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Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1994, p. 33

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Pae34, Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, Septembe 28.,1994 Shores 'appro val delayed FROM PAGE 1 independent review. Prepared by consultants Bird and aleLtd., the 200-page report formed the basis of an environmental management plan (EMP) for the development. «That plian ie the lynchpin ef what wiil happen te the Lynde Marsh but it stands alone,» said Brunefe. 'The only ones. to comment (favourably) on it- le the provin- cial government and the govern- ment has good .reason te support itself,» he said. In'November 1991, former Ontario environmient minister Ruth Grier rejected the need for an environmental assessment ef the project. Despite receiving a 4,500-name petitien demanding one, Grier was satisfied that the EMP addressed ail the ministry's con- cepns. In arguing for a peereview» of the Bird and Haerprt, Brunelle read a 1988 letter fromn the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority (CLOCA) which objected te an earlier con- sultant's report done for council. Prepared b y J.E. Hanna Asso- ciates Ltd., t he report served as an environmental analysis of the Lynde Shores SecondaryIPan whih paved the way for the "I's(CLOCA letter) precisely the samne concerns we have today,» Brunelle said of continu- ing o pposition to the develop- ment from environmental groups and Whitby residents. UWe have te satisfy ourselves that the EMP addressess ail the issues," he said. 'Th best way te do that is have an outside comnpany look at and check the numbers. If they agree, then we have a second opinion." Earlier in the evening council again listened te presentations from the Save Lynde Marsh citi- zens' group and other residents oppose t e eproject. Ay development at ail will threaten the future of the largest remaining wetland between Osh- awa and Hamilton, critics fear. ifnt types of plants growing intemarsh and a wide variety of animal life within its perime- ters, but almost ai are endangered, opponents dlaim. «Were talking about a cein- mntfour times the size of Brook in »said Brunelle. «We can't fool around with a class one wetland, se before we approve it let's make sure addi- tional protection is*pt in plce." CouncillorJudi ILongf»ield could not support Brunelie's amend- ment. Longfield noted that an April 1991 latter fromn CLOCA endorsed the ineasures contained in the Bird and Haie report. "I would like te, see that (1988) ietter. It appears that those con- cerns are alieviated te some extent,» she said. Brunelle conceded that Long- field had a «valid" point, nor Answers to Whitby Trivia from paee12 could hie indicate how much another study would cost, who would fund it and how long it would take. Counciller Dennis Fox said Brunelle's suggestion had menit, but he wished it had been pro- posed sooner. "I don't think at this 1articular time I can vote a;ainst - deveiop- ment in t h a area, said Fox. But Fox was net at aIl imi- pressed» with measures te ro- tect the marsh from develýop- ment, such as a buffer zone and a 15-metre-wide barrner planting of "unfriendly"vegetation. (The buffer zone varies from a width of 55 metres (180 feet) at its narrowest point, te 200 metres (654 feet) at its widest.) uI"linet at ail convinced that the buffer zone we've allowed fer the area will be eneugh,» said Fox. Nor is the bannier planting, which began in the spring, the "thorny jungle where nothing can get through," he -said. Fox suggested that the issue be tabled s that planning staff and committee could take aanother leok" at the buffer zone and Brunelle's request for a peer review. "I will support the land usa e, but I'm net convinced the bufier is adequate.» On a recorded vote, councillor Joe Drurm Joined Edwards, Bat- ten and Longfield n opposng the ameadment, wvhile councillor Don Mitchell voted with Fox and Brunelle. However, Longfield supported Fox's motion te table the Rose Corporation subdivision plan. Since ail plans are connected te a certain degree, council opted te, table the others as well. Feliowing the meeting Long- field denied te reporters it iber support of the tabling motion w as te ensure that the matter does net corne up before the Nov. 14 municipal election. «That'si irresponsible te deal with it after t he election,» she said. Longf»ield said she would ask for the recommendations te be lifted from the table as soon as the apparent discrepancies in CLOCAs position and other issues are resolved. "I don't want te, see it dragged on. I enly want certain points clarified,» she said. Birunch, àaUction tqo berieft htospittal Whitby Genenal Hospital will be the beneficiary of a fundrais- ing event organized by suppor- ters of a candidate for the local provincial Tory nomination. A'SundayBruc and Silent Auction wilb held in the Greek Tycoon Restaurant at 1104 Brock St. S. from 2 te 4 p.m. on Oct. 2. The event is sponsored by the committee te norinate Lynda Buffett as the Progressive Con- servative candidate in Durhamn Centre riding for the next pro- vincial election. Ail proceeds from Sunday'S event will be donated te t h hospital. Buffett, a former WhitbY coun- cillor, and local lawyen Jmm Fla- herty are running for the Tory nomination in the seat now held by New Dernocrat MPP Drurn- mond White. Durham Centre Conservatives will choose thein candidate next month. KEVIN FOEHNER', 9, of Whitby recently recelved a set of bicycles from Canadian Tire at Midtown Mail in vOshawa as the winner of the Tour de Durham draw. Kevin, joined by mother Joanne and brother Sean, pîcked out three bicycles valued at about $660. The Free Press wNishes to apologize for incorrectly stating, in last week's issue, that a Whitby man, Kevin Froehman, had won the bicycles. 1 . À?cet-n: 1 Pui-mnity- ll THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F. PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the R3egional Planning Committee wiII consider at a meeting to be held on: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1994 AT 10:00 A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 1615 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITRY 4111 FLOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST BUILDING, WHITBY MALI A REQUEST TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAI PLAN The request, as submitted by the Town of Whitby, wouîd: a> estabîish a new Centrai Area at Taunton Road and Brock Street with a maximum gross leasable floor area for the retaiîing of geods and services of 40,000 sq. m.; b> reduce the maximum gross leasable floor area for the retailing of e ofs and services, for the Central Area at Garden Street and Rossland Road, from 100,000 sq. m. to 60,000 sq. m.; and c) recognize downtown Brooklin as a Central Area. Subsequently, the Regional Council wiIl consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting te, be heîd on: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1994 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report reîated te, the proposed amendment is available for isp.etion in the offices efth~e Planning Deparlment. 1615 Dundas StetEast, 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building, Whitby Malil, Whitby. Further information can be ebtained b y calîing Jeif Brooks at (905) 728-7731 (Whitby Line)/ (905) 686-1651 (Toronto Une). Submissions to the Regional Planning Cemmittee and/or requests te make a presentatien before the Planning Committee cocening the propesed amendment must be forwarded te Commissiener et Planning. Box 623, 1615 Dundas Street East, 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building. Whitby Malil, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 6A3, and shoutd be reoeived by Friay preceding the Planning Cemmittee meeting. Requests te make a presentation befere the Regional Council conoemning the preposed amendment must be forwarded te the Regional Clerk, Regional Hoadquarters Building, Box 623. 605 Ressland Road East, Whitby, Orntario, LiN 6A3, and should be reoeived 48 heurs prier tote egeional Council meeting. FILE NO.: 4.2.31 GARY HERREMA C.W. LUNDY, A.M.C.T. REGIONAL CHAIR REGIONAL CLERK

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