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Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1994, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 12,1994 Child care Stefanie S.CHARLES GARN.IER It's been only twe weelcs since my last article, and se many new things are up and about. On Oct. 5, our school was the pouhst of a French troupe from Montreal who prsented a plyettled « A tout hazards'. Al stdnsappreciated it a great deal and it showed during the question-and-answer period which followed. As the only French high school in Durhamx Region, it is often difficuit te find theatrical companies -- and others of the, sort -- to performn for us in our language, se it is certainly wonderful for us te have had this MP wnik, we alse had auditions for a Christmas play, 'Florence,' we will hast. We are hoping that by starting early we will be able te put on a spectacular show. Calllng aIl students! Our sports teams are begging for support. Listen for gamo times, and make an effort te show up and support our players. Our teanis have potential* but they need te hoar from us. Cet your dancing shoes eut of the closet because our student ceuncil has planned a dance for Oct. 27. 1 hear through the grapevine that they have a littie sernething extra planned, se keep your calendar open for that day. A bientôt. HENRY STREET HIGH SOHOOL students staged a walkathon ta, the waterfront and back recently ta raise money for the athletic program and banquet. The 115 students and 25 organizers raised about $1,400 through the 7.5-kilometre trek. Photo by Mark Reasor, Whitby Free Press centre opens a-t sinclair A 41-space child care centre has opened in Whitby's new Sinclair Secondary School at 380 Taunton Road East, as a result of $626,989 in funding frorn the province. Schoolhouse Playcare Of Durham Inc. will receive grants totalling $112,500 from the Ministry of Comrnunity and Social Services to covor the cost of- teys, equipment, furnishings, playground equipment and, operational start-up. The Durharn Board' of Education will receive one-time funding of $514,489 frorn the Ministry of Educatien and Training for construction. The MCSS funding is made up of a $67,500 capital grant, and a start-up grant of $45,000 te offset the initial costs of staffing and administration. "Tis 18 groat news for familles in the Whitby cornnunity," says Durham East MPP Gord Milîs. "The 41 spaces at Schoolhouse Playcare - Sinclair will certainly address the town's child care waiting list, andthe new centre will serve students and staff at Sinclair as %vell as the surroundmng cornmunity. It is interesting to note that the facility wiIl serve staff of the Durham .Public . Board -of Education as well; its new offices are aise located in the new school building," says Milîs. "Pm aise pleased te learn that this facility will form a part of the school's curriculum. The centre will not only provide teen rnors with day cara te aliew thern to complete their secondary school educations, but will help thern and other students attain credits towards their diplomas as they study and work within the facility." Schoolhouse Playcare - Sinclair is licensed to provide care for up te 10 infants, 15 toddlers and 16 preschool children. Since the beginning of co-operative funding for 'new, in-school child care centres by the two ministries, the Mfinistry of Education and Training has allocatad more than $113 million teward their construction. This rapresants 360 new centres with about 13,000 child. care spaces. Lana Armstrong TRAFALGAR CASTLE Pa ula King ANDERSON Hli, n naine is Paula King, F'm a 17-year-l Grade 12 studant, and Il ha writing bi-weakly for Anderson CVI. Our sports teains have started the yea r.off with a big bang. Our junior girls' basketball team had a 46-19 victery over McLaughlin and they naw have a record of four wins and oe loss. As well as baskatball, it is aIse girls' field hockey season. Coached by Miss Allan and Miss Kavanaugh, the senior girls tied Port Perry. Goals ware scared by Christina Gibson, Shana VanLuven and Cara Baddy. The senior girl? baskatball team continued winning, defeating McLaughiin 65-24 and Roberts 81-13. Our girls are currentiy ranked fifth in Metro and are undefeated in Lassa I. (Durham) league play. Now an te the guys. The junior soccer team travelled te Carnier and returnad with a 3-1 victory. The senior boys' volleyball team competed at the Dunbarton tournanient on Thursday and received a silver modal. Mr. Hamiten congratulates al players on their hard work. Anderson is fundraising by selling Hershey's chocolate almonds. Students ara awardad prizes every day. Rernember, mid-term reports wilI haeut Oct. 28. I hope you ail had a great Thanksgiving weekend, since that was aur last holiday until Christmnas. Julie Bonello FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Hare we are, Wildcats, togethar again after anether week. But then again, who can ever gat enoughaf Austin? We've cartainly- had aur paws full clawing our way through ail the Grade 9s -. we mean, ail the happenings at Austin. Fr. Austin's third annual graduation cererneny was hald on Thursday, Oct. 6. The academic prida of Austin raturned te, participate' in the elaborate ceremony. Ail 134 grads were duly hanoured and will ha sorely rnissed. Special congratulations go te, valedictorian Elisa Alvarez, and te award winners Kelly Rignaîl, Sarah Howarth, Toby Fennessy, Linda Perce, Jonathan Sinden, Carmnela Agosta, Sarnantha MacLeod, Erin Chadwick, Karay Anne Rihardy, Marisa Chiedi, Michelle De Vries, John Coe, Geof Coray, Kristen De Sauza, John Grahamn, Jennifar Dupuis, James Lamhaert, Jeif Relia, Catherine Shutka, Pepper Eadie, Kathleen Lafontaine, David Da Silva, Katie Simpsen, Marie Pape, Robert Tomsic, Steven Pudhalski, Michael Massey, Christa Hughes, Lily Liang, Carrie Stirnring, Tom Jung, Gabriella Parro, Lisa Guarini, David Leedie, Edwin' Cheng and Ananie McCarthy. You ail worked hard -. congratulations and hast of luck in the future. Special thanks go eut te the parishas, the -Parent Guild, and al the ether genarous organizations Who donated bursarias and awards. In the world of sports, the Austin track team is running up a storm. The teamn participated in their first mneet at High Park in Taronte, with Ryan McHale finishing l3th eut of 102 midget boy runners. Watch, fer the Wildcat te ha the first across the finish lina next tirne. The midget girls' basketball teani triurnphed over Duabarton, Port Perry and Barrie Central at the Henry Street Invitational Tournament. G.L. Roberts fl prey te both the junior and senior girls' baskatball. tearns., in separata garnes last week. Again st Eastdale, the junior boys' soccer taam won 5-3, proving once again, Austin kicks (literally). Wildcat spertaholics botter start training for the Austin Athletie Association's 24-heur Sportathon te ha hald Oct. 21 and 22. Cet your pledge sheets in right away. Segueing te politics, Grade 9 students elected thair two studant council reps on Thursday. We understand congratulations ara in arder for Ingrid Shenflede and Michella Berry. Wa hope thay will enjay their flrst taste of power. Well, we dan't know about yau, but wa are ail exhausted -- oh, what a week. In the meantime, we hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and don't eat tee rnuch*laftover turkay. In our livas thera are certain decisions made we know are good ones, anas that we will ha grateful for making well into our lifatimes., My decision was te change schools for niy OAC yaar, the important yaar, the year that ceunts. Nestled in the interior of Witby is a, large castie with beautifully rnanicured lawns. Inside the castle are rustic tables, stainad glass windows, quaint common roorns, oul paintings and rnest noticeably, smiling faces. Net only are these srniling faces on the portraits on the walls dating back te the early 1900s, they are in the photographs in the display cases and hast of aIl, on the faces of people in the halls. The brief description may sound similar te that of sorneone's elaborate house, but this is net a house, this is a very special school called Trafalgar Castle. When I first arrived at Trafalgar, it was evident it had a spirit and uniquaness ail its own. For the first time in rny high school career, I feit confident and secure about my education. Trafagar is well known for its high acadernie standards in education. To soe people this may hab intirnidating, but it is evident that the teachers are haro te help evary step of the way, ne rnatter what it takes te reach success. Net only is Trafalgar interested in academics, it 18 interastad in axtra-curriculnr activities. Staff ernphasize both ara imnportant for a well.rounded young weman. Every tearn has talented and dedicated young women who are datermined to add te the already im pressive achievements e f Trafalgar Castie. Thase things make Trafalgar stand out and give it its uniquaness. The spirit of Trafagar Castle can be compa red te any scheol. No matter what the avent is, Trafagar is invelved, from food drives, te bazaars, te tulip plantinga or chasing a stuffed turkey around the schoel. Trafalgar students are energlzed and always ready and willing te do somnething that is exciting' -- something that positively affects the community. Lnstly, the Trafalgar Castle environment resemblas that of a farnily. This past Tkianksgiving was différent fer 'me. 1 gave thanks fer the recovery 'of my father after hMs unaxpectad emergency operation. The students and staff of Trafalgar were behind me ail the way. Everyona showed concern and caring for rny family. You can see Trafalgar is different. It is a school ful of tradition, uniqueness, spirit and diversity. Yeung wornen frem aIl over the world cerne' te share in the Trafalgar Castle exparience. When tha Urne cornes, when we ail go on to future endeavours, I -arn sure a part of us will always rernember Trafalgar Castie and the spacial bond wa will always shara with the school. Technology, science tours at college For Science and Technology Waek, Oct. 14-23, Durhamn Collage technology division is offering persenal tours Oct. 17-21 to students and their parents who rnay ha interested in pursuing a career in, science and tachnology. Caîl 721-2000, ext. 2292 te arrange a personal tour and/or ceunselling. î,ýh,

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