae b axyu a a sa . ,nrMail yaur ad to: Whitby Free We're open 9 arn ta5 pm, Monday Monday at noon will be 668-0594. Please ensure e Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, to Fniday. Place y our ad by Monday ~ ulse ha ensa.ya rvd i priet i~ Li N 5S1. Ads shauld be mailed at faon for Wednesdlay publication. ii Prepay by 5 pmntasave informatian, and a ..ta arrive by Manday at noon. I arcntmk ti uigofc f maneyl Or, prepay with your nu mber where we can You can endlose yaur paymient, W hours, we have a mail slot ta the left SVISA card when placing the ad. reach you, if neoessary. or pravide billing information. o u rn ar

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