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Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1994, p. 34

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Whiby Free Pras, Wadnasday, japtamber 28,1994 , Page 35 7Amr NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 17,1.994 AT 7:30 P.M. MEETING HALL, WHITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO A Public Meeting wiII be hald by the Planning and Development Committea of Council of thcororao of the Town of Whtby, ta consider. a pooe Official Plan Amendment, zoning by-a amnenciment anddraft plan of subdivision as submitted by Cobi Foods Inc., Files OPA 94-W/4 and S-232-94. The subjeot property is located in Part of Lot 27, Concession 2, Whitby as shown on the sketch below. -~The purpase ai thé Official Plan Amendment application is-ta allow dia proposed Medium Density residential development ta exceed 125 persans per net hectare ta accommodate thea proposed draft plan of subdivsion. The draft plan ai subdivision is compnsad ai 129 Street Town House dwelling units with 6.Om + frontages and a 0. 193 hectare pal ock The rezoningapplication is requireci to, implenient dia pl-an aýf' subdivision. The purposa af tdis meeting is ta provide adequate information ta diaý pbli ad teri nteetd persans tha opportunity ta maereesetaios wit' epctt i Oica mendment, u n a l a a t e d amet i n , u r p e s e n t a t o n c n b ef:l d i wtin y al rpesnl delryta reach Pl 0 vIfPlanning D"rmntn aer eula ork.ng ho)urs on October 24 Dlntrsdran smfyinsptaddtoanomto eaigt mi ab y t applaton n iPan nin eat at ea ,W i Municipal Building, 575 Rossland -Road East, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 2M8, duringregular working.hours, Monday taFriday or may contact dia Planning Department by telephoning (905) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING PART-TI ME FITNESS LEADER The Corporation of dia Town of Whitby is currently seeking qualified candidates for dia aboya position in the Parks& oreation Department. QALIFICATIONS: High Schooî graduate, completion of a Fitnass Leadership Training Program or equivalent combination ai educationi and experienoe; certification in C.P. R. Training and First Aid; must be able ta communicate orally and in wnitten form in a clear and concise mannar; and weI-developed interparsonal and public relations skills. POSITION SUMARY: Reporting ta the Supervisor ai Sport& Fitness, dia Part-time Fitnass Leader is responsible for instruction ai fitnes classes and public relations in dia fitness centre. HOURS OF WORK: Flex hours and rotating shiftwork, including weekends (maximum ai twenty-faur (24) hours per week). RATE OF PAY: $11.72 per hour. Please forward a detailed resumé indicating education, expanience, raferenoes, etc. prior ta Friday. Octobar 7th. 1994, ta: Personnel Dapartmnent The Corporation ai tha Town ai Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario Li N 2M8 Personal information submitted is collected under dia audiority af dia Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980. Chapter 302, as amended, and dia Municipal Freedam of Information and Protection ai Privacy Act, 1989. and will be used ta determine eligibility for employmant. NOTE: We thank aIl diase persans who apply, but advis acknowledgment will only be farwardad ta diose applicants who are invited for an interview. 1994 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Nominations Notice ta Municipal Electors NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance widi dia Municia Elections Act, nominations will be raceved at the efflice oi Clerk ai the Corporation of the Town of Whltby, 575 Rossîand Road East, Whitby, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Nominatian Day, Friday, October 14, 1994, and duning normal office hours dunng dia pariod from Tuesday, October Il, 1994 ta Thursday, Octabar 13, 1994. inclusive, immediately preceding Nomination Day for dia purpose ai nominating fit and proper persans for dia following offices: (a) Combined office. of Mayor and Regianal Cauncillor, ana ta ha elected by general vota ai the electors of dia Town ai Whitby; (b) Combined office of Regionai and, Town Councillor, diree ta ha elactad by ganeral vote of dia electors of dia Town ai Whitby; (c) Office ai Town Councilor, North Ward (Ward 1), one ta be electad by ward vote ai dia Nordh Ward electors aidte Town ai Whitby; (d) Office af Town Councillor, West Ward (Ward 2), ana to ha elected by ward vote ai the West Ward electors ofide Town ai Whitby; (e) Office of Town Councillor, Centre Ward (Ward 3), ana ta ba alected by ward vote af dia Centra Ward electors aidte Tawn ai Whitby; (f) Office ai Town Councillar, East Ward (Ward 4), ana ta ha elected b y ward vota ai dhe East Ward electors of dhe Town ai Whitby; (g) Office ai Member of dia Durham Board af Education, two ta ba elected by general vote ai dia public schcol alectoral group of dia Town ai Whitby; (h) Office ai Member ai die Durham Region Roman Cadiolic Separate Schcol Board, diree ta ha elected by generai vote ai dia separate school anglish- lan<quage electoral group ai the Town of Whitby; anci (i) Office ai Whitby Hydro-Elactric Commissioner, four to ha elected by ganeral vote ofthdi electors ai dia Town ai Whitby. Furdier, nominations will ha received at the office ai the Clark ai the Corporation oi the City af Oshawa, 50 Centra Street South, Oshawa, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Nomination day, Friday, October 14, 1994, and during normal office hours duning dia PeZo fram Tuesday, Octaber 11, 1994 ta Thursday, Octohar 1 3,1994 inclusive, immediately preeding>Nomination Da for tha purpose ai nominating, fit and proper persans, for the iollowing office: Office ai Member ai dia Durham Region Roman Cadialic Separata Schoal Board, two ta ba elected by general vota ai dia separate schoal french- languaga electoral group fram dia combined municipalities af dia City ai Oshawa,,dia Town ai Whitby and dia Townships ai Brock and Scugag., Electors ara hareby required ta take notice and govern diemselves accordingly, and furdiar taka notice diat dhe manner in which dia nominations shaîl ba filed is set forth in dhe Municipal Elections Act. Nomination iorms and full particulars ai procedures ta ha tollowed rnay ha abtainad tram the undersigned. And iurther take notice that where, at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 17, 1994, dia numbar ai candidates for an office who are naminatad and have nat wihdrawn is nat sufficiant ta f ilI dia nlJmhar ai vacancies ta which candidates may ha alected, dhe provisions af dia Municipal Elactians Act respecting acclamation appîy ta dhose candidates. On Wednesday, Otobar 19, 1994 following Nomination Day, dhe Clark May, hatween dia haurs ai 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., receive and certify additianal nominations for tha remaining vacaricies in dhe office in respect ai which dierg¶,,as an insufficient number ai candidates. If a greatar number ai candidates- dian is required ta f ilI dia offices are nomînated and make dia required daclaratians, poils wilI ba open on dia following datas: ADVANCE POLIS Saturday, Novemlýer 5, 1994 and Wadnesday, November 9, 1994 Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario 10:00 a.m. ta 8:00 p.m. POLLNGDAY Monday, November 14, 1994 10:00 a.m. ta 8:00 p.m. AIl qualifieci alectors wilI receive a Voter Notification Card in dia mail indicating dia location aidte polling place whera daey vota. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK & RETURNING OFFICER THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 Rossland Read East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Talephone: 905-668-5803 NOTICE 0F STUDY COMMENCEMENT AND PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE GARDEN STREET/CP RAIL GRADE SEPARATION CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMVENT The Corprton ai dia Town ai Whitby has initiatad a lass Enviramntal' Assessment for dhe construction ai a grade separation an' Garden Street at dia existing CP Rail crossing betwn Mary Street and KlbenyDiv orie akey=panshoWn belowý). The purpase ai dhe Enviranmental sasiat is ta examina dhe need and justification for a graýde separation and ta, astablish dia preferred cdesign. _________ The Study will be undertaken in accordanoe -With the *Class EnVironmental Assessment for Municipal Road ProjcýM( lass EA) and falîs within the scopa, of projèçt descnbed in Schedule V ofa the lass EA document.-At the end of the Study, an Environmental Study Report <ESR) will be -prepared for the proect and fled with the Town Clrk and will be made available tor review by the public for the thirty (30) calendar day review period. If no outstanding conce ms, are brought forward during te review period, the Town of Whitby rnay proceed ta construction. The Public Information Centre will be held to provide the public, interest groups and govemment agencies, with the opportunity ta make comments, identify issues and provide addtionai information. relative ta the Study. The work'completed ta date includes: an arialysis,.of existing and future 'trafflc' conditions, an inventory of the natural 'and social environmnents and an. assessment of 'alternative solutions ta. elimiÉiate vehicle-rail confliits -on Gardon, Street and increase thk roadway capacuty. The Public Information Centre will be held on: Tueday, Octobor 11,' 1994 Town et Whltby Ceuncil Chambers 575 Resaland Road East Whltby, Ontario 6:00 p.m. ta 9:00 p.m. Comments received from the Public Information Centre will be, included in the evaluation af alternative solutions. Following the selection of the preferred solution, aternative design concepts will be assessed. At this stage of the prooess, tha publie, will be provided with the opportunity ta review and comment on the alternative designs. thi pojet.Anygrup r ndiidalswihin t cmmentone Stuy o reuir aditina inormtio ma cotac ether one of theindvidalsbélw. uththeexcptin o pesoni nformation, ailcoment wil bcom pat o th pulicrecrd.The Class EnvionmntalAssssmet poces Isdesînedta resolve conoerns fths afctdby the proj ct. I concems relative ta the Study cannot be resolved. a person/group may request that dia Minister of dia Environment and Energy 'burnp up' dia project to an Individual Environmental Assessment. W. J. HANCOCK, P. ENG. DIRECTOR 0F PUBUC WORKS THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 Rassland Read East Whltby, Ontario Ll N 2M8 Telephona: 905-668.5803 fax: 905-686-7005 D. BEHM, P. ENG. PROJECT MANAGER TOTTEN SIMS HUBICKI ASSOCIATES 300 Watar Street Whltby, Ontario LUN 9J2 Telephona: 905-668-9363 Fax: 905-668-221 Varîdalismn cost tha taxpayers af Whitby $38,764 in 1993, invalving 151 incidents where damage was caused ta Tawn praperty. The individuals wara apprehenLed for act(s) of vandalism in 1993. The ToWn of Whitby has a policy for authorizing the paymentf a $0rwadfor information laading ta dtaeidentification a i inivil (s) invalved in any act af vandalism. The names and id atifi on of any persan respondmng ta a, reward are held in strict rxnidenoe. Any peisan raporting an act af vandalism should first contact dia Durham Régional Police Service. telephone 579-1520. Subsequently, if they feel they could ba aligible for a reward, contact Wm. H. Wallace, Administrator, Town of Whitby, 668- 5803.

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